
Dragon Age: Inquisition Review - Game Critics

"Dragon Age: Inquisition follows this formula to a tee, and the result is both one of Bioware's most enjoyable and most maddening games.

Things get off to a muddled start. The player's character has mysteriously acquired a green mark on their left hand, the result of an explosion of unknown origins. After being initially blamed for the explosion, I was put in charge of the Inquisition (who, me?) and then dumped into a massive zone with about a zillion quest markers and told to get cracking on tasks for the cause."

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joab7773632d ago

I don't care what he writes, this is my GotY.

thekhurg3631d ago

It's almost everyone's GOTY - this tool though ... LOL 6.5/10 = review written for drama and website hits.

Canary3632d ago

It's actually a decent review. Not great, but better than most of the stuff that pops up on N4G. Don't hate the writer because he or she failed to arrive at a score you approve of.

The simple fact of the matter is that DAI is a game that involves a LOT of tedious gameplay. You'll spend most of your time wandering mostly-empty wilderness areas, collecting resources, hunting down lore bits, performing fetch quests, playing simple mini-games, and so on. One's enjoyment of Inquisition is therefore dependent largely on whether or not one enjoys that kind of play.

Personally, I love it. That kind of thing makes Inquisition feel more like the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate than Origins ever was. But it's not for everyone--and that's okay.

thorstein3632d ago

Do you really want to defend this guy or are you the article's author?

Let's begin with the first idiom in the description: "Dragon Age: Inquisition follows this formula to a tee"

Follows what? And why is the destination a tee shirt?

If the guy can't even get a simple idiom correct "To a T" then how can anything he writes even remotely be relevant?

This is obviously a trolling review as the guy followed the tired formula of:

1) Take a well received game
2) claim it isn't what it actually is
3) give low review score
4) garner hits.

This is known as clickbait.

Kingdomcome2473632d ago

@Thorstein- Lol. The dismantling is now complete.

Canary3631d ago

I was defending the sentiments expressed, not the writing or grammar.

And a mediocre score is not a low score. A 6.5 is only clickbait if you're a fanboy.

Blastoise3632d ago

Seems about right. Haven't enjoyed a Bioware game in years

3632d ago Replies(4)
fullmetal1563632d ago

Escape dead island got the same score from them and this is leagues better than that.

Christopher3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

***What is the Inquisition? At that point, I had no idea.***

They specify exactly what it is right after they say "Inquisition" in the first cut scene in Haven...

***All of this happens very quickly, and it was difficult to get a sense of who my character was and how she fit into these events.***

I'm not sure this reviewer should be playing games with something more than simplistic concepts of character roles in video games. It's absolutely obvious what the character's role is and how they fit in. Heck, everyone is screaming about it after the prologue from one end of the world to the other. How you miss your goal in the game is beyond my understanding.

***WTF: It sure is convenient that we found this giant castle with nobody living in it***

If only there was a reason for it. If only there was something like a blight to give reason to why everyone was killed and the ramparts left crumbling. If only the concept was that the people in the outer fringes of society had moved recently to major cities to not only recover from a blight and now a massive war between templars and mages.

If only there was some way to explain it.

Antifan3632d ago

He does have a point on the "everything happens so quickly" part. Not even 15-30 minutes into the game and I'm somehow the leader of the inquisition. But that's very minor for me. The only major problem I have with DA: inquisition is the larger amount of quest and features they drop on you at once. ME2 and Skyrim had this problem. The game is a 9/10 for sure. The reason why I love it because it reminds me so much of origins, but origins had a better quest system.

Christopher3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

***Not even 15-30 minutes into the game and I'm somehow the leader of the inquisition.***

To avoid spoilers, you're not the leader 15-30m into the game. You may not have gotten to a certain point in the game to understand the major difference. There is no leader of the inquisition. Cassandra and Leliana, technically, are equals in the Chantry, but they mention multiple times that this no longer matters due to what happens at the beginning of the game. They essentially hold your opinion equal to their own, but you are not the leader.

You're called something else because of your ability to close the rifts. This title has nothing to do with the Inquisition but is specific to you and why you have any say at all in the Inquisition to begin with.

The problem with the reviewer is that he either didn't listen to anything he was being told in the game or he just skipped all the cut scenes and ignored the story entirely. Otherwise, the mass majority of his issues with the story and why things are happening would have been fully answered for him. As a person who is reviewing an RPG, that's kind of a sign that you shouldn't be reviewing it in the first place.

***The only major problem I have with DA: inquisition is the larger amount of quest and features they drop on you at once. ME2 and Skyrim had this problem. ***

If you're not used to RPGs, I can see how it might be cumbersome. But you can ignore the mass majority of side quests entirely in the game. But, the mass majority of side quests are in the same regions as the main quest elements.

Tempest3173632d ago

You don't actually become the Inquisitor (leader of the inquisition) until you close the breach, and theat specific quest alone takes your specified time frame. It really takes a couple hours to get there, if you haul balls to get it done. I dont think thats really that fast, especially considering that realistically you will have done more than only story missions, and spent more than just a couple hours

thorstein3632d ago

If there was an AWESOME bubble, I would have selected it.

That post is so funny, intelligent, well said, and interesting!

Canary3632d ago

To be fair, they present the Inquisition very poorly. You have to go through a lot of optional dialog and read a lot of lore to really understand what it is.

It's really clumsy how they present it. Just from the story scenes, you'd never know that Justinia created the Inquisition prior to her death, only it was secret; nor do you learn the historical significance of the Inquisition until you recruit and speak to whats-her-name. Nor do you learn that the Inquisition was founded long before the conclave and that the framing device of DA2 was all about Cassandra trying to find a leader for the group.

Christopher3632d ago (Edited 3632d ago )

***To be fair, they present the Inquisition very poorly. You have to go through a lot of optional dialog and read a lot of lore to really understand what it is. ***

They say what the Inquisition is for and why in that first cut scene. If you want a history of it, that's different. They also mention before that the status of the Chanty, the Templars, and the Circle. All of that is given and is why they enact Inquisition.

But, the reviewer said he had no clue what it was about. They say exactly what it is about in that first cut scene when Cassandra claims that the Inquisition is being enacted. I'd rather not spoil it here, but they have two specific goals that they explicitly mention in that scene.

If the reviewer couldn't understand what it is and how the story develops in a game where I am completely able to understand what is happening, I must question his or her ability to understand so much more about the game.

It feels to me that this reviewer went in negatively and stayed negative without an open mind to learn and play the game as it is intended. It doesn't seem like the reviewer likes games with a lot of history and context that you can learn. That makes for an awkward review for a game that is based around such a thing.

Ezz20133632d ago

Well said

this game is easy 9/10 for me
and it's the first time i play Dragon Age game

But there is one thing that bother me though
i bought the DLC and after 20 hours i still can't find the DLC Armor
where is Skyhold ?!

Dreamcaster3632d ago

Skyhold opens up after the first major incident of the game. Probably about 15-20 hours into it.

Christopher3632d ago

If you mean the Dragon armor, you should get it in the first part of Haven very early on.

When you unlock Skyhold, you should obtain new recipes for making your own DLC armor from the smithy there.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3632d ago
CaspuR3632d ago

I loved dragon age inquisition, easily a 9.5 out of 10 for me would be a 10 if it wasn't for the glitches.

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Profchaos1108d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon021107d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis0071107d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation1108d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus1108d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol

NautilusXIII1108d ago

gonna assume this is pc only?