
Why Suikoden II is the Best Game You've Never Played

IGN - Suikoden II is now available on PSN for PlayStation 3 and Vita, several months after an ESRB rating portending its immanent arrival. The fabled RPG is a legitimate lost classic. Released in the United States in September 1999, it was overshadowed by higher-profile PlayStation releases like Final Fantasy VIII, and thus saw very limited distribution. Never reissued in America, copies on the open market currently run over a hundred dollars.

CorndogBurglar3517d ago

Don't tell me what games I have or haven't played.

Enemy3517d ago

One of the best JRPGs most people have never played. I'd kill for a new Suikoden.

Crystallis3517d ago

Even though it wasn't as big as FFVII, Jrpg fans know its right up there with it.

Also when it was released it wasn't a game missed by many even when FFVII came out.

EL Lanf3517d ago

I'm one of the rare breeds that actually prefers Suikoden I, having played it about 6 years before II and also having it teach an myself (an 8 year old) that gameplay is more important than graphics gives it more sentimental value. I liked the story more too.

Qrphe3517d ago

The graphics are actually really good in this game. There are hundreds of animations in it for the most ridiculous thing (ex: typical female villager doing laundry).

TheOnlyMastrx3517d ago

Jokes on you, I have played it! Loved these games by the way.

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975d ago Replies(3)
-Hermit-975d ago

Dragon Quest 11 isn't even the best Dragon Quest game, it's a good game, but not the best. Dragon Quest 8 is superior to it in almost every way.

thorstein975d ago

...and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4....

I am biased.

Hofstaderman975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

OK let's end this, in order
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 6
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Dragoon
Breath of Fire 4
Breath of Fire 3
Dragon Quest 8
Dragon Quest 11
Vagrant Story
Saga Frontier 2
Chrono Cross
Suikoden 2
Threads of Fate
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Lunar 2

Jiub975d ago

Sometimes I forget how much of a powerhouse the PS1 was

MadLad975d ago

I don't play too many jrpgs, and I'm trying to diversify a bit.

Outside of FF and Dragon Quest, what two games from that list do you most recommend someone trying? Doesn't matter if it's a sequel to another game or not.

Jiub975d ago

IMO: Chrono Trigger and Suikoden II

thorstein975d ago

Octopath Traveler is really good.

BlaqMagiq1975d ago

You have Threads of Fate on there which means you get my ultimate respect. Underrated and overlooked.

Exvalos975d ago

Man your dang near spot on absolute spot on choices

Epicor974d ago

I like your top 6 a lot. I don't have the same orders but all those games would make my top 10 RPG list most likely. Number 1 for me is FFIX. It holds a special place in my heart and imo it's the perfect Final Fantasy game.

In addition I would give special mention to some western RPG's as well: Skyrim and Mass Effect 2 were iconic games. Out of JRPG's I'd like to add Disgaea 2 on that list.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 974d ago
MadLad975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Some of my personal favorites are Planescape: Torment, New Vegas, Morrowind, Kotor 2, Wasteland 3, Witcher 2, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Deus Ex, Disco Elysium and Vampyr.

As far as jrpg, while I'm not as big a fan as I am for Western RPGs, I love Persona 3 - 5, Dragon Quest 8 and 11, Rogue Galaxy, Final Fantast 6,7, and 12; and Lost Odyssey.

LoveSpuds975d ago (Edited 975d ago )

Some quality taste in games there squire.

I'd add some Baldurs Gate 2 and Neverwinter Nights from back in the day too.

MadLad974d ago

Should have added BG2. Played through it many times over the years.

Never could get into Neverwinter Nights though. Not sure why.

Omegasyde974d ago

Loved rouge galaxy. Fav game from Level 5.

ManMarmalade975d ago

Legend of Dragoon #1 game of all time for me

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9 Best Exclusive PS3 Games To Download Before They're Gone

From Xfire: "Just in case you missed it, Sony recently confirmed the rumors that they'd be shutting down the digital storefronts for their older consoles. In particular, the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Vita.

With the news now official, it might be a good idea to get your hands on the best exclusive PS3 games. Otherwise, obtaining these titles might become more difficult once the store closes later in July 2021."

Fist4achin1213d ago

Holding onto physical copies of Heavenly Sword, Puppeteer, Resistance 3, and Afrika(not listed in article).

DEEHULK881213d ago

Forgot the PS3, which was one of the worst designed consoles since Saturn

Stanjara1212d ago

I agree, but those games should have been ported by now on ps4/5, they are great.

1212d ago Replies(3)
XxINFERNUSxX1213d ago

You can always play them on PC using RPCS3: https://rpcs3.net/ Just have to torrent then games, also they will look so much better on PC as well, especially if you use reshade 🙃🎮

LucasRuinedChildhood1212d ago

Which begs the question: how the **** have Sony not been able to get this sorted by now. The PS5 should be powerful enough.

1212d ago
shabz6661212d ago

It’s a crime that MGS 4, killzone 2 and 3 are locked only to that system.

1212d ago
coolfool1212d ago

Does anyone remember Folklore?

Fluke_Skywalker1212d ago

Great game, I hate myself for selling it tears ago.

Fluke_Skywalker1212d ago

Just went and bought a copy off ebay 😅

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10 Best Classic JRPG Games That Need a Modern Remake in 2021

From Xfire: "There seems to be some sort of JRPG renaissance going on these past few years.

In addition to new entries of long-running franchises being released on multiple platforms and new IPs being introduced, some classic JRPG games are getting the love that they rightfully deserve in the form of a remake.

Case in point, Legend of Mana, and of course, who can forget the Final Fantasy 7 Remake?

But while there's a growing number of classic JRPG titles that are being remade for modern audiences, there are still far more that aren't getting enough attention and are in desperate need of a modern remake in 2021 and beyond."

Terry_B1247d ago

Shadow Hearts & Xenogears.

Knightofelemia1247d ago (Edited 1247d ago )

Wild Arms, Xenogears, Xenosaga trilogy, Arc the Lad, Alundra, Golden Axe Warrior, FF Crisis Core, Ar Tonelico, Rouge Galaxy.

TricksterArrow1246d ago

Wild Arms already has a remake! A bit subpar, IMO. But it's decent.

O-D-C1246d ago

Anything with 'Xeno' in the title... and Baten Kaitos.

Vits1246d ago

First I would like to have the originals easily available again. Than the remakes, that way it's assured that the classic version is still "gettable" in case de remake sucks or take unwanted liberties.

1246d ago
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