
Xbox One: 1080p/60fps Not Happening Anytime Soon, Not Enough Power But Tools Will Improve - Insider

"After all the leaks and rumours regarding Xbox One exclusives like Halo 5 and Halo 2 Anniversary, Industry Insider Dodd said that we won't be seeing games running at 60 FPS and 1080p resolution any time soon."

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ShugaCane3792d ago

Why did you smile in the first place ?

Fireseed3792d ago


Idk I still see

Halo 2 AE
Crackdown 3
KI Season 2
Halo 5
Sunset Overdrive

Still smiles over here...

XtraTrstrL3792d ago


lol @ Halo 2 AE, come on, stop living in the past.

KI Season 2 - even sounds stupid. The game doesn't even resemble a KI imo, it just has a whole different feel to it.

Sunset Overdrive needs to show more before its anything to go crazy over.

MightyNoX3792d ago


Wasn't mostly Microsoft using a smoke'n'dagger techinique to lure out CBOAT? I went to sleep last night about the time the leaks came on and now I'm up and hell seems to have broken loose.

Looks like I have a lot of catching up to do.

Hatsune-Miku3792d ago

1080p @ 60fps is hard for xbox one because Microsoft focused more on making a set top box that's kinect capable limiting the budget to get a more powerful hardware. The xbox one main focuses first are kinect then it's tv function then being able to play video games.

Sony could have focused on ps eye, ps move and a lot of other things for ps4 but they focused on gaming first so they made a very powerful console that mainly focuses on gaming.

mcstorm3792d ago

@Fireseed I agree with you. Ok if so the games may not be 1080p 60fps but that is not what makes a game and never has yes games will look better but its not the looks that makes the game good its the gameplay and story plus some of the best looking games are not 1080p 60fps. Example Mario Galaxy.

If the game makes me feel happy when playing it that's what I get it for. I have never bought a game because its the best looking game ever. I always get a game because its what I want in a game and that will not change this gen too.

I own a WiiU and Xbox one at the moment as they offer the games I want and once some of the games I want on the PS4 come out I will also get a PS4 too. I own a 3DS too and did own a PSV but the PSV did not offer me the games I wanted so I got read of it and if the games come out for it I will pick one up.

People should not be buying a console because it has the most power they should be buying a console because it offers them the games they want it.

If the PS4 is the console that offers that then get the ps4 if its the xbox one get the xbox one if its the Wiiu get the Wiiu. We all got into gaming for the same reason because we enjoy it so stop with the bitching and go and enjoy your console and games you like and let others do the same.

malokevi3792d ago

I'm not smiling. Since when did people start regarding every rumour out of NEOgaf as fact? I wont hold my breath.

Seems like Xbox One already has games that do 1080p/60fps. Do articles like these play on the hopes of fools?

zebramocha3792d ago

@mcstorm You are looking at it in the wrong way,Sony had efficiency problems with the ps3 and corrected it with their next gen console,Ms was coming off the success of the 360,even if power wasn't the selling point but inclusion of kinect with an highly integrated OS,I assuming it wouldn't be difficult prioritize both casual and core aspect about gaming but their choice was to make the xbone a casual device that could do gaming instead of a gaming device with casual aspects.

thejigisup3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


"People should not be buying a console because it has the most power they should be buying a console because it offers them the games they want it. "

Hardware before software. If you build it they will come. The hardware in the ps4 allows more freedom and more room to play for the developers. Games down the road are going to be more intense, have a much more fleshed out feeling, hopefully developers take pride in their work and want to put the best product out there. In order to do that you need the best hardware. kinda like a chef, he needs the best cutlery, the best ingredients, to make the best dish. thats why naughty dog rocks so many socks.
the games i want will be on the ps4.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33791d ago

Forza is 1080p/60fps so there goes that...

redwin3791d ago

I got them both and I'm glad I got the Xbox One. It feels good to play on it and it got lots of good games. Sony has good games too but if all you have to talk about is this 1080/60 thing while some other people are playing Ghost before you, and they are enjoying TitanFall and Halo 2, 10 year anniversary, you got a problem. I like my ps4 but they got to stop talking about this and stop selling me another service on top of my playstation Plus, just to play games I already own from them' (playstation now). You can disagree with me but MS is not the one that came out first trying to sell you a different online service on top of the one that you already have. Thank you, Sony , for the superior gfx and thank you for a better online service, now don't get greedy. Now I wish that those games that they let you rent on playstation plus, that's what they are because you don't get to keep them if you leave the service, they let you have them if you let your service lapse. Although I'm not planning to leave the service, ever .

mewhy323791d ago

Finally an article author that isn't afraid to state what we've all know sine these machines released onto the market. PS4 regularly runs it's software at 1080p 60fps but the bone usually tops out at 900p and accomplishes that with lower quality texutres, pared back effects, and variable resolution framebuffers. Games still look great on the bone but not so much when compared side by side with the PS4.

