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Xbox One Vs. PS4: ‘Assassin’s Creed: Unity’ CPU Bound And Slower On The PlayStation 4?

The PS4 Vs. Xbox One wars continue to this day, and PlayStation 4 fans have been quite dismayed to find Assassin’s Creed: Unity CPU-bound, making it noticeably slower in regards to frame rate. But if the PS4 GPU is so much faster then how could this happen?

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Community3507d ago
gamer11383507d ago

It's not just a CPU speed advantage the X1 has, I've also read that it can process an extra 10Gb/sec per cycle over the PS4. How much of this is reserved for system processing I don't know.

And this is the one time we can see an advantage in DDR3 over GDDR5. DDR3 is low latency, which is pivotal for stuff like AI. GDDR5 has higher latency, so though it may be faster, the data it's rushing through arrives with more errors which is problematic when dealing with AI.

The big question is whether GPGPU compute on the PS4 side could have helped out, but chances are that would have required completely reworking the game engine.

miyamoto3507d ago

Maybe it all depends on how they programmed the game on PS4 & the Xbox considering the "parity" Ubisoft is aiming at.

Nitrowolf23506d ago

The game runs horribly period on any platform. It should hardly be a title worth comparing when it comes to better hardware specs

starchild3506d ago

It sure doesn't run horribly on my PC, I can tell you that. I'm getting very solid performance. And there is no wonder the game is demanding, it looks absolutely stunning. Easily the best looking game I have played on PC (and that's some steep competition).

BVFTW3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

@Starchild what are your specs? are you maxing out the game configurations? I'm asking because I'm interested in the game but seen that many people are reporting many issues I decided to wait for it to be patched but I guess that the game can be adjusted to run alright.

GameNameFame3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

PS4 has less OS overburden, so actually has more CPU power available for it even with MS speed bump.

Ddr3 latency which is very minor difference is completely negated by APu structure.

UltimateMaster3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

That has nothing to do with being CPU-Bound.
Last gen, AI was done on CPU but this gen everything is done mostly on the GPU, and the AI on the GPGPU.
This is what the CPU can handle in terms of AI dancers:
As you can see, the Xbox One does have a slight advantage over the PS4.
But if everything was being done on the CPU, then why not just go with the PS3? Right.

Here is the performance of the GPGPU being used by the Xbox One and PS4:
As you can see, it's 16 times better than what the CPU can handle on the PS4 and around 8 times for the Xbox One.

That's a pretty significant difference in favor of the PS4.
Again, if the CPU was that important, you might as well just go with the PS3.

R6ex3506d ago

ACU ran smoothly on my i5-970 setup at max. settings 1080p. Love the visuals!

UltimateMaster3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

If it was because of "the CPU" then a whole lot of PC gamers would be crushing the Xbox One rather than getting insanely low frame rate regardless of the graphic settings.

People have found a fix for the PS4 and PC versions. You have to turn off your Wi-Fi/log out of PSN.

For PC gamers it sometimes DOUBLED the frame rate.

Ever wondered why on Digital Foundry/Euro Gamer, the Frame rate was low during the game play on the PS4 but was Higher during the cutscenes, it's because of that.

Because it was logging to the internet for some reason made the frame rate drop significantly.

Not having the internet turn on means the PS4 version runs at a higher frame rate than the Xbox One. Xbox One FPS just stays the same.

Try it, it actually works.

UltimateMaster3506d ago

In any case, there is NO EXCUSE for a game to run better on the Xbox One over the PS4 or PC for that matter.

It simply due to piss poor programming and a sloppy job overall. And as you can see here:
Frame rate is far from being the worst thing they screwed up with this game.

I can hardly see any Xbox fans being thrilled over this... regardless how anti-Sony he is.
Especially with Halo MCC and Sunset Overdrive, there are better games to spend money on this month.

abstractel3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Lots of good arguments brought up in here why this is a bad title to compare, objectively.

I'll add one more; GPU Compute. Crowd stuff could have been somewhat offloaded onto the GPU which is significantly faster than the XB1 GPU.

There's lots of variables, but they were rushed and the parity problem IS a problem. If you code with complete parity and then just adjust aspects to work on each console, you are going to not utilize each machine to it's fullest.

