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Get Ready For Bioshock On PS3 This September

Reports state that Bioshock is finally set to hit the Sony PS3 this coming September.

The latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) along with other sources have stated that the PS3 version of Bioshock will release this coming September.

The PS3 version of Bioshock wil include all of the previously released downloadable content, as well as improved visuals over the Xbox 360 and PC version.

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can't base a topic on rumors, get facts
gambare5971d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Gaystation 35972d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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power of Green 5972d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Superfragilistic5972d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
kevoncox5972d ago

The Sony fanboys rear their heads for this rumor. Before it was Bioshock sucks. It's just another it's amazing and a day one So sad.

dogseye_deadhorse5972d ago

amazing? day one? i stil;l dont think so really.

but im not a fanboy i spose.

wolfehound225972d ago

I agree that a lot of PS3 fanboys did put this game down. But in the same regard there are quite a few PS3 exclusives that 360 fanboys put down that I am sure if were on the xbox they would be purchasing day one. But I am one PS3 owner that can't wait to play this game. This and Gears where one of the reasons I was thinking of getting a 360. This is great news and if this rumor does come true I will be purchasing day 1.

MisfitSmurf5972d ago

well its just like mgs4 and FF13 >.> when there was rumors about them going to the 360 the fanboys where all over it but when they were denied it went from "omg mgs4 is awesome to that game F**king sucks

Sangria5972d ago

Bioshock is clearly one of the best game of 2007, anyone should agree with that, fanboy or not. I actually never heard any fanboy saying Bioshock is crap or "simply another FPS".

There are games where quality is undeniable, like Okami, Bioshock or Metal Gear Solid.

Diugu5972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

I dont know what the DLC is... if it is nice than I will give it a try.

IF this is true.. which I am a bit skeptical about.

kevoncox5972d ago

Misfitsmurf -
I have Mgs as my 3 2 game of all time but I have almost no interest in MGS4. It looks great but the universe doesn't do it for me anymore. It's gotten too out of hand.

I think there are some fanstic games on ps3. However, i am waiting for it to become more afforable before I splurg on 1. With the US economy in the toliet a 499.00 purchase is a bit tough to swallow.

Qbanboi5972d ago

Well, one lest reason to buy a 360. Damn it, MS you aren't making this easy for me.

gambare5972d ago

now that's what everybody expected from the PS3 versions, and that's a good reason to buy it if you didn't had this title before.

uie4rhig5972d ago

i havent heard any fanboy saying the bioshock sux, coz they can't deny its greatness.. i mean it even won multiple awards.. so i dunno where you get that?

but owell who cares..


while i would love to play this on my ps3, i highly doubt it will come to the ps3.. knowing microsoft they will do ANY thing to keep this exclusive.. and until i hear this from either 2K or Sony.. i refuse to believe this!!

solidt125972d ago

I am a big Sony fan and I never said the game sucks. I bought the game on the 360 when it came out. Quite generalizing people. Some may have said that but not all Sony fans.

jtucker785972d ago

I'm a big Sony Fan too, but I've always respected the XBox 360 games library.
Bioshock is one game I've always wanted for the PS3.
Anyway you XBoys still have Gears 2, which looks fantastic. So I'm still jealous of that.

LastDance5972d ago

Im a sony fan...I never ever knocked bioshock..infact ive never seen anyone on this website knock bioshock.....Maybe some people saying the level design is repetitive but tahts it. Im very excited for this!

kosha5972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

Also when i got the latest issue of psm3 at the back it said top AAA FPS revealed next month. Maybe thats bioshock. Who knows?

If i was a 360 fan i wouldnt be that bothered as you will of already had that game a year and will be playing gears 2 anyway.

m-s-8-25972d ago

You could say im a sony "fanboy", and ill go on record right now saying I still couldnt care less about bioshock, whether on 360, pc or ps3. it could be good, it could be great, whatever. a fps with no multiplayer is at best a rental for me.


lol who would buy this now?

killzone 2
resistance 2 anyone?

its simple: would you buy a game made for the ps3 or would you buy a game made for windows?

m-s-8-25972d ago

Resistance 2 is a definite buy for me. Insomniac has never made a game that ranks less than "GREAT" in my book.

