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HD Remastering Should Be Reserved for Classics

The recent confirmation of Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition brings up a number of serious questions.

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ValKilmer3698d ago
ValKilmer3698d ago

Except that Sleeping Dogs is a bonafide classic.

equal_youth3698d ago

i don't think it can or will benefit from the power of the new consoles maybe a better resolution and steady 60 frames but no better textures or better lightning but this is just me guessing.

cleft53698d ago

I can't speak for anyone else, but I really loved Sleeping Dogs. I wasn't expecting anything going in, but after playing it I fell in love with the game. It was a fun game, with really good characters, voice acting, and a surprisingly good story. Sleeping Dogs was very well done and if this will make it possible for a sequel than I am all for it.

OrangePowerz3698d ago

Did you play the PC version with the high res texture pack? They should be able to port the PC version mostly 1:1 to the PS4 and X1.

NukaCola3698d ago

The terms Reboot, Remake, and Remaster are not properly used anymore. Sometimes it's just a polished port people.

Dasteru3698d ago

Highly praised and classic are not the same. Sleeping Dogs is too new to be a classic. For a game to be considered a classic, it has to be atleast 2 gens old.

marioJP873698d ago

Tell that to naughty dog for the last of us. Possibly the most pointless so called remaster. The game isn't old at all. I say all remasters should start from Xbox/ps2/GameCube generation.

SINISTERGENESIS3698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

Honestly considering anything a classic is nothing but an opinion... I for one believe ( my fave game of all time btw ) is MGS on PS, but I know people who don't like MGS so it wouldn't even be close to a classic for them. It breaks down into categories just like music does, there's mainstream and there's underground etc. hell I mean there's people who are on the GOW article saying it sucks blah blah blah but to me I'm like you must be out yo damn mind if you think GOW sucks ( Kratos should rip their head from their shoulders lol ).

Another factor that also plays into it is the non backwards compatibility issue for people like myself that traded their PS3 for a PS4. Not everybody has the money to keep all their systems or people just might not like to keep their old systems, who knows. Like I said though it's all opinion and in mine they should've made the consoles backwards compatible ( BTW I also know the reasons why they didn't ) but hey I can't have my way all the time and that's just life... ;)

BattleAxe3698d ago

The way that things are going this generation, I wouldn't be surprised to see HAZE remastered...

lsujester3698d ago

I'd prefer Fuse reverting back to Overstrike. That looked interesting, Fuse came looking dull, even with the cool weapons.

3698d ago
Dasteru3698d ago


Crytek owns all of Free Rads IPs now.

BattleAxe3698d ago

@ Dasteru

Ok, now that we've got that figured out, you can start sending Crytek e-mails demanding a remaster of Haze.

@ ValKilmer

You contact Insomniac, and take care of things on that end.

Let's reconvene once the two of you have completed your tasks.

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Gotcha53698d ago

Only played Sleeping Dog demo but now having the chance to play the next gen version I'm look forward to it.But want to see classic like Jet Li: Rise to Honor or Chow Yun Fat: Stranglehold with better frame rate and graphics.

vork773698d ago

Sleeping dogs is made to look next gen

mochachino3698d ago

To some people Sleeping Dogs is they're favourite open world game of last gen.

It was actually a great game, and much better than Watchdogs in the story and driving mechanics department.

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Nitrowolf23698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

If there's one game I really want HD Remastered from last gen, it's Red Dead Redemption and Revolver

LAWSON723698d ago

While playing AC4 yesterday I was thinking the same thing.

RedDeadLB3698d ago

Hell yeah, Red Dead Redemption deserves a next-gen release.

-Foxtrot3698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

I honestly don't mind if it's a game which just came out last year, is a classic OR is a highly rated game which people want. Sleeping Dogs however is none of them.

For me I would like to see

Game from Last Year - Puppeteer since not many people got to play that. It went unnoticed in my opinion

Classic - Max Payne and Max Payne 2 because I feel that Max Payne 3 was anything but a MP game and I want some MP goodness

Highly Rated Game - Uncharted trilogy where Drakes Fortune looks good as Uncharted 3.

mikel10153698d ago

The only problem is that those selections are so opinionated that any game could fulfill them.

Highly rated to me could be 80 or above, 90 to another, or 95 to another.

Classic is any game that anyone grew up with, so obviously it's going to vary to pretty much every old game that had any sort of appeal.

Game of last year- Let's remaster Ride to Hell because it came out last year, didn't it? Any game that came out a year before wouldn't be a bad thing to be remastered, right?

-Foxtrot3698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

Highly rated...WHICH people want I said

Classic...everyone can agree on some classic games. Highly rated, sought after ones.

Game from last year would obviously be the good ones, not shitty ones like Ride to Hell.

I think your looking into what I said above too much. Obviously I don't mean any old game willy nilly.

LAWSON723698d ago

That is your opinion my opinion is Sleeping Dogs is a hit from last gen that got overlooked and just like your pick for Puppeteer.