There's still no game that lives up to Ryse on the XB1, and it had a fair amount of crowds. Not Unity level, but this game was rushed to get out -- despite its long development cycle. If it really was in full development for 4 years, they have some efficiency problems over there. An example, it should not take a decent artist a year to model that Cathedral inside out. Yes it's beautiful, but as a technical artist in this field I know plenty of people, myself included, who could have done it in way less time.

When Rocksteady said they are aiming for parity, I got really worried. But then I remember that I will play that particular game on the PC and it should hopefully run great on mine.

GameNameFame3506d ago

So many xbox fanboys with disagrees. Please show any benchmarks/proofs or anything to support your argument.

starchild3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )


You're kind of confused about some things. GPGPU is already being used for the cloth physics in this game, it's not like GPGPU is an endless well that you can just keep throwing stuff into. It allows you to do certain types of processes that would traditionally have been done on the CPU on the GPU instead, but it is still a limited resource just like every other resource in a system.

And you have to realize that there are certain kinds of algorithms that simply aren't suited for GPGPU. I mean, if GPGPU was good for everything we could simply do away with the CPU altogether and just run everything on the GPU. Sadly, it doesn't work that way.

Since GPGPU is already being used for the extensive cloth physics in the game there is simply no way for us on the outside of this project to say "hey, well they should have thrown more on the GPGPU and it would have ran better". You simply can't assume that.

- "If it was because of "the CPU" then a whole lot of PC gamers would be crushing the Xbox One rather than getting insanely low frame rate regardless of the graphic settings."

Any decent PC is easily surpassing the Xbox One, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. Is it because you heard some PC gamer complain they weren't getting 60fps in this game on their GTX 670 and so you assume it runs horribly on PC?

You have to understand that in many cases PC gamers are running this game at much higher resolutions, with more advanced graphical settings and at more than twice the framerate of the console versions. My i5 2500k, for example, can maintain over 60fps in this game.

I'd say that is a pretty dramatic leap over the console versions that drop down to 17fps or whatever it was. Already, you are looking at needing at least a 3x more powerful CPU on PC to run at a solid 60fps instead of the console framerate.

The standards on PC and consoles are just completely different. Most PC gamers strive for 60fps and for years we've been used to getting it. Unfortunately, this has resulted in some PC gamers having the attitude that anything that doesn't run at 60fps on their mid-range rig is just "poorly optimized". These people might give console gamers the idea that these games run badly on PC, but the truth is, in many cases it's simply that people's expectations are unreasonable because they aren't taking into consideration what the game is doing from a technical standpoint.

AC: Unity is the most graphically advanced game I've ever played and I understand why it is demanding. Still, I'm able to cap and maintain a solid 30fps with near max settings (textures "high", FXAA, everything else max). This idea that it runs horribly on everything is pure nonsense. Go read the PC performance thread on neogaf or the user reviews on Steam. Sure, there are a lot of people complaining about performance, but there are a similar number of people talking about how amazing the game looks and how it runs pretty well considering how advanced it is.

neocores3506d ago

A deveolper should always go for the consoles strengths.
But since xbox had "Parity" they made it to only the xbox strengths this game would run alot better on ps4 if it was built for the ps4. Yall can all disagree but you know i am right.

Mr Pumblechook3506d ago

Ubisoft`s other game, Far Cry 4 is receiving high scores.
It demonstrates that having the PS4 as the lead console platform, and there being no artificial restraints on graphical performance benefited the XBO and PS4 version.

Ju3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

GPGPU might be used in this game, but if it would have been used efficiently and implemented on both, those parts would have a significant leap on the PS4. But it isn't the case. This is especially true for the frame rate - or it would create some significantly better effects/visuals. Yet again, not the case. Quite the opposite is true. PS4 framerate is lower without any significant advantage. For example, the cloth simulation, now guessing the content is the same (same amount of NPCs at any time) and running on the GPU would render those in half the time on the PS4 leaving 50% time to do other thing on the GPU. So, either this goes to waste, or the GPU stalls. Else the framerate would actually be significantly hight.

