
Titanfall Has Gone Gold, Final Resolution Most Definitely Above 720p – Epic Games Dev

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall has apparently gone gold, according to an Epic Games employee on Reddit. Considering how good the beta was, with many believing the game was already close to completion at that point, this make sense.

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Hellsvacancy3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

So why not just say "hay............what' s wrong with youuuuu" sorry, silly oldskool song from the UK when I was a kid

I'll try again, "hay.... it's gone gold and the final resolution isssssssssssss ......."

It's not like it's a spoiler or anything, it's not like it's going to hurt sales in anyway

Edit: Heres that song http://www.youtube.com/watc... OLDskool

Godmars2903768d ago

At this point its not 900p, what was originally promised, its going to bring the usual critics and defenders.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33768d ago

Where and when was anything "originally promised"?

Naga3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

Seriously, when was that promised? I'm searching, and the closest thing to that I can find is, "hopes for". I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here by presuming you actually have something you're basing that claim off of.

That said, you should probably come up with a source or stop calling them liars.

Eonjay3768d ago


its 792... at least according to the Titanfall Dev yesterday on Gaf. I got downvoted when I explained that to some folks yesterday who said that 900P was promised (which it wasn't)and I was trolling. So, the issue is people for some reason are under the impression that Respawn said 900p definitely. Thats fans and detractors alike. Too much confusion going around.

u got owned3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

there was a tweet floating around saying the game beta was running at 792p and that the final version could run at a higher resolution, but 900p was never promised.

SonyROXitoohya3768d ago

It will bring jealous and insecure fanboys as always is the case when they don't get a game they want that a rival console gets, especially the most hyped, wanted, and written about next gen game.

3768d ago
SilentNegotiator3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

"the final resolution is most def above 720p. That’s all I can say"

792p pretty much confirmed. If the game were 900p by Gold, MS/Respawn/etc would have already paraded on about it. They wouldn't need their media buddies to use vagaries like "def above 720p"

headblackman3768d ago

the critics yes! the defenders are just telling the critics that they just don't care. im and x1 owner and i really don't care about resolution at all. i care more about gameplay. gamers care about gameplay and gameplay only! only fanboys care about resolution. and please don't take this as me calling you a fanboy, because im not.

Godmars2903768d ago

Get where you're coming from, but the truth of the matter is that when the version of a PS4 multi comes in lower than XB1 the internet will just go off. The fans of today who are saying Titanfall's gameplay is all that matters especially will be gloating over graphics.

Just like what's going on with Thief and frame rate issues on the PS4. Don't know, don't care what's going on with the XB1 version, just that the game itself is reviewing at 6/10, yet frame rate issue for a particular version should be what everyone should talk about.

Ra30303768d ago

Link from yesterday's misinformation....tomorrow may bring more.

headblackman3768d ago

yeah, but as real gamers (not resolution or frame rate whores) we should know better. and when you know better you're supposed to do better. im a real gamer and i play games (i own all consoles execpet the ps4 and that's only because i can't find one, but when i do i will buy it). not frame rates or resolutions. these are just extra perks. if it was all about resolution and frame rates, we'd all be gaming on high end pc's and consoles wouldn't have a place in the market.

darthv723767d ago

Resolution doesnt bother me. I was planning on getting it for 360 (as i do not have XB1) and the game looks like fun.

Gamer19823767d ago

I think its pathetic though making up resolutions like 792p (which its rumoured to be) Just so they can claim its not 720p. There will be NO difference between 792p and 720p. Not one bit.. It just shows the Xbone cannot handle a game like titanfall at anything above 720p in reality.. They squeezed in as many pixels as they could to the last pixel until it popped.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3767d ago

@eonjay.. that's what happens when Sony fanboys run the site. They throw out rumors right or wrong as if they're all 100% right.

Sony fanboys run the show on all these days. IF they say it's promised 900p, then it is no matter what a Dev really says or anyone else that really works on the game.

pupa3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

["As for the resolution of the final build that will ship to gamers, Respawn is targeting 900p native, which will then be upscaled to 1080p by Microsoft’s console. It’s not true 1080p, but it’s close, and as the gameplay videos have shown already, the game does look really good even at 720p."]