-Foxtrot3698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

Difference is Puppeteer only came out last year the same time as the PS4 came out.

Sleeping Dogs has been out for a while so more people have had the chance to play it.

That's why I chose Puppeteer, that and it did well with it's reception making it a solid choice to get a second shot.

LAWSON723698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

@ foxtrot

It really does not matter. You are simply stating your opinion on what games qualify to get remasters, whether it came out last year or 20 years ago is irrelevant. It all comes down to replaying or finally playing a game on current and relevant hardware something you can't do with Sleeping Dogs. This game gets another chance to get fans and I am for it because the game will have an opportunity to get a sequel and not only that a successful one

Spotie3698d ago

Your opinion is your own, but it routinely sucks. Who are you to decide what games fit those criteria for anyone but yourself?

Maybe you didn't like Sleeping Dogs, but it has something of a cult classic status within the gaming community. Apparently, the demand was high enough to warrant a remaster.

Whether you agree or not is extremely irrelevant.

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SamPao3698d ago

I only came here to say that this title is totaly dumb and I am not going to read this article.

hulk_bash19873698d ago

I love how these people complaining act like it's some how a bad thing for these remastered games to exist. If you're not interested in it then don't buy it, simple as that.

LAWSON723698d ago (Edited 3698d ago )

People like to think these remasters take away too much resources and is the reason why all these big games take so long to make. They don't want to accept these big ambitious projects take a lot of time to make, devs and publishers have to keep their IPs alive and relevant as long as possible and same goes for their name, or else these big new sequels may not be the big success they were hoping for.

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Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition Receives New Rating

Rating for Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition has seemingly been updated in Australia, leading to many speculations among the community.

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isarai868d ago

Still says it's under SquareEnix 😒 was hoping it would've been u der someone else after their sale of studios and IPs

porkChop868d ago

The sale hasn't gone through yet though. Nothing will change hands until then. Square Enix said they only kept certain franchises like Outriders. It's reasonable to assume anything they didn't name was sold.

smashman98868d ago

Sleeping dogs is a dead ip that square bought separate from eidos. It’s probably fair to assume they didn’t sell it.

Knightofelemia868d ago (Edited 868d ago )

Sale still has to go through and be approved it doesn't just happen over night like buying a used car. Also depends what franchises Square included in the sale along with the studios as well if Sleeping Dogs is still owned by SquareEnix then they will label it as such. Also if they have prior commitments then they also have to honor that as well. Then after that commitment is fulfilled after a while then that said franchise the new owner can do anything they want with it. Like Microsoft had to honor the exclusive games Bethesda made for the PS5 or else they would be forced to pay out those contracts. After those contracts are full filled a game like Deathloop will most likely appear on Xbox. Microsoft after that can do what ever they want with the game.

SinisterMister868d ago

Cut Isarai some slack. A Sleeping Dogs sequel can be handled by a better publisher than Square in these recent times. Let's just hope it doesn't stay that way.

ABizzel1868d ago

An underrated game, definitely worth a sequel.

868d ago Replies(3)
SinisterMister868d ago (Edited 868d ago )

Certainly agree with that.

rpvenom867d ago

I've been saying this for years. We need a sequel.. I would even love it if they did a remake from the people who made Sifu. Or if the two studios joined forces to make a sequel.. that'd be epic!

868d ago
868d ago
Profchaos868d ago (Edited 868d ago )

The Australian classification office will occasionally go back and look at old prices of media if they receive a complaint. So it could have been as simple as a parent complained about the rating as R18 was not an available video game rating when the game originally launched.

I'm not going to get my hopes up I've seen enough leaked internal memos as to why true crime and later sleeping dogs was considered a fail also square won't greenlight a game unless it will sell call of duty numbers

SinisterMister868d ago

Interesting point, but what are your sources regarding seeing Sleeping Dogs as a "fail?" I thought the game did great.

Profchaos868d ago

Here it sold 1.75 million which was below what square wanted. However we all know square is never happy and fails to understand the difference between neiche games and cultural phenomenon titles.

867d ago

True Crime: New York City Is a Hidden Gem Lost to Time

One of the many video games that have faded into obscurity is True Crime: New York City, a title with a lot of heart but not enough support.

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Community994d ago
eXclurel994d ago

My friend and I loved this game. The first one is always is my favorite though.

P_Bomb994d ago

Had it, beat it, regret trading it in.

Abnor_Mal994d ago

I had this game, was fun for the time. Trying to chase down Puffy and JLo in the limo fleeing the club shooting. I'm not really sure if you caught them or it was just a call on the police radio.

Gamer79994d ago

It was good, but wouldn't call it amazing.

992d ago Replies(1)
MetroidFREAK21994d ago

I've loved this game since I got it Christmas 2005. Despite the glitches, I enjoyed it a lot

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Amazon Xbox One Digital Game Sale: Save Up To 85% Off

Daily Video Game writes: "The online retailer Amazon is running several digital titles on sale with big discounts for Xbox One gamers, and they’re offering discounts of up to 85% off of them right now for a limited time."

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