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Project CARS Runs at 60 FPS on PS4, Not There Yet on Xbox One; Cars Have 60,000 Polygons on Consoles

Project CARS is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in November, and the good folks at Slightly Mad Studios are working hard to optimize the game.

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Community3694d ago
Axios23694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

The first racing game to match Forza 5's 60fps 1080p, well done

Impressive to see the PC running at 200,000 - 250,000 polygons, 5x more than console.

@ Lukas, yes, edited

GarrusVakarian3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

You mean racing game, right?

Great news, good to see they had no problems developing this for PS4. Here's hoping they can get the X1 to reach a stable 60fps as well.

Cerbus3694d ago

Most likely wont happen on X1 everyone knows all the hits Forza had to take to reach 60fps @ 1080p.

GarrusVakarian3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


"all the hits Forza had to take to reach 60fps @ 1080p."

Exactly. They could also do the same for this game in order to reach 60fps.

Bigpappy3694d ago

X1 has had many changes to help improve performance since launch. I would advice people to wait until these games are released to see if they reach 1080p/60fps, before using stuff like launch games to define what can be accomplished a year later with these changes which only came about in the pass few months.

Obviously, not all developer might be willing to go back and make changes I they think the game is running well enough, but these guys seem to be trying to do that so lets see what they achieve.

DevilOgreFish3694d ago

"In addition to that, we learn that the cars have about 60,000 polygons each on consoles, while the PC version on Ultra shows cars with between 200,000 and 300,000 polygons. "

The PC version is 5x more than the consoles, wow.

sonarus3694d ago

as a ps4 owner i hope it makes it to 1080p and 60fps. Because i know if i had an xbox and it didn't make it i would be pissed.

But we all know xbox owners dnt care about graphics

Sevir3694d ago

The polygon count is Low though. Driveclub's Polys are up in the 120,000k, This is probably how Forza was able to do 60fps on XBO...

ABizzel13694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


According to DualShockers Drive Club car models are 250,000 polygons which is why it looks as god as many PCars PC demos, it says so right in the article, and there's a link with the Game Director even admitting it, right in that article.

As far as PCars goes, the PS4 version was a mixture of High and Medium settings (it's possible they upgraded to high, considering what the Art Manager said), and if the XBO can't keep up at 60fps on high (probably averaging around the 45fps mark) then it's probably easiest to just drop things down to Medium and add elements of the High settings as you go if 1080p is their ultimate goal (that or drop resolution and keep high settings). The Wii U version is obviously using low settings which still looks good.

So for now it's:
Ultra PC (no brainer here) > High PC & PS4 > Medium PC & XBO > Low PC & Wii U.

My question is if the Wii U version is going to be 60fps, what resolution, and what drop is there for Medium and Low settings (my guess 30,000 polygons for low settings).

Just for comparison sake, GT5 & 6 used 300k - 500k polygon models for photo mode, so Drive Club and PCars Ultra Settings car models are approaching Photo Mode for GT, and have reached photo mode for Forza 4 which had 250k poly models. Next-gen is here, and I always say Next-gen should aim to look like last-gen In-Engine CG.

Comparison gif from DualShockers

Dee_913694d ago

Man wish I could afford a PC that could play on ultra. My PC probably will barely be able to run it on medium settings at a comfortable tempature.So I guess PS4 version for me.Though I might jump to PC depending on what the mods look like.

Enemy3694d ago

Driveclub AND Project Cars on PS4. Really hope Project Cars is good. I would like to support these guys for putting out an amazing PS4 version of their game.

Spartacus103694d ago

@ DevilOgreFish

Yeah if you are stupid enough to assume every PC gamer can run the game at ultra.

Anyway, if polygons matter so much to you, GT5 premium cars had 500k polygons last gen.

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stoney1013694d ago

His comment still stands...

torchic3694d ago


1080p60fps + cardboard crowds a la Excitebike? sure go on...

thezeldadoth3694d ago

defensive. the game will look like shit compared to PC too so really its pointless to compare two console games graphics when both are in second and third

fr0sty3693d ago


Depends on how much money you dumped into that PC... and more importantly, how long ago you dumped that money into that PC.

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johny53694d ago

Just be lucky they don't drop it down to 729p!

SilentNegotiator3694d ago

Let's hope they don't give it average graphics to make it.

doolin_dalton3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Only the most biased fanboys consider Forza 5 to have "average graphics".

Due to the constraints of it being a launch title, Turn 10 chose to scale back the graphics in the areas that have absolutely no effect on gameplay, such as crowds, trees, and some other backgrounds, in order to achieve 1080p and 60fps - areas that DO affect gameplay.

