
Halo 5 boss condemns industry "insiders" - embargo breaking could "get someone fired"

Halo franchise development director Frank O'Connor has a bone to pick with the internet's healthy population of self-styled "insiders", including the infamous/venerated CBOAT

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XiSasukeUchiha3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Damn, shots just got fired( Pistol reloading) Bang, bang!!!

Edit: I mean these Insiders and how they know so much about the games, and how Insiders are just not scum in that way but a total nuisance in the gaming for people who want to get hyped over E3, or Gamescon, or any game based shows! John O'Connor basically dissed and hated these insiders, but still the response was un called for so I'm sorry for that!

raWfodog3720d ago

Whoever is leaking the information to the 'insiders' is the one who is really at fault. It's been proven that the only way to keep a secret is to not tell ANYONE.

4Sh0w3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

raWfodog, Yes that's true but the problem is there is no way in hell one man can make a title as big as Halo 5. So in this business there is no such thing as NOT TELLING ANYONE= NO SECRETS only NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS. I mean most AAA games require a massive team of individuals to put together, then those individuals must interact with outside industry professionals for things as simple licensing game engines like Unreal 4, or advertising deals on Amazon or just making reservations for future planned events, etc, etc, etc I mean the list is endless who might end up inadvertently revealing "secret" info, plus obviously those both inhouse and outside partners that have non disclosure agreements who intentionally leak info. Personally I think anybody who signs a NDA and leaks the info anyway lacks character.

I think O'Connor is correct MOST OF THE TIME these leaks actually do more harm than good in regards to the game itself. Think about if you were a dev and you already have massive pressure to make worthy sequel for a popular IP and someone outside of the core team in the advertising department leaks info you gave them only so that they could use it as a placeholder for an commercial negotiation? Now you're scrambling to put out a fire because the early pre-Alpha footage is online and everybody is screaming the graphics aren't good enough? Instead of people like O'Connor staying focused on his dev team he has to tell every media outlet that is not even close to final gameplay. Yeah as much as I enjoy the innocent leak of a obvious game in dev in the background of a interview, the big leaks, the ones where its just to be "FIRST" don't help developers or the game.

alexkoepp3720d ago



Volkama3719d ago (Edited 3719d ago )

Imagine how well these leaks go down with the publisher that maticulously plans the marketing campaign.

We all know a successful marketing campaign hugely influences the commercial success of a game. The controlled release of information can be a big part of that.

And as Frank says, there really isn't any benefit to us. People crave and seek out new information, but properly delivered information generates more enthusiasm imo, and enthusiasm is part of the fun tht goes with the hobby.

randomass1713719d ago

@Volkama This. Imagine if an unfinished build of a game gets leaked (say an early Alpha of Halo 5 for example) and it looks lousy. That could hurt sales of the game.

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christocolus3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Huh? Shots fired? Bang bang?.Lmao..sasuke what does that even have to do with the article?I bet you didn't even read it. Lol

OT: I do agree with frank. it kills the excitement and people could actually get fired as a result of leaks. These insiders do not care about the devs or how much effort they put into these games. all they care about is the praise and attention they get from leaking info.

dantesparda3720d ago

Oh please, so you're saying that you prefer the silence from the industry to the excitement of industry insiders (whether they be right or wrong). The only reason why, you have 23 agrees is because of all the other MS fanboys, who all walk in lockstep are agreeing with you. But had this been a Sony developer you'd all be singing a different tune. I say let the leaks continue. Im tired of the industrys secrecy. Afterall, this is just video games we are talking about here, not National Security Secrets. You people are ridiculous.

Johnny Jiron3720d ago


I do miss the surprise factor that comes from a well prepared announcement. A lot of that is lost nowadays with the "we need to know it all and now" mindset. Some of the fun has been zapped out of the gaming industry in place of petty squabbles and demands for information, info that will be used as ammunition.

I don't really mind leaks and such, but it did come with a bit of a downside.

christocolus3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )


“he only reason why, you have 23 agrees is because of all the other MS fanboys, who all walk in lockstep are agreeing with you. ”

Wth? So I agree with the dev and you come up with that BS? What is wrong with you guys and your way of thinking? calling names?why is your type so naïve? Its not all about fanboy wars ok? Grow up.leaks hurt the developers and in some cases they loose they jobs.did you even read the article? ...Damn you guys are weird

Volkama3719d ago

And it isn't like getting the dry information early gets the game in your hands any sooner. Seeking info is almost a sub-hobby for the gaming enthusiast though.

