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Galak-Z Lands on PC, PS4, and Vita This Fall

Hardcore Gamer: The game is a top-down arcade style shooter with some modern twists. For one, enemy ships don't simply line up to the slaughter. Instead, they learn to dodge your shots. There are also roguelike elements included to flesh out the experience further.

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Community3819d ago
Mankey3819d ago

Reminds me a bit of Geometry Wars. In a good way.

Gotcha53819d ago

Looks more like Asteroid Deluxe 2014. in a we copied sort of way.

incendy353819d ago

Very excited to play this. The physics controls look so floaty, but I am hoping it is something you get used to quick.

TorpeAlex3819d ago

Well, uh, it's space, soo...

incendy353818d ago

True haha, but still doesn't make it any easier to control.

TitanUp3819d ago

i like the 1980s cartoon stuff they added with the menu and episode like missions. unique compared to a lot of twin stick shooters

Nodoze3818d ago

I will buy a ps4 for this.


What We’re Playing – 20th May 2016

The temperature's rising. The barometer's getting low. According to all sources, a darkened room is the place to go, because video game season is upon us once more! May seems to have been a busy time for video game releases, what with Uncharted 4, Doom, Battleborn and Overwatch all either released, or teetering on the edge of being out. But have the wonderful, charismatic and charming heroes and heroines of Power Up Gaming been playing them? Let's find out.

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mrjam03050d ago

So I hear not everyone's in love with Uncharted...

Owenza3050d ago

I'm glad Naughty Dog have taken a more somber tone with Uncharted 4. There wasn't anything wrong with the previous games, but I always like when situations (and decisions, though Uncharted doesn't have many of those) have weight.

Kuma3049d ago

Uncharted 4 was a 9/10. Destiny TTK is still a 10.


May’s Humble Monthly Bundle Filled With Mad Max, Oddworld, Galak-Z, More

The latest Humble Monthly bundle has come out for May, and within it for subscribers is Mad Max, Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty, Galak-Z, and a notable crop of retro-inspired games, among other things. Whether you like multiplayer dungeon crawlers or point-and-click adventure games, this month's offerings look like another eclectic bunch for everyone.

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SlyDante3064d ago

Coming to PlayStation Plus in March: Broforce, Galak-Z, more

PS Blog:
This month saw the epic return of Vote to Play that gave power to you, the players, to choose the game you wanted to join the monthly games roster. You voted in your masses to support your bros in what could very well be called a MMBRO (massively multi-player bromance).

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Alexious3136d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Geobros3136d ago
ZaWarudo3136d ago

Nothing for me. I still have Super Stardust HD when Sony gave it away after the 2011 hack.

Eonjay3136d ago

I actually wanted both of these games but wanted Assault Android Cactus even more. Guess I got to buy it now. So for me its two games I don't have to pay for now. Thats my logic. I'm satisfied.

nyctophilia133136d ago

Yeah I wanted AAC. Definitely buying it regardless.

nX3136d ago

Both Galak-Z and Broforce are solid titles that I considered purchasing but never really came to it. From my point of view March has a good PS+ lineup.

Hoffmann3136d ago

Loved Skulls of the Shogun by the 17-BIT developer team, which was part of ps+ last year, bet Galak-Z is similar fun.

Dunno about Broforce but seems many people like it

jetlian3136d ago Show
blackblades3136d ago Show
PiperMCFierceson3136d ago

There is a huge sale on ps+; I believe there is no way of satisfying some. I.e. You.

IamTylerDurden13136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

Excited about Broforce.

Galak-Z is phenomenal, one of the best games of 2015, better than Skulls of the Shogun. It's a rogue-lite with real time ship and mech combat. It has a gorgeous Saturday morning cartoon/anime aesthetic with cutscenes and reactive dialogue. The combat is stellar, its has a beautiful hand drawn art style, and the difficulty is addictively challenging.

Super Stardust HD is a win

I'm glad to try Flame Over

I'll play Reality Fighters, as fighters are generally very enjoyable on the VITA.

I'm pleased with this month, Broforce, Galak-Z, and Super Stardust HD are all fantastic games. This can not be denied, even by the most shallow of AAA-heads.

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Mr-Dude3136d ago ShowReplies(4)
Canthar3136d ago ShowReplies(4)
Neonridr3136d ago

BroForce for sure, maybe Galak-Z.

Vita titles are seriously lacking this month though. Reality Fighters might just be one of the dumbest titles I have seen on that system. And Flame Over looks a little bland for my tastes.

PhucSeeker3136d ago

Didn't they say something like "We only add games with 60+ score on metacritic to ps+ library" ? What happened ?

IamTylerDurden13136d ago

Why is Reality Fighters dumb? Bc it has AR? Isn't ms designing a headset around AR? This is an average fighting game with loads of character customization and a platinum trophy. It doesn't redefine the genre, it's not a tight master crafted experience the likes of SFV, but it's a fighter on VITA that you can probably have a few hrs of fun with.

Neonridr3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

average fighting game? I think that is a stretch Tyler.

While Metacritic is only a small sample of a game's true potential it still gives us a pretty good idea if the game is any good or not.

Games that are proven good like MGS V, TLOU, Mario Galaxy, Zelda, GTA etc all have pretty high Metacritic scores. That is no coincidence, they scored high because they are great games.

Reality Fighters clocks in at 54. That is barely passable. Now if you want to tell me that it's a good fighting game outside of the AR elements, I would love to hear why. Maybe even share a link to a review that said that the controls were tight or it was a solid fighting game.

There are a TON of better games they could have given us on Vita. DOA 5+, SF x Tekken (which may have already been a PS+ game), King of Fighters, Mortal Kombat, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom, the list goes on.

And a headset that is built around the ideas of AR vs a fighting game that uses it are terrible comparisons. The world of AR stretches way beyond gaming, in fact gaming would represent a smaller component of what can be accomplished with Hololens. Medicine, Science, Construction, Home Decorating... all huge markets for Hololens to be applied to.

Blastoise3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

I honestly can't remember a worse month. Reality fighters on Vita? That terrible launch game that got critically panned? You spoil me Sony

admiralvic3136d ago

If you think this...

September 2014 - 6 Games
Hoard - PS3 - 9/2/14
Joe Danger - Vita - 9/2/14
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - PS3/Vita - 9/2/14
Sportsfriends - PS4/PS3 - 9/2/14
TxK - Vita - 9/2/14
Velocity 2X - PS4/Vita - 9/2/14
PS4: 2 - PS3: 3 - PS1: 0 - Minis: 0 - PSP: 0 - Vita: 4

is worse than this month, then you're simply out of your mind.

HaveSumNuts3136d ago Show
RedDevils3136d ago

It's seem there lesser games every month we usually have like 3 games now it down to two.

AG66863136d ago

What!? The was a good month... Velocity is a good fun game, PS all stars which was cross buy and another good game... Joe Danger another fun game.

IamTylerDurden13136d ago

Nah, you just have casual taste. Broforce and Galak-Z are phenomenal games, it's undeniable. Super Stardust HD is fantastic, Flame Over is a fun rogue-lite, and The Last Guy was well received by critics. Tbh, Reality Fighters is probably pretty fun to mess around with for a couple hrs on VITA.

I'm sure u panned Nom Nom Galaxy last month, but did you play it? Fun games come in all shapes, my friend.

ebounce883136d ago

Boring garbage not worth the time and energy I put into those f****** Nintendo games

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