
2 Days to Vegas, First the 360 and PC version later PS3 version

PS3tour: "Yesterday we did tell you that the game 2 Days To Vegas will come to the PS3. Today I can report that once the 360 and PC version ready, that only then they will work on the PS3 version. This I can see from the mail that I got back from the company SteelMonkeys.

"Thanks for pointing out, will be fixed tomorrow. It is in development on PC XBox360, PS3 squ will commence as soon as first 2 are out of the door, so it would be delayed against them '

This means that when the PC and the 360 version from the door 'then the PS3 version.
Very sorry, but so be it!"

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aggh im on fire5945d ago

The ps3 delays are a bit annoying. Was thinking of getting Alone in the dark for the ps3 until i heard of the delay now it will be purchased for my 360.
Same with this one. Its nice to be different but having a different architecture to pc/360 is costing Sony with delays.

Hydrolex5945d ago

2 Days 2 Vegas Developers confirmed that the PS3 version is gonna be better because of its Blu-ray

Xbox 360 version of the game will miss some stuff because they cannot put the game into a 9GB DVD.

look for PSU 2 days to vegas

InMyOpinion5945d ago (Edited 5945d ago )

"- "Blu-ray solves a lot of their problems". Since 2D2V is such an epic title, he said that to fit the game onto a simple DVD, they would either need to cut out chunks of the game or release the title on multiple discs."

Is that what you meant? It doesn't say anything about one version being better than the other.

Pp p5945d ago

I'm glad i don't own a ps3

JVIDICAN5945d ago

i thought you said you played MGS4? lol

Time_Is_On_My_Side5945d ago (Edited 5945d ago )

They said on PSU articles that they want to use the extra space on Blu-ray. I'm pretty sure it was PSU (PlayStation Universe).

It doesn't tell you the date but using Blu-ray discs for its extra space would do that. I know they said it in one of the articles though.

PSU Exclusive: 2 Days 2 Vegas in 2 Days HTML: http://www.psu.com/PSU-Excl...

InMyOpinion5945d ago

"- "Blu-ray solves a lot of their problems". Since 2D2V is such an epic title, he said that to fit the game onto a simple DVD, they would either need to cut out chunks of the game or release the title on multiple discs."

I doubt they will cut out chunks of the game.

jvillan5945d ago

Another one...? C'mon now sony or whomever is responsible for this

Raoh5945d ago

it takes time to develop for ps3.. takes time cause you have to really learn it.. pc and 360 are about the same

seems to me these developers are trying to get a game out to the lowest common denominator (pc/360) then develop/port to the ps3..

the way things are going one of two things are in my future (mind you i hate pc's, i have macs at home and i dont want to be a pc gamer. also i have had three 360's in my home in less than a year due to hard ware issues)

1. sony can keep a steady line of games coming in on their own.

2. might be time for me to give up gaming.

i had bioshock for the 360, as a ps3 owner i know some are excited about bioshock but really the hype is almost dead.. what new news could a ps3 owner get that wasnt announced last year or at the video game awards?

slightly better graphics? i would hope so, your no longer under deadline to release a title.

included dlc? better be the disc can hold more and its already out.

i'm at a point where i'm this close to not buying almost any EA title,and am being pushed to only buy sony in house games and become a casual gamer. maybe the nintendo has it right, stick to in house franchises and if third party wants to develop, hey its on you..

chanto235945d ago

we have to be logical about Bioshock...Bioshock uses the Unreal Engine and we all know how that goes...i want Bioshock as much as everybody else but i'm skeptical, i'm not hyping myself over this one cause i dont want to get disappointed. On the topic at hand i'm about to give up hope on games coming when they are supposed to and on Sony securing 3rd party exclusives. I know what the machine can do cause look at MGS4, the game is amazing but these games are coming to far in between.

Looking the bright side, Sony will have to push more exclusive titles from their studios in order to keep up with these delays

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Whatever happened to 2 Days to Vegas?

2 Days to Vegas was at one time pitched as a GTA killer, however 9 years later the title is still not out, Lazygamer decided to do a check up on the title

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kraideral4149d ago

The same thing that happened to the game The Heist.

GavinMannion4149d ago

Yeah this is true.. but I think that was officially cancelled wasn't it?

kraideral4149d ago

Don't know for sure, also there are many "GTA killer" games that never saw the light.

L6RD7BLU34149d ago

Hopefully The Getaway will see the light of day again


Top 14: Games Missing In Action

GOONL!NE writes: "Wallet stretched? Money getting tight? Is it hard to keep up with all the amazing games coming out over the next few months, let alone year? If the answer is yes, then look away now.

We've scoured every inch of the 'Game Achives' (A small building in East Slough) for these titles that have been rather quiet for a while…Too quiet. Clean your rose-tinted glasses and practice your 'Ohh, I remember that one!' voice, because some of these are very good at staying unnoticed…"

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2 Days 2 Vegas still alive - New Screens & Details

Gamestar recently posted an interview with Timothy Dwoskin, CEO of Steel Monkeys. The website is in russian, so the google translation isn't very good. If you want to read the full interview, go to the second link.

Visit the first link however to check all the new screenshots. Some of the ones posted via the first link aren't even located in the Gamestar gallery.

Fishy Fingers5478d ago

Looks alright, I'm rather surprised. I presume these are PC screens as the very last shows "Press E to use object".

Jpinter5478d ago

Yeah. They are PC screens, however according to the interview, the "Steel Engine" allows them to develop the title across all three platforms (PS3, Xbox 360, and PC) seamlessly, similar to CryEngine 3.

The first had to build the engine and debug any kinks. Now I think they are just working on the game and we'll see a lot of fine tuning in the next year. I really hope they can get a publisher I would love to see how expansive and free-roaming all the cities are.

We already know that New York and Las Vegas are two complete cities players can move around in.

Jpinter5478d ago

Look at the difference in character models jacket though between November 08 and the new screenshots:

Image 1 = Nov 08
Image 2 = Sept 09

I did not murder him5478d ago

Looks alright? You've seen pics of a sandbox game that looks better?

Please provide links.

Dellis5478d ago

Kill it with Fire

I remember the hype this got off those CG screens

then we seen actual gameplay from VGE and it looked wack

Dellis5478d ago

Now that I look again, this will probably be

like that horror ATARI game,

it looks just like that.

arakouftaian5478d ago

they are 2 days aways from las vegas LOL

foxtheory5478d ago

But seriously, if at least one part doesn't take place in Vegas, that'll be a little wierd...

Jpinter5478d ago

They game takes place over quite a few cities. The whole point is that you are traveling to Vegas cross country.