
Final Fantasy VIII – 15th Anniversary

The Game Jar: "I can remember the day that Final Fantasy VIII came out. I was on holiday in Majorca and I was gutted I couldn’t play it on release day. That’s right, I was gutted that I was on holiday! The main reason I was so excited about playing it was because at the time, the only title from the series I had played was Final Fantasy VII. As a result, this was like the only sequel to me, and my love for VII only heightened my excitement for VIII."

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-Foxtrot3877d ago

Best Final Fantasy game in the PS1 days in my opinion

Fantastic character development
Great music
Good story
The world was interesting and had good back stories
Some characters felt pretty real, like Rinoa

I could go on

Shame it's nitpicked to death, most of the reasons people have for disliking the game can easily be downplayed. Like the "I hate how you had to draw for magic" when you never had to, there were pink draw spots located all over and when you got to the end you had the Island of Heaven and Hell.

Retard3877d ago

My first exposure to FF universe when I was 13. That ending needed some heavy psychotropics to comprehend at that age, seriously WTF.

djplonker3877d ago

Yeah I finished it was I was around 9 although metal gear solid (all of it lol) messed with my mind way more!
one minute I was hiding in a cardboard box getting urinated on by a wolf and the next minute I am killing a giant mech beast and saving the world!

Pozzle3877d ago

I remember when I first beat the game, it took me about half an hour to defeat Ultimecia... then just as the final cutscene started playing, my dad turned my PSone off because he wanted to watch the news.

I was shattered. :(

Thankfully I beat the game again the next day. But some of the excitement had worn off by then. Thanks, dad.

jjb19813877d ago

The music was great, withdraw system sucked

djplonker3877d ago

I remember playing pokemon blue and watching my big bro complete final fantasy 7 and when ff8 came out I had my own playstation so it was my first proper go at a final fantasy!

still cant choose the best between ff7 and ff8 -.-

Summons753877d ago

Such a good game :) deffinetly in my top 5 FFs.

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Playstation Icons: Squall Leonhart

Gary Green said: Tempting as it is to dedicate our first installment of PlayStation Icons to a franchise-leader like Crash Bandicoot, Spyro, or even Sackboy, instead I’m choosing a character that I, like so many others, connected with on a personal level. He’s a moody, world-weary teen, a proud loner with no time for the drama of others, and yet he’s also a hero just waiting for the motivation to unleash his full potential. He’s a warrior. He’s a leader. He’s the king of internal monologues. It’s time to meet Squall Leonhart.

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10 PS1 Games That Actually Need A Remake

With hundreds of games, some of which are considered to be classics that hold up to this day, you’ve got the pick of the litter when it comes to choosing a potential remake

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RaidenBlack173d ago

^This. THIS!
Stop remaking PS4 games!
Remake PS1 and PS2 games à la FF7R, RE1, Mafia, Half Life style ....
Make Legend of Dragoon, Legacy of Kain etc Remakes happen

darthv72173d ago

Legend of Dragoon... WTH is Sony doing just letting this one squander?

-Foxtrot173d ago

I wonder if their mindset is like “meh we have Final Fantasy what’s the point of our own JRPG”

FinalFantasyFanatic173d ago

Square-Enix had a long period there where it seems they didn't know what to do with Final Fantasy, I think that time period would have been a good time to revisit their classics and remake them. Now it seems they're going full steam ahead with the franchise, so they have less reason to revisit those older games. I wouldn't mind if they subcontracted them out to other developers, that and I don't trust SE to remake their older games.

Cacabunga172d ago

Simply because i do not think it will succeed.. maybe a bad example but e we got Medievil remake after many years fans have beg asking... result is It flopped hard. Remaking a JRPG is so risky. Only a bunch of hardcore gamers who played the original would buy it. If Sony put even more budget into it then it’s even more risky.

As i suggested before, i think they should start remaking like square did with Star Ocean. Or something similar to Octopath Traveller. Build up some hype and try on higher scale later on..

Terry_B173d ago

Let me tell you about PS1 games that should get a remake actually.