Fireseed3791d ago


Living in the past? Isn't you who keeps nagging for a HD Secret of Mana? Hypocrite. But it's ok if you don't like KI... but don't boldface lie there when we all know KI feels EXACTLY like a KI game, from combo flow, to aesthetics.


Couldn't agree more! Sure 720p isn't "Full HD" but honestly I don't give a crap. As long as the games are fun. I mean maybe it's just cause I come from a PC background where at one point I used to have to play almost all my game at 800x600 at lowest settings... but now I have a rig that can play Crysis 3 at 4k and dip no lower than 50 fps. I've lived without graphics for the longest time and that allowed the design and game play to float to the top.

Deividas3791d ago

@ WrAiTh Sp3cTr3

Gran Tursimo 6 is also 1080p/60fps and thats on a PS3. Racing games can easily be 1080p and 60FPS because its a small scale level to level and dont have much to render besides the car and track. IF you honestly measuring the Xbox Ones power based on how a racing sim looks....your in for a hell of surprise when games keep getting more visually demanding....

VENOMACR12273791d ago

I'll enjoy my 720 while playing Titanfall, Halo, Gears, Fable, Quantum Break, and any other X1 exclusive. I bought the system I think has the best games. Doesnt matter if the PS4 can play everything in 1080 and 60 fps if they don't have the games to back it up.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33791d ago

I should have stated that Forza is FULL 1080p HD locked 60fps, because GT6 is not.

nukeitall3791d ago

1080p native wit 60fps proven on Xbox One with Forza 5. Keep in mind DriveClub for PS4 when announced ran at 30fps and aimuing for 60fps.

With more time, better results on either console.

nukeitall3791d ago Show
MysticStrummer3791d ago

"Seems like Xbox One already has games that do 1080p/60fps. Do articles like these play on the hopes of fools?"

It's easy to say "XB1 does 1080p/60fps" and leave it at that without considering the competition or what kind of game is being run. It's not so easy to say "XB1 will do 1080p/60fps on any game the competition will" because we all know it's not true and it will continue to be not true. Tools will improve but the tech won't, and the competition's tools will also improve.

Headlines play on the emotions of fanboys, but the point is valid nonetheless. XB1 is simply weaker and that won't change.

H0RSE3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


"Hardware before software. If you build it they will come."

- funny how how the Wii outsold both PS3 and 360...

That being said, the differences between multiplats thus far, are negligible. Watching comparison vids, there is no definitive winner - the consoles trade blows with one another. If the PS4 had as big of a power difference over the X1 as many claim, then it wouldn't even be debatable which version looks/runs better, but that hasn't been the case.

I have yet to see a case where PS4 looks so much better than X1 that it's embarrassing, which many seem to imply is actually going on, which their "superior hardware" talk.

MetaReapre3791d ago

Coming to terms with things, the xb1 isn't all that bad for not being able to make all games 1080p, it's not technically needed as long as its not standard definition. However, 60fps is amazing for smooth gameplay and actually is amazing to have. I mean i just upgraded my ps3 tomb raider to ps4 version (via eb games)and that 60fps does make a difference.

Thatlalala3791d ago

One leak and xbox fans are cocky? Lol. Flipping hilarious, you realize you are hilarious.... Like ANY of those games matter. Sorry but this is a joke right?

Utalkin2me3791d ago

@WrAiTh Sp3cTr3

And did you see all the sacrifices Forza 5 had to make to achieve it? Racing games are the lowest on demand then fps,tps and such.

dantesparda3791d ago


Seriously? You're gonna spew that sh1t? Let's see:

COD has a 125% resolution advantage.

BF4 has a 56% resolution advantage and has a better framerate average than the X1.

AC4 has 44% res advantage and better AA.

TRDE has a 66% advantage in framerate (50 average vs 30) and a 44% res advantage in cut-scenes. plus better anisotropic filtering and better textures in places and more use of DOF

But not of those are big enough for ya eh? Those are huge gains over the X1. And only dumb fanboys would say otherwise. The X1 can barely do 900/30fps in their own exclusives

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

"And did you see all the sacrifices Forza 5 had to make to achieve it? Racing games are the lowest on demand then fps,tps and such."

Who tells you people this type of stuff? All of a sudden you Sony fans are all devs? If you were to tell me this concerning a 2D fighting game, I'd be more likely conviced of you and other's comments. As a matter of fact, bring back a link stating that racing games are any less demanding than shooters, from an actual dev and I'll agree with you, until then, don't waste you're time spinning and twisting scenarios to your favor. It's funny because you guys hype up iphone type games that some happy go lucky indie dev is making exclusive to the PS4--all because it's "1080p/60fps"....... it's SOOOOO lame, lol.

Another point I would like to make is concerning YOUR points on Forza having to cut back on stuff and my point of GT6 not being full hd nor 60fps. If racing games are less demanding than other genres, then why the cuts? Your entire argument along with other sony fans on this article is completely contradictory if you and everyone else pays attention to it....

Prime1573791d ago

@horse "@thejigisup

"Hardware before software. If you build it they will come."

- funny how how the Wii outsold both PS3 and 360... "

That has too many other variables to be offered as a counter-point. The biggest is that the wii's highest output signal was still sub-hd. Next is the way Nintendo does business.