Since you're replying to Axios2's comment about Forza 5's specs, I'm guessing you're referring to Forza 5 having "average graphics" in your opinion.

Dee_913694d ago

Yea Forza 5 graphics are far from average.But compared to the e3 demo and GT6 on a 7 year old console, it does leave a lot to be desired.

kayoss3694d ago

People states facts not being bias. The developers admitted that they had to downgrade forza to reach 1080p and 60fps. Lots of Xbox fans keep claiming that graphic don't matter but it's ironic that they keep bringing up how forza horizon is 1080p and 60fps. But in reality it's mediocre as best.
Xbox fan also say that gameplay is what matters and not resolution or graphics. But they go around touting Ryse is the best looking game on the new gen...but gameplay is crap. The hypocrisy. Xbox fans are ready to go 180 just like Microsoft when it benefits Them or their argument.

SilentNegotiator3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

I was being hyperbolic, but still, Forza DID make considerable cuts to the graphics in order to achieve 1080p60fps. For a racer in 2013 on a brand new console, I would say the game's graphics aren't much higher than what should be expected. Barely above the average of expectation.

Axios2 only framed the comment that he made that way because he's a little one bubble troll. He needed a sharp retort.

FastRedPonyCar3694d ago

Game looks amazing on all platforms

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marinelife93694d ago

What's the max number of cars in a race in Forza 5?

Rocky53694d ago

15 AI + the player totalling 16 cars on the track.

lfc_4eva3694d ago

Why are so many people against pc games? The pc will always look better than consoles so just get over yourselves and deal with it.

Dee_913694d ago

What are you talking about ?
Nobody against PC games.. more so PC gamers... if thats a thing. Bragging about how your pc can out perform a console that cost probably half as much as a PC that can play at those settings gets annoying.

d3nworth13694d ago

Imagine this. You have a friend that is more athletic than you but instead of being a good sport about it he constantly rubs it in you face it and calls you names. Anytime you do something good he comes and rains on your parade. You would get a little annoyed with his behavior wouldn't you. This what console gamers have to deal with. Console gamers don't care what PC games look like. They enjoy what they have.

ShowGun9013694d ago

its like saying the ps4 version of destiny looks better than the ps3 version. a ps4 is $400, and a ps3 is... below $200 now? im not sure really, but the point stands.

if i want to spend $3,000, i can make a pc that can run anything at super mega ultra. you HAVE to take cost into account to compare them fairly. a Lambo will outperform your Civic! why havent you run out and bought one yet?

lfc_4eva3694d ago

At people above. Your reasoning is quite silly. Where was i bragging about pc games being better than console games? Please read more carefully. I said pc games will always look better than console games. FACT!

Next. Console gamers don't care what pc games look like. Why is that? The best looking version should be something to admire. Plenty of people on here are all too quick to slander the xb1 version and favour the ps4 version. So you do care when your version on console looks the best. Nice.

And finally. $3000 to build a gamjng pc? Are you off your head. Have you any clue how to build a pc that can play games at their highest settings? Clearly not because you would not have thrown in such a ridiculous number.

USA0073693d ago

@lfc_4eva lol, the comments were answering your question by trying to explain to you why console gamers get annoyed by PC gamers. They weren't saying anything about how you specifically were bragging. Maybe you should read more carefully.

And if your going for 4k gaming, you can easily spend $3000 on a PC and still not have the best performance.

d3nworth13693d ago

I'll tell you why console game don't care what the PC games look like. Gamers in general only care about the version thats infront of them. Do you sit at your PC thinking about what the console version look like?

lfc_4eva3693d ago (Edited 3693d ago )


Looks like I'm gonna waste my final bubble on you then.

You really should read more carefully, as Dee_91 was accusing of bragging, which my post did not refer to in any way.

Then ShowGun901 talked about blowing $3000 on a pc, but he didn't mention anywhere about 4k gaming.

Sorry but you have failed all round.

You may now use and abuse your remaining bubbles because I cannot come back to you and correct your mistakes :-)

And @d3nworth1. No dude I don't sit at my pc thinking about what the console version looks like. Really, that's such a silly question to ask. Nevermind.

gootimes3693d ago (Edited 3693d ago )

Do you really not understand why people compare console to console and not include PC?? PC's are not consoles!! People buy consoles for much different reasons than people buy a pc, that is why consumers compare them. When people buy PC's they compare different PC's from different companies or build there own, they are not in the market for a console.