I still think the visuals were locked down early because of the bandwidth limitation of the XO. That's just the GPU barrier and the PS4 had to live with it. The rest was design for parity and there the CPU on the XO was used at its fullest. Which probably is the best way to optimize this game for the XO. But with doing so, too much bandwidth is allocated for the PS4-CPU (assuming that exact same CPU code runs there - which is most likely) and the result is it cuts into GPU memory bandwidth and hence the framerate, In a dev doc for the PS4, Sony describes the impact on CPU bandwidth usage on overall memory performance which can drop well down to 100GB/s or something. A little bit late to re-evaluate the (technical) design decisions Ubisoft made. But I still hope they have the time to fix it and "balance" out the PS4 version eventually.

Also, I doubt, the drawcalls are an issue on the PS4. The PS4 has the most efficient interface for draw calls - unless those are significantly hight on the PS4 (doubt that).

r1sh123506d ago

I have it on PC, its no where near perfect.
My specs
16GB ram
4GB Asus GTX 760 (Mars ROG version) - its got 2Gb more ram than normal 760.

Im still getting frame drops etc..
My brother has the 970 and his was barely working, after the patch is a lot more smoother for both of us, but its far from stable.

Check my youtube channel for vids for frame drops.
same as my username

ABizzel13506d ago


It's a mess on PC as well depending on your hardware. If you're not running a good mid range card or higher (we're talking GTX 760), then you're not hitting 1080p @ 30fps.

I have dual 760's, and I tried it with one, and the framerate is all over the place depending on where you're at.

Inside areas climbs to the 40's and can reach the 50's, but when you're outside it drops to the 30's and can reach the 40's. Get into areas with crowds and it can drop to the 20's and can even hit the teens.

That's everything on high, shadows low, and FXAA.

GTX 760
16GB RAM @ 1866 MHz

The game looks good, but it's completely unoptimized.

Wizard_King3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

This whole PS4 vs Xbone fight is hilarious.

It's like my snail is faster than your snail.

I'm loling all the way to the bank at the 3 year old notebooks masquerading as gaming machines. If any of my gaming rigs now or in the past had ever done as bad in game as this gen I would have sold it an upgraded. Seeing FPS in the teens in some of these PS4 and Xbone titles is just not acceptable from machines that are supposed to be "gaming" consoles.

I watch mates play console games these days and it makes my head feel dizzy with slow frames and games like BF4 on ps3/360 was like having sand thrown in my eyes.

But I guess some people have just never know better.

BVFTW3506d ago

@ABizzel1 Thanks for the heads up! I guess I'll stay on the fence for a while longer as the game seems to be in need for a little more work, it doesn't sound that bad thought but they should've known better with all the expectations they raised with the PR/Hype campaign.

indyman77773506d ago

How dare you guys try to say UBIsoft slowed down everything with the network connection except the xbox one......cough cough disconnect your ps4s internet connection.

how DArE you guys insinuate that Microsoft and UBIsoft are in bed togather! Cough ...parity...cough....cought

how dare you guys say they are in development together on internet explorer offshores....cough (

How dare you guys say Microsoft, and UBIsoft wants to replace the consoles with a webbrowser! Cough read the article already!

why was this
comment taken down earlier?

decrypt3506d ago

I have the PC version, game runs fine Maxed out with FXAA i am getting 80-120 fps at 1080p.

3930k Oced to 5ghz
GTX 780 Tri sli.

I think a Single GTX 780 should be pulling between 40-60fps.

ThanatosDMC3506d ago

Worst initial FPS drop i've experienced on PS4 is when Arno first went to the cathedral and socketed that key to lower the chandeliers from the ceiling. It almost made the game unplayable because of the constant freezing in that room.

Watch this glitched/bugged enemy kill me with an ax to Arno's nuts:

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3506d ago
Ultra3507d ago

Psssstttt... Never say facts about CPU advantage or DDR3 latency, it irritates ps4 babies!

Why o why3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Lol, read benchmarks below

When I think of babies I think of all the damage control, spin and conjecture I've heard since the games have showed the differences in performance.

The ps4 is just more powerful

Get over it

Ultra3506d ago

why o why....

benchmarks =/= games

Lol try again babe

Ezz20133506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )


So wait
you brought up the specs
by saying Cpu "advantages" and DDR3 latency

and when @Why o why tell you to look at Specs benchmarks that prove you wrong ...specs don't matter again ?!
My head is about to explode of the the double standards you fanboys are showing

also if you are talking about multiplat games pretty much almost all of them look and run better at higher res on Ps4
DF Face off is your friend

uth113506d ago

@Ezz lol, when someone brings up a "fact" without evidence, it's not surprising that they dismiss evidence to the contrary as 'not applicable'.