I love the self righteous people like you on n4g.

ZombieKiller3791d ago

Sorry Fireseed but seasons belong to TV shows. Adding a season 2 is a way for them to charge you more money....
even if it is Killer Instinct. Which honestly, looks awesome. I just can't justify getting one because of it being on the xbox. Microsoft loves to rip people off.

Sorry but you are a dollar sign to them, not a gamer.

H0RSE3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


You can spout percentages all day, like many do, but unless you can explain what those percentages actually equate to in real world benefits, they mean little. Spouting off bold claims such as "125% resolution advantage" looks impressive, but what does it actually entail, because looking at simple comparison vids, the game does not look 125% clearer than the X1 version... You are not accounting for diminishing returns, and the fact that the human eye can only see so much. Many like to post these percentages, without actually knowing what exactly they mean - they are simply feeding off the "wow factor" those "big numbers" bring with them, to feed their ego and fuel their arguments.

You also need to account for the fact that lower res games can look better than higher res ones. Ex - A 1080p game with low res textures, vs a 720p game with high res textures.

ambientFLIER3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Wraith -

I agree with you 100%. Sony fanboys love to bullshit about how easy racing games are on systems, yet that's a lie. If they were so easy, GT6 would be in 1920x1080 instead of 1440x1080 and a locked 60fps and wouldn't have to drop down to 30fps when a bunch of cars are on the screen, and Forza would use fully animated 3d crowds and weather and real-time lighting and all that. All these armchair developers are borderline trolls that think they have a clue about what they're saying.

Real gamers own all the systems instead of acting like the PR manager for one particular company and embarrassing themselves on the forums on a daily basis.

kopicha3791d ago


by your logic, then in the first place, they dont even need to release a new console. And no one needs the upgrade. Just continue to use the same console and keep pushing out new games will do. That way is good for them too, established install base, familiar hardware, cheap, and need not waste money on R&D for new hardware, just spend those money for game developement will do. Why make new consoles? Stop making it looks like graphics really dont mean anything to a game. Game play are important, so are the graphics. Anyone saying otherwise is just a liar. Majority will like to play TitanFall on PC/XB1 over 360. If someone say otherwise is just a liar. Same to people would want to play BF4 on PC/XB1/PS4 over PS3/360 if they can. Especially if you are already on the next gen consoles, would it even make sense to play game with graphics quality from last gen? You are going to tell me it is okay if the game is good? While I can tell you those who said it is okay are also the same person on the internet complaining that the game graphics could have been better.

kopicha3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


what's new, during last gen, when there is a small minor differences in 360 version of the game where they have slightly better in something. They call PS3 version of the game being INFERIOR version because PS3 is a inferior console. Despite the different is so small that you unlikely even going to notice when you playing the game unless you are staring at still screen shots side by side to pin point the fault. With this gen the difference at times can go over 10x the difference when compare to how different they are during last gen. Now they say that there is no difference at all. They dont matter and they still have the "Better" version. This is nothing new. Just have to get used to it.

BlackTar1873791d ago


That is the best part. Last gen Xbox people touted a shadow from a light pole and said SUPERIOR we are so SUPERIOR. Grass is greener SUPERIOR. How many comparison websites popped up last gen(this is the kicker and the funniest part) Look no further then Ghostbusters for the most extreme smear campaign on a game by the 360 camp and all the 360 camp websites.

Everyone proclaimed how superior Multi plat games were and for some min you above 80% of them the difference was impossible to see running in real time and would take a trained eye to see them in stills.

Now the tables turned and xbox players are saying nope don't matter (what ps3 players said) the difference is PS3 at least see this problem removed and for the better so they fire back the same response. Xbox sees it flip side but not equally and the difference is bigger then Ps3 to 360 and now its all about game play and Inferior now is just a word that doesn't carry weight.

You have to laugh at people saying it doesn't matter then running a search on N4g and NeoGaf of all the multi pla websites xbox superior post and the amount of 360 fans commenting and writing new articles on their sites.

Its amazing.

loulou3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

you can always count on the GAF "insiders" for some negative xbox stuff.

although, i am sure microsoft wished they had fucked Mattrick off before he got his xb1!!

the ps4 trumps that it in every metric, and is 100 cheaper.

microsoft fucked up royally, and have put themselves right back to where they were in 2001

clouds53791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

"Forza is 1080p/60fps so there goes that..."

@WrAiTh Sp3cTr3:

WHAT!? You didn't praise the PS4 in your comment on N4G? We will all disagree with you even though you speak the truth and are just stating a fact. There goes that...

Bob Dole3791d ago

"You can disagree with me but MS is not the one that came out first trying to sell you a different online service on top of the one that you already have."

uhm.... wat?

