
Just Cause 3 & AC Unity reveal the sick insanity of microtransaction culture

Dealspwn writes: "Two games have dominated headlines over the last 24 hours: Just Cause 3 and Assassin's Creed Unity. One a hero, one a villain, both perfect examples of how insane and toxic microtransaction culture has become."

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Fizzler3604d ago

Can't wait for microtransactions to become the norm, I'm gonna support every game that includes them!

Blues Cowboy3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

Not sure if serious, but just in case: there's a world of F2P games out there waiting for you that won't ask you to plonk down any money first...

If not serious, heh. ;)

-Foxtrot3604d ago

Then you will part of the problem with this industry

lemoncake3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

Well you are not unlike everyone that went out and bought destiny then, overpriced dlc that was cut from the game ftw. Now excuse me while I go play clash of clans.

NarooN3604d ago

I thought it was obvious Fizzler was joking, lol.

Or is this site so full of shit-tier comments and people, that it's too hard for you guys to tell anymore?

Ezz20133604d ago

i do this alot too and most people here fall for it
it's clear he's joking but people can't tell any more

Qrphe3604d ago

The average user in N4G is 18yrs old

Conzul3604d ago

Dude they're so bad at telling sarcasm it's unbelievable. I lost two bubbs in one day for being awesome.


The93Sting3604d ago

your face says it all. LMAO

josephayal3604d ago

microtransactions are the future, cannot W8

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FuzzyPixels3604d ago

Microtransactions and F2P can work if integrated into the very fibre of a game from day one of development. But thank god they're not in Just Cause 3!

Nothing worse than microtransactions gone wrong, and it's all too easy to lazily shoehorn them into a game and disrupt the balance of everything.

Blues Cowboy3604d ago

Oh MTs are fine when a game is F2P and they're done right. Paid plenty of money to Planetside 2, for example, because they let me two dozen hours of the game for free and I felt they deserved some money. I could spend what I wanted, or more appropriately what I thought they deserved, then pick gear I wanted. In this case, a cool hat and a vehicle weapon.

Microtransactions in full priced games, however, are genuinely nasty unless they're cheap cosmetics.

kevinsheeks3604d ago

Gamers support bs that's how it thrives they let devs hit them with half-baked excuses

Blues Cowboy3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

Not to mention then inexplicably defending games companies by saying "well they have to make money" or "it could be worse" or "games are expensive to make." Sorry, but since when is shareholder profit OUR concern?

Roccetarius3604d ago

Unfortunately, the majority of the gamers are uninformaed when purchasing games. That's why this is allowed to happen.

skwidd3604d ago

Yea, sad to say I was sold on Unity's scope and detail that I preordered it a week or 2 before release. I tried cancelling but it didn't work. I still want to play it but being unsupportive of this treatment of companies overrides me wanting to play it. I guess I was suckered.

Dudebro903604d ago

No matter how much people complain, its not going to stop. Hardcore gamers hate them, but the reality is casual gamers buy them and use them. Can we really be mad at a company for capitalizing on a market that is willing to give them money?

It will forever be debated.

Blues Cowboy3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

"Can we really be mad at a company for capitalizing on a market that is willing to give them money?"

Very depressing but well-said (bubble).

"It will forever be debated."

I suppose that's all we can do. Debate it, call it out if we don't like it and... well, see whether or not the industry crashes or play games that suit us as individuals.

DanielGearSolid3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

as long as i can ignore them, i dont see what the problem is...

Sure if a game forced you to use them... But none have (And please dont give that "THey intentionally made it harder to unlock the stuff without MT's"... It's called PLAYING THE GAME)

Only game that made MT's horrible was nba 2k14, but they learned their lesson and scaled it back in 2k15

-Foxtrot3604d ago

"Can we really be mad at a company for capitalizing on a market that is willing to give them money?"

Yes because it affects the other side of the market, the loyal fans who have been there since the beginning.

Why should we be punished after supporting these devs for years, getting them where they are today, only for them to turn our favourite franchises into crap with horrible MT which will end up getting worse and worse. It ruins our experiences with the games and can leave a bad taste in peoples mouths

No one is saying they can't look for other ways to make money but do it in a way which we'll actually want to.

Dudebro903604d ago

Yes because it affects the other side of the market, the loyal fans who have been there since the beginning.

That's an opinion, not a fact. I, and many other gamers I know, have never had an experience ruined by a micro transaction.

Gh05t3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )


" I, and many other gamers I know, have never had an experience ruined by a micro transaction. "

That in almost all cases is unverifiable...

How would you know the experience was ruined or not unless you had the game created without the micro transactions and then had the game created with them. I dont know one game that was made both ways.

You claim your experience wasn't ruined but unless you knew what you would experience without them being involved in the development process at all than how would you know? There are a few games that would be far better an experience without micro-transactions... All you know is the experience you are having is still fun for you and that is great.

Hell imagine candy crush if you got to play more than 3x in a row without forking over $0.99 or waiting 0.5 hours

Imagine most games that have timers... wouldn't the experience be better if Money where not the sole purpose of the waiting. The only time I accept timers in games is, like RTS, where it plays into the strategy of survival. I hate the timer for a grind and to delay the longevity of a game or to make you impatient enough to buy your way through the time.

dmeador3604d ago

Stop with the ridiculous entitled logic. You bought the games because you liked them and they were fun, not to support the makers. If they are making bad games, then maybe its time you support other game makers.