That is indeed why consumers that are in the market for a CONSOLE compare the specs and game comparisons and such of CONSOLES. Why does that confuse PC elitists so bad? I own a decent PC by the way, and I understand why tare not brought up in a console debate.

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3694d ago Replies(2)
3694d ago
Rainbowcookie3694d ago

Considering the cost of console vs pc this is understandable. Driveclub has more polygons but it takes a hi in the fps running only 30fps. Not really a racing fan but I mean its awesome to be able to choose.And the damage models look insane.

FastRedPonyCar3694d ago

What's even more impressive is that these cars start off as roughly 19~20 MILLION triangle models and are scaled down to a level that these platforms can run.

Imagine how insane these racing games will look years down the road when GPU's can push that many triangles.... or even just double the amount the game is shipping with.

otherZinc3693d ago (Edited 3693d ago )



The overrated PS4 may finally have its first 1080p 60fps game that doesn't dip below 60fps during play.


gootimes3693d ago

And one day the underpowered X1 will get a next gen looking game to run 60fps/1080p without downgrades... Looks like PS4 did it before X1.

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Future_20153694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

very nice, but i would rather play with triple screen surround and steering wheel and pedals for the best racing experience on pc, also PC has 200,000 to 300,000 polygons on ultra settings compared to the ps4 60,000 polygons so i will stick with the PC version

Yi-Long3694d ago

I won't get into a whole PC vs Console discussion, cause... really...!?

But just a little thing about the polygons: I honestly don't care if a car has 60.000 polygons or whatever. I would rather see 30.000 polygons per car if that would mean much more gorgeous and lively environnments to race through, better lighting, effects, etc etc etc.

After all, most of the time you'll be looking at where you're racing, not what you're racing. So I want gorgeous roads and scenery which are fun and challenging.

spence524903694d ago

Awwwwww shucky shucky now!!!

kurruptor3694d ago

Congratulations. Glad to know that for a $1000 more, you can get better graphics on a PC.

XtraTrstrL3694d ago

Exactly! Forgot to mention, it'll cost you like 2+ PS4's to get that on PC.

Haki11123694d ago

Doesn't matter the cost still performs better on PC and that's a FACT.

ATi_Elite3694d ago

Yeh and for $1000 you can play Pcars FOREVER and also use a G27 wheel or whatever wheel you want to or go one step further and connect it to a hydraulic set-up.

didn't even mention 4K TV!

lsujester3694d ago

I'll be playing on PC for sure if my DFGT still won't work on the PS4.

tee_bag2423694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

He was making a point about the higher polygon count on PC which is interesting. I never knew it would be such a massive difference but apparently knowing that upsets you. No need to act threatened.

FastRedPonyCar3694d ago

My coworker's $700 pc runs the game at ultra settings at 1080p. Educate yourself before speaking.

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Rimeskeem3694d ago

I'll stick to 460$ than 1500$

LogicStomper3694d ago

You do release that you can u upgrade certain parts of your PC right? It ain't like consoles where when you upgrade, you have to buy an entirely new one from scratch.

Rimeskeem3694d ago

@ logic

I know but it don't wanna build a PC from scratch just to play with more realistic graphics

ShowGun9013694d ago

you can upgrade certian parts sure, but that wont get you to 300,000 polys per car.

that'll take a beast of a computer!

Torgul3694d ago

Only 300k polygons, what a joke, You need 10 bilions!

CryofSilence3694d ago

That has to be the longest comma splice in recent memory.

ps5fanboy3694d ago

wait...the pc has that many more!!? please show me the article where you read this, very impressive!!!

i'll still be playing ps4 version though as i haven't gaming pcseed since unreal days...

Future_20153694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

if u actually go into the article you will see PC has 200,00-300,000 polygons
In addition to that, we learn that the cars have about 60,000 polygons each on consoles, while the PC version on Ultra shows cars with between 200,000 and 300,000 polygons. On high it will bring the number down to 60,000.


Haki11123694d ago

@ Future_2015 N4G fanboys read??!!! People just read the headlines now and hit accept if it's positive about the PS4 and disagree if its pro MS

uth113694d ago

In other words, only the pricy PCs get that many polygons. The average PCs will be in the PS4 range.

Sir_Simba3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

I was wrong it actually does have that many

yewles13694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


The very article just stated that:

"In addition to that, we learn that the cars have about 60,000 polygons each on consoles, while the PC version on Ultra shows cars with between 200,000 and 300,000 polygons. On high it will bring the number down to 60,000."

dillhole3694d ago

Wow PC elitists are really starting to sound insecure these days.