If benchmarks =/= games, then maybe games = games. We can look at all those games that outperform on the xbox as proof.. Oh wait there aren't any, except *maybe* this game.

Why o why3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Lol, ultras still not over it

The real game proof flies in the face of your hopeful spintastic rhetoric. Its been a year now and how many titles go against the NORM... NORM being the ps4 outperforming the x1....No secret sauce, DX, No 10% No kinect resources freed up, nothing. ...just good old Japanese tech pie with western garnish.

Funny thing is it seems you're trying to bottle up your irritation. ...its seeping out through that passive aggression though. Lets leave the power battle and play our games because the results were cemented the moment each manufacturer finalised their hardware. I know many guys loved DF last gen....take a peek

Conzul3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Given the quality of games we've seen on PS4 and those lying ahead, a blind monkey could see that it is the superior hardware and coding environment among console games.

Therefore, when a multi-platform game looks/runs better on any other platform ( except PC ) then that is the fault of either inept; lazy; or hurried developers who did not care to optimize for the superior platform.

Say, for example, developers who believe in Parity.

kneon3506d ago

Those aren't facts. In fact they are just myths that you choose to believe to justify your choice of console.

The fact is that you can't make a blanket statement that DDR3 has lower latency than GDDR5. The latency is related to the clock speed. If you had DDR3 and GDDR5 running at the same clock speed then the DDR3 will typically have lower latency. But the GDDR5 in the PS4 runs quite a lot faster than the DDR3 in the XB1, the end result is that latency is about the same.

The same goes for the CPU clock speed, you can't just compare two CPUs and say which is faster based on clock speed. Even though the two cpus are very similar there are still some significant differences. So benchmarks and real world results are needed to judge relative performance.

Dynasty20213506d ago

God, you console owners are getting worse every day arguing over which snail is quicker.

JBaby3433506d ago

^^^ cue the PC elitist.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3506d ago
Th4Freak3507d ago (Edited 3507d ago )

The PS4 doesn't have a weaker CPU, all that came from one of the super NeoGAF leakers, because you know everything that is said there has to be 100% true.

Anyways heres a benchmark made by Gaming Bolt:

moegooner883507d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

watch the butt-hurt disagrees commence.

Also, this one offers a good explanation of both systems architecture. (Before the extra 10% was made available on the 1)

joeorc3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Every time that is shown, the down votes posters have yet to post a benchmark to counter that!!, pretty ironic that even with UBIsofts own benchmarks prior to all this shown that the ps4 could handle more, and what is quite funny that very Ubisoft engineer interview about unity performance was posted here already..LMAO

the very fact as of yet, many times that benchmark gets posted, there is still people that refuse to accept it, when the tool they use is even the benchmarking tool that other companies such as Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all use. Hell even Ubisoft use it....LMAO

but continue nay sayers trying to downplay the is quite amusing. Oh and for this that still want to downplay this results:

the benchmark tool had a right link to the company, here it is:
look who is a client!

lmao at down votes

hello123506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Freak@ The benchmarking is rubbish because both CPU's are identical (same make and model) AMD supplied the same CPU to Sony and Microsoft. Nobody from the tech world disputes this.

Microsoft just upped the clock speed before launch and that's the only difference here. And you know the only reason they could is because of the huge fan inside the x box 1 can offset the extra heat generated. Sony fan is smaller so its hard to do and thats why Sony never upped to their clock before launch.

Neither CPU is better than the other, Microsoft just had more headroom to increase the performance. They it also with the GPU clock, by upping it from 800mhz to 853mhz

Th4Freak3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

@KNWS I'm not saying that any CPU is better than the other, actually you can tell from the benchmark that they're very close in performance, what I'm trying to say is that people has to stop talking from the Xbox One CPU as if it was a i7 and the PS4 CPU was a AMD Celeron. The gap between them is way to close to justify the ACU bs and the attempt of having a superiority air.

