
See How Borderlands 2 Looks On The PS Vita Compared To The PC and Consoles

GearNuke: "Borderlands 2 is getting a PS Vita port and many might be wondering how it compares to the PC and the console version of the game. You shouldn't wonder anymore as we have compared the PS Vita version to the PC and console version, and the results are fairly decent."

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s1xt6en3807d ago

Looks pretty cool. Vert artsy. Can't wait for it!!! Bundle FTW!! Lol

TomShoe3806d ago

OMG It's real!

Wow, I need a Vita, I'm just waiting for a Slim Vita to come out in the US and another memory card price drop.

alexkoepp3806d ago

Can I transfer my progress from x360 over to my vita?

dedicatedtogamers3806d ago

Just so you know, there is going to be a $200 Vita Slim bundle with Borderlands 2 and an 8G stick included w/ the system. Comes out mid-march in the US.

cozomel3806d ago

Looks like the difference between the ps4 and x1.

Just kidding, now watch the fanboys and mods have a tizzy

ABizzel13806d ago

This might give me a reason to get back into Borderlands. I beat the 360 version had each of my characters leveled up to 60 (I believe that was the level cap then), and my HDD died wiping everything clean.

I haven't gone back since, even the PS+ version wasn't enough to get me back.

But since I'll have it on the go, I can see myself working on the PS3 / PSV version.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3806d ago
Sarcasm3806d ago

My Vita is ready. I'm buying it.

3806d ago
showtimefolks3806d ago

for $199 you get the system a memory card plus borderlands 2 GOTY edition, what's not to like about this deal

can't wait, its amazing how ps-vita was selling and now since launch of ps4 is selling really well, than you have the Vita TV in Japan. With this new bundle the system will only improve sales wise

up next GTA on Vita

3-4-53806d ago

Another Solid game that makes the Vita more appealing to buy. Still not sure if I'm getting the slim bundle or regular OLED though.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3806d ago
Agent_hitman3807d ago

Not bad, it's still looks good.

FamilyGuy3806d ago

Whoa, the 360 version looks like garbage.
wtf happened? lol

BlackKnight3806d ago (Edited 3806d ago )

Borderlands is normally blurry in the background (or if you aim down sights, it will bring into focus whatever you are directly looking at), it is the depth of field effect. Who ever took that PC screenshot disabled the depth of field graphics option is all.

Here you can see it is on:


Even the first borderlands did this:


See how the road close to the camera is crisp but the further you get from the camera the blurrier things get? That;s all it is.

FamilyGuy3806d ago

Focus on the foreground, blur the background. Yeah I see that a lot in movies and some games but why? I'd rather have clarity in games.

Anonagrog3806d ago (Edited 3806d ago )


It's to do with mirroring how lenses or cameras physically act and trying to add recognizable realism to a scene.

'Depth of Field', 'Bokeh, 'Lens Flare', 'Blur', 'Vignetting', 'Film Grain', etc.

There are many things we can try to simulate with the intention of improving the realism or composition of a scene. Of course, it's very much a subjective thing. Ideally control would be left in the player's hands.

TopDudeMan3806d ago

The detail in the background of the vita version looks better than the 360.

kingmushroom3806d ago

Yeah whats up with the blurry background on the 360.

zeuanimals3806d ago (Edited 3806d ago )

It's supposed to be depth of field, but it looks like crap in that shot. I think there's a setting to turn it off, atleast I know there is on PC, not sure about the 360.

Milruka3807d ago

It's funny how the Vita version looks better than the 360 version.

Swiggins3806d ago

Whatever you say Eagle-eye.

BlackKnight3806d ago

Nobody in this thread realizes the game has depth of field and the PC shot above simply has it turned off and vita doesn't have depth of field at all.

As simple as it may seem, DOF affects performance, even if a little.


Shakengandulf3806d ago

How much did someone bet for you to say that?

Bathyj3806d ago

Ha, Tree dolla, and siddy cents.

BitbyDeath3806d ago

Must be a dodgy picture, 360 version can't look that bad.

ninjahunter3806d ago

Its depth of field, its an effect that looks better in game.

Gamer19823806d ago (Edited 3806d ago )

Yeah thats because the game by now has been optimized partly and the vitas lower resolution actually helps it in game comparisons. Since you get less on the screen in some cases you can do more with what you have.. Plus vita is technically more powerful than both PS3 and 360 so that helps too. PC of course blows them all away but thats because its PC.

dcj05243806d ago (Edited 3806d ago )

The vita is basically PS2.8 it's ALMOST there but not quite.

alexkoepp3806d ago

Funny the ps3 version looks so bad it isn't even worth compairing

Milruka3806d ago

I find it funny that when I make a joke about the 360 people think I'm a sony fan, and when I make a joke about ps3 people think im a xbox fan.

When in fact they both suck and PC is superior. :D

Snookies123806d ago

I have it on PS3, and it looks absolutely fine. Don't know what you're on about lol.

SoulSercher6203806d ago

Wow then you need to see an eye doctor if you thinks it looks bad

LackTrue4K3806d ago

i think you made a mistake, you were ment to type....

"Funny the Wii U version looks so bad it isn't even worth comparing"

don't worry, it was my pleasure to fix your mistakes....lol

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andibandit3806d ago

Its especially funny since the Xbox360 version looked nothing like on those screenshots

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ninjahunter3807d ago

Not bad for an open world portable game I guess. I suppose I was expecting a tad better after having played gravity rush.

Baylex3806d ago (Edited 3806d ago )

Wait until you see it with your own eyes

ninjahunter3806d ago

Thats a given, but just from what ive seen, most random screencaps of gravity rush look better than whats seen here.

Baylex3806d ago

Yes I know what you are saying, Gravity Rush is insane, but we have only seen one screen capture of Borderlands 2. Lets wait for more!! :D

jspillen3806d ago

Yeah, "not bad" especially considering there has never been another portable AAA title of this magnitude. But sure ... expect a tad better.

Nice try troll !!! These screenshots look fantastic.

Gamesgbkiller3806d ago

Maybe because the game is ported and wasn't a VITA exclusive.

We have to wait and see the gameplay :)

ironfist923806d ago

Looks good, I think the cel-shaded graphics of the original help the transition better.

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