
The Swapper review (PS4, PS3, Vita) | games™

What was a good game on the PC is a great game on the PlayStation – between Claymation visuals that manage to communicate the familiar whilst being unique and a novel singular mechanic that pushes the whole game experience forward, The Swapper is a puzzler that feels engagingly fresh, yet uncannily familiar at the same time.

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Grab the Instant Indie Hits bundle at a stupidly low price right now on Xbox One

Neil writes "We already know that Curve Digital have delivered a huge amount of games to the Xbox One Games Store. Well today they are bundling no less than 10 of those games together - and letting us purchase them for a ridiculously low price."

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SlyBoogie19932601d ago

Fantastic deal, some amazing games in there that'd i'd pay close to the full price for alone


The Instant Indie Hits bundle delivers 10 great Xbox One games at one hugely discounted price

Neil writes "Curve Digital have got a bit of a name for themselves, delivering bundle after bundle to Xbox One gamers, giving us the chance to check out their games with a decent discount attached. Today though, the Instant Indie Hits bundle has arrived - and it's giving us no less than 10 games for an outstanding price."

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oKidUKo2682d ago

An incredible deal really. I'd pay that for Hue on its own!


Curses ’N Chaos and The Swapper limited physical copies available this Friday

Limited Run Games is adding two new titles to their line up, Curses ’N Chaos and The Swapper. Both games will be available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita this Friday.

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