
Turtle Rock discusses Evolve's co-op, lessons learned from Left 4 Dead

Developer Turtle Rock set the zombie genre ablaze when they introduced Left 4 Dead, a game that is unforgiving at its co-operative core. With their new sci-fi co-op Evolve they want to take it a step further.

Going off on your own in L4D meant certain doom, but there wasn't any real 'role' for characters, explains Turtle. With Evolve they've made sure they're unique and not helpless.

"...make sure that your teammates are vital, and make sure it’s easy for your teammates to do what they need to do in order to be successful," say Turtle Rock.

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Chuk53835d ago

People shouldn't sleep on this game. I think it's gonna be a surprise hit.

Dark113835d ago

Yeah i agree i'm keeping my eye on this and Shadow of Mordor.

3835d ago
ABizzel13835d ago

For the love of everything gaming I hope they learned to give split screeners only 1 vote, instead of two.

BX813835d ago

Sleep on it? How could anyone? I'm stoked for this game, destiny and the division... Oh and elder scrolls online.

Ashunderfire863835d ago

Sorry can't help it! I love the idea of facing Godzilla size creatures in First Person.

camel_toad3835d ago

Yeh Counter-Strike and Left 4 Dead on their resume says more than enough for me. Looking forward to Evolve. Worn out on the usual team deathmatch and ctf type modes.

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rayzorn3835d ago

i still play lfd2 on my pc. im not sleeping on this i think it could be a blast.

Blackleg-sanji3835d ago

This comes out this year right?

WeAreLegion3835d ago

Turtle Rock is incredible. I'm so excited to play this!

Shnooze3835d ago

First game in a while that I've been genuinely excited for. I hope it turns out well, and I will definitely be playing it when it releases.

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Evolve or Die: The final days of the follow-up to Left 4 Dead

Back in 2016, Turtle Rock announced that support for its 4v1 monster-hunting shooter Evolve would end but fans wouldn't let it die.


‘Evolve: Stage 2’ is back from the dead as peer-to-peer servers come back online

From NME: "Evolve: Stage 2 had its multiplayer servers shut down back in 2018, but today players are once again able to matchmake and join peer-to-peer multiplayer games.

Several months ago, peer-to-peer functionality was lost for Evolve Legacy, which was the only way fans of the series could play with friends. Upon a multitude of players reaching out to publisher 2K, the issue was eventually fixed earlier in July. It seems 2K have gone a step further now, and reinstated peer-to-peer and matchmaking functionality for Evolve: Stage 2 after four years."

MIDGETonSTILTS17787d ago

^^this, I have so many awesome skins on Xbox that I’d rather not lose

Germaximus787d ago

Yes so far because it's just the servers alone coming on and the console version never had the free-to-play update.

I imagine if they find people playing the PC version and enough players are enjoying it then they'd probably reconsider opening console as well but I wouldn't count on it.

The game was epic as a monster. Hunters were really boring to play as to me.

LordoftheCritics787d ago

I used to play this a bit.

Was kinda fun.


Evolve or Die

Evolve is an asymmetrical multiplayer experience born at the tail-end of the wrong era, in the multiplayer world.

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Highrevz1256d ago

Great idea but poorly executed and destined to fail from the begging. Only thing I’m grateful towards this game is that it’s the one that convinced me to never buy a game blind again.

Shadowrun for the Xbox 360/PC would of been a better example of a great online game that launched At the wrong time.

Livingthedream1256d ago

Shadow Run was fantastic! Would probably do alot better now.

DaveZero1256d ago

Is this a new evolve game??