
NeoGAF reacts badly to Tekken 7’s Lucky Chloe, Dev reacts badly to NeoGAF

Chief developer and founder of the Tekken series, Katsuhiro Harada, was linked to a NeoGAF thread largely criticizing the design, style, and personality of the newly announced Tekken 7 character Lucky Chloe.

Via twitter, Harada has decided to fight back - saying that Lucky Chloe will no longer feature in the American version of the game.

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nX3516d ago

This time, I have to agree with Neogaf... this thing comes straight out of hell.

Ezz20133516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

it just one character in fighting game
don't get what the big deal here ?!

don't play as her ...problem solved

sigh...Most of the time gamers are really complaining for the sake of complaining

nicksetzer13516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

But, if I do that then I can't make a big deal out of nothing and cry about it over the internet.

Didn't you know that we all have to have a hive mind and anything one person doesn't like everyone else has to not like it too... it's impossible to just not use that character, or even not buy the game if you are concerned. You have to make it impossible for others to experience it also by overdramatizing and petitioning online.

Ezz20133516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )


Someone need to tell those developers to stop pointing guns at those gamers head to buy their games.

smh...gamers those days, man.

Killz4Twinkies3516d ago

Typically respect about nothing that comes from Gaf -most users think they are entitled to be the voice of the industry.

On a side note what he said does make sense as maybe 5% of gamers post on forums such as gaf when they dont speak for the entire western audience. Most casual gamers probably do like having big chested chicks in skimpy out fits and have no idea what gamergate is or would they care

breakpad3516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

ridiculous Neo Gaf ..Harada do your job and release it for EU and Japan , if US are represented by neogaf and they dont want Chloe render Anita for a fighter

its_JEFF3516d ago


I'm gonna have to agree with you. Of all weird/bad characters that have been put into video games this is the one that is garnering all this hate...

Also, I understand that Neogaf is a huge community of gamers... but come on. No offense to anyone on Neogaf but about 1/2 the posters there seem to just want to post something that gets them "rep" from other posters. They seem to be just chasing the next "zing" so they'll say anything.

A great deal of them seem to be overly reactionary, "we hate it" "wait, not we love it" "no we hate it again" it's just back and forth. It doesn't happen often but every now and then they'll give a game/dev the benefit of the doubt...

IDK maybe it's not just NeoGaf... it's the internet. It's pretty much the same way everywhere.

Baka-akaB3516d ago

Except it is the internet . Sure gaf got worse , but historically and even still with the misstep and crap sometimes going on there with leakers and others , it was still a better source of gaming intel and news than anything usually posted here

SilentNegotiator3516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

Can we stop acting like some people with criticisms on Neogaf did anything wrong and start looking at the fact that this childish developer removed a character because some people on a single site (which he belittled by calling a "small world"...yet was somehow still big enough to take action over) and got all salty (saying that he would give us a "skinhead" character in her place)?

The developer removed the character; not some people on neogaf that didn't like the character.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

I wouldn't say 'gamers' are to blame here. SJWs clearly the 'offended' party. by that I meant them existing is making them offended.

IMO Neogaf is seriously freaking lame. They prove it time and time again. Like a shitty version of 4chan at this point.

Tzuno3515d ago (Edited 3515d ago )

The problem is that is a waste on character roster, better to play a good character than a retarded one.

FriedGoat3515d ago

Thank god I'm in Europe.

Burning_Typhoon3515d ago

It's not as simple as not playing with her in a fighting game. You can't just do that. If you're going to get good in a fighting game, you have to know the character well enough to beat them in a high level match.

Which... requires picking her.

Anyway, as long as she's unique enough, she should be okay. I still don't like her, but since she's there, I guess I have no choice but to warm up to her... a little.

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ginganinja3516d ago

Well, technically, you're agreeing with some of the posters on neogaf. You're disagreeing with some of them too. Because in that thread were several different opinions about the char. both negative and positive - just like here, because, funnily enough, it's a forum and that's what tends to happen.
There was no petition, no gathering of pitchforks, just a selection of people responding to a video game char reveal.

Qrphe3516d ago

Neogaf can go to hell on this one truth be told

Mankey3516d ago

Lol and a bear with boxing gloves doesn't?

nX3516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

Did you just hate on a bear with boxing gloves? :D
I just think that she's not only an idiotic cliché but also stupid and annoying as hell, I might even leave the match if someone uses her online.

NovusTerminus3516d ago

Because she's no dumber then Paul's hair right?

3-4-53516d ago

In life right now........this is literally a non-issue.

Dubaman3515d ago (Edited 3515d ago )

It is a completely ridiculous idea for a character. I'd rather pick a character which is realistic and serious like Gon the dinosaur, Kuma the Polar bear, Roger the Kangaroo and his son, Roger Jr. Oh and lets not forget Devil and the ingeniously named panda bear character; Panda.
Why can't they just keep giving us the same believable characters we're use to, why change anything. It's clear that modern gamers don't like change or a challenge any more, especially in a series which has been going longer than a majority of modern gamers have been alive.
Obviously the character i choose in a fighting game reflects entirely upon me as a person and a gamer so i won't have the dev's put a gun to my head and force me to play as a woman who chooses to wear a "sexy" cat outfit. My manhood is all i have, it's what defines me as a person and i won't humiliated like this.

Oh /sarcasm

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Acquiescence3516d ago

They're tekken the piss with that new character.