MysticStrummer3694d ago

They've been that way for years.

3694d ago
dillhole3694d ago

@gapecanpie Well let's agree fanboys on either side are contradictory, irrational and generally quite tedious. But going around boasting about polygons and 4K monitors, regardless of how true such boasts are, come off as desperate and insecure. It's those who feel intimidated that need to constantly big themselves up. That "retarded" (you don't need to censor that word) logic is actually very simple psychology.

Aquariusgamer3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Do you even have a pc that will run it on ultra settings/60 fps?

How much would that cost, and is it worth it?

cyclindk3694d ago

Id rather buy a car and race it...

Rainbowcookie3694d ago

It would be the most real version out there, but you would be stuck with one car . Plus wrecking it won't make you feel good :)

scark923694d ago

Stronger the PC, the stronger the douche will be.

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Software_Lover3694d ago

Lower the res or just go for 30. It works for Driveclub it will work for this game.

Spotie3694d ago

Drive Club can get away with it because there's no other version; the XB1 is already facing enough criticism for not having games at parity... Even though somehow the two consoles have the same power, according to some.

yewles13694d ago

DriveClub's exclusive and only has 12 cars on track so far; Project Cars is multi and has to cater to even the 720p/30 Wii U version, even with up to 35 cars on track so far...

gootimes3693d ago

It would need to look photo realistic on consoles before it is getting compared to Drive Club though...

Mkai283694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

They may have to lower the resolution to 900p to get 60fps on Xbox one. What all that's going on in this game, I really didn't think they could get 1080p @60fps on console.( ps4)

Software_Lover3694d ago

They can hit 1080p 60 on every console. It just comes with some things scaled back, even on PS4

Neixus3694d ago

Microsoft has this parity deal, where they don't want the publishers' games on xbone if it doesn't run at same res as the PS4, because that makes it shine more on ps4.

Only exception if there is a big studio that creates the games, EA,activision etc etc.

The resolution probably won't get lowered

thexmanone3694d ago

Do you no where I could find a statement from MS about this so called parity deal from MS. I think that's just something the PS4 fans here made up.

Kiwi663694d ago

The parity clause has nothing to do with resolution its more to do with indie games

patrik233694d ago

another multiplat superior on PS4. Good job SONY!

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Why did EA Kill Project CARS?

This video explains why we think Electronic Arts didn't see a future in the sim racing title Project CARS and promptly cancelled the fourth instalment.

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Community682d ago
Jin_Sakai684d ago

After the last installment I’d say most hardcore fans left. It’s just not that good anymore so I can’t really blame EA this time.

masterfox684d ago

because it was always a project and it never got finished :D

ChubbyBlade682d ago

Every game is a project. Your joke doesn’t make sense

InUrFoxHole682d ago

It makes perfect sense. It's obviously a play on the title. Jesus christ you must be a blast at parties.

ApocalypseShadow683d ago (Edited 683d ago )

Ask Bullfrog or Black Box or Tiburon or Studio 33 or Criterion or any of the previously acquired developers who made racing games as competition, or as developers of EA games, then eventually dissolved into oblivion or reassigned. Just ask them. They'll tell you why.

ApocalypseShadow682d ago

Oh. I forgot. Even Code Masters were absorbed into Criterion. Another racing developer EA took over.

Every racing developer either absorbed by EA or eventually destroyed by them. They either kill competition or have them in the end make Need 4 Speed for them.

MadLad682d ago

EA only cancels projects for one reason.
They didn't see enough money in it.

Kombatologist682d ago (Edited 682d ago )

Not when it's because it didn't meet some crazy margin. It's like if something doesn't make EA a billion dollars on day one (I'm exaggerating that figure of course), they swiftly put it out to pasture.

SurgicalMenace682d ago (Edited 682d ago )

Much like if you're spending money on what's a bad investment for your desired goals, you'd do away with it, if you're wise. We should try to get away from thinking we know more about business than individuals that have been doing it for decades. Perhaps you could benefit from going into business instead of wasting all of your talents in comment sections. It's clear that you're the missing piece that EA's been looking for.

MadLad681d ago

I've made a good amount of money betting on underdog investments over the years.

EA sets unrealistic expectations of their more niche developers, yet continue to fund absolute blunders like DICE and the Battlefield series year after year.

dumahim682d ago

EA butted in and messed with the formula and act shocked when it doesn't work out.

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Original Project CARS creator trying to re-hire EA team

Ian Bell, the founder of Slightly Mad Studios, is aiming to hire former Project CARS employees to work on his upcoming GTR Revival project.

