
Cutscenes, Konami, Shame, Sessler

This week, Adam is commenting on the bizarre requests made by Konami in regards to early reviews of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
He makes many valid points!

pwnsause5954d ago

he does have many good points, the actual problem is review points getting docked for something minor as this.

LenHart5954d ago

sessler is saying the right thing

go sessler

However most websites will give MGS4 a 9.5 or a 10 or something closer to 10

sonarus5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

Some reviewers are allowed to talk about stuff while others are not. Why do they keep saying the 90min cut scene thing like its fact. In fact Gamepro who is allowed to talk about it already disproved the rumor.

I like how all these game journalists all feel the need to take a stand now lol. The only people that deserve credit for it is EGM...everyone else is just following suit. If you want to review the game badly then do so...but because of cut scene length and install times (which are ON THE BACK OF THE DISC) you want to hold your review back...then that is just a little foolish to me...but whatever. I will continue to smile at all the other whore reviewers looking for hits and feeding MGS4 with 10's

To Sessler's credit, some fair points were made. I feel that if the cut scenes are too long then i guess as reviewers they feel the need to include that in the review. MGS4 is a story driven game. If you are not prepared for a story then it probably isn't for you. Skipping the cut scenes though an option takes away from the fun.

Despite his points though, I still don't see why the game media all of a sudden has this dying urge to reveal the cut scene length. Konami should just remove the NDA and move on. Then they announce it...no one cares and we all move on with our lives

LenHart5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

However cutscenes are what make up most Japanese games

taking off cutscenes which 90% of MGS fans would find to be pleasant is just unacceptable

I dont think we need reviews from 1up and Gamespot. do we? I think KONAMI should freeze the reviews of those sites forever. It is waranteed that those websites would be giving MGS4 a mediocre score so no need for their reviews

********BTW people do give me some bubbles

Omegasyde5954d ago

Well put.

First off Adam Seller "CRIES" about every little thing. Its actually ingrained into his personality. Every review (PS3/360/Wii) he mentions a negative thing in which most people think its not a big deal.

Cut scenes should not be evaluated into a damn score. ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE OPTIONAL. I am not playing fanboy, but I think <EGM etc>. who refuse to obey these guidelines are acting like little kids.

The Install should also not be evaluated into a Score. Is evaluating Installs now in the same boat as graphics, sound, story, and gameplay now?

What's next EGM decides to factor in how you can or can not change contrast levels?

Or Better yet, how there isn't the option of more than 5 save slots?

OR <EGM/ETC> How about the starting difficulty of game?

I am sure they will start demoting game scores now if there is not online multiplayer..... Ridiculous reviewers need to get off their power trips. The gamers and advertisers really created too big of a monster.

Timesplitter145954d ago

LenHart. Are you LionHart from the Gamespot Forums?

Timesplitter145954d ago

Well it's just that LionHart has become some kind of legend over there. He knows absolutely everything about Metal Gear

ATLRoAcH5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

...are actually interesting. I hate to do this but I think everyone missed it so I'm going to bring my comment discussing it over here. I feel like a lot of people missed this in P:ToM. I don't think P:ToM was limited in what they said. P:ToM said some cut scenes reach the 45 minute mark and not 90. Anyway I'm going to copy and paste that comment.

[So? They're not suppose to talk about some things that could spoil something (certainly understandable) and installs. Well P:ToM's review may be excluded from (at least some of) that. That may be what they meant by world exclusive. I don't know. They did mention something about installs. Not much but I'll read and quote for you:

"Surprises begin right from the moment the game starts (after the install process, which also happens before the start of each new act). Just flick around the "channels" and enjoy!".