CorndogBurglar3516d ago

lol. that was funny. Bubble up.

Bathyj3516d ago

True, but this is tekken it too far.

Enemy3516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

I like how GAF starts a fight and then gets offended when a dev has a reply they don't like, just like how they got called out by Druckmann for their ridiculous "Nathan Drake is a mass murderer" BS.

Clown_Syndr0me3516d ago

He kind of is a mass murderer, as are characters like Ellie and Joel.
They murder a lot of people! How many times during Uncharted did you sneak up behind enemies and take them out with no regard for who they are, or open fire before offering peace or trying to work thinags out in a civil matter?
Im glad you don't have to do all that crap though, I'm just saying xD

elsuperamigo3516d ago

Fok those Chinese and their weird tastes, remove if you want here in the west we can decide the destiny of your game,if you dont like it go sell your 500k units only in asia

johndoe112113516d ago

Yeaaahh soooooooo....... You need mental help. Go visit a shrink IMMIDEATELY.

hazelamy3516d ago

what exactly is the issue people are having with this character anyway?

Ezz20133516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

Big Boobs in tight outfit is too much for gamers as it seems

Outthink_The_Room3516d ago (Edited 3516d ago )

I don't get it either man.

She basically looks like EVERY OTHER FEMALE FIGHTER. EVER.

Like effin' EVER.

No seriously. EVER!

Anyways, I think it's just gamers wanting to look like the good guys with their political correctness.

skwidd3516d ago

I don't think its about political correctness.. they just don't like a 'furry' (is that what they call them?) character in their Tekken game. They want more 'harcore' fighters. Seems like gamers are getting too serious sometimes but Tekken always had the seriousness mixed with the absurd. I think this character is fine. I don't want more cheesy 'serious' fighter characters, there's enough already in Tekken especially with the new 2 that were shown already.

Baka-akaB3516d ago

One of the two is still some kind of supernatural thingy , as an exorcist , and doesnt exhibit any "real" fighting style .

It's my gripe and one of those of the "moderate" folks not thrilled with Lucky .

Without being rabbid and aggressive as seen in those tweets , some of us do feel the game would benefits more from adding still missing fighting style and martial arts with "normal" characters ... and that namco has stop balancing the goofy and crazy with the serious .

People mention stuff like gon , kuma , kangaroos and dinos (or demons and angels)... and they are right ... however those things were added over time , and in a vast minority in the mix .

Klonoa-dreamtraveler3516d ago

probably cause it looks like they are sucking up to casuals by putting this mainstream whats trending right now character and though it not being the end of the world for having this character they dont want it to be a gateway to starting to make tekken into a joke with putting goofy cutesy vocaloid that is just out of place. personally i think its a stupid character but im not the people starting a angry mob over it or going nuts.

thricetold3516d ago

Better than another generic muscle bound white guy.

Klonoa-dreamtraveler3516d ago

@Thricetold I never said which is better or if that's what I wanted or what race or gender he/she has to be get your head out your a** but instead of saying its better than something start explaining why or how cause how does a vocaloid fit better than a character that actually looks like a fighter.

thricetold3515d ago

What needs to be explained? ANYTHING would be better than another generic character, particularly a muscle bound white guy, PLENTY of them in gaming already.

Debaitable3516d ago

I don't mind the character design and personality but it's just we already have a similar move set with Cristine/Eddy. If they replace then with her fine but there's no need for all three.

MegaRay3516d ago

Her outfit cover too much. This is outrageous

NukeLassic3516d ago

I think part of it comes from the fact that she looks near enough to perfect to a J-Pop Idol, which itself is a trope that some don't like. Pop idol culture is already a teeming mass of conflicting fans, and invoking those tropes in a fighting game character, especially one as generally somber as Tekken, strikes some as a step too far. That's a visual tone thing, though, seeing as this is already a fighting game with androids, kabuki woodcraft robots, and a frickin' bear.

Personally, I think it's silly, but no less so than some of the other faces on the roster. And certainly not enough to have a monstrous thread about it simply because it's not to everyone's taste.

aerisbueller3516d ago

I personally think the character is lame and generic,( and this is coming from someone who likes cutesy girly characters, and catgirls) but 'people' aren't having an issue. As far as I can tell, the dev is pissy about one thread on NeoGaf. I don't blame the gamers complaining at all, you can find at least one thread of naysayers about pretty much anything you can imagine. This is on the dev for reacting immaturely.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3516d ago

They don't like that she fits a very common, jpn celelb idol paradigm like her character was designed to. Seriously I'm noticing a very xenophobic pattern showing.
"JPN culture? Eww"

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garos82284d ago

losers with nothing better to do in their pathetic pointless lives.

Vengeance1138284d ago

A strong case for legal murder. Activist lives don't matter.

Vader82284d ago

'Just Stop Oil' whilst also disrupting commuting, vandalising other people property and just generally being dicks.

gold_drake284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

they remind me of those idiots who glue themselves on streets haha.

Unknown_Gamer5794284d ago

I never understood the logic of that form of protest. If anything, it increases fossil fuel consumption by forcing a lot of vehicles to idle until the road is no longer blocked. I’m all for protesting a cause one believes in, but I would think people would want their form of protest to at least make sense.

gold_drake284d ago

yeh, its quite dangerous too, cause u never know if anyone needs medical attention or not.

TheEnigma313284d ago

When these people get beaten up sometimes, it's always a real treat