Blues Cowboy3604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

@Dudebro90: I have -- well, perhaps not ruined, but definitely spoiled or cheapened.

MTs rip you out of a gameplay experience and remind you that you're just consuming a product. Fable 3 and Dragon Age forced me out of the fantasy and into cold hard reality with their 'buy DLC here' sections. Dead Space 3, a game that's supposed to hinge on immersion, kept yanking me out of the game with constant reminders that I could be spending real money. Capcom titles and other offenders withheld content I'd technically paid for on the disc, or automatically installed it to my hard drive without permission as part of a patch before asking me to pay for it.

Etc. Not ruined, I suppose, but it doesn't feel great.

EDIT: @Gh05t: Oh, agreed. Plus, developers use all manner of psychological tricks, carrots and sticks to incentivise this behaviour (see also: skinner box, operant conditioning chamber) that, had they been removed, might have resulted in a better and fairer game. And as you rightly say, we'll never know.

andibandit3604d ago

I dont think "Loyalty to them gamers since the beginning" weighs alot in those boardroom meetings

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Kidmyst3604d ago

This all reminds me of the South Park episode last week.

Gh05t3604d ago

"Hardcore gamers hate them"

If someone is willing to spend $100 bucks at a time buying in game content like in ACU, and Madden... I would say they are more "Hardcore"

I am going to refer to myself as a classic gamer now. I am not hardcore enough to keep up with all the players who spend countless dollars to give themselves an advantage.

Roccetarius3604d ago

People with too much expendable cash is usually not called hardcore, but whales. As long as people pay for shortcuts, even in ''AAA'' games to avoid gameplay, then it's a big problem.

And one of the worst excuses is time. Just because you're short on time shouldn't make paying an available path.

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NeoGamer2323604d ago (Edited 3604d ago )

I want to pay one price to get the whole game experience. I do that by buying the games new (not used). If the games microtransaction me or force me to grind endlessly to avoid microtransactions they do not see another dollar from me.

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I Played Assassin’s Creed Unity Almost 10 Years Later. It’s (Kinda) Spectacular

Shaz from GL writes: "Assassin’s Creed Unity is looked at as one of the worst in Ubisoft’s iconic franchise. But playing it nearly 10 years later reveals it may just be the best"

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Skuletor195d ago

Do the NPCs still randomly levitate every now and then? Even years later I noticed they hadn't patched that out

andy85195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

Honestly I loved the PS4 ACs. I'd love next gen ports of Black Flag, Unity and Syndicate


Games with average storylines but great gameplay

Some games make up for a lackluster story with excellent gameplay. These are some games with average storylines but great gameplay.

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shinoff2183528d ago

Who decides if a games story is average idefinitely ain't listening to no reviewers. I don't agree with most of then anyway. I think alot of them are to harsh on games so they can get clicks

banger88528d ago

Every Soulslike game ever made.

refocusedman528d ago

zelda has a story line? Actually do any nintendo 1st party games have decent (not even good) storylines?

NotoriousWhiz528d ago

Does Xenoblade count as 1st party? That's the only one I can think of.

NotoriousWhiz528d ago

Also, Ocarina of time definitely had a decent (but not great) story.

Brazz528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

Zelda average story line!? Zelda Story sucks, most time It comes to "save the princess", Nintendo sucks at story outside Fire Emblem and perhaps 1-2 other IPs.

DOMination-528d ago

Actually the Souls games and Zelda games share something in common, which is that they reward gamers for seeking out the story rather than thrusting it in their faces. Not saying this is better or worse, but it's unfair to say they don't have them.

People will be surprised to learn that if you dig a bit deeper into Zelda games, there's a whole lot of really dark and crazy stuff happening.

RaiderNation528d ago


Thrust in your face??? I assume by that you mean basic story-telling 101? Lol.

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P_Bomb528d ago

I platinumed both Niohs but for the life of me, couldn’t tell you what happened in the story lol! I can namedrop Nobunaga, but that’s about it.

ChasterMies528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

The pinnacle of bad story but great gameplay is Destiny and Destiny 2. What is the Traveler? What is the Darkness? What the heck is happening? No one knew. But shooting the aliens and robots felt so good.

Brazz528d ago (Edited 528d ago )

Article os about "average" story. But If you wanna talk about bad story but great gameplay you need to look at Nintendo, they are the masters at making poor shirt story on great gameplay.

HeliosHex528d ago

@deus. If you want more of the story fleshed out in detail I'd recommend the destiny grimoire anthology 1-6 25 bucks each. It's really good I loved the backstory on the guns.

Relientk77528d ago

"I don't even have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."

Is my favorite line from Destiny's "story" lol

GotGame818528d ago

Sorry, but the princess is in another castle.

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Five small but brilliant maps in games

Small video game maps that are packed with things to do are better than huge but empty maps. Here are five small but brilliant maps in games.

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leahcim649d ago

I am playing the Batman Vita game, it is amazing really.