
PC Gamer: Age of Conan Preview

There's been no shortage of confidence from the Age of Conan camp, perhaps befitting the game's namesake: the last press release PC Gamer received from developer Funcom heralds the game as "one of the most highly anticipated MMO games in history" - and announces that the PC version's gone gold, despite much Internet buzz among beta testers that it needs more polish than the remaining weeks to launch can possibly allow.

At a time when most MMO developers simply deal in a "there's WoW, and then there's everyone else" mentality, the Funcom developers are clear on the ways they see their game as competitively different. And they're right - compared to World of Warcraft or any other MMO, Age of Conan's Mature rating, high-end graphics, and dark, literary setting put it in a class by itself. The team takes great pride in that - very great.

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Spike475977d ago

Darkfall will be ten times better.

visit Darkfall forums and you'll see why.

wow4u5976d ago

I have a close family member in the Beta right now.

He's said its the only thing he's played that will make him close his WoW account. He says it is just stunning.


Happy Birthday Age of Conan

It's another Birthday for a successful MMO, this time Age of Conan.

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Age of Conan Patch Adds Facebook Integration

Funcom has released an update for free-to-play Hyborean RPG Age of Conan. This update adds Facebook integration to the game, allowing users to post certain achievements and screenshots directly to their Facebook accounts.

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Are these the top 10 best MMORPGs out there?

MyGaming rounds up the best of the best reviewed MMORPGs release to date

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kevnb4575d ago

Reviews are worthless. List doesn't even have everquest.

TitanUp4575d ago

the best mmorpg in this list,guild wars,wow,rift

missing everquest

least favorite game bought it like 2 days ago and i find it to be a wow clone star wars old republic.

got a level 6 and a level 4 one sith other bounty hunter.