
343 founder comments on 20GB day one download for Halo: The Master Chief Collection

NerdBite: It has been announced that to access all the features of Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Xbox One, a day one 20GB patch must be downloaded. Many are not thrilled with this news as 20GB can be a large amount of data to download especially for those currently living with limited bandwidth speed or even a download limit.

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Death3621d ago

That is a really, really, really big patch.

pompombrum3621d ago

Does a far better job to encourage people to go digital though than almost anything Microsoft had done last year with their initial vision. Who wants to go to the shops to buy a game just to be greeted with a 20gb patch? It's alright for those of you with high speed internet but those of us who are stuck with lower speeds that's a ridiculously high day one patch.

4Sh0w3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

my bad, meant to reply below

badz1493620d ago

in this case, those going for the physical copy are at the advantage because they only have to wait for install and download the 20GB patch. those going digital are going to download a lot more.

seriously, 20GB is a joke for a patch! it's like they are shipping a blank disc and you have to download the whole game altogether! this patch even made DR3's 13GB patch the run for it's bandwidth!

4Sh0w3620d ago (Edited 3620d ago )

Yes this patch is crazy huge, I just don't think there was any nefarious reason behind it other than what they said.

4Sh0w3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

“The game is designed to run as a single, unified product, … Digital is seamless obviously, but we also wanted disc users to have the same experience, without swapping discs. Since the bulk of it is MP or MP related, the logic is sound.”

-I think 343 knows what their doing, this is 65GB of content, do you really want to be trying to handle all that by bouncing around between 2 discs over 4 games and over 100 maps. I get that for some with data caps and slow internet speed initially its a pain but in the long run I think a seamless sp/multi online experience with the integrated UI for all 4 games is a highly efficient game design that will benefit everyone so I think they made the right decision.

Edit @Askanison4
I'm not sure about ps4 but X1 games require installing so you're still using that HDD space either way.

Edit @ThatOneGuyThere
Nah, these guys have been straight with us about this collection from day one, very active with the community, they could have easily sold this MCC at a higher premium profit like a collectors edition 79.99 or more considering all the content but they didn't, and none of what you says garuantees them more profits because the 20GB patch could just as easily discourage a small number of sales due to some who because of data caps and slow internet speed not liking the idea of the patch.

10,000 Bluray disks are about $2.90 for full mastering and packaging. Considering Microsoft would be ordering in the millions, the cost isn't going to be anywhere near that. That's also not taking into account any discounts the manufacturer may be giving them because of ongoing sales relationship.

ThatOneGuyThere3621d ago

they needed to include both disks when purchased physically, then require them to be installed. Their "reasoning" is PR bullshit meant to mask the fact that they're doing it to net a larger profit by:

1. digital sales nets them more money than physical sales. forcing a 20gb patch makes everyone want to go the digital route.
2. less used copies in the wild will lead to greater lifetime sales.
3. if they included both disks they would have to pay to manufacture both disks.

This is a greedy tactic and to pretend its anything else is simply delusional.

4Sh0w3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

I meant to finish my above comment after this link: http://www.pacificdisc.com/... by saying that the cost to manufacture bluray discs IN BULK are very, very cheap now so from a logic standpoint it doesn't make a whole lot of sense from microsofts position to first spend 10's of millions of dollars on this remaster, sell it to us at a VERY CONSUMER friendly/fan service price point but then not do a 2nd disc for the sole purpose of saving what likely amounts to a few thousand bucks for each 100k sold. Therefore, again logically it makes sense that a experienced dev vs conspiracy theory forum posters just decided this was the best way to handle seamlessly putting all 4 Halo sp games, over 100 maps, Halo2 instant transitioning, UI map integration, upgrades, etc together.

pompombrum3621d ago

^^^ Sorry but what would the difference be between two discs and downloading which an "experienced developer" would possibly notice that we wouldn't? The only "friendly" explanation would probably be that they are still working on the content included in the day one patch and it simply isn't going to be ready in time to be pressed to disc. Conspiracy theorists aside, his responses were typical PR bs.

Nolando3621d ago


BUT ITS MICROSOFT! they most likely covered up the moon landing as well!

OrangePowerz3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

Just make one disc a installer disc like we have seen plenty of times on 360 and the second disc the game disc. You only swap once after you installed the data from the disc. You know like the same seamless experience they offered with Halo 4 where you only installed the Disc 2 data once and afterwards never used it again.

4Sh0w3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

@aiBreeze "Sorry but what would the difference be between two discs and downloading"

-Well as 343 said:
"Digital is seamless obviously, but we also wanted disc users to have the same experience, without swapping discs."

