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PSM3: BioShock PS3 confirmed

From CVG: The next issue of UK PlayStation mag PSM3 promises a lengthy preview of the PS3 version along with a depth charge of screenshots.

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✔ Fixed
Wrong story type
Should be
add ps3/multi
s8anicslayer5970d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
Wrong story type
Should be
Add it under PS3.
Vip3r5970d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
Wrong story type
Should be
should be in PS3 section not xbox.... obviously.
Fishy Fingers5970d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Fishy Fingers5970d ago (Edited 5970d ago )

Great news for those who missed it first time round :)

Even better than this is that I assume Bioshock 2 will also come to the PS3, probably at the same time as the xbox. Good for everyone.

Condoleezza Rice5970d ago

I think we're going to start seeing a lot of previously Pc only and or Xbox 360 only titles shift onto the Ps3,primarily due to the much larger user install base present right now.

There's a bubbling rumor right now that Cryteks front man will be making an appearance during Sony's E3 presentation,if true then 2008 is looking to truly be the year of the Ps3.

Qbanboi5970d ago (Edited 5970d ago )

Anyone else notice that it says "Xbox 360" where is supposed to say Ps3/Multi, because the news is about Ps3 right? . Mistake or on propose?

Greysturm5970d ago

feeding the fires or simply rubbing it in...

Fishy Fingers5970d ago

Condoleezza Rice

Crytek have had a team working on "secret" PS3 tech for a long time, long before Crysis even released.

E3, would be the perfect time to show what they have accomplished.

gaffyh5970d ago

Already played it, so most likely I won't get the PS3 version, unless there is some extra content and even then it'll probably only be worth a rent. But it is a great game that people should buy if they only have a PS3.

Guitarded5970d ago (Edited 5970d ago )

Ported by EA. Ms. Rice do you have new numbers that show that the PS3 has passed the 360 in install base? I'm sure everyone would be interested in those.

Condoleezza Rice5970d ago (Edited 5970d ago )

Read my post again,and then notice your obvious mistake :)

@Fishy:I've always wondered about that Crytek listing,if it is indeed linked to bringing Crysis over to the Ps3,then I think all we need now is wait for E3 to arrive

Dragonfood5970d ago

Thats great news!!! I missed it first time around because i was busy playing other games. I will gladly pick this up if it has more features. If it is the same though I will more then likely pick it up for the 360 since I am sure it will be cheaper.

Watkins5970d ago (Edited 5970d ago )

Don't know about that ..
I played the PC version, but it was one of few games I didn't finish because I simply didn't like it. It's not many games I have to put down before I complete at least once, but I simply didn't find bioshock all that fun. The gunplay was dull for some reason, and the powers felt forced. "Oh, here's a hole in the wall covered by ice ... Hmm, hmm ... Hmm ..."

sticky doja5970d ago (Edited 5970d ago )

That is to bad, you missed out on one of the most interesting games I have ever played because "the powers felt forced"?

There were very few instances where you were "forced" to use a plasmid other than the very beginnings of the game when they were introducing them, but you wouldn't know that because you obviously didn't get very far.

I guess you also don't like games like Zelda, because you can't get into certain areas until you get new items/spells.

Nevers5970d ago

the chance to take that crazy trip thru Rapture. I thoroughly enjoyed every crazy twist and turn.

Now TakeTwo... wouldja kindly get that sequel up and runnin' for us 8D

5970d ago
dragunrising5970d ago

I'm glad it makes you sleep better at night "finally" knowing with certainty that Bioshock was coming to PS3. Wow, I didn't see that one coming. Who the f-ck cares as long as everyone gets to play a great game. It would seem your more interested in Xbox 360 losing "exclusives" to the PC and (gasp) PS3 than actually playing this game. It is obvious that you have little merit as a gamer. Those who missed out on a great game will be able to play Bioshock now. Will you be playing Bioshock?...I'm not too convinced about that given your delusional comments. Your too interested in posting irrational, biased, dim-witted garbage to make yourself feel better in some small way. Have a great day loser.

justgamez5970d ago

that just told POG the other day "don't worry, I got your back".
I just love when fanboys call others names for being fanboys.
Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Kami5970d ago

I wanted to get my hands on this since day 0ne but my pc dint run it and after i sold my 360 to my bro I haven't touched a 360.nice finally ill be able to play it.

Scrooge5970d ago

I agree with Fishy Fingers. The sony gamers are in for a real treat with this title. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did.

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paul_war5970d ago

All that time ago...

Point 5

5970d ago
ustayclassyn4g5970d ago

i can't believe i never noticed that before the 'big daddy' crap. very good news though:)

Presentist5970d ago

Good day for gamers everywhere.

Honestly, I only have a 360, but I'm buying a PS3 really soon, I don't care about exclusivity at all, but I think that timed exclusivity is the way to go so the developers can build on the lead platform and put as much time into the title as possible.

Unless of course you're Infinity Ward and you can magically build your titles for both consoles without somehow losing any quality...

jessupj5969d ago

I lost the bookmark because I formated my comp, but it was a post from POG, (or some similar 360 fan) and he said....

Bioshock will never ever ever ever come to the ps3. Let me say it again. Bioshock will neeeeeeeeeeeeeeever come to the ps3.

I'm actually laughing quite a lot right now. But hey, great news for everyone :)

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Condoleezza Rice5970d ago

I will gladly trade in my 360 copy if the Ps3 version is indeed updated.

Either way,if true,this is great news for Ps3 owners that didn't get the chance to play this gem!

fenderputty5970d ago

I've not played it yet. I've messed around at my friends house, but haven't played it yet. I will be getting this. Just one more game coming. The Bioshock series will be great in my gaming library.

BubblesDAVERAGE5970d ago

Xbox fans..will be mad at this but its take 2 and the finical problems there going through it was bound to happen....oh yeah MART/POWER OF GREEN you keep w8ing on MGS and Final Fantasy because its not the same thing

tordavis5970d ago

Xbox fans shouldn't be mad. It's a great game and all gamers should have a chance to play it. I still refuse to believe it's coming out and if it is, there's no way it's coming out in September. Unless of course we see a press release in the next few days.

AuToFiRE5970d ago

i agree but you know fanboys

chester5970d ago

soooooo........shouldn't that be last year then?

just kidding. ps3 owners who haven't played this should be buying it day 1.

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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just_looken60d ago

Remember there past attempts at game based show's i do heck i still remember that teenage resident evil trash fire.

anast59d ago

ha. I almost forgot about that.

Jin_Sakai62d ago

Might as well just cancel it.

just_looken60d ago

Unless its batwoman were they right it off

porkChop61d ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake61d ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne61d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo60d ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia61d ago (Edited 61d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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BioShock Team Ramps Up Recruitment with 30 Job Offers

2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up recruitment with 30 job offers on its BioShock team. There's still no word on when the game will launch, though.

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Relientk7783d ago

Cool, maybe we will get BioShock 4 after all, eventually...

TheNamelessOne82d ago

Damn it's been a long time since the last game.

TheColbertinator82d ago

Bioshock needs a big time comeback

DefenderOfDoom282d ago

Actually looking forward to playing "Judas" from.Ken Levines development team .

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Bioshock: A Rapturous Revelation

Hey Poor Player's James Davie Takes Us On A Bio-Shocking Deep Dive Into Irrational Games' Nautical Nightmare.

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