I know leaks can be innaccurate, I know they come without the song and dance of a planned announcement, and I know they don't equate to any gaming fun at all. But I read them because I have this perverse need to absorb information on gaming. As does everyone here.

ger23963719d ago

Its the information age, nothing can be kept secret. Unfortunately its the new reality, there will always be leaks.

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Buff10443720d ago

It does take much of fun out of announcements these days.

randomass1713719d ago

It's a heck of a lot more fun to engage in reveals when they're supposed to be unveiled. Look at all the Smash Bros. reaction videos on YouTube, particularly the Mega Man related parts.

DJustinUNCHAIND3720d ago

Would someone get this man a job...somewhere?

MegaRay3720d ago

There's blenty of jobs in konoha, he just refuse to get back dammit.

(konoha is naruto's homeland if I recall correctly :D)

saladthieves3720d ago

Wait what?? No Naruto references? Damn it, I shouldn't have said it. Now we're going to get them!

ITPython3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Just imagine if somebody leaked Microsoft's E3 2013 conference of the XB1 reveal several weeks to a month early. The internet could have exploded with rage about always on DRM forced Kinect before the reveal, and MS could have changed their tune and got rid of those requirements before it bit them in the ass. If that happened, the XB1 would have a heck of a lot more support than it does now, rather than being the laughingstock of the next-gen consoles and MS coming off as spineless, undecided and unfocused.

Also imagine if the Sony's E3 was leaked, MS could have gotten the specs of the PS4 then made some quick changes to the XB1 so that the consoles weren't so distant in terms of hardware power.

Leaks = Good. Because the earlier information is known, the earlier things can get fixed if something is wrong.

N4Flamers3720d ago

I sort of agree with you. The information was leaked but ms thought everyone would just follow along blindly. Hell people started accusing sony of having the same drm because they thought that was where the industry was headed.

While I do like some leaks if sony's e3 conference finale would have been leaked the impact would have been lessened. I mean it was that anticipation of not knowing if they were going to do drm that gave that reveal all that power.

randomass1713719d ago

The thing is the information about the DRM was never presented at last year's E3 and I honestly don't believe it was ever planned to be. That information seeped out little by little, a lot of which came from Mattrick and people who worked on Xbox at the time.

Christopher3719d ago

Double edged sword.

If publishers and developers weren't so greedy with their news, then people would look to find and share the info they could.

Try getting any useful information from a developer and they'll just throw softball answers that don't answer anything at all and are as vague as can be.

We live in a time where game journalists just recant whatever they're told and the publishers have complete control over the news. That's not journalism, that's having more than one press release source.

Journalism requires investigation into various topics and involves having protected sources. This is what we should be allowed to do.

On the other hand, yeah, most "insiders" are just people who want to make a name for themselves rather than actual provide worthwhile and relevant news that most of us couldn't have guessed would happen.

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NYC_Gamer3720d ago

The people inside of the company are the ones to blame for leaked info being released

Charybdis3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Agree, that's why those companies let employees sign confidentiality agreements.

AKissFromDaddy3720d ago

That's just a piece of paper.

Charybdis3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Every contract and law is just a piece of paper until it's signed.

AKissFromDaddy3719d ago (Edited 3719d ago )

This piece of paper is a promise of silence, which can't be proven that the person will or won't be.

Other contracts are safety nets or guarantees of specific things at a specific time or circumstance.

Confidentiality agreements only hope that a law suit from being caught after signing it will be a deterrent. It's obviously not.

Without stalking everyone, it's impossible to prove anyone is leaking.

Confidentiality agreements are equivalent to a wink & a hand shake.

Its only promise is a lawsuit if caught.

A good contract agreement, for leaks, would be appealing bonuses if everyone doesn't leak, together. That's my opinion.

randomass1713719d ago

@AKissFromDaddy Not that it happens often, but when you put stuff like that in writing and you break it anyway, you're liable for a lawsuit.

