
Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal review – shattered dreams - Metro

"Can Sega’s other Sonic the Hedgehog make up for the failings of Rise Of Lyric? Or is this new 2D platformer just as bad?

The highest praise we can give Shattered Crystal is that it is at least better than Sonic Boom: Rise Of Lyric. But considering Rise Of Lyric is probably the worst retail release of the year you can see how that really doesn’t work as a compliment. Especially as Shattered Crystal is in most ways just as bad. Perhaps worse even, in that at times it almost does look and play like a proper Sonic the Hedgehog game – but believe us, it is not.

The two Sonic Boom games both have different developers, with Shattered Crystal being the work of Californian studio Sanzaru Games – who are probably best known for their work on the Sly Collection and the okay-ish Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time."


Top Ten Games That Almost Killed Their Series

VGChartz's Taneli Palola: "Most great and beloved video game franchises have gone through bad times over the years. For many of them these periods are merely momentary setbacks from which the franchise quickly recovers. After all, it's not like a game or two can unmake all the good that the series has accomplished in the past. Then again, sometimes a game will come along that ends up having such a huge negative impact on the entire series that it drags it down with it.

The following 10 games caused their series to fall dramatically in terms of critical reception, and often commercially as well, and forced the franchise into an oftentimes lengthy hiatus."

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How To Save Sonic The Hedgehog

Throwing Digital Sheep takes a look back at the history of Sonic in video games and discusses what Sega could do to restore the franchise to its former glory.

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Rebel_Scum3267d ago

I'm getting a 404 and sometimes a 506 error on this. :(

ThrowingDigitalSheep3262d ago (Edited 3262d ago )

Apologies, I am not sure why this is the case. This link should work.


Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Rebel_Scum3262d ago

Yeah that link works. When clicking "Read Full Story" it takes you to this URL http://throwingdigitalsheep...

Rebel_Scum3262d ago

That was a pretty decent article. Thanks. :)

ThrowingDigitalSheep3261d ago

Thank you for reading it, I am glad that you liked it!


SEGA Announces Loss for Fiscal Year 2015

Sega Mag:
SEGA Sammy Holdings revealed today its financial results for its entire fiscal year 2015, ie from 1 April 2014 until 31 March 2015.

Over this period, giant pachinko and video game ad revenue 2.64 billion €, down 6.1% year on year. The operating result reached its side about 131 million € and is down 54.3%.

SEGA Sammy also shows net losses of about 84 million € while the group was largely profitable in fiscal year 2014 amounting to 229 million €. The fall is breathtaking.

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MegaRay3329d ago

I know this might sound harsh but, well deserve Sega xP

greenmiker3329d ago

Haha! I hated Seag when I was young but I have to admit that I was disappointed when they announced Dreamcast as last console.

Anyway, a Loss by a company which produces video games is not good news.

SegaGamer3329d ago

I don't think anyone is suprised by this. SEGA's decision making is terrible, i'm amazed they are still going.

Transistor3329d ago

The combination of this comment, name and avatar is almost too much for me to handle. Lol.

SegaGamer3328d ago

I get that kind of reaction a lot. My relationship with SEGA is definitely a love hate one these days :P

I love their games but i hate their attitude and decision making.

Transistor3329d ago (Edited 3329d ago )

Alien Colonial Marines hurt this brand in my opinion.

2.11M across 5 platforms isn't good. It deserved better.