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
DeathOfTheFanBoy3792d ago

But Forza is 1080p 60fps... I'm not sure what his point is.

iceman13463792d ago

it's a racing game my man...plus forza 5 had some of the massive downgrade i have ever seen in a game..so yeah it would be impossible to do it without a downgrade

Az1mov3792d ago

Forza graphics have been downgraded since the E3 demo. go check it out and compare. that's your reason why it's running at 60fps 1080p

one example http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Letthewookiewin3792d ago

There are huge graphical cutbacks.

ZeoN3792d ago

it says 1080p but when im playing it resembles last gen so much. i dont think Forza is a true 1080p game because it dont look it from every aspect of it

3792d ago
Akuma073792d ago

Racing games are nowhere near as graphic intensive as other genres. Like not even remotely close.

Cuzzo633792d ago

As the guys stated its all true but dont take our word for it, go do your own investigation.

JOEgolferG3792d ago

Its only just ahead of GT6 graphically since its release.

reaperofsouls3792d ago

i imagine that titanfail will notbe anywhere near the E3 demo in terms of graphical fidelity after viewing Az1mov borza 5 link on youtube


There are not huge graphical diffrences between the E3 and Retail versions!? Turn 10 stated Most People off track were 2d vs 3d and particle effects were cut back, if you all want to call those "Huge" differences then go ahead lol

MysticStrummer3791d ago

Forza looks like an upscaled last gen game. The cars look nice, but overall it doesn't look truly next gen. Now we have the whole Tomb Raider debacle, a game that is one step above a simple upscale from last gen, and XB1 got the low end of performance there. Then we have the other multi plats that don't perform as well on XB1. I'd say his point is clear. It's easy to say XB1 can do 1080p and just leave it at that. It's not so easy to say XB1 will do 1080p on any game it's competition will. We've already seen that it can't. Tool will improve but the tech won't, and the competition's tools will improve also.

tagan8tr3791d ago

I can't wait to see the xbox 360/XB1 comparison of Titanfall I bet they look almost identical lol...

cell9893791d ago

dude that game is riding (no pun intended) on last gen graphic techniques

ambientFLIER3791d ago

"Racing games are nowhere near as graphic intensive as other genres. Like not even remotely close."


You guys are so clueless it's sad. 16 high-poly cars on the screen, real time reflections, massive physics calculation multiple times a second, AI, etc etc.

If racing games are not graphic-intensive, then why can't GT6 run in 1920x1080, and why does it go down to 30fps with a bunch of cars on screen? Why would Forza use cutout crowds, I mean if it's not graphics intensive, then they wouldn't have to downgrade anything, right? You guys contradict yourselves...

H0RSE3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


"Forza graphics have been downgraded since the E3 demo. go check it out and compare. that's your reason why it's running at 60fps 1080p"

- But it still runs at native 1080p/60fps, so his point is still valid... what you are saying just helps to illustrate what I said above:

"lower res games can look better than higher res ones. Ex - A 1080p game with low res textures, vs a 720p game with high res textures."

- if the dropped Forza to 720p, yet boosted the res of the textures, it could have looked better than it does now. 1080p is not always the pinnacle achievement to aim for.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
Az1mov3792d ago

Microsoft would sell their grandmas if they could.

“Cloud won’t help with rendering. Not for half a decade at minimum. As for 1080p/60fps – not anytime soon but tools will improve.”

otherZinc3792d ago

Forza 5: Is the ONLY next gen game thet runs 1080p "native" 60fps in BOTH online & offline modes, Piriod!

When you're talking 1080p@ 60fps on PS4 in BOTH modes, it's a port of a Last Gen game.

If I'm wrong, what PS4 games run 1080p @ 60fps?

johndoe112113792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

What part of huge graphical downgrade don't you get? Resogun does but you'll say "resogun doesn't count because its a side shooter indie game". If that is what you're thinking then the same principle can be applied to forza.

They had to make major graphical cut backs on forza to achieve 1080p 60fps. Cardboard cutouts, baked lighting the retail build was vastly different than the E3 demo.

If drive club comes out and has the same graphical downgrade as forza then your case will be valid but if it doesn't that is a testimony to the immensely weak hardware of the xbox one.

Also, there were third party multiplat games that were 1080p 60fps I believe(someone can correct me if i'm wrong on that) but again, they were not graphically intensive games.

n4rc3792d ago

Resogun.. Cmon... Its a 30 yr old arcade game with a paint job.. If were going to talk about how racing games dont really count then that sure as hell doesn't either

Master-H3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

CoD Ghosts, Tomb Raider, Trine 2,FIFA Soccer 14,NBA 2K14 ? Lul

Christopher3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

DCUO is 1080p and 60 fps on PS4.


And, it's open world and an MMO. While it may not be graphically on par to latest releases, it has a heck of a lot more going on at all times than a racing game and is an action game that relies on response and working with groups of people online in an environment with a ton of particle/lighting effects.

Just saying.

johndoe112113791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


That comment about a 30 year old game with a paint job is the most idiotic nonsensical sorry excuse for an argument I have ever seen. The same can be said for the first tomb raider and the current one or metal gear on the NES and the one being developed now.