Guerilla has shown me nothing in the past so ill wait for others reactions to KillZone, or my own on a rental since thats all its worth to me at this point in time.

Especially, with the past ports from xbox/pc to ps3, theres like a 75% chance itll suck balls anyways, even over a year later. The only actual good port that i can think of is Oblivion, to be honest.

somethingSQUISHY5972d ago

I don't see how this is any different than the many previous rumors to this same effect, except now there's actually a projected month of release.

Either way, I'm going to be picking up Bioshock at some point in the future. If the PS3 version remains unsubstantiated by the end of the summer, the 360 version will be mine.

Lifendz5972d ago

and very happy. This is one of those games that was gushed over by everyone and it was sorta unfortunate that PS3 owners were left out. Especially since it came out during that horrible 07 game drought (although I played Resistance every day and had a blast). I wonder what price they'll release it at. There are a lot of games out now. Not sure if I'd buy this game at full price. Not when I'll have MGS4, LBP, DMC4, GTAIV, Resistance 2, Motorstorm could go on and on.

JBaby3435972d ago

I'm glad I didn't upgrade my PC to play it. I can just get it on my PS3. Hopefully their code runs well. They've had a while to optimize it. I'm curious to see if the visuals are really upgraded especially over the PC version. DLC included is tight though. Put it all on that Blu-ray.

iHEARTboobs5972d ago

Should be a great game. I never played it on the 360 or PC but i heard it's great so i'll definately look into it when it comes out. Are there any other big games dated for september release?

chaosatom3335972d ago


they have come around to give some love to the ps3.

power of Green 5972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

This is just a media outlet thats gotten a hold of the same recyled rumors floating around how many times do the devs have to say they're not working on a PS3 version?. Aren't they working on BioShock 2 right now?.

I know PS3 fans wan't to believe this due to their own 2008 lineup and to spite the 360 and its fans.

#2.1 the rumor will never die. LOL they said the PS3 version will have better visuals than 360 and even PC lol based on other games it would seem they would have trouble even matching the other version let alone getting better visuals.

power of Green 5972d ago

"Levine responds quite clearly, "I promise you, there is no secret plan about the PS3 that we're keeping from people. There's no PS3 development going on that we're hiding. There's lots of stuff that gets into game code, plans change over time and we got an exclusive deal with Microsoft ... that's not a Rosetta Stone discovery."

"We get that they're trying to be clear, but 2K comes off sounding a bit like our dads. Their official statement on the 2K Games forums was:
"There will be no PS3 version of BioShock. It has been explained time and time again." A bit harsh, no?

They say stop asking and spreading BS bassically and they're so sick of it they no longer respond to the rumor.

What makes you people think they could enhance the PS3 version when devs have trouble even matching the PS3 versions of titles with the 360 and PC versions of games.

Why would they waste their time with a FPS this year when they thought PS3 would have 6 FPS's this year(before the delays)Multi and exlsusives when they're working on Part 2?.

wolfehound225972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

Thats all well in good. All I am saying is this would be awsome. Maybe you should tone down your comments because if this does come true your posts will look pretty bad. I'm not saying its true theres just a lot of hints and rumors pointing towards the release.
Here is a link to the PSM3 statying "the 'Big Daddy of secret AAA shooters' revealed next month", so I guess we all should just wait and see what this is about.

power of Green 5972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

I'm not worried about my posts looking pretty bad my comments are based from 95% multi platfrom games and the words of the devs themselfs vs the link you posted. Its Kevin comments that will pretty bad I'm simply quoting what he said(repeatedly).

I also read they're pretty busy with part 2 as well.

lessthanmarcus5972d ago

At least, the demo did. That's one less exclusive for Microsoft to thrown in our faces

Gaystation 35972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

This story is a duplicate.

Same source. Same lies.

misterssippi5972d ago

the DLC was free on the 360/PC version

Enigma_20995971d ago

... seeing as how he already said we wouldn't get it.

I would love to play it. But if it doesn't come out on the PS3, guess, what... I don't care. I don't think THAT much of it...

