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John Carmack Advised Sony to Hire Oculus Rift Founder Pre-Kickstarter

VRFocus - Oculus VR's Chief Technology Officer and legendary developer John Carmack has revealed that he once suggested Sony hire Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey. Apparently the developer advised the tech giant to take Luckey on board before the Kickstarter for the Oculus Rift VR headset had launched. Carmack revealed the story shortly after Sony revealed its Project Morpheus VR headset for the PlayStation 4 at GDC 2014.

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Community3842d ago
Nero13143842d ago

Every time I see this guys name I think of doom lol

Pillsbury13842d ago

Sometimes when I see his name I think of the game carmageddon.

Army_of_Darkness3842d ago

So John Carmack, will Sony be DOOMED if they don't take your advice?? ;-P

nirwanda3842d ago

I see the name Palmer Luckey and think of a porn star that will only work alone.

3842d ago
1nsomniac3842d ago

That's pretty funny, it looks like it's completely lost on this audience tho lol

SL1M DADDY3842d ago

Sorry, but is John even relevant these days? Does his opinion even matter?

Mr Tretton3841d ago

He's working on OR. He's very relevant.

incredibleMULK3841d ago

John Carmack hates brussel sprouts.
John Carmack thinks bean dip is healthy.
John Carmack don't play around.
John Carmack thinks Cliffy B looks sexy in his medium shirts.
John Carmack helped produce Jaws 2.
John Carmack cried at the end of pretty woman.
John Carmack goes to supercuts on their training day.
John Carmack only goes to Kmart when the blue light is on.
John Carmack thinks shoes with laces is bullshit.
John Carmack thinks Obama is smart.
John Carmack thinks Rod fergussun is a lumberjack deuschbag.
John Carmack thinks Gears of war are weapons and canteens.
John Carmack wears tube socks because other socks are halfassed.
John Carmack never cuts in line.
John Carmack sucks his farts in when in public.
John Carmack opens bathroom doors with a piece of paper towel.
John Carmack uses his kohl's coupons.
John Carmack thinks Kevin Bacon is the best actor ever.
John Carmack thinks cutting the grass is demeaning for latinos.
John Carmack never throws out his nail clippings.
John Carmack thinks playstation is japanese trash.
John Carmack thinks xbox is chinese trash.
John Carmack thinks Hyundai is a viable option.
John Carmack doesn't think wiping more than 6 times is cost effective.
John Carmack thinks pdiddy is baby food.

madpuppy3841d ago

IDK if your just being funny but, I think that whiner Jaffe and Cliffy "my millions are not enough" B. are way, wayyy more annoying and less relevant that John Carmack.

Ashunderfire863841d ago

John Carmack was this guy when he was young in this leaked video:

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supraking9513842d ago

whatever, John carmack was always anti sony

Anonagrog3842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

Carmack has always been willing to vocalize his thoughts on matters he is well versed in. He will praise where praise is due, and he'll critique in kind too. Why don't you go and look through all of the things Carmack has spoken of over the years and try to pick out moments where he's truly displayed bias? Oh and by the way, it may not seem like it but there really is a difference between a biased critique/praise, and a well-reasoned, rational critique/praise.

The only bias here is that shown in your post.

madpuppy3842d ago

All John Carmack cares about is quality and well thought out design.

weather it comes from Sony, Microsoft or some small startup matters little to him.

awi59513842d ago Show
incredibleMULK3841d ago

thats pansy talk. read my other post.

awi59513841d ago

@ The sony fanboy haters.

John carmack is actually a rocket scientist he sends ^#$%^ into space! Do you think he gives one f^%&* about you're &^$&^$ console wars? He just wants s&%$ to work end of story he doesn't care who makes it. He's way above your sorry, unimportant in the grand scheme of things, fanboy wars. You're so beneath him its just funny. Carmack laughs at your comments as he watches his rockets fly out into space on software he programmed.

Oh yeah, he cares so much about hurting your console of choice lol. Stupid a^&%$ fanboys he should be working for NASA he couldnt care less about what you think. Parents today should take the video games away from some of their kids because they have no sense of perspective or reality. But that's good maybe you deluded fanboys should go into politics allot of deluded a*%&holes in that field you will fit right in.

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MrSwankSinatra3842d ago

And why do you care if he's always been anti sony (which is not true btw)
You think just because you like sony everyone else has to like sony? This isn't nazi Germany people are entitled to their personal preferences just as much as you.

TomahawkX3842d ago

This actually turned out for the best, now we have a mainstream VR solution from Sony and high-end, PC-centric solution from OR.

cyhm31123842d ago

Sony's has a higher definition, how do you call it a higher end to Sony's.

annus3842d ago

The current model of OR is the same as Sony's, you are comparing against the old model.

M-M3842d ago

Are you guys trying to start HMD wars? Really?

Pandamobile3842d ago

Sony's VR is 1080p.

Oculus' Crystal Cove prototype that they unveiled a few months ago is 1080p. There's rumours that suggest that the Rift's consumer version will be 1440p.

When all is said and done, the Rift will likely occupy the enthusiast and mainstream PC VR scenes as well as be great for commercial applications. Resolution is going to be a huge factor in how well VR experiences are perceived. The biggest limiting factor in Sony's VR roadmap is going to be the PS4 itself, as it's going to struggle to handle higher resolutions than 1080p at 60+ FPS.

Are_The_MaDNess3842d ago

and not to mention that it needs 2x1080p for it to be a real VR experience. and 30fps will just be a bad experience in general when it comes to VR

TomahawkX3842d ago

I meant that since it's mainly for PC which can take advantage of use more powerful hardware that's all, didn't mean that the headset itself had better specs. Sorry if it came off that way.

extermin8or3842d ago

To people tslking about orocessing power its mentioned sonys vr hasa "processing unit" I think it comes with a seperate unit that will handle the extra power needed to do 2x1080p at 60fps. And that rest of ps4 will do rest of worj required. Also im guessing as sony have sound and vision areas the sound for one thing should be better thabon OR in the very least.

3842d ago
jamstorr863842d ago

why are people pulling random facts out of thin air? Rift currently has 1080p, and is reportedly aiming for higher when the Consumer version is released. Also rift is suing OLED screen, while it has been reported that Sony's is only using LED. if anything, i would bet that at this moment in time the rift's crustal cove model of the rift will probably perform better.

Shnooze3842d ago

Do your research before commenting.

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darx3842d ago

Mainstream!? VR will never be mainstream. At least not anytime soon.

Pillsbury13842d ago (Edited 3842d ago )

We are ever closer to ps9.

Bathyj3842d ago

A bit strange he waited till today to mention it. And did he advise them to buy Oculus or just give him a job? It sounds a bit like he's just trying to train on their parade.

CBaoth3842d ago

Don't think it's odd at all amigo. While John certainly isn't under the employment of Sony, I'm sure he has friends and contacts there. Why spoil what was clearly their focus of the upcoming he could essentially yell firsties through media?

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Pistol Whip is Alive and Well With VOIDSLAYER Scenes

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Community186d ago
Garethvk186d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta186d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts185d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos185d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts185d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa185d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.