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Community686d ago
Sgt_Slaughter686d ago

If it's just going to be another sim-cade that doesn't do either one correctly then no thanks.

Project CARS 2 was a step in the right direction but the physics still aren't where they should have been, so what did they do for PC3? Go completely arcade. That killed the franchise.


EA dropping Project CARS

From "EA is dropping Project CARS, can reveal.

The Slightly Mad Studios-developed series was launched in 2015, with EA confirming today that it has made the decision to "stop further development and investment" in the franchise.

The announcement was made internally and it's unclear at this stage to which extent staff could be affected. EA said that employees working on Project CARS will be moved into "suitable" roles "wherever [they] can.""

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Terry_B688d ago

Typical for EA. They buy studios that created nice games..and are sooner or later destroying them and move the people to work on the old same 5+ EA series.

italiangamer688d ago

They will put the developers on the 1000th Need for Speed for the rest of their entire careers, just like Criterion.

SurgicalMenace687d ago

To be fair, it's not EAs fault it falls directly on the consumer. Everytime these companies choose to drop a series they're met with backlash though the gamers didn't support said series enough to justify its continuation. Attempting to paint every company as evil all because they're in it to succeed is ridiculous. They have to make money just like each of us typing in this section. If a job wasn't supporting you well you'd quit and find a new one, this is the same mentality concerning series.

TheColbertinator687d ago


No it is their fault. They don't listen to fans and burn the franchise to the ground by introducing elements that nobody wanted instead of increasing support for said respected franchises.

I order a steak, they make a steak. 1st sale
I order a steak again, they vomit on my steak and charge me more for it. No sale.

EA in a nutshell.

Tapani687d ago

@TheColbinator Well how do you think they make the billions then?

Their fans ARE buying their games. You are just not their focus group, and I can guarantee their customer insights team is more thorough and detailed in their reaearch than any N4G commentors’ opinion on the matter. Otherwise EA would not exist as a company, and they’d be bankrupt.

deleted687d ago

The one that still hurts the most though was Criterion w the Burnout series. Acquired Criterion's tech for their own existing IP, then shut em down. It's basically parasitic. I sure do miss Burnout's crash mode!

Hofstaderman687d ago

Sounds eerily similar to another large unnamed corporation hey. I believe some EA bigwigs shifted to that company back in the day, would explain the similarities.

rlow1687d ago

Must be talking about Sony

peppeaccardo687d ago

and instead they come out with that piece of shit of Need for Speed which looks like an Anna & Barbera cartoon. C'mon .... PC2 was my go to game for VR racing and the first one i played for tens of hours. i was so lookiing forward to PC4 after that failure of PC3 ... what a shame EA, they are bombing all the good games and stick to the garbage ones. EA when you think you have reached maximum of disappointment they top it off with style .... screw them!

SurgicalMenace687d ago

Need for Speed continues to sell so why would they get rid of what's producing what they need to maintain stability?

EazyC687d ago

What they did to this series was idiotic. The premise was great -- a sim/simcade game that GENUINELY got developed in line with its community. There is a huge gap in the market for this...I mean, PD hasn't listened to fans at all over the last year with regard to simple Gran Turismo 7 tweaks. Sim racing fans are screaming for a title where they actually give a shit about their users.

Project Cars 2 was genuinely on to something, it just needed some refinement. But instead they followed up by selling off to EA with a braindead GRID clone with Project Cars 3. Again...idiotic.

SurgicalMenace687d ago

Well since you're the authority on properly managing a million dollar company, why don't you just call them to let them know of your divine wisdom?

Hardcore sim racers are the ones who are competing acrossed the globe, no company in their right mind would focus on a forever moving casual market. They have to focus on those dedicated to supporting their efforts. Notice how you're speaking from a perspective of self opposed to the collective. Perhaps they sold out because they, like us, needed the money knowing that they could reinvest it into something new. PC was a decent racer but very few people mainlined it over GT or Forza.

EazyC687d ago

I'm not a divine authority but I notice a pattern where these huge corporations turn completely tone deaf of what the "average fan" wants.

vallencer687d ago

Hate to break it to you but project cars 3 was published by Bandai in 2020. EA didn't buy codemasters, which owned slightly mad studios, until 2021. Either way the sales were super poor for the game and it's not surprising EA would just drop the game. BUT it still sucks because it's one less sim racing game on the market. Especially because the first 2 were really good.

Tzuno687d ago

and focuses more on cartoon network games

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