Thats word for word. It doesn't talk about the "channels" or installs after that, thats it. I don't know if I'm comprehending this right but it seems like it progressively installs the game data as you get further in the game. So if like you're only on act one it won't use as much space as when you get to act two. On the other hand maybe it deletes act one's data and replaces it with act two's. I'm not sure. I'm not saying that this means the data size will be huge or anything. This could be a good thing if it only installs the data you need depending how far in the the game you are. It would just slowly reach the full amount of space the data takes up. I'm sure each act is really long and these installs will be short. Maybe the game only uses a little bit of space at a time so people with really low space don't have to delete things to be able to play the game. Maybe I'm wrong on this altogether. I don't know.

What do you guys think? It doesn't matter to me. This just seemed interesting thats all. I can't wait to play MGS4.]

Maybe they didn't want people to know there is an install before each act (if thats correct I'm not certain). I don't know but this is what I got from it.

Oh, and to let anyone know, the installs and everything can't be that bad because at the end of the review they said "It truly is difficult to find fault. I was too hooked into the storyline to consider the occasionally lengthy cutscenes as a distraction from the real game." and they didn't find fault. No mention of any faults.

jwatt5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

I totally agree with Adam in that by Konami telling reviewers not to mention certain things, it's now getting more attention. I think most hardcore gamers already know about the cutscenes anyway, I mean most reviewers already mentioned that the cut scenes are lengthy I don't think it's a secret.

I just feel like now, reviewers are not going to take it easy on mgs4.
I can see it now "So you going to tell us how to review your game, here's an 8.0 for mgs4 that'll teach ya".

morganfell5954d ago

you have to love this poster:

"Well mr sessler there was no enlightenment. I will say that if the clowns at EGM think it is so important to be able to mention the length of a cutscene then henceforth (hear ye hear ye varlot and all that) henceforth every single review needs to carry a cutscene chart that shows how long the cutscenes are in every game.

Now some will say, it is only important when the cutscenes reach a certain length. Who determines the proper length? Let's see. White beard? No. Robe and throne in the clouds? No. Penchant for haphazard destruction including dropping a roof on some peasants as they grovel through a hymn? No. Everyone gets equal treatment across the board.

In reality I say let these people cry. If they don't like the rules then no soup for you. When they do the work to build a game instead of waiting on someone else to work so they can go into attack mode then they can dictate the rules."

then this good point at the bottom:

"I think what game publishers like Konami are rapidly realizing is that the internet has given a voice to tens of thousands of people who don't necessarily deserve one...and that a few of them work as gaming journalists."

The Lazy One5954d ago

He isn't judging length of cutscenes, and he isn't commenting on install times.

He is talking about the suspicion Konami aroused by publicly disallowing people from mentioning things that have little to no impact on spoiling the game.

You can't honestly tell me that if you saw an article about a non-PS3 publisher doing this that you wouldn't think the same exact things everyone else thinks.

JasonXE5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

viewing the vid objectively knows that unless they're viewing it from the fanboy perspective. aka- hey, he's bashing konami which is indirectly bashing MGS4!! Let me (unknownly to himself) misconstrue what he said or take something out of context to somehow defend my beloved mgs4/ps3 exclusive.

Instead of discussing what he actually said, it's turned into a gaming media is out to get us. Our attention should be about konami limiting reviewers to say certain key points that we should know about.

ikkokucrisis5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

Keep biting the hand that feeds you and you'll starve to death.
A very slow and painful death at that...

Also, when you change the rules EGM, there are consequences that come with that.

harrisk9545954d ago

about the reviews that have been released is that they are all (with the notable exception of Eurogamer) 9s and 10s (more heavily leaning toward the 10s). That means that the reviewers did not detract from their scoring due to the length of the cut scenes. Most actually commented on the unbelievable cinematics that makes MGS more akin to movies than video games. Therefore, if a reviewer wants to detract from a score due to cut scenes in the game, then they are perfectly able to do so and COMMENT IN THE REVIEW that they took points away due to the length of the cut scenes without giving the exact time that these scenes take. They can say something like:

"Although the game is a masterpiece in every respect, we found that the length and number of cut scenes detracted from the experience. We prefer to play our games rather than watch. We are unable to tell you the lengths of the cut scenes at this time, but will update this review after the game's release. Suffice it to say that we were unhappy with this aspect of the game."

