
‘Evolve’ on betas: There’s a lot to learn for any online game

When Examiner sat down to talk with 2K Executive Producer Denby Grace about Evolve, we asked him if he thought Turtle Rock Studios' project could benefit from such a beta, especially with the amount of emphasis placed on multiplayer.

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fenome3675d ago

Kind of a strange article, I came on here hoping for the possibility of an Evolve beta, but all we got was:

"We haven’t announced any plans for a beta at this time," Grace replies. "There’s a lot to learn through betas. I think Destiny is doing one right now and Titanfall’s was great for them, but I think there’s a lot to learn for any game that has a considerable online component."

But before we even go to the main point the author kind of bashed on the Destiny beta for no reason, saying things like:

"Bungie has been holding that juicy morsel in front of gamer's faces for well over a year, prompting them to pre-order the title if they want access. While many have, the beta has been delayed time and time again with fans clamoring to get hands on."


"However, fans shouldn't expect to play anything other than the yet to be discussed competitive multiplayer as the developers have confirmed that E3 attendees will be only be able to experience that facet of the title."

First off, the Destiny beta was never delayed, they never even gave a release date for it. It leaked that it was going to be in July and they later confirmed it, but no exact dates were ever revealed and it hasn't been delayed. Plus, they haven't gone into specifics on what the beta will entail other than it won't contain story elements or 'spoilers'. Yes, the competitive multiplayer will play a part in it, it's a server stress test after all, but we don't know if that's the only thing that's going to be available it's all speculation at this point. There are other online group activities like public events that might play a part as well. We'll just have to wait and see...


Evolve or Die: The final days of the follow-up to Left 4 Dead

Back in 2016, Turtle Rock announced that support for its 4v1 monster-hunting shooter Evolve would end but fans wouldn't let it die.


‘Evolve: Stage 2’ is back from the dead as peer-to-peer servers come back online

From NME: "Evolve: Stage 2 had its multiplayer servers shut down back in 2018, but today players are once again able to matchmake and join peer-to-peer multiplayer games.

Several months ago, peer-to-peer functionality was lost for Evolve Legacy, which was the only way fans of the series could play with friends. Upon a multitude of players reaching out to publisher 2K, the issue was eventually fixed earlier in July. It seems 2K have gone a step further now, and reinstated peer-to-peer and matchmaking functionality for Evolve: Stage 2 after four years."

MIDGETonSTILTS17693d ago

^^this, I have so many awesome skins on Xbox that I’d rather not lose

Germaximus693d ago

Yes so far because it's just the servers alone coming on and the console version never had the free-to-play update.

I imagine if they find people playing the PC version and enough players are enjoying it then they'd probably reconsider opening console as well but I wouldn't count on it.

The game was epic as a monster. Hunters were really boring to play as to me.

LordoftheCritics693d ago

I used to play this a bit.

Was kinda fun.


Evolve or Die

Evolve is an asymmetrical multiplayer experience born at the tail-end of the wrong era, in the multiplayer world.

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Highrevz1162d ago

Great idea but poorly executed and destined to fail from the begging. Only thing I’m grateful towards this game is that it’s the one that convinced me to never buy a game blind again.

Shadowrun for the Xbox 360/PC would of been a better example of a great online game that launched At the wrong time.

Livingthedream1162d ago

Shadow Run was fantastic! Would probably do alot better now.

DaveZero1162d ago

Is this a new evolve game??