Jumping Flash (As a VR game)
Ridge Racer 1-4 as Ridge Racers 3..just like the pretty perfect PSP RR1.-2 games but with even more content
Cardinal Sin which was full of nice ideas for its time but was plagued by technical limitations
Bushido Blade ^^ just like CS
Bust A Groove.
WWF Attitude. With the same roster, same voices,Only slightly updated gameplay but current gen graphics
Dynasty Warriors..yes the fighting game that was similar to Tekken 2 while it had weapons.As nice as the DW games are..its a shame they never released a new fighting game

And while I am at it.

Thrill Kill ...hell yes.

KyRo173d ago

Ah Thrill Kill, the game that was banned/cancelled but everyone had played 😂 what a throwback!

darthv72173d ago

jumping Flash would make a great VR game. Im actually quite surprised nobody has thought to do that one... even on the indie side for something like the meta quest.

173d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic173d ago

I miss Ridge Racer so much, give me a new game or at least a collection of the older games! I had a blast playing Ridge Racer PSP on my PS4 a few months back.

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FinalFantasyFanatic173d ago

I cannot understand the current business practice of remaking games from the previous generation, especially when they are very much playable today and still hold up well, it's even worse when people are willing buying them again. The PS1 generation is so ripe for remakes, I know more than a few people who would clamour for a Xenogears remake, or almost any game from that list.

Ravenkiss173d ago

and Valkyrie Profile Lenneth. They did Star Ocean 1 & 2 R already, VPL should get the same treatment.

Redgrave173d ago

I assume this to mean that you aren't considering the PSP port to be the remake in this statement? Like a remake of that one?

FinalFantasyFanatic173d ago

That version is quite old though, that was 18 years ago, so doing a remake in the vain of Star Ocean might be worth it (I did not think the PSP was that old until I looked it up).

Knightofelemia173d ago

I'd be down for FF8, and Xenogears. But I would also be down for Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. And I wish Namco would get off their ass and remake or remaster the Xenosaga trilogy.

FinalFantasyFanatic173d ago

There's been talk of a Xenosaga trilogy on the proviso that there was enough demand, I hope that actually happens one day.

Christopher173d ago

1. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
2. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
3. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
4. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
5. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
6. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
7. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
8. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
9. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
10. Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

LoveSpuds173d ago

What a fantastic game that was!

Skuletor173d ago

You forgot Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Snookies12173d ago

Why does From Software not do ANYTHING with this franchise... It's so sad... Can't they at least outsource it to someone to try a revival?

leahcim172d ago

masterpiece, best OST of all times.

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Final Fantasy Games That Deserve the Remake Treatment

Final Fantasy has a long running history with numerous numbered titles and spin-offs, but which games stand to benefit from a remake?

gold_drake279d ago

i feel like all of them.
well except 2 haha.

shinoff2183279d ago

Agreed. Ff2 though can be made better, so it's not entirely a lost cause. Ff8 will gets its time. I do wish they'd do the old ones. From ff10 and up those ones still hold up pretty well.

kevco33278d ago

Honestly, I've always felt that VII and up 'hold up well' in that regard. The early 3D games just needed a cosmetic update. But the FFVII Remake is so different to the original in execution that a lot of games could be done in a similar fashion and feel far more modern.

I'm not saying that's a good or bad thing (that depends on your personal preference!), just that they could feel very different.

shinoff2183278d ago

Kevco I liked remake but I think your right. Idda been happy with a 1 to 1 remake that looked like ever crisis to. Or both

I'd just love I square would one day give us a turned based one with today's graphics. I can't really think of a jrpg that does that.

andy85278d ago

I'd rather the 13 trilogy just be ported tbh. No matter what you think if it, it shouldn't be the only numbered offline games not playable on new consoles. But naturally I'd play the **** out of 8-12 remakes.

shinoff2183278d ago

I do agree. I'd give it another shot even though I didn't like it at first. My taste change over time. Gta 4 for instance I was so disappointed it lacked so much of what san andreas had I didn't play it for like 5 years. One day went to a semi pro football game(American football) came home drunk and decided to try 4 again. I actually liked it after giving it a fair shot.

Rebel_Scum278d ago

Just make new games. Not every game needs to be remade.

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