Now, both CPU's are not identical, they share the same architecture (Jaguar) but not the same specs, remember that each APU was customized by AMD to the requested specs so the benchmark isn't rubbish. And btw if you look at the original article's date ( ) you will note that the benchmark was performed after the 10% increase.

Amuro3506d ago

I really do not understand how you people can still trust GamingBolt after all the nonsense and click bait they have published.

Here are proper benchmarks for CPU and GPU by Ubisoft:

n4rc3506d ago

Its one specific clickbait benchmark designed to specifically to benefit from ps4s memory architecture.. Wtf does generating textures have to do with measuring a CPU as a whole?

They are the same CPU.. Xbox is clocked slightly higher (1.75 vs 1.6) likely due to the better thermal setup on the Xbox (bigger case and fan, external PSU)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3506d ago
Gamer19823506d ago

When devs were just pushing out games early on we saw the real differences between consoles. Now games are getting to the point where sales are pivotal as a lot of people are switching over to a new console things are looking more even. Making even fps and resolution impossible though on both consoles so one will come out worse in this case it was the ps4. When they are both let off the leash like with AC4 and other 3rd party games we saw a real difference between the consoles.

Also DDR3 latency doesn't kill frames if you think that you obviously know nothing about how graphics work.

gamer11383506d ago

Where did I say it kills frames? I said DDR3 does better with low latency intensive tasks like say...A.I. All the comparisons show that as soon as a lot of stuff starts happening on screen in the PS4 version in terms of big A.I crowds, the game starts to chug. Thats the GDDR5 pumping high latency data to the CPU which the CPU has to sort out and so results in lost frames.

Also you argument about the early games performance is completely flawed. Those games were less intensive and have been far surpassed graphically by what has come since. One thing to consider is that by all the accounts the XB1 dev kits were a mess. While MS have spent the last year getting their dev kits up to scratch, it seems like Sony haven't pushed their tools any further. It was their lead to lose and I have no doubt that they will develop improved tools to help devs push the PS4 hardware further in the future. The question is if the CPU will always remain a weakness of the PS4, like the GPU is a weakness of the XB1.

MeliMel3506d ago

Yeah but the "real differences" you claim are minimal.

Utalkin2me3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )


And exactly where did you read that at? Gots to love all the hardware experts, lol. You can claim this and that. But until everything is working in unison you can't claim anything. Sure individual this and individual that. But these things don't run individual. What can it do while everything else is working and what compromises do you have to sacrifice to achieve this or achieve that.

TheWatercooler3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

Why do people come on here and spout bs when they don't know what they are talking about.

PS4 is more powerful it's simple. We still don't know exactly how well the PS4 cpu performs. It has been bench marked higher than xbones cpu several times.

The latency of GDDR5 compared to DDR3 is negligible. The only reason they use DDR3 in pc's is simply because it is cheaper and does the job.

GDDR5 would also work just as well in pc's but it makes no sense to use it because it is too expensive. We are talking about very little difference between them.

And GPU Compute can handle AI. Ubisoft's cpu excuse is bull

Stiffler3506d ago

"Why do people come on here and spout bs when they don't know what they are talking about. "

You know that question is more for yourself than anyone else posting on these articles...

Who cares about this conjecture and nonsensical flaming. Lets just be gamers and have fun. Is it that hard to not be a fanboy guys?

MeliMel3506d ago

Ask yourself that...smh

SonofGod3506d ago

"The only reason they use DDR3 in pc's is simply because it is cheaper and does the job.

GDDR5 would also work just as well in pc's but it makes no sense to use it because it is too expensive."

What?? You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. That didn't even make sense.

BVFTW3506d ago

@Watercooler comment, ROLF NO!! PC people use both types of memory cause latency and memory clockspeed is important for streamlined data (like short burst of compute blocks) and for parallel data (big data blocks that need threaded work, read and write at the same time) a big bandwith pipeline does the job better, DDR3 is not always cheaper 'cause modules capable of handling really high clocks (something GDDR5 is limited for its 1 volt Cap) you'll see that the price is not always right. The best it's to have the advantages without the disadvanteges, best of both worlds.

marcofdeath3506d ago


They also don't use GDDR5 for APUs or SOCs other than PS4. So when you make up BILL$hit you get $HIT! That's why they don't have links to that BS.

