
Tekken 7 announcement leaked, uses Unreal Engine 4

Gematsu: "Looks like the rumor was true. A leaked IGN News video, published by AOL.com Video ahead of tonight’s official announcement, reveals Tekken 7 will be powered by Unreal Engine 4 and launch for current gen consoles.

“With Unreal Engine 4, we can rapidly achieve the visual quality expected on next-gen platforms and go beyond it,” Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada is quoted as saying in the video. “Not only is Unreal Engine 4 powerful and easy to use, but it allows us to easily bring Tekken 7 to any platform we desire.”

Further details were not announced."

Iltapalanyymi3666d ago


you guys have no idea how excited i am.

fardan853666d ago

I think I have an idea, my PS3 gets daily love because of Tekken Tag, Tekken 7 will put my PS3 to sleep & PS4 to serious work.

Eonjay3666d ago

Exact same situation. But I hope 7 has a tag mode...

fardan853666d ago

It's unlikely that we will get a Tag Mode in Tek7. I expect Tek Tag 3 around 2022.
I hope we get a local co-op mode like Tek Force Mode or similar to Tek 6.

Clogmaster3666d ago (Edited 3666d ago )

I hope for a full Tekken Force mode that plays like Urban Reign as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3666d ago
KakashiHotake3666d ago

I feel you. I practically grew up playing Tekken. Still remember staying up late on school nights, me and my dad would be up pass midnight playing Tekken 2. lol

Utalkin2me3666d ago

As long as it is better then Tekken 6.

Shuyin3665d ago

Gameplay-wise Tekken 6 was some of the best within the series. Stages and OST was good too.

The campaign was truly horrible, though.

mcarsehat3666d ago

I hope they go along the tekken tag 2 direction. nostalgia wins all and the old fightrs are better.....and get GON, we like GON.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3665d ago
Majin-vegeta3666d ago

Less juggle combos seriously if you were caught in one it was over.Also bring back T3 Force mode.

Matt6663666d ago

Tekken 3 is my favorite tekken and in my own opinion I also think its the best Tekken

KakashiHotake3666d ago

Tekken 3 was really good but i thought Tekken Tag was the best. It was basically Tekken 3 but with the ability to tag in a partner. That little bit of added depth made a huge difference strategically.

NarooN3666d ago

Yeah, Tekken Tag 1 is still my favorite Tekken ever. Tekken 3 was indeed great though, and Tekken 5/DR were also awesome.

About this announcement, OMFGBBQSAWCE FINALLY!


MWH3666d ago

The only downside is it didn't have Kazuya.

ShinMaster3666d ago

Didn't Tekken 6 have a similar mode?

TomahawkX3666d ago

I just hope it's not cross-gen bs like MKX.

Dark113666d ago

Does it really matter? it fighting game after all
i have no problem with cross-gen fighting games.

TomahawkX3666d ago

yea it does matter, I want them to push the graphics as far as they can and not be held back by the previous gen.

LOGICWINS3666d ago

^^Tekken has never pushed graphics that far anyways. Even if its current gen only, I don't expect it to look like Uncharted. It'll look good, but nothing mind blowing. The focus has always been on gameplay. What I'm hoping for is wear and tear on fighters throughout the match.

Sy_Wolf3666d ago

Actually supporting last gen wouldn't hold graphics back. It's a fighting game so nothing complex is happening and they could just crank up the eye candy on the new hardware and have it play the same on the old hardware.

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante3666d ago

Cross-gen can be done well...Just not by the Mortal Kombat devs. Guilty Gear Xrd is cross-gen but the payoff is being able to link both the PS3 & PS4 community together so they can play online with each other.

Fixay3666d ago

I hope it is cross gen and we will have the ability to play with previous gen players!

The more players the better

ShinMaster3666d ago

The best looking 3D fighter to date is Soul Calibur 5 on PS3/360, followed by DOA5 and Tekken Tag 2/Revolution.

Not even KI on Xbox One looks as good despite the new hardware. So it all depends on the developer.

caseh3665d ago

DOA5 is by far the best looking fighter to date but by no means the best game, I would give that to TTT2.

LackTrue4K3666d ago

Unless they change to Unreal 3 on old gen, I don't think will happen....

Cuz I doubt The Unreal engine 4 can run on old systems

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3665d ago
JCOLE131953666d ago

It's been a while since I've played a Tekken game. I'll keep an eye out!

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garos82284d ago

losers with nothing better to do in their pathetic pointless lives.

Vengeance1138284d ago

A strong case for legal murder. Activist lives don't matter.

Vader82284d ago

'Just Stop Oil' whilst also disrupting commuting, vandalising other people property and just generally being dicks.

gold_drake284d ago (Edited 284d ago )

they remind me of those idiots who glue themselves on streets haha.

Unknown_Gamer5794284d ago

I never understood the logic of that form of protest. If anything, it increases fossil fuel consumption by forcing a lot of vehicles to idle until the road is no longer blocked. I’m all for protesting a cause one believes in, but I would think people would want their form of protest to at least make sense.

gold_drake284d ago

yeh, its quite dangerous too, cause u never know if anyone needs medical attention or not.

TheEnigma313284d ago

When these people get beaten up sometimes, it's always a real treat