How old a game is and where it started has absolutely NOTHING to do with the current design of modern games. And if you want to use that logic I can say the same for forza motorsport on the original xbox and forza 5. Of course xbone can run forza 5 at 1080p 60fps, it's an old xbox game with a paint job. But i'm sure your senseless logic will somehow not apply to forza right?

And for everyone who thinks that resogun is just a simple side scrolling arcade game:

Housemarque-"Each level is build by almost 200.000.000 voxels, the little cubes you see flying around in the screenshots. Each of them has independent lighting and responds realistically to physics… that means you can dismantle a level almost cube by cube. That kind of approach requires a PS4 if you want to run the game at 1080p and 60fps."


@The Rell, Resogun is hardly pushing any graphic benchmarks lol

larrysdirtydrawss3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

that's because the graphics on forza look like horse balls,and made/took a million shortcuts.... ms took that same game of tomb raider and made it average just under 30fps average,while sony made it 51fps avg and looks better

cyber_daemonx3791d ago

@n4rc, '30 old arcade game with a paint job' which just happened to get a higher critical score than every bone launch title lol. And it runs at 1080/60, the bone would probably struggle to get it to 720/15.

scott1823791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

lol, resogun is doing a ton more on screen than forza, no comparison. I love how people downplay it and it's miles ahead of forza technically. Plus they almost got that beast of a game killzone sf to a constant 60 fps in 1080p on and offline, that's MUCHH more impressive.

Multiplats are the only true way to compare systems with similar hardware, ps4 comes out way ahead every time... make excuses all day for that.

cbuc11253791d ago

welp...looks like @theRell just shut you up.

dantesparda3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Wow, each new MS fanboys get more delusional than the last (im talking about you otherzinc)


Forza 5, lmao


DCUO is not 60fps, its not even a smooth 30fps on the PS4


"Resogun is hardly pushing any graphic benchmarks", neither is Forza 5

DigitalRaptor3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

@ otherZinc

You just got owned by johndoe11211. Are those sacrifices, downgrades and last-gen techniques worth the 1080/60fps "boast" on a next-gen machine, especially when it comes with lackluster content to boot?

When Forza 5 pushes the boundaries of what it means to be a next-generation racing game AND outputs at native 1080p and runs at 60fps, give me a shout.

@ n4rc

You clearly don't even know what Resogun is doing with the hardware, so I suggest you either read up on it on Eurogamer, or play it yourself. johndoes11211 also owned your ass in that regard.

I'm sick of these bottom of the barrel, redundant arguments from Xbox fanboys who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, and consistently miss the point.

n4rc3791d ago

Lmao... I love how you boys love twisting what people say to make your point.

Everyone of you is all on here claiming its easy for a racer to hit 1080/60 yet want to say a side scroller with pretty light on little cubes is exempt from your own logic..

But you want to pretend I made that assumption? Whatever makes you feel better.. Youre an insecure bunch.. Lol

I never said it was a bad game.. I said if racers are too easy to be considered a real test then resogun fits that bill too.. But I don't agree with that anyways.. Both games are deserving of what they accomplish

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
BallsEye3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

Funny how forza and even NFS is 1080p 60 fps..makes this article pointless.

Master-H3792d ago

Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but NFS is 30 fps.

UnHoly_One3792d ago

Yeah it's 30 on ps4, too, so what does that say?

dp2774073792d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

yea and wasnt it on PC too, so whats your point? If i'm wrong though then i'm sorry and dont count mods.

BallsEye3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

If yes then did a mistake but forza is 1080p/60 so still makes this article pointless. You disagree forza is 1080/60 ?

BOLO3791d ago


"Yeah it's 30 on ps4, too, so what does that say?"
...Xbone holding PS4 back confirmed?

Nekroo913791d ago

forza runs at 60fps, because it was built for the 360. it looks and feels a last gen game.

Those static backgrounds, no day and night cycle, missing dynamic lightning confirms everything

MysticStrummer3791d ago

Funny how many people replied to the headline and ignored the overall point. XB1 will simply be behind all generation on the performance front. What difference that will make in sales remains to be seen. Personally I think MS's strategy of hiding more features behind a paywall will hurt them more than XB1's weaker tech.

dantesparda3791d ago

@ unholy one

Wow talk about insecure. All Master H did was correct Balleyes, and yet jumped to that conclusion? Where is your head at? And Ballseye and unholy one show something. They show that the MS fanboys comprehension skills are not as good as the Sony fanboys

NeloAnjelo3791d ago

Forza got to 1080 by using 2D crowds and sacrificing lighting.

Driving games don't push the hardware. GT6 is 1080, at 60fps on last gen!

Anyways the esRam is what's causing the issue for the XBONE. A hardware limitation cannot be easily fixed via tools and system firmware.

The sacrifice for Kinect and the bloated OS is not worth it. Add in the $100 extra price tag, with services locked behind XBL and the XBONE just ain't worth it.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
Mystogan3792d ago

But... What about all the games that are 1080p at 60fps on X1. Lets just forget about them right?

MysticStrummer3791d ago

…and another person replies to the headline, while ignoring the overall point.

Ahhh, N4G...