"GDDR5 would also work just as well in pc's but it makes no sense to use it because it is too expensive."
This is BS too! A PC can cost upto $4000.

Not only is the PS4 CPU slow it's BW is also lower. You can't even feed it at max or you lose BW to your GPU.
1.GPU/memory only
XB1 Esram + DDR3 to GPU 1280-bits
PS4 GDDR to GPU 256-bits
2.GPU/CPU/memory only
XB1 DDR3 to GPU 256-bits/ESRAM to GPU 1024-bits
PS4 GDDR5 to GPU/CPU 256-bits
3.CPU/memory only
XB1 DDR3 to CPU 256-bits/GPU Feed by ESRAM 1024-bits
PS4 GDDR5 to CPU 256-bits/GPU must be feed as well.

THis is why PS4 CAN"T MATCH FM5 or FH2 XB1 GAMES, It's doing DX12 NOW!

Here take a look at 1886 it's 800p V.S. RYSE's 900p with good AI.

Rhythmattic3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

Marcofdeath or/is MisterX ?

Wow... just add up the bandwidth.

Be reasonable and don't take Mr C , Mr X etc as your only info on such a subject.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3505d ago
3506d ago Replies(3)
IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3506d ago

GDDR5 is specifically designed high performance graphics computations, meaning that GDDR5 is actually better at the task of running video games than DDR3. Fanboy nonsense will never change that fact.

In closing, the reason Assassin's Creed Unity runs better on the Xbox One is that Ubisoft intended it to be that way since the Xbox One was the lead platform for the development of the game which more than likely accounts for the game's glitchy performance and framerate issues.

BallsEye3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )


There is much more to the system than just CPU and GPU. Remember ps4 is basicly using one GPU unit for everything (even audio) while xbox one except a weaker than ps4 GPU it has also move engines that takes tons of load from GPU and a full audio chip. So this test does not relate to real games that calculate tons of things and making the best out of architecture of both systems. It just compares what it can compare, tech demos trying to run 1 separate part.

As for Asassins Creed Unity performance. I can see slight framerate drops in cut-scenes but gameplay runs flawlessly even in super crowded areas. Playing it on Xbox One.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3506d ago

"And this is the one time we can see an advantage in DDR3 over GDDR5. DDR3 is low latency, which is pivotal for stuff like AI. GDDR5 has higher latency, so though it may be faster, the data it's rushing through arrives with more errors which is problematic when dealing with AI."

You made that up didn't you?

Yetter3506d ago

yep you're right on the money. MS widened the BUS in the XB1 so they can get 30GB/s to the CPU as oppose to 20GB/s on the PS4. They both use jaguar 8 core chipsets but the XB1 is modified to perform 6/ops per cycle as oppose to the PS4s stock chip which performs at 4/ops per cycle. Combined that with a higher clockspeed on the XB1, do the math, you'll see the XB1s CPU is capable of significantly more ops/seconds. The extra bandwidth and DDR3 memory are better for avoiding bottlenecks between the GPU as well.

MS said several times when the XB1 was released. "We built a balanced system" AC Unity is the first example where the benefits show.

Also like to add Im really enjoying Unity, it may be my favorite AC game to date if it wasn't marred with microtrasactions.

94jdh3506d ago

These seem to disagree about Xbox cpu being faster

Angeljuice3506d ago

The DDR3 vs GDDR5 argument really doesn't apply. When measuring latency there are two methods, latency per cycle and latency per second. Per cycle latency is much better with DDR3, however the GDDR5 memory in the PS4 is much faster meaning that it produces many more cycles per second.
If you measure the latency per second (which is the important real-world statistic), there is little to no difference between the two.

If both ran at the same frequency your point would be valid, but the memory in the PS4 is much, much faster.

16bitNutritionist3506d ago

Haha N4G and its PS4 centric fanboys eh!!! If this game is CPU bound and the X1 has a faster CPU then obviously it would run better on X1 than on the PS4 which, wait for it.......has a slower CPU.

Sy_Wolf3506d ago

Spoken like someone who has absolutely no idea what they're talking about.

The_KELRaTH3506d ago

If the game were genuinely CPU bound we would be seeing the PC version ridiculously faster rather than also suffering too.

