
Resistance 2 vs. Gears of War 2

VideoGamer.com writes: "Before we say anything else, let us say this: we expect both Gears of War 2 and Resistance 2 to be superb games - graphical showcases that will push the Xbox 360 and PS3 respectively to their limits. We will, fingers crossed, love them both to bits. With that out of the way, let us say this: both games are going head to head this November as the next-gen consoles' exclusive flagship titles for the Christmas period. This fact is indisputable. While one is a third-person shooter and the other is a first-person shooter, comparisons are inevitable. And thus, this special edition of VideoGamer.com's Versus series is inevitable. Read on for our head to head comparison of the console war's two biggest weapons in 2008."

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Fishy Fingers5968d ago (Edited 5968d ago )

Comparing games still in development and different genres now huh.

Next week, DM: Forever Vs Alan Wake.

Either way, both will be great, if you have both systems, get both. If you don't, get the one thats on that platform and dont concern yourself with a game you cant even play.

Games strive to be fun, how do you quantify fun? It's all opinion, there is NO right or wrong.

jtucker785968d ago

Both games look excellent.
I'll be getting R2, but that's only because I only own a PS3.
60 player multiplayer looks great, but I want to see some single player footage. I want to see if it can live up to the high quality screenshots released.

BUT if I had a 360 I'd definitely buy GoW2.
The gameplay footage looks amazing. That will be a great game.

Great times ahead for both consoles. Yeehaaaa!

pharmd5968d ago

yeah man i agree.... its pretty ridiculous... i know im gonna play what i want to play, actually BOTH but who cares what someone else thought about them.....

this is gonna heat up fast!

Hellsvacancy5968d ago (Edited 5968d ago )

u mean push the 360 to its limits res2 will only scratch the surface of wot the ps3 will/can do!!! PS3FTW WOOT WOOT WOOT

Sir Ken Kutaragi5968d ago

Is 'Gears of War 2' coming out on the xBox 360 then???
Why did they show it running on the 'N64' then!!! ;-D

@Hellsvacancy Your right;) - 'res2 will only scratch the surface of wot the ps3 will/can do!!!' ;)

5968d ago Replies(15)
christina aguilera5968d ago

why are things always compared like rihanna beyonce burger king mc.

me and britney..

this makes me sad and i will write a hit single about it .

cmrbe5968d ago

Christina and yes you are beautiful.

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Ranking The Gears Of War Games From Worst To Best

The Gears of War series has been a consistent deliverer of quality for Xbox, but which games are the best?

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KicksnSnares823d ago

Gears of War is my favorite video game franchise, and the Locust is my all-time favorite faction.

My rank list:
1. Gears of War 2
2. Gears of War 3
3. Gears of War 1
4. Gears of War 4
5. Gears of War 5
6. Gears of War Judgment (No Locust in multiplayer was a disgrace)

ChasterMies822d ago

Agree 100% with this ranking. The campaign in Gears of War 2 is among the most fun campaigns ever made. It’s been downhill from there.

Zombieburger638822d ago

I’d say gears 2 and 3 are pretty even. I absolutely loved both of them.

darthv72823d ago

2 is still my favorite but 5 is also up there (for me). Then I'd say 1, 3, 4 and Judgement. Tactics isnt the same type of game, so it seems odd to rank it among TPS when its a strategy game. So I make that one all its own. Pretty fun game too.

Jericho1337823d ago

The first is and has always been the best one imo - the story, the levels, the set pieces, the soundtrack - as close to perfect as a campaign can get.

I’d say the series had been on a continual downhill slide until 5.

Om4ever822d ago

Naaaan ... 2 is the best by far

MadLad823d ago


I love the series as a whole, but 4 was pretty by the numbers, and Judgement was just ok.

LoveSpuds823d ago

I played them all since picking up a Series X about 7 months ago. Personally, I don't think time has been kind to the earlier games and they feel very slow and repetitive to play. Whilst the newer games may be prettier, they stick with the original gameplay mechanics too much in my view so as a whole series of titles, I think they are pretty average games.

Not to say they weren't fun and I have a lot of nostalgia for 1 and 2, I just think there are far better action games out there.