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miyamoto3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

maybe that is how they make the extra bucks?

but this is why a certain gaming company needs to be honest and transparent to the public instead of hiding the truth.

kristinajade073720d ago

I like this game very much but when Play its adult version....I was amazed from the graphix of that game Halo 5 "Adult version".

Cobberwebb3720d ago

He said: Very Halo amazed play Graphix adult cum shot but.
What's not to understand.

thereapersson3720d ago

Reported for "Bad Language", kristinajade07!

majiebeast3720d ago

Leaks wouldn't happen if game companies weren't so secretive about everything and gave regular updates on the games they are working on. You know there is something messed up when Ubisoft doesn't want to say who directs Far Cry 4 and instead it has to be leaked.

Hell i wish somebody would post a giant leak bout The Last Guardian, just so we know once and for all what's up with that game.

Dont be so secretive and nobody would pay much attention to all these "insiders".

Fireseed3720d ago

Yeah because clearly showing a game in development went SO WELL for Watch Dogs at E3 2012. Devs cant show things in progress because if a few elements don't make the cut because of whatever reason (like for instance the PS4 and X1 aren't powerful enough to play what was shown). People become whiny little brats and sour the excitement built up for a game.

majiebeast3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Yeah and who was to blame for Watch Dogs 2012 Ubisoft, because they used some bullshit target render while saying it was real life gameplay. Dont say its gameplay when its clearly a target render. Just to find out 1 year later the game looks significantly worse. Watch Dogs now doesnt even look as good as E3 2013.

So what excuse is there that the pc version doesn't even look as good as the E3 2012 trailer?

What gamers did was call Ubisoft out on their bullshit, and it isnt the first time Ubisoft tries to use a target render as gameplay showcase.

Charybdis3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

Not divulging certain information can be due to:
-time money, due to need for additional investments in marketing especially for large games;
-personal reasons,don't like or want to have attention of gamers/-media as a director of a new game;
-legal aspects;
-due to that things can change;
-too many updates can easily ruin the story of games.
Finally leaking information ,too early, can have real world effects on competitors and shareholders.

randomass1713719d ago

If you want to talk about a game being hurt by leaks, look no further than the latest Donkey Kong game.

hello123720d ago

To be honest, i'm not against insiders. Its better to know a game is good than find out the hard way.

The problem with insiders though is, they claim everything is true, and when they end up being wrong, they don't apologise to people. They just release the next rumour. Its very damaging.

Sony seems to have all the insiders and most of them are just spewing nonsense anyway.

Look what happened to Pete Dowd and Cboat. Neogaf no longer worships them anymore, proven wrong too many times.

Thuway is still hanging in there, but he's another loser, spreading false rumours about the xb1

Ntkml and Sinobi seem to me to know things and are the real deal.

NYC_Gamer3720d ago (Edited 3720d ago )

It's journalist fault for taking every piece of so called leaked info and creating an article..

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3720d ago

Yea Shinobi is the only true insider that I'm aware of. And the Ntkml guy I haven't heard from him since the big XB1 leak.

cyguration3720d ago

That's because Microsoft ate that Ntkml guy. He's probably in that pit Bane threw Bruce Wayne in TDKR.

otakukidd3720d ago

Yeah... Ntknl was a controlled leak , thurway doesn't talk about xbox much , and cboat was wrong twice. Majority of the stuff he said was correct including the recent halo name.

Kayant3720d ago

Basically this. The amount of times these people have reported so called insider info when it's just their opinion is ridiculous.

"Sony seems to have all the insiders and most of them are just spewing nonsense anyway." - They really don't if you look at things closely. They have teasers (Demonite, Gopher D). I do agree the one especially thuway and tidux now spew a bunch of nonsense mainly for attention but they have nothing to do with sony like you're insinuating.

"Look what happened to Pete Dowd and Cboat. Neogaf no longer worships them anymore, proven wrong too many times" - And they have also been right like recently CBOAT hinting of Halo 5 name with the guardians of the galaxy picture. I don't know why people think insider's must have 100% track record when a lot of the time it's second hand info and things change. i.e Ntkml has been wrong on some things. TF XB1 (which Mort said was scrapped when he leaked), the 2nd tier launch countries and he has been right on others. Sunset overdrive details.

