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One year in, here's what our readers think of the PlayStation 4

"One year ago today, the PlayStation 4 was released in North America. When we took a look at it in our original review, we lauded the console for its "masculine chassis" that could "compete for visual attention" in your living room, a controller that's "damn close" to being perfect and a user interface that marks a "massive improvement" over the PlayStation 3's. But games are the thing that can make or break a system and, while the initial games lineup had a few bright spots, the system had few "satisfying game experiences available at launch." Regardless, we called the PlayStation 4 "worth your hard-earned money" and said it was off to "a hell of a start.""

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Community3499d ago
GribbleGrunger3499d ago

You see, and this is how an invented narrative becomes a perceived reality. Luckily it didn't effect sales though.

SniperControl3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

Personally, i have immensely enjoyed my first year with PS4, plenty of games(even though the fanboys on here say it hasnt got any lol)
2015 is going to be a stunning year for the PS4, i can see it breaking records, also the prospect of loads of exclusives, AAA and indies to look forward to.

"With so much on the horizon for the system, year two looks rather promising for those who laid down their hard-earned money, as well as making it a great time for the rest of you to pick up a PlayStation 4"

Could not say it any better.

frezhblunts3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

It really doesn't sniper, I figure fanboys would say that there are games in the shop but you really need to be an indie fan because ps4 gives a lot of indie games. Luckily this is the month where the games actually pick up still the damage has been done and now I am enjoying fun games on my wii u and switching back to COD advanced warfare on my ps4. Plus I had to replace the r2 button on my ps4 controller , I use a lan cable and yet there are many times the ps4 freezes and messages take forever to send but the update helped with that.

Gazondaily3499d ago

Sorry but I think this year has been dire for the ps4 as far as exclusives that are not on X1 are concerned. Next year will be beastly though I'm sure.

NegativeCreep4273499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

"...plenty of games(even though the fanboys on here say it hasnt got any lol)"

The exact same thing was said against the Playstation 3...and we all know how that all turned out.

I wouldn't mind the MS fanboys on anything if I were you. They are notorious for constantly adjusting the goal posts to suit their newest arguments; first it was all about teh salez with the Xbox 360 (never mind that one year head-start though...), then now it's all about the games...but no indies. Indies are "not real games"...that is until Microsoft starts to roll out more "indies" for the Xbox One like Limbo. Then Indies will become a viable argument to them.

After that argument wears thin in about a year or so, what is left? Cross-Game Chat??? Xbox Live??? or maybe even the "My Dad Microsoft Makes More Money Than Your Dad Sony" argument. That is a favorite one for them to fall back on.

SoapShoes3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

@Septic, how is that possible especially when it has more averaging over 80?

GribbleGrunger3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )


You're wasting your time. You can prove it has higher scoring games and you can prove it has more games, but perception has now been well and truly cemented into place. So much so that people will use some kind of subjective filter to reduce the scores and number of games in order to fit the narrative.

Facts are no longer 'the truth' now. Journalists and fans alike will simply regurgitate this un-truth and perpetuate the perception. It's how it works and the media know it. Keep telling people something long enough and they begin to believe it. The ultimate goal is to make people dissatisfied with the PS4 and perhaps buy an XB1.

It's a game. It worked with the Vita but it's not worked with the PS4.

SniperControl3499d ago

@Septic and frezhblunts

It seems exclusives are all xbox guys care about right?

I have over 40 games on my PS4, exclusives, indies, i tell you something, i have enjoyed every single one. I have had to delete games just to play new ones.

Sony are doing something right with indies, because in the years years to come, those indies might just become the next Naughty Dog or the next Bungie.

Most X1 exclusives havnt really met with outstanding scores either.

Spotie3499d ago

More higher rated games is dire? So now Sony needs to have less games, and them be lower rated?

Oh, wait. Are you insinuating the typical Xbox fanboy line that indie games don't count now?

Please explain what's dire about the PS4's lineup.

Gazondaily3499d ago

You lot need to make up your minds up. Metacritic matters, it doesn't matter, what is it?

I'm just speaking from my opinion. I think killzone was rubbish, same with Knack. Infamous Second Son was a letdown, some with driveclub. Resogun is great albeit quite brief.

Compare with X1, Titanfall, Sunset Overdrive, the amazing Horizon 2 Killer Instinct, Dead Rising etc, it's just so much better imo.

What's dire about the PS4 lineup you ask? What's great about it? It's a snooze fest for me. I'm not trying to start anything btw guys, I'm just speaking from my opinion, it's all about opinion anyway. Next year I don't see MS beating the PS4 at all though but for now, for me, the PS4 has been decisively beaten in terms of exclusive experiences available on the consoles.