(The same thing goes for install times as well.)

But, not one reviewer even came close to this type of statement. They almost universally loved the cutscenes and have made the game one of the highest reviewed games of all time. So, obviously the limitations imposed by Konami (for whatever reason) should have no effect on a reviewers ability to give a review of this game!

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5954d ago
Condoleezza Rice5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

I thought he was interviewing Crecente on the matter.

Anyways,Konami aren't the first nor the last.So get ready for more publishers and reviewers being outed in the not too distant future.

rucky5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

Konami knows how nitpicky these American review sites are about these things. It's either too short or too long, fun multiplayer but singleplayer's an afterthought, too cute, too gory... MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!

LenHart5954d ago

MGS4 is a PS3 game and theres always a tendency for websites like Gamespot/1up/edge and eurogamer to downplay it by giving it mediocre scores

I think the NDA is applicable for GS and 1up. not IGN and other websites

However we dont want 1up/GS reviews . We just dont want them

v1c1ous5954d ago

way to stereotype everyone. for all you know, it was konami of america that did this, with the japan branch having no issue about it.

but go ahead, keep on assuming.

Superfragilistic5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

It's not about MGS4, it's about Konami.

Konami's NDA's have compromised journalistic transparency and may have unfortunately damaged MGS4s rep beyond the hardcore audience that loves it regardless.

As Sessler says NDA's are common practice to ensure that reviewers don't spoil an experience for a player. What isn't common practice, and in his belief a first, is for a company to ask for technical information to be withheld from the consumer that may influence purchasing decisions.

In my view the whole thing is a massive stuff up by Konami and they should've just gone with the standard NDAs in the first place and they wouldn't have had this PR disaster!

sonarus5954d ago (Edited 5954d ago )

Yea because konami is the first publisher to do that right? I bet Rockstar and Microsoft didn't do it.

Konami should let the cut scene length go but game journalists are overreacting big time. The cut scene length and install time should have nothing to do with the score. GTA4 had a whole bunch of cut scenes but no one included it in reviews. Since when did install times start going into reviews? This whole thing is stupid on both sides.

Biggest site overreacting right now would be Gamespot. Haha their comments about being invited to play the game in Japan is the most pathetic piece of garbage i have ever read from them. Gamespot just keeps getting more useless to me

Omegasyde5954d ago

I completely disagree.

Journalistic Integrity? You must be kidding me. Its few and far between especially with Advertizment Revenue from Video games keeping "gaming" sites afloat.

I respect your opinion but "they" must of pulled the wool over your eyes.

The day these sites/mags get completely honest is the day when Ads are no longer included, and biased employees are fired.

The Lazy One5954d ago

I have never heard of any other company disallowing reviewers in such a way. Maybe in pre-launch previews, but I've never heard of it outside of plotline NDAs outside of this occurrence.

I think Sessler actually talked a fair bit about it at the beginning of the video. Kudos for watching with an open mind instead of just seeing "Konami bad" and instantly jumping to "everyone else does it too".

LenHart5954d ago

You never heard companies do that??

But they ended up bribing reviewers

Lets face it.

Those 4 websites --1up/GS/EDGE and EUROGAMER are the only ones whose complaining about cutscenes

No one else is doing so

WE all know the cruel intentions of Gamespot and 1up. They shouldnt be allowed to review MGS4 --as simple as that

We dont want a 7.5 like what Ratchet got from GS / 7.5 for Motorstorm which was given by 1up .

GS and 1up shouldnt be allowed to review any PS3 game. as simple as that

beavis4play5954d ago

he stated near the beginning- "i want to talk about the ban on talking about the cut-scenes and install of the game, WHICH HAS BEEN FAIRLY CONFIRMED NOW."