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Ranking the Resistance Games From Worst To Best

While it's been on ice for as long as it was around, the Resistance franchise has no shortage of quality.

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Knushwood Butt874d ago

My take:

Single player
3, 2, 1

3, 1, 2

3, 2, 1

I beat the lengthy single player in 1 multiple times and spent hours in the online too. Plus 1 featured my home town! Special mention to the audio design in 1: playing that with surround headphones blew me away.

Note: I have the platinum for Resistance 2.

Eidolon872d ago

Resistance 1 MP will always be my favorite. Call it nostalgia or whatever, but that was my jam, felt more balance, natural.

Miraak82 872d ago

i have the platinium too , 10k kills in online ranked matches was no joke . Took me 3-4 months straight grinding but it was fun . To put it in perspective you only got like 25 kills per match if you were 1st place every match that's at Least 400 matches in 1st

Sciurus_vulgaris874d ago

I only played the 3 main Resistance titles. My ranking would be;
1. Resistance 3
2. Resistance: Fall of Man
3. Resistance 2

GoodGuy09874d ago

Man I loved 3's campaign. Another gem stuck on the ps3 and who knows if insomniac will go back to the franchise.

fr0sty873d ago

Resistance, Warhawk, MAG, Motorstorm, there's so many first party gems on PS3 that Sony has just left to die...

P_Bomb873d ago

Never played Burning Skies but I still have Retribution.

monkey602873d ago

Burning Skies was about 3 hours long and rather inconsequential. You haven't missed anything

porkChop873d ago

Honestly, Burning Skies was shit. There's no two ways about it. At first I thought it looked terrible, then I second guessed myself. Big mistake.

darthv72872d ago

Retribution has this really cool feature where you could use a PS3 to link a controller to it and play. So if you had a 2000 or 3000 hooked to a tv, you can use a real controller. All of this predates the PSP Go's ability to sync a sixaxis to it via bluetooth.

Yui_Suzumiya873d ago

Resistance 3 was shocking and brilliant. Loved it.

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Gears Of War: The Franchise For You

What's the best Gears of War game for players? Where to start? This guide should easily lend a hand.

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Old McGroin956d ago (Edited 956d ago )

It's brilliant but personally liked part one more. It's the only one that had a near horror movie vibe to it in parts, the atmosphere was amazing.

Also, the commercial for it was 🔥🔥🔥


Neonridr956d ago

Mad World was such a perfect song for that trailer. I loved part 1 too just because it was so fresh at the time. The series has been solid, but experiencing everything for the first time was pretty awesome.

ChasterMies956d ago

Gears of War 2 has one of the greatest campaigns of all time. Carmine, all that juice, fighting inside a giant worm, and riding monsters.

Knightofelemia957d ago

Gears 1 and 2 will always be my favorite Gears titles. The scene where Dom find his wife and then has to shoot her was an epic scene.

monkey602956d ago

I always found that scene laughably bad myself. Fantastic game though.

1 will always be my favourite. Most were great with the exception of 4 being okay and judgement being terrible.

They still have the most satisfying headshots from any multiplayer game around.

lucian229956d ago

Nah I laughed, the acting was soooooooooo bad

KicksnSnares957d ago

My favorite Gears game list
1. Gears 2
2. Gears 3
3. Gears 1
4. Gears 4
5. Gears 5
6. Gears Judgement

Gears Of War is my favorite video game franchise. I can’t imagine how Gears 6 will look in UE5 after watching Hellblade 2 gameplay trailer

RetroCaptainSteve957d ago

Or if they remake 2 and 3 with that engine.

KicksnSnares957d ago

There is a rumored Marcus Fenix collection (Gears 2 & 3 remake) in the works at the Coalition. Hopefully, it’s true, but I doubt it.

Profchaos956d ago

For me you can't beat gears 1 the original was so fresh and revolutionary at the time.
Then basically I'd rank it 2,3,5,4 and judgement

Viljong956d ago (Edited 956d ago )

One of the reasons why i got the series x. Been fan since the first game.

myfathersbastard956d ago

Played them all recently on gamepass. Great games. But my favorites gotta be gears tactics. Don’t know why. I just had a blast with it lol

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