
Final Fantasy 15 And Kingdom Hearts 3 Still Rank in The Top 5 of Famitsu’s Most Wanted List

Though they don’t have a release date and we still know next to nothing about their individual plot-lines, Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III are still two of the most wanted games in Japan according to Famitsu’s latest rankings.

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WatDoesTheStarFoxSay3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )

You can pre-order FFXV right now for PS4 for $40 bucks on GoHastings.com. Enter Earlybird in the promo code box and get free shipping too! Don't tell me I never did anything for you. ;)

@sonypsnow: Is there an echo in here?

sonypsnow3798d ago

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III are still two of the most wanted games in Japan according to Famitsu’s latest rankings.

MrSwankSinatra3798d ago

I would do that, but it's a inevitability there will be a collector's edition for FFXV and i'd rather wait for that.

DEATHxTHExKIDx3798d ago

I rlly hope they go all out for it. Soundtrack, artbook, maybe a steel case etc...

DigitalRaptor3798d ago

Thanks, but I'm waiting for the collector's edition.

Certain games call for it, and i've been waiting for this since 2006.

Magicite3797d ago

once one of these two games comes out, Ill immediately buy it along with PS4, no matter what it will cost me!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3797d ago
Agent_hitman3798d ago

It's been already 9 years since this was announced.. Okay like I said, let's give them another 50 years to finish this game.. *disappointing*

ironmonkey3798d ago

Sales will skyrocket when in the future lol it releases.

MegaRay3798d ago (Edited 3798d ago )


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Spenok113d ago

Still the best in the series.


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shinoff2183114d ago

I'd love to but square said fk you to the ps fanbase that wanted these physically. Meanwhile switch got a physical release.

Asplundh114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

I'd buy it for the Switch but a NA copy runs for $800.