"fairly confirmed"????? that's journalistic integrity??? hey, in my book, JI is where they say something based on FACT!!!! not that they're "pretty sure" or "really think it's true" or some bogus, lame line like that.

all adam sessler did was show the LACK of journalistic integrity in gaming press. nothing against you 'frag, but let me know if you get story of konami, IN FACT, mentioning these spoiler restrictions to include cut-scenes and installs. they don't matter to me, but i'm curious,IF IT'S FACTUALLY TRUE, as to what they're (konami) thinking is.

Bubble and Squeek5954d ago

@ beavis4play

I'll ignore the strawman you contructed.

But, please talk to some journalists before spouting off about a profession that you clearly know little about. Work on you reading [/listening] comprehension as well, for your sake.

Superfragilistic5954d ago


I never mentioned integrity... the word I used was transparency. And as for wool over my eyes well I am "they" so perhaps I pulled it over my own! lol :)


See above first ^. Secondly, the NDA has been confirmed to include restrictions on mentioning technical details including cut-scene lengths and episodic installs by numerous outlets including IGN, Eurogamer, MTV Multiplayer and EGM. Also you would do well to take heed of Bubble & Squeek's advice.


In my industry experience, that of colleagues, MTV Multiplayer, Jeff Gertsmann and Adam Sessler, Konami is the first to restrict discussion of technical details such as cut scene length and installs. The Lazy One shares similar sentiments.

Further I feel you're missing the central point of this whole issue. It's not about the installs and cut scenes affecting the score, it's about allowing reviewer's to disclose such information to consumers who's choice of a game may be influenced by such (watch the video again). It's like saying the violence in Pulp Fiction should affect the score, generally it shouldn't, but it does affect what type of audience will go see it.

@ LenHart

Well I don't have a beef with you, but thankyou for the stark contrast between your attitude and that of your avatar. You're a comedic genius! ;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5954d ago
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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro198d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv72198d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_198d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga198d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt23198d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball2000199d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin199d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole198d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix198d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel1989198d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor198d ago (Edited 198d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

198d ago
Michiel1989198d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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One Last Smoke - The significance of Snake's cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4

An article looking at the symbolic meaning behind the cigarettes in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

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Hideo Kojima laments that Metal Gear Solid 4's digital battlefield 'is no longer science fiction'

Game creator Hideo Kojima is and probably will always be best-known for his creation and stewardship of the Metal Gear series at Konami, which since his departure has been more-or-less on permanent hiatus (don't mention Survive). In his almost three decades these games evolved to the point where they predicted certain problems of the information age (MGS 2), took aim at contemporary topics like Guantanamo Bay (MGS: Ground Zeroes), and ended on a profound sense of sadness about our species' inability to break the cycles of global conflict (MGS V).

It's not clear what sparked this reflection, but Kojima's been thinking about Metal Gear Solid 4, an entry that was (and unfortunately still remains) a PlayStation 3 exclusive. In that entry the player controls an aged Solid Snake in the year 2014, caught up in a civil war being fought between Private Military Companies (PMCs).

Dirty_Lemons509d ago

That was a great fucking game/ movie.

DarXyde509d ago

To this day, it's one of those games where I refuse to skip the cutscenes, no matter how many playthroughs I've done.

But if you ask me...MGS2 was bloody prophetic and has aged like fine wine. That game was blasted as the weakest entry, and yet it's so enduring. I replayed it some time last year and it was remarkable.

sadraiden509d ago

Heed not the lamentations of people that say that MGS2 is bad because of the Snake/Raiden bait and switch. Every MGS game has its own merits, and while most people consider 3 to be the best, they all shine equally in my opinion.

porkChop509d ago


I would generally agree but with the exception of MGSV. It had truly excellent gameplay/combat, but dull and largely empty open world(s), and a narrative that is literally only half finished.

I really wish Kojima hadn't tried to go open world with MGS. It just wasn't right for the series. But I get it. He didn't want to make MG anymore but he wasn't allowed to make anything else. So he had to experiment within that franchise. Still, it was the wrong direction.