"Thuway is still hanging in there, but he's another loser, spreading false rumours about the xb1" - This I can agree with no one finds out that much info so frequently and he's way too biased to be taken seriously on most things IMO.

OT - I very much agree with Frank O'Connor's stance but like NYC_Gamer said above the one way that account is leaking info in the first place is because someone working at MS, 343 or close by wanted felt the need for the info to be out there before the announcement. So really the question is why do they feel the need to want to leak info to this individuals that are in the public eye in the first place? Because it's not for "internet" fame or attention because they won't be getting it as they are anonymous.

Leaks/rumors are fine no one is forced to believe them or report them if they so choose not to. It's just the nature of things there will always be individuals that will leak info for x reason in every industry.

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Halo Infinite Dev 343 Explains Shop Price Hike, ‘This Isn't Necessarily What Everyone Wants to Hear’

Halo Infinite developer 343 Industries has moved to explain a recent microtransactions price hike following a community backlash.

Jin_Sakai266d ago

You can always count on 343i to make bad decisions.

jznrpg265d ago

Replace 343 with MS and I agree

1Victor265d ago

This smell like passing down the cost of acquisitions down to the consumer at all cost in any way shape or form 🤷🏿

Godmars290265d ago

Given that under best conditions - i.e. no more such spending, it'll take decades, what do you expect?

Hell, they just tried to revoke GP for their employees.

Sonic1881265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

And you can always count on the Xbox fans defending them and the price hike. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Halo Infinite multiplayer

Snookies12263d ago

Yeah, no excuse for this garbage 343i... I haven't played Infinite's multi-player in a long while. Downloaded it again on PC only to find that the PC port is absolutely broken right now with like 3-5 minute load-in times just for the main menu. Now hearing this, I went ahead and uninstalled it lol. Wish they'd stop shooting themselves in the foot with this title.

gold_drake266d ago

so they made several changes how the helmets etc work, however, ive never seen anyone raising prices in a shop due to changes THEY made.

crazyCoconuts266d ago

This is like raising the price on VCR players

XiNatsuDragnel266d ago

343i congratulations yall killing halo mp slowly fr

Gaming4Life1981265d ago

The store price hike is stupid but halo infinite mp is currently at its best. Nobody has to buy the cosmetics as they offer alot of free content.

Crows90265d ago

Fuck that stupid argument. If you pay full price for a game you should get everything the game has to offer.

Last I checked the game released at full price. I know MP is free but then that makes the release highly overpriced.

CobraKai265d ago

It totally was. I got suckered by Halo Infinite. All i got was a data disc and a half assed campaign.

Petebloodyonion265d ago

Does the single-player portion of the game (what ppl bought) offer Microtransaction?
As far I recall the answer is no.
So ppl got what they paid for meaning a complete campaign that is comparable to a lot of AAA games like Resident Evil, Wolfenstein, Doom, Mortal Kombat, etc.

Now regarding the FREE multiplayer part, I agree it's a stupid move that will probably do more harm than good since the game is (despite what several N4G members would like you to believe) in good health, and like Gaming4Life pointed out no one is forcing ppl to buy theses items.

rippermcrip265d ago

Any person who thinks that any game content created and released after launch should be free... go ahead a justify that... I'll be waiting.

I can see the argument for them selling shit immediately at launch, but even still that is weak.

You buy a game knowing exactly what is included when you pay it. You should expect nothing else for free.

CobraKai265d ago

Insomniac released some free costumes for free for Spiderman
Capcom released free next gen upgrades for their Resident Evil games
No Man’s Sky became a new game from all the free DLC
Minecraft has a good amount of free dlc content.
Witcher 3 had some free cosmetics and a mission.
Overwatch has new characters that were free
Arkham Knight had some free costumes and a Batmobile skin

Some people expect free DLC because some companies actually gave free DLC.

jznrpg265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

@Petebloodyonion they were already charging for items and then they raised the prices on top of that. It wasn’t free to begin with and now they want more $$

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 265d ago
Petebloodyonion264d ago

"@Petebloodyonion they were already charging for items and then they raised the prices on top of that. It wasn’t free to begin with and now they want more $$"

And I said that raising the price was a stupid move and even made an earlier post about how it's the best way to antagonize your customers but it still doesn't change the fact that the multiplayer portion of the game is a FREE to Play game.
In this regard, Gaming4life comments stand correct and Crows comments stand wrong since Nobody paid a dime to play the game (the MP part) and no one is forcing you to buy cosmetics.