NeloAnjelo3791d ago

Name a few then... Except Forza, none do.
The only game on PS4 not at 1080 is BF4. This still exceeds the XBONE's 720p

OMG... XBONE = the Xbox 720... For 720p! It's fits! Just realised that!

UnHoly_One3792d ago

I think you guys are far more worried about this than we are.

Keep giving me good games, I couldn't give two craps if they are 1080p. I wouldn't know the difference anyway, barring the 20 articles telling me what resolution it is.

If the new Gears of War isn't 1080, what are they going to compare it to in order to show me how terrible it looks? The answer to that is nothing, because there won't be a Gears game on any other console.

THAT is what I care about.

Hercules1893791d ago

But if you stand 1 ft in front of your 70 inch tv you can notice some jaggies if its not 1080p.

Hicken3791d ago

What do PlayStation fans have to be worried about? We're getting the best graphics (on console) and arguably the best stable of first party developers. We're getting everything, and you're getting...?

You not knowing the difference is fine for you. Unfortunately, Microsoft can't rely on just you to sell all their games and hardware. So they need to convince the people like you who don't know any better as well as the people who DO know better. So far, they only seem to have the former group.

They'll compare Gears to Gears on 360. They'll compare it to any other TPS, too. Forza 5 got compared to Gran Turismo. And Need for Speed. Console is irrelevant, in that respect, as people compare completely unrelated games for no other reason than to compare them. Your decision to remain ignorant on the details or differences won't change any of that.

You've got a total of three comments on this article alone, downplaying the importance of resolution/framerate differences- and we both know this isn't the only such article you've been in- so it's hypocritical to say you don't care.

I can't see how you got a Well Said for this comment.

ambientFLIER3791d ago

unholy one -

Exactly. The only people worrying about and bashing the xbox are the ones that don't have and don't want one. It's hilarious. It's like the sony fans have to validate their allegiance on a daily basis by putting down the competition with regurgitated puns and slogans, instead of just being happy and playing killzone or knack or whatever.

webeblazing3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Funny because resolution and frame rate didn't matter last year . Its a leap from last gen but a lot of fanboys have a need to bash xbone owners because of they choice to like a different console. This is why people who isn't a PS fanboy say PS fanboys are the worst. Everyone know that it cost more because of the cam and stuff

kenshiro1003791d ago

Funny how graphics meant something to you guys with the PS3/XB360 multiplat comparisons and now they don't matter.


UnHoly_One3791d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Hicken, I got a Well Said because the few non Sony people on this site agree with me. It simply is not THAT big of a deal.

I admit the PS4 is more powerful. I admit I would like the Xbox to be more powerful. But since that isn't going to change,why worry about it?

Should I sell my XB1 because all you guys tell me it sucks?

I don't think so. I've been playing games on it like crazy and loving it for two months while my technically superior PS4 is in the closed cabinet of my TV stand and hasn't been turned on since 11/22. I use it's USB ports to charge my spare XB1 controller. It won't get turned on again until inFAMOUS drops, and since I'll have Titanfall by then, it might be awhile after that.

My point is, I'm going to play what I like and to Hell with what resolution it is. If it's the only way to play it, who cares?

The only place this really matters is multiplats, where you can have a direct 1:1 comparison, correct? Because all that BS about comparing Gears to some other TPS is just that, BS.

So let's say a year from now, the next AC game comes out, and it's 1080/60 vs 720/30. Then I have a direct comparison and a real decision to make.

But to me, it's still not a hard decision. I'll take the "worse" version every time. I hate PS controllers. Hate them. And if I stick with the XB version I can play with my friends, get achievements, etc. All of that stuff is more important to me than 1080p.

I'm not going to say there is no difference, because there is. But I will say the difference is so minuscule that without a direct comparison it's not noticeable. And since I have no intention of setting up a second 65 inch TV next to mine and running the same game on both consoles, I think I'll be just fine.

Also, I'd like to take a second to say the way you Sony guys all assume that you have the best developers and the best games kinda makes me ill. You realize everyone likes different types of games, right?

Thankfully, I have both and don't have to choose, but if I could only have one console it would not be a Sony console. They've been a distant second for me ever since the original Xbox dropped. That's just my opinion, of course, and not a popular one here among the Sony worshippers, but it is what it is and I'm not here to gather a fan base.

n4rc3791d ago

It wouldn't matter..

All the fanboys would be fine with 720p as long as Xbox was lower.. Everything has to be 1080 or its garbage... 900p is a joke for ryse.. But 900 is fine and awesome for bf4 only because Xbox is 720..

Its not about the resolution.. Its about winning..

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
donman13791d ago

Why is this news. Every gamer knows this. The XboxOne should have been named Xbox720.