That's right, your "BIOSHOCK IS NOT COMING TO PS3, nyah, nyah, nyah..." posts mean nothing to me.

That being said, I still want a port of Earth Defense Force... come on, folks... throw me a bone here...

samfk5971d ago

also as for better visuals isnt that always said on this site but its very rarely true . well see

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Gaystation 35972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

Bioshock is not being released for the PS3. Did you hear that?


This is a duplicate story.
Everybody, report this as a duplicate.

Below are even more posts full of lies.

Once again.


2K games said there will be no Bioshock on PS3
Ken Levine said there would be no Bioshock on PS3

One more time.


MetalProxy5972d ago

^^^^A little defensive about that game now are we! I dont see what the big deal is, cuz its not that great of game. But the 360 is losing alot of its so called exclusives. lol Cha Cow!

Fallen_Angel5972d ago

yup right after mgs 4 and ff 13 are released on the 360. This is the same mag that reported that they were porting those games to the 360 too after all.

RacingX5972d ago

You could be half right, Ken Levine said THEY were not working on a PS3 version, that does not mean EA went out and has another studio re-working it for PS3. I remember Itagaki-san saying he was not going to do PS3 games and everyone thought there would be no Ninja Gaiden, well, HE didn't do it, he hand picked a new producer to do the PS3 version for Tecmo. That's why I'm sure we'll see NGII someday, probably not soon, but IT will come. I think the same about Mass Effect, BioWare said they are not doing it, but that doesn't mean EA won't farm it out, redo it, give it a slight name change... Mass Effect- Galaxies in Crisis or something like that to keep the legal weasels off them....remember EA, is a huge conglomeration too....if there's $$$$ to be made EA WILL find away...

themyk5971d ago

thats funny how your insinuating the playstation is gay by having a pink avatar. isn't it the 360 that released pink controllers?

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PS360WII5972d ago

Well how about that. I really didn't care for the game but it really is a popular title so have fun with it guys ^^

Panthers5972d ago

I never played it but it looked cool. Still it is an FPS with no MP, and I think my plate is full in September :) :) :) SOCOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

solidt125972d ago (Edited 5972d ago )

I plan on playing through it again but this time on the PS3. I want to see how much the graphics have improve. Everyone must play this game. it is awesome.

Vip3r5972d ago

If this is true, then its a day one buy for me.

P4KY B5972d ago

On the 360 and PC the ending sucked big time.

Dark_Vendetta5972d ago

Not really it depends on how you were playing the game (there are 3 endings)

P4KY B5972d ago

i mean the fight with the 'hulk'.
it just didn't sit well with the other well thought out parts of the game.

xg-ei8ht5971d ago (Edited 5971d ago )

Well me and my brother both played it, both with different endings:0

I liked mine better - but i won't spoil it for others.

I played it on pc.

Was a good game.

One thing i did notice, there were ps3 controls encoded in the game:) Hmm.

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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just_looken55d ago

Remember there past attempts at game based show's i do heck i still remember that teenage resident evil trash fire.

anast55d ago

ha. I almost forgot about that.

Jin_Sakai57d ago

Might as well just cancel it.

just_looken55d ago

Unless its batwoman were they right it off

porkChop57d ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake57d ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne57d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

badkolo56d ago

its where b movies go to live, its run by democrats , dont expect anything good from netflix

Knightofelemia57d ago (Edited 57d ago )

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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BioShock Team Ramps Up Recruitment with 30 Job Offers

2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up recruitment with 30 job offers on its BioShock team. There's still no word on when the game will launch, though.

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Relientk7778d ago

Cool, maybe we will get BioShock 4 after all, eventually...

TheNamelessOne78d ago

Damn it's been a long time since the last game.

TheColbertinator78d ago

Bioshock needs a big time comeback

DefenderOfDoom277d ago

Actually looking forward to playing "Judas" from.Ken Levines development team .

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Bioshock: A Rapturous Revelation

Hey Poor Player's James Davie Takes Us On A Bio-Shocking Deep Dive Into Irrational Games' Nautical Nightmare.

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