This is just an easy excuse to divert from the real issue:

Why are these dev teams not creating software to work well within the limits of the hardware,

Will the only solution be that the hardware has to be locked at 1080p 60fps with the result that if they create code that overloads the hardware then their game will physically slow down (rather than being able to hide it under slowing fps) much like in the days of Atari 800/ST Sinclair, Commodore Vic/Amiga. Etc etc.

mmcglasson3506d ago

Actually they resolved the GDDR5 latency issue with the APU. It's non-existant. You could have read about that before the PS4/X1 even launched. I forget what the exact term was but it makes that so called "latency issue" a non-issue.

Sony could easily send out a update that clocks the PS4's CPU at 1.75ghz too. Not saying they would or that they are going to. I don't understand where you get your information from. In benchmark tests, the PS4's CPU actually outperforms the X1 anyways due to the OS of both platforms.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3505d ago
Horseheadinthebed3507d ago

Yawn.......more fanboy baiting. "Xb1 quicker" "ps4 quicker" blah blah blah. FFS grow up , getting fed up with these headlines claiming one consoles superiority over the other. get a F*cking life!

Tedakin3507d ago

Runs like crap no matter where you play it

Gamer19823506d ago

Yep horribly made game, no doubt rushed there worst performing game since Watch Dogs. Even that wasn't as bad as this.

3507d ago Replies(4)
strangeaeon3506d ago (Edited 3506d ago )

I felt the game play was getting stale anyway. I played Black Flag for roughly 4 hours total and I haven't touched it in months.I don't see this being much different.

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I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

Shaz from GL writes: "Assassin’s Creed Unity is looked at as one of the worst in Ubisoft’s iconic franchise. But playing it nearly 10 years later reveals it may just be the best"

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Skuletor101d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy85101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


Five small but brilliant maps in games

Small video game maps that are packed with things to do are better than huge but empty maps. Here are five small but brilliant maps in games.

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gamefreaks365556d ago
leahcim555d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.


Why Assassin’s Creed Unity remains one of the best games in the series

GF365: "Since the first Assassin’s Creed game, there have been entries up until now. There are more than a few titles that are far from an ideal stealth game. Let’s discuss why 2014’s Assassin’s Creed Unity is one of the best games in the series."

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gamefreaks365580d ago
isarai580d ago

Glitchy as hell and flat story, nah this aint it. AC2, brotherhood and 4 were amazing games in every respective

Furesis579d ago

Yeah i would say brotherhood and 4 were the best for me. I have not played the new ones and Unity was my last one. Seems like i made a good choice.

DarXyde579d ago

I gave up after Revelations. Just couldn't bring myself to care anymore and I got burned out of the gameplay.

Definitely agree on 2 and Brotherhood though. Great games.

YourMommySpoils579d ago

A Ubisoft AC game that's not glitchy? That will be the day.

Knightofelemia580d ago

After constant glitches Arno being boring nah I am good I skipped Unity. I will always like the Ezio trilogy, Black Flag, Rogue, Odyssey, Syndicate. I use to love the franchise but now it feels stale and boring. But my list of favorite entries into the franchise will vary from other players favorite entries.

RaidenBlack579d ago

Odyssey is a really well-made RPG game ... but it ain't a proper AC game, even though its part of the lore

ToddlerBrain579d ago

It’s funny because, at launch, it was universally panned for being unplayable. It’s a great game that holds up today. I’m glad they fixed it.

staticall579d ago

The only good things i remember from Unity are pretty graphics and really good descending mechanics (even though it sometimes didn't make much sense, when your character can drop down from like 10 meter height onto a flagpole perfectly).

Game is glitchy to this day, i was playing in it years after the release date (with all the DLCs) and it's still broken. You had to reload missions too often for my taste (characters do not spawn, you fall through the floor, getting stuck in falling/sitting/aiming animation, hidden blade stop working, assassination target running away at the start of the mission). Story was meh, searching for all the treasures wasn't enjoyable at all. Coop was pretty much useless, i've beaten every coop mission in solo. Helix rifts were awful as well.

Not saying i hate this game or anything, but it got too many problems.

Assassin's Creed (i know it's a controversial opinion) and Assassin's Creed 2 are still great to this day.

anast579d ago

Unity was okay. I prefer Syndicate and Origins.

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