Santouryuu508d ago

I have been thinking about this a lot, MGS2 being the weakest and getting blasted.
My conclusion, for some years now, it's my favorite game of the series.
Going from MGS1 to MGS2 was such a big leap, in graphics, mechanics, etc.
And now it's even more relevant for being 'bloody prophetic' as you stated.

Maybe dust of my vita and play it again...

porkChop509d ago

It's a shame we never got a remaster of MGS4. The original game only rendered at 1024x768, and it ran anywhere from like 20fps to 60fps depending on the area. A remaster could have very easily cleaned up the visuals and performance. It's such a great game. I just want to play it again but in its best possible state.

MIDGETonSTILTS17509d ago

I agree, but they did all sorts of tricks to make use of the ps3’s cell processor….they’d probably have to rebuild the game in order to make it run on another machine. And, if that involves remaking those cutscenes somehow, then itll never happen, unfortunately.

porkChop508d ago

Nah. There have been plenty of remasters of PS3 games and they've turned out fine. It can be done.

ANIALATOR136508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

You can get near enough 4k 60 with it on RPCS3 these days

FallenAngel1984508d ago

War... war never changes. Or does it? The war has changed ...did it? The answer is no! Unless it is yes! No, of course it is! Is war! Yes! No! Yes?

PitbullMonster508d ago

Ah a man of culture. Duty calls

cell989509d ago

He was always ahead with this series. MSG1 taught me about the importance of passing on our genes into future generations but in a responsible way, for they are bound to what we experienced in our lifetime. Sons of liberty taught me about global control and simulation runs to test society in a grand scale, the importance and dangers of control of information. MGS3 taught me about patriotism and how that can blind you into doing things you never would have otherwise, all for the sake of politicians who only see you as another pawn in their grand scheme of things. MSG4 taught me war is inevitable and always orchestrated because it's great for the economy. Soon simulation systems will start dictating who goes to war and why, all run through proxies. Privatization of military company are already here. We already started to see how a small group of elites dictates everything that happens. Nothing is done, nothing happens without strings being pulled.

Eidolon509d ago

You learned all this from MGS?

RNTody509d ago

All that was literally the themes and core story of each game, so not surprising he learned that from MGS. Metal Gear Solid 2 in particular is so relevant today, it was more than a decade ahead of its time and a work of genius. Kojima saw what the digital future was going to become when it was in its infancy. Even MGS 5 despite being unfinished and less of a traditional Metal Gear Solid game with regards to story, had a fair bit to say about language and control over it that is relevant today.

It's a highly acclaimed series for a reason, and one of my favourite.

Eidolon509d ago

I've watched my brother play the MGS games, but I only beat MGS1 myself on the PSP in 2014, and MGSV in 2016. I took the themes and plots as lore, tbh.. trying to piece together the story of MGS rather than relating them to our current times.

RNTody509d ago

It's definitely social commentary, Eidolon. You should read the "themes and analysis" section of the Wikipedia page for MGS2: Sons of Liberty for a start! Game was heavy on this.

Eidolon509d ago

I'll take a look, thanks. Actually might pick up MGS2 again (PS Vita), It's been years since I last played. Might start a new game tbh.

sadraiden509d ago

MGS2 literally predicted digital manipulation of information that we see today all the way back in 2001. MGS2 became Zucc's playbook.

Knushwood Butt509d ago

MGS taught me not to pee my pants.

cell989508d ago

Yes back in 1998 when I was 13. Throughout the years more information has been shown on this subject matters, but go back to early 2000s and information wasn't as prominent. Kojima was ahead of the game

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 508d ago
MaxiPower90509d ago

He was on the ball about many things. A true visionary.

sadraiden509d ago

If it wasn't for the retconning of how FOXDIE works, including clunky scenes with Naomi and Liquid, MGS4 would be a perfect game. There are so many gameplay options. It felt like us PS3 owners got something truly unique and special.

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