-Again we don't know the development hurdles for handling these 4 games, 1 disc would have been perfect but 2 discs likely presents issues, NOT impossible issues but likely undesirable issues that work against things like going from a ONLINE SINGLEPLAYER 4 PLAYER CO-OP GAME SESSION(on 1st disc) to quickly going to the UI and QUICKLY JUMPING INTO A ONLINE MULTIPLAYER GAME SESSION(on 2nd disc)= Again its easy to arm chair critique, there could be many development reasons that would make swapping counter-intuitive to the overall seamless experience 343 said from the very start was their goal, like I said I see no logical reason why 343 would lie(financial costs would be chump change for 2 discs) especially when they have constantly been open with the Halo community every step of the way. So again without any logical motive to lie vs forum posters on n4g, I do in fact believe 343 just did whats best for incorporating not 1 but all 4 games.

Halo fans/X1 owners may not like the patch but they certainly understand 343 has a goal in mind for the best seamless experience in the weeks, months and years after release for EVERYONE rather than the heartburn of YES a large 1 time patch that will be forgotten about 2 mins after you start playing this masterpiece.

These guys at 343 put everything they had into this collection for an insanely consumer friendly price still *some gamers complain, especially those most forgiving of some really blatant broken promises & terrible release of a recently high profile game.

OrangePowerz3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )


There are no hurdles to put the patch on a second disc and install the content from there to the console and afterwards run the game from the other disc without any need ever to switch again to the other disc. They wanted to save the money that would be connected with having a second disc that's all.

The talk about seamless experience is PR talk because the experience will be just as seamless when you install the content from the disc. And that way people that have a cap don't have to download 20GB and still get the same experience and probably better because it should be faster to just install the 20GB from disc compared to downloading it.

You are focused on the 343 excuse of having to swap discs. If disc 2 is an install disc there is zero need to swap discs around, just like in Halo 4 that had 2 discs.

badz1493620d ago


"Just make one disc a installer disc like we have seen plenty of times on 360 and the second disc the game disc."

the console doesn't work like that anymore. all games data will need to be installed before the console can run it. neither the Xbone nor the PS4 is designed to run games off the disc.

4Sh0w3620d ago (Edited 3620d ago )

badz149, agreed there are also likely other difficulties as well that none here understand, I mean we are talking about new hardware for both that isn't even backwards compatible with last gen, also launched with many features from last gen MISSING. lol, you'd think if it was as simple as "cut & paste" from last gen then they would have started with EVERYTHING from last gen and made them BC too.

I'd be inclined to believe there was some bigger motive to 343 decision but again as I've proved with the link, a 2nd disc in this situation would be PEANUTS compared to the money they've already spent. Why do a collection at a bargain basement price but make a decision to save a few grand??? They could have tacked on a few bucks and I don't think anybody here would deny that this collection would still be a helluva deal. Soooooo...it just makes much more sense to me that somewhere in the dev process like with most games anyway that they ran into frustration points/constraints/issues and just said here's the best alternative for out end goal, so they went with that. I make decisions like that all the time at my job, although its not game development, the thinking is the same. So in the absence of a more logical explanation it seems to me that 343 is just doing what they thought was best but some people will always pretend they know better because its easier to be a critic than to do something great.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3620d ago
donthate3621d ago

It is not a patch. It is literally multiplayer content!

If you read the original source on gaf, Frank also discusses how a patch would be in the Megabytes.

I cannot wait for this game! Insane Azure Cloud gaming on Halo?

F' yeah!!!

URNightmare3621d ago

What's "INSANE Azure cloud gaming" even mean? 😖🔫

3621d ago
jagermaster6193621d ago

I honestly think the digital download is the way to go this time I also prefer the disk but you will have everything ready to go by the time this comes out including the 20gb download since I will never get rid of the game it seems to be a no brainer and you still get all the preorder content and the live action show so why not I'm going to download this as soon as I get home later see you all on the battlefield November 11th oh well I guess I'll only see the people with digital downloads since the hard copy you have to wait to download the 20gb all well layers!!!!

Askanison43621d ago

The seemless product notion seems like a sound reason for the patch. Since it's multiplayer only (mostly) the logic is reasonable enough, too.

I'm just trying to figure out if I should download and give over 60-70gb of my HDD to it or buy the disc and have it only be 20-25gb.

Zanzibar1063621d ago

Pretty sure the full install of all XB1 games is mandatory even off disc, so you'll be using 60-70gb regardless.

Software_Lover3621d ago

All game installs are mandatory this gen.

ryuuzakibjorn3621d ago

So they didn't want to be the first Current Gen console to have a game that needs two discs (To my knowledge), so they make you download what would've been Disc 2?

How shady.

Perjoss3621d ago

I dont think there is any shame in having 2 bluray disks of content. Besides, this is not 1 game, its a compilation of 4 full games, with 106 multiplayer maps.

TripC503621d ago

And Think of how much money they saved with just having one disc. This was a good move that will end up being a small gripe by the gamers in the end

Death3621d ago

I'm pretty sure the perception of having too much content in the box wasn't the problem.

