
Why you should be Looking Forward to Playing EverQuest Next

If there's one mmorpg that many gamers have fond memories of, it's the original EverQuest. This was the online game that many of us older players cut our teeth on, and it's a testament to the game that it's still being played fifteen years after it first launched. This is why so many gamers are chomping at the bit for the eventual launch of EverQuest Next.

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SwamiOnTheMountain3669d ago

This should probably be titled, "Why I am looking forward to playing Everquest Next." It certainly doesn't apply to most players.


10 MMOs That Died And Left Us Feeling Empty

Let nostalgia take you back to the lands you once roamed until they were cruelly taken offline and away from us. MMOGames list the top 10 MMOs that died and left us with a hole in our hearts.

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Casepbx2915d ago

I still miss City of Heroes.

2915d ago
PurpHerbison2915d ago

I agree when it comes to The Sims Online. That game was really fun and nothing has even come close to it. I still crave a new Sims with online multiplayer. Blows my mind they haven't done anything like that since The Sims Online or even The Sims Bustin' Out on PS2.


The Lesson Behind the Fall of Everquest Next

EverQuest Next was cancelled last month almost as an afterthought in a blog post by Daybreak president Russell Shanks, to the surprise of no-one. What is surprising, however, is the strange malaise that led to it and the hopeful solution.

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Top 5 Best PS4 Games You Will Never Get To Play (Best Cancelled PS4 Games)

The PS4 is still a very young, and yet very successful home console. Despite the fact that the PS4 is so young, we have seen many great titles already get cancelled for the ever popular Playstation 4. In this video The VitaBoys count down the five greatest PS4 games that you unfortunately will never get to play.

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