["Heppe did also stress that while 792 is not considered a standard resolution, most other games run natively at different resolutions and are then upscaled to 1080p.

She also states that Respawn was working towards increasing the native resolution by the time the final game was released, with the target being 900p native and 60 frames per second."]


Read again "Heppe said".."She also states..."

Blame the media?

minimur123767d ago

Why don't they make it perfect for us Laptop players and make it 768p, well perfect for me anyway, lmao :)

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3767d ago
n4rc3768d ago

I'm wondering why an epic games employee is commenting on a 3rd parties game.

Either way its not surprising.. Game comes out in 2 weeks and the rez issue was all bs from cboat denied multiple times by respawn

Volkama3768d ago

It doesn't really make much difference that it's "gone gold". In this case "gold" doesn't have to mean the game is finished at all.

It's only playable online. They can work on it until the minute it releases, because any changes they make can effectively apply to 100% of the copies they sell.

VENOMACR12273768d ago

I played the BETA a ton, and not once did I go "wow, these graphics aren't that good." I tried playing BF the other day, played one game and turned it off. I'm having TitanFall withdrawal. The gameplay is so much fun and it just feels different than any other FPS available. I know it's not 1080p/60fps and sure, graphics could be slightly better, but the gameplay is what makes the game fun. 15 maps from the get go is awesome. The two maps in the BETA played extremely differently so I'm pumped to see how the other layouts will work. Some maps favor pilots, some favor Titans.

ma1asiah3768d ago


I'm with you on that one, I have tried playing everything from COD, Halo, BF etc and nothing comes close to how you feel when you play TF.

Withdrawals is a little bit of an understatment lol, I'm pratically on the verge of going insane waiting for TF to launch.

This is my most anticpated title so far this year

DeadGotenks3767d ago

What if MS and Respawn all ready knew they could easily put Titanfall at 1080p on the x1.. and this whole res situation is just amazing free advertising? Imagine if.. IF it comes out of the gate with 1080p and a smooth 60fps... how much BETTER that would make the system look? Enough to sale a couple hundred-thousands more. I own ps4 and xbox one.. I want them both to succeed for their amazing exclusives at the best possible quality they can offer.

mcarsehat3768d ago

Wait until people find out that these are an epic games dev's words, should take a while :P

BallsEye3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

Higher res is welcome but I've played the beta and it did look way better than on the screens. Don't know why, but there was no jaggies (yep, my tv is calibrated well). Game looked great and most importantly played amazing. I was a die hard BF fan, now I'm loving titanfall much more.


as silly it may sound 792p is quite a bit higher res than 720p


dansdooz3768d ago

I played titanfall on my 92" projector screen sat at 8-9ft, the game looked awesome to me.

dale_denton3768d ago

wish it came out on ps4 so the their resolution can crap all over xbone like each multiplat has

DoctorJones3768d ago

You call Phats and Small 'OLDskool'?

You haven't got a clue what old school is.

Hellsvacancy3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

Its old buddy, I was 14 when that record came out, and i was at school

You haven't gotta tell me what oldskool is buddy, I wasn't talking about oldskool drum/bass http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Anything past 15 years is oldskool

abstractel3767d ago

It should be over 720p, it's not even that great looking of a game. The beta was fun, but I am not buying this game for its looks. Thankfully my PC can handle it at higher resolutions. Still waiting for a killer reason to get an XboxOne. Might be Quantum Break, unless they announce something at E3 that will come out before that.

Not complaining though, my PS4 and PC is getting enough games for quite some time. I just always want more :-).

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3767d ago
Godmars2903768d ago

That's what someone's been throwing around in lue of 1080p, so if its not 900p, if it not higher than whatever the beta's resolution since "they" said it would be, then that's what people are going to complain about. Say doesn't matter.

3768d ago Replies(1)
Walker3768d ago Show
ethomaz3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

The same guy said in November that played Titanfall on Xbox One in 1080p... so I will wait the game release.


Charybdis3768d ago (Edited 3768d ago )

edit:Waiting till game releases is probably best thing eitherway, too much speculation going on.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub650d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad650d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g649d ago (Edited 649d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp49d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal931d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad930d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal928d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.