ThatOneGuyThere3621d ago

greedy. their fake explanation for their reasoning is shady, however. they were too cheap to include 2 blu-rays. period. everything else is PR spin.

ghostface93621d ago

wow what kind of loony bin did you come out of how is a patch for the game greedy patches day one are so the company can still update the game why its being tested and getting rated

marlinfan103621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

yeah they invested tens of millions into the game but wanted to save on something as cheap as blurays lmao you guys will really look for anything to complain about. this games all about having ONE spot to play everything, not having to switch between 2 disk depending on what you want to play. after the patch download people will literally have months/years worth of gameplay waiting for them, i think we'll live.

id be mad if i couldn't get this awesome deal too.....

ThatOneGuyThere3621d ago


you clearly didnt read my first post, so ill re-cap:

manufacturing cost. when you're planning on selling millions of something, every little cost adds up. Also, by forcing people to download a portion of the game anyways, and then talking about how much better it is when you buy the whole game digital, you are swaying fans into spending the same amount of money through the digital marketplace, where almost ALL of the money goes directly to the seller instead of being spread around through middle men, and the benefit to that is less people buying used copies.

donthate3621d ago

This is the best value in console gaming history next to maybe the Orange box, and you call MS greedy for not having two discs?


You go play other games that doesn't have an issue of fitting all the content on one disc then, let me enjoy this gem.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3621d ago
Perjoss3621d ago

I wonder if i can skip this 20gigs if i just want to play the campaigns, my connection is quite slow

lemoncake3621d ago

If you don't play online you wont need the big patch

denawayne3621d ago

Go offline before you put the disc in to see if it works

UnHoly_One3621d ago

I believe they said the campaign stuff would be playable while the 20 Gbs of content was downloading.

I'm not sure how you would stop it entirely, though, short of disconnecting your internet.

Godmars2903621d ago

And I'm probably the only person concerned at how this screws over off-line XB1 owners.

3621d ago
OpieWinston3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

If you're an offline user you weren't playing the Online MP playlists in the first place.

You aren't getting screwed...Just like always you're looking for something to bitch about.

Omnisonne3621d ago

''You aren't getting screwed...Just like always you're looking for something to bitch about.''

Thats a little rough no?

This time it might be just for multiplayer, but soon enough devs will release huge day 1 patches for singleplayer too. Which if not downloaded, render the game unplayable for people with no stable network connection

OpieWinston3621d ago

Is it a bit rough? Yeah I agree. Just rewatching some funny Breaking Bad moments so calling a few people "Bitch".

But I'm sick of people pretending these Day one updates screw everyone. It's 4 games, obviously there will be stuff you can't fit on the disc and need to throw in a MP patch.

Most people who play Halo, play it for online. A lot play it for the story, but the core community plays it for Online MP.

denawayne3621d ago

@Omnisonne - You really think MS (or Sony) would release a game on a physical disc that is unplayable if you don't download a patch? I'm talking about single player games.

URNightmare3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

In reference to Omnisonne's comment:


"It's one thing to issue a patch designed to add a bit of polish to the end product, but it's something else entirely to ship a virtually broken game to store shelves. That brings us to The Evil Within - version 1.0."

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3621d ago
Death3621d ago

I'm fairly certain the offline users won't be upset they don't have to download the 20gig of multiplayer content. If they decide to go online with the game in the future, the update will be available for download.

Halo has always appealed to the core Xbox gamers. These same gamers are also the ones that have traditionally been Live members. The percentage of Halo gamers that aren't Live members is relatively small. If you are only playing the campaign you are missing a huge part of the game.

dms52233621d ago

I don't get it. People complain that last gen is holding back current gen and that Xbox one is holding back ps4....

Yet people say games need to be made with the dial up players in mind? Really??

turdburgler10803621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

@dms5223 Your comment rings true. People just need to move out of the sticks or their parents basement and get broadband. If you can't move then that's your choice but stop holding the rest of us back. This comment will pucker a few buttholes lol.

donthate3621d ago (Edited 3621d ago )

Leave it to the ps4 fans to start a conspiracy on this years biggest gaming value....

Yes, MS is screwing fans over because they have too much content to fit it in one disc! Yes, MS are screwing you non-Xbox owners. /s

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XiNatsuDragnel63d ago

I see it's good they're developing in-house but question is will it be a good halo game?

RaidenBlack63d ago

Next mainline Halo sequel likely to continue with the in-house slipspace engine (since they invested so much in its development) ...and the Halo 1 Remake likely to be UE5 based one and act as UE based Halo template for future Halo projects

rlow163d ago

Nice to see the truth being reported.

CrimsonWing6963d ago

I know this is gonna twist a lot of people's panties, but I'm over Halo. The peak for me was 3 and Reach, after that they've been boring and extremely by the numbers. Infinite was not that great, in my opinion. Was it horrible? Absolutely not. But I'm starting to get the feeling of "if you've played one, you've played them all" ever since 4. My apologies to those I triggered.

anast63d ago

In house AI with independent contractors.

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