
10 Games With Achievements & Trophies You Won't Get This Lifetime

Joe Y writes: With server closures, glitches, and broken patches, many games have unobtainable achievements and trophies. Here are the top 10 you can't 100% anymore.

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darthv722066d ago

"It sounds simple enough, but due to the expiration of licenses, one of the four songs, Promised Land by Vesuvius, is no longer available to download. If you previously had it downloaded, it will *not* be taken away, so you'll still be able to grab this one."

Well damn it. I really dig that song from The Rocker and I did not know it was in RB3. I stopped playing after RB2.

franwex2066d ago

Online achievement/trophies are dumb. I’m not sure why they still include them. I recall the modern warfare games were applauded for not including them.
Unless the game is an online only game because what choice is there at that point.

Skankinruby2066d ago

Uhm trophies are fantastic, they give you real reason to keep playing a game after you beat it

Christopher2066d ago

If you need trophies to keep playing a game after you beat it, then is the game worth playing any further? It's imaginary points, not better gaming. Good games will be replayed regardless of imaginary points.

Skankinruby2066d ago

That logic makes zero sense. It's most definitely 'worth playing further' as you go and do things you clearly didn't do the first time....hence why do didn't get the TROPHY. It's not about better/worse gaming, it's about a replay of a game feeling fresh and not redundant.

2pacalypsenow2066d ago

"Online achievement/trophies are dumb"

Christopher2066d ago

***It's most definitely 'worth playing further' as you go and do things you clearly didn't do the first time....hence why do didn't get the TROPHY.***

If you need a trophy to do something and not the fact that you enjoy it, is the game actually worth playing? Seriously, how is that a foreign concept? How is that nonsensical? I guess it's nonsense to someone who plays for trophies, but that's about all you're playing for when you promote the reason for doing more to just get trophies and not because you enjoy it.

mkis0072066d ago


In fairness sony did have that gold trophy auction for all those commercial props.

Would have loved to have enough trophies for that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2066d ago
agnosticgamer2065d ago (Edited 2065d ago )

Pretty ignorant statement to have... there are lots of fun achievements/trophies to be had playing online... I've never played through the single-player campaign in any COD... but had lots of fun playing online... Companies have to be sure to cater to all gamers when it comes to achievements/trophies... a good mix is never a bad thing...

franwex2065d ago

...except if you want to play a game online a couple of years later and not being able to, hence from getting all the trophies.
I’m not obsessed with getting every achievement/trophy but if I like the game I may try to. I’m simply being punished for not discovering the game earlier.

agnosticgamer2065d ago

Most games... minus complete failures last much...much longer online than I believe you are giving credit for...

OneEyedSteve2066d ago (Edited 2066d ago )

Half of these are false .. The Evolve one can still unlocked... Ghostbusters is only unachievable on PS3 its still online on 360.. Destiny 2 one is only unobtainable for a while as said by bungie... GTAV one can still be unlocked too in a private game. And the Black Ops 3 one can still be unlocked using a few different methods. Guy who wrote this is clueless.

Majors2066d ago

When a games server goes offline then they should allow users to create their own p2p servers to keep these games active. They should also unlock or delete the trophies from any list to those who havent got them.

darthv722066d ago

I can think of a few honorable mentions. there is one for smartglass seeing as smartglass is now defunct. there is also ones for 1v100 and dorito crash course 2 since both of those games are also defunct.

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Destiny 2 Cheat Maker Asking for New Trial, Claims Bungie Failed to Prove They Copied Source Code

Destiny 2 cheat maker Aimjunkies is seeking a new trial against Bungie claiming the studio never actually checked their cheat's source code.

jjb198111d ago

It amazes me how they don't see what they're doing as completely wrong regardless of source code not being copied.

thorstein11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I'd love to see them brought up on destruction of property charges... for each and every player affected by their cheats.

And the arrogance to just act like they're not doing anything wrong is insane.

Seraphim11d ago (Edited 11d ago )

just because something is wrong doesn't make it illegal. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with the cheat maker, but if what they are doing isn't "illegal" then the courts may have gotten it wrong. Furthermore, if it is not illegal then good old Government needs to implement laws to protect software companies from exploiters such as this. Again, being wrong isn't necessarily illegal and legality is all that matters in a court of law, or at least it used to.

jjb198111d ago

I get what you're saying. There should be laws against that especially I'm spending money in the interest of fair play and the mechanics are being manipulated by an outside source.

thorstein8d ago

It's a civil case not a criminal one.

10d ago
EternalTitan10d ago

What do you mean?
They made something that gamers download it makes game experience better.

jjb198110d ago

I'm sure it does. It might make it fun for you but it doesn't make you better. At the same time, it's not fun for those that actually try to be good at the game. I bet you pirate Switch games. 🤡

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