Negative773791d ago Show
miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3791d ago

Weird. I've been playing Forza 5 and NBA 2K in 1080p 60fps. I guess anytime soon doesn't mean present day.

dantesparda3791d ago

You MS fanboys are funny, youse dont care about res until the X1 suddenly has a game that can do it, then youse wanna brag about it. MS fanboys are being obvious overprotective, sensitive, defensive and phony idiots. Youse are looking like the WiiU fanboys. Nobody is saying X1 cant do 1080p or heck even 1080/60fps, why even the PS3 and 360 could do that. What people are saying is its obvious that the X1 is inferior to the PS4 and any game the X1 could do the PS4 could do better. Now stop saying (and this goes out to all you MS fanboys) that youse dont care about res or framerates (oh wait that did matter til TR happened). Cuz if MS keeps on hearing this enough then thats what you're gonna get. Which is basically what youse will deserve!

DigitalRaptor3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

No one is saying it's not possible to achieve the 1080/60fps baseline. It was possible last gen, and it's possible this gen.

However, if you consider what we know about both of those games, it's not difficult to see how those results came about. When either of those games push the boundaries of what it means to be next-generation, let me know.

ITPython3791d ago

The XB1 could likely do 1080p/60fps for some undemanding cartoon 2D type game, heck I think the PS3 even has a few 1080p/60fps indi games out there.

But when it comes to anything even remotely demanding, XB1 has no chance in hell.

It's amazing, because even some launch PS4 games are able to pull off 1080p @ 60fps (such as the graphically demanding KZ:SF), just imagine how much better it's going to get over the years! If it could be patched into the system, I bet PS4 could even pull off 4k @ 30fps in a couple years.

OldDude3791d ago

"I bet PS4 could even pull off 4k @ 30fps in a couple years."

If you really believe a system that cant even do 1080p/60 consistently is going to do 4 times the resolution @ 30fps, then you sir are an idiot. And yes, I own one too, along with an X1, 2 PS3's, 2 Xbox 360's, A PSV, WiiU and 3 3ds's.

I play games, not systems. Don't be delusional just to compensate for you system of choice.

ITPython3791d ago

XB1 doing 1080p @ 60fps is as likely as the PS4 doing 4k @ 30fps.

And what I mean by that is, PS4 probably could pull it off with a game that isn't too demanding.

Also I own a PS4, I have no need to compensate. That's for the XB1 players, such as yourself.

popup3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

As A PS4 owner, I have little desire to simply just rub peoples nose in it who decided to buy an Xbox One. It is not hard to realise that there is a difference between the two but the fact remains that anyone coming from an Xbox 360 to an Xbox One is going to get a massive upgrade in specs compared to the 360, keep most of their friends and still get some great games and hopefully great exclusives. Should I really care or be that insecure about things that other people decide?

Personally, I don't want to get an Xbox one but if it were to build a library of excellent titles (just as the PS4 will, no doubt) then it would be a shame to miss them due to silly prejudice.

I also hope that we will see more 60FPS titles this gen even if that means that other graphical sacrifices have to be made to make that possible. At the start of this 'next gen', it is only natural to want to see some eye candy ;)

AngelicIceDiamond3791d ago

The info seems surprisingly informative. But still pretty useless.

Project Cars, The New Aliens games, Forza, Strider are doing 1080p 60 frames on X1.

"Dodd said that we won’t be seeing games running at 60 FPS and 1080p resolution any time soon."

Well Dodds wrong because X1 is already doing it.

cozomel3791d ago

You're missing the point, the point is not that the X1 cant do any 1080/60 games but rather that there are going to be alot of PS4 games that'll run at 1080/60 on the PS4 that wont on the X1. And please stop using Forza as a example, that game is really poor example. Its very aliased and has very low poly count. Barely next gen at all

dlocsta3791d ago

You are missing the point because not one single part of your explanation is anywhere in the article. It states very clearly X1 cannot do it and won't be able to for a while yet it already is. So what was the point again?

Magicite3791d ago

This happens when you try to save on a gpu and invest into kinect gimmick.

BABY-JEDI3791d ago

Well I hope the frown turn to smiles. I'm that kind of guy
; )

Blaze9293791d ago

the irony in this rumor being in the "hopefully" section is strong. "Hopefully" Xbox One doesn't achieve 1080p and 60fps anytime soon? lol

dlocsta3791d ago

Forza 5 (a launch title) runs 1080p/60fps. Name the Sony game that did that at launch?

ITPython3791d ago

Uh, Killzone Shadow Fall? Derp?

Heck, even with a graphically intense game such as KZ:SF, it actually wanted to go BEYOND 60fps which at times caused studdering because the HDMI output could only output 60 fps.

scootscottskeet933791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

This comment is for all of the MS fans.. I honestly don't even know why you argue back anymore. I own the XB1 and PS4. When It comes to quality of games Sony wins. When it comes to console power Sony wins. I don't feel like I wasted money on my XB1 because I do look forward to playing titan fall and maybe Halo 5 or the next Gears but when it comes down to it... If you only have an Xbox, then you got the lesser of the two consoles, you really did.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
Snookies123792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

The Xbox One console said this? Lol, that's the way it looks with the way the title is presented. To the best of my knowledge, the thing can't talk.

majiebeast3792d ago

Its become sentient. We better watch out

Snookies123792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

Shh, the Kinect is always listening... Lol, I poke fun at it, but the X1 isn't bad. It has a few issues it needs worked on, but it was fun to play around with when I was testing it at my friend's place. I just personally wouldn't pay full price for one right now.