And again I totally agree with the sentiment and don't defend MS or 343I on this crappy move.

KyRo265d ago

There is absolutely no reason for ever raising the price of cosmetics. They are some of the quickest assets to create but charge silly prices for them. Its greed. There's no other way to spin it no matter what the game is.

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Microsoft says 343 will continue to work on Halo, but other studios may get involved

343 Industries will continue to work on the Halo series going forwards, but other studios may get involved in development, it’s been suggested

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just_looken406d ago (Edited 406d ago )

man what a failure halo wars 2 was the only good thing from this series on xbox one/series

10yr plan new ring that can change over time slipspace engine all gone now halo is another steam game sitting in the background.

Kids/teens today have no clue they halo we grew up with.

If a cod dev gets involved then that will be worse current cod out now is only popular because its the best out of the crap pile. i launched it the other day 4 cash shop popups one unskipable add then 30min trying to find the game through all the mt's.

purple101405d ago (Edited 405d ago )

Your right, i once played Halo Reach, at a LAN party, for 32 hours straight! It was no joke!

(with food breaks, but no sleep) it was so good, I was totally addicted.

Now I'm a PS fan.. ps4 and ps5 have been the best money I ever spent, hands down, in terms of 'fun' & overall 'value'

PhillyDonJawn404d ago

I hated reach couldn't get into it but Halo 3, them all nighters was so much fun. Custom games with a full party was some of the best times I'll remember.

Chevalier404d ago

I remember sitting around and playing hours of Halo 2 daily with my friends just MP match after match for weeks on end. Was an incredible memory to this day.

PhillyDonJawn404d ago

Child please, Halo 5 MP was amazing. Campaign was trash tho.

StitchJones74405d ago

It's good to see that 343 cannot handle the task and are looking to do something. But how many years have gone by where there has not only been nothing to show, but issues. Microsoft is the issue here. And as of just 1mth ago with Refall, it has been proven again. Guess what,,, Phil S is NOT a developer and not does he have any legs to say a damn word about development. Wake up people.

chobit_A5HL3Y405d ago

crazy how indifferent ms is about one of the biggest franchises in gaming. it looks pretty bad when you don't even have a clear plan for your flagship title. ms just has no idea how to make good games anymore.

anast405d ago

They will probably be working on the mobile game.

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Halo Infinite's Hit Registration is Still Completely Broken

Gamers have a bone to pick with 343 Industries, with Halo Infinite's hit registration in online matches remaining completely broken.

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AuraAbjure453d ago

Hit registration broken is one thing. The kill sound, or some people call it a "hit noise" annoying ass bird chirp is what broke the deal for me. They could at least provide an option to turn that squirrel fart noise off in the settings. But no, every single solitary headshot kill *SQUEAK*, *CHIRP*, *BEEP*

anast453d ago

It's time to take it on yonder.

37Anon453d ago

People still playing this lol

BandarHub453d ago

Not having any issues with Dsycn.
This is a connection problem...and the video in question was posted 300 days ago.
Why report on it now?
Gamerant is another one of those BuzzFeed like so called video game publications that hire freelances to create articles in mass without any credible source.
I'm glad buzz feed got shut down because of their slizzle method, can't wait for these types of website to run out of money.

jznrpg453d ago ShowReplies(2)
Hofstaderman452d ago ShowReplies(1)
BandarHub452d ago ShowReplies(1)
Christopher452d ago

How are you going to complain about misinformation when your comment is loaded with misinformation? The video is literally 5 days old. The subreddit post is filled with people joking about it not being desync (gaming chair, not enough rgb, etc.) and people saying how crap desync is. People are clearly still having issues.

Your side rant about specific sites doesn't add to or support your anecdotal opinion or deny the opinions of others who provide actual video proof.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 452d ago
gold_drake453d ago

i find it so weird, that one of the best selling xbox franchises, got this disaster of a game, even the first trailer they showed was nothing more than a complete fail

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