SoapShoes3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

Xbox has been a bore for me mainly because of its lack of exclusives the whole year. Between Titanfall and Forza there was absolutely no exclusives for nearly 7 months and judging by what's announced it looks like 2015 is going to be the same for Xbox. It really hasn't had a good year for consistent exclusives and it amazes me how people will say inFAMOUS was disappointing yet claim sunset was good when they had the same critical praise. Your problem is you flip flop you state your opinion as fact then claim it's just your opinion.

Gazondaily3499d ago


You say I flip flop and state things as fact? How? Look at my first post. I clearly stated 'I think'.

You guys just can't accept any criticisms against your platform whatsoever even if they are subjective musings. That's the difference between me and you lot. You guys just come across as relentlessly stubborn all the time.

Ah well.

SoapShoes3499d ago (Edited 3499d ago )

@Septic - Uh no we just are saying we disagree and have given you perfectly good reasons as to why. You state you thought PS4 had a dire year as far as exclusives not on Xbox One is concerned when it simply isn't true and in typical fashion you downplay good games like inFAMOUS and good games like Sunset aren't. It's cliche and that's where you stated your opinion as fact instead of giving credit where it's due. There are games I don't like but I can admit when a game is well made even if I don't enjoy it. Like already said it has had more and more higher rated ones. Not that ratings mean much to me but it had plenty of good games. Now had you stated at first that you preferred X1 exclusives instead of saying one was dire to the other I would have given you more grace on that but that just came off fanboyish.

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Bigpappy3499d ago

Most of ps4 exclusives were from last year, or were delayed and came out this year. The last 2 to 3 months were dominated by M$ as far as quality exclusives are concerned.

Had MCC not had the network hiccup, X1 would have had a flawless last 3 months. PS4 had DC and LBP in response to FH2, SSOD and HALO: MCC.

Don't for

dirkdady3499d ago

Actually you have it backwards most Xbox one games were delayed from Xbox 360 like Ryse, Dead Rising and Crinsom Dragon which were all supposed to come out on 360. That's why Microsoft stopped pushing exclusives during the last 3 years of 360 while Sony was pushing last of us and beyond two souls, new IPs near the end of PS3 lifecycle. They could have easily pushed off their games into ps4 but didn't play that shady game like Microsoft.

Bigpappy3499d ago

Most of ps4 exclusives were from last year, or were delayed and came out this year. The last 2 to 3 months were dominated by M$ as far as quality exclusives are concerned.

Had MCC not had the network hiccup, X1 would have had a flawless last 3 months. PS4 had DC and LBP in response to FH2, SSOD and HALO: MCC.

It seems like they aren't many exclusives because you all keep listing games that do not generate any interest. People are buying PS4 because it is supposed to be supper powered console.

DigitalRaptor3499d ago

Wayy to waste your last bubble on the same comment ;)

Pappy, we're still talking about the first year here, which also includes 2013.

Honestly, it's a crying shame that Xbox fans keep using the holiday season as some kind of crutch for themselves, whilst ignoring the rest of the year. Fast-forward to next year and it's the precise same thing and I expect to see the same reactions, except the drought (as SoapShoes pointed out) is even worse for it. No AAA exclusive for the first 6-8 months of the year, and only indie games and multiplatforms.

Will you be honest when PS4 has a better lineup next year - throughout the year? PS4 already has had more games in its first year, then the Xbone, and when you look at the top-rated games, PS4 has the better rated of them. In fact, it's had 2 90+ rated first-party games, and Xbone has had none.

Killzoner993499d ago

The media has been trying to bad mouth the PS4 since it was released and against all odds it has become the biggest success story in gaming. They want it to fail so bad but the PS4 is bullet proof. Literally nothing they can make up or lie about has effected the PS4s sales. In fact it's had the opposite affect lol. That's because the gamers have empowered themselves with the truth and see through the lies

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lashes2ashes3499d ago

I'm loving mine. Just wish battery life was better.

colonel1793499d ago

The funniest one was the one from Gamespot. They made a video about the PS4 and the people from Gamespot were like: "i don't have a PS4", "I play on PC", "I don't want a PS4", "I have an Xbox One". Hell, why do the video at all??


Protagonist3499d ago

Gamespot worst "gaming" site on planet Internet, users alike.

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Unravel a complex conspiracy in Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning

On Xbox, PlayStation and Switch - a first foray onto console following a 2019 PC release, Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning sees the return of Sara.

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The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Review – Scribing a New Path | MP1st

The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road Review - While not peak work of this MMORPG, it remains an interesting road to explore.

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Resident Evil 2 Remake Achieves A New Unfathomable Sales Milestone

The Resident Evil 2 remake has hit yet another huge milestone that no one saw coming, becoming the series' highest-sold single SKU title.

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franwex2h ago

Bought this game like 2 years ago and have yet to play it. I was about to yesterday night, but decided to plow through my existing ff7 rebirth play through instead. But this is next up.