Gazondaily3792d ago

Skynet is activate.

The Tomb Raider 30fps fiasco was the final nail in the coffin really. 1080p/60fps on X1 will be the exception as opposed to the standard it will most likely be on the PS4.

The evidence is there for all to see. It is a shame really and a BIG oversight on the part of MS. So it will really be interesting to see how MS plans to fight back now that it can't rely on third party titles as much as it did with the 360.

madjedi3792d ago

Well hey at least xbox fans get crackdown 3 in 2016.

snookiegamer3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

I don't know what to expect. But expect this before years end.


Xbox One $399 (with Kinect, but possibly no optical drive) available in White in addition to launch black colour. Halo 2 Anniversary coming this year, with beta for Halo 5 included.

Yep, all apparently true. The source is thereddragon/youtube.com.... so don't shoot the messenger ;/

So you can take it or leave it.

MysticStrummer3791d ago

If you can't trust a red dragon, who can you trust?

Fishy Fingers3792d ago (Edited 3792d ago )

Don't understand the logic, the hardware is more than capable of 1080p at 60fps, just like my ipad is, it's just down to how demanding the game itself is, or how optimised said game/engine is.

While it's clearly struggled to hit its stride, we're still early in the gen, it's never going to magically get as powerful as the PS4 but blanket statements like "can't do 1080 at 60fps" means nothing.

LightofDarkness3792d ago

Exactly, put the original Gears of War trilogy on there and every game should run at 1080p/60. Trying to get modern games meant for both machines at 1080p/60 is obviously a challenge, and perhaps too great a challenge, but that blanket statement is frankly ignorant.

Play2Win3792d ago

you can play 1080p @ 60FPS with PC hardware from years ago. Seriously without downplaying any console of next gen this is poor. At least Ps4 is on the right track. And Ps4 will get better too. If I would buy a console it would be Ps4. Honestly
who are you fooling by buying a xbox one? yourself? it's your money and you get far more from ps4. and the gap will get bigger and bigger as time goes by. what if amazing new games will go 1080p on ps4 with nice fps and xbox one gets its poor 900p or even 720p? come on its you freaking money. and don#t tell me that resolution doesn't matter. it's the number one aspect of clean image quality.

elninels3792d ago

Don't jump the guy because instead of saying "full, current gen AAA experiences" he said "games". He's not being ignorant, we all knew exactly what he meant.

xfear2diex3792d ago

so you buy a conslose foe it,s hardware yeah that 1 good reson to do but i buy them for games
if i wanted good grapics i would go to pc to get the highset setting

madjedi3792d ago

No i would consider that statement relevant, devs aren't going to sacrifice visual effects to achieve 1080p 60 fps on the games if it makes the game look like a last gen game.

It is a brand new gen, i want the new games to make last gen games look like dog shit, last gen games visually are a obsolete standard to both gamers and devs.

They want us to see the games and think that looks fucking incredible i need to buy this game.

I swear people forget that ms themselves stated we did not focus on the highest graphics we could obtain. Albeit no one really expected them to cut it back this far.

Tomb raider definitive edition had the ps4 team had to give the xbox one team a hand with it's version. If your looking for a smoking gun this is it.

The xbox one has slower memory and a slower gpu, and is handicapped by the 32 meg edram, there is a reason gddr5 is used on modern graphics cards and ddr3 is not.

LightofDarkness3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )

Who are you people even talking to? I don't even own an Xbox One, I have a PS4, Wii U and a high-end PC, among many other older machines. In fact, the XBO is probably the home console I don't have from the last 20 years. You fanboys are losing the plot, this is worse than last gen. And what is factually incorrect in my post? It was all fact, not opinion. Are we disagreeing with facts now?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3791d ago
Akuma073792d ago

You're completely right. So you can enjoy your last gen looking 1080p/60fps games, while I will enjoy my current gen 1080p/60fps games :D

NexusFX3792d ago

That does suck, at the same time doesn't make a lot of sense, there are games now that do 1080p/60FPS. Not just Forza 5 either, NBA 2K14 does and a couple of others. Well, they got me with their exclusives (Mostly KI, I'm a sucker for that series what can I say) Quantum Break, Halo, Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark, Below. The only reason I don't have a PS4 right now is because the only title that is exclusive that interests me is The Witness (The Order is on my "might be decent list"), sure I can get all the 3rd party stuff and it will look better, run better, or both, the thing is, the 3rd party games aren't "Terrible" just not as good. Price you pay for voice commands and multitasking, which I enjoy quite a bit actually. I've gotten spoiled by it lol. Even at one point thought about changing from X1 to PS4, for me, the titles just aren't there yet, maybe next year. Their Indie selection is awesome but I can get those on my PC so....

elninels3792d ago

Most voice commands are available on the ps4. One doesn't even need the camera, just the headset. However you won't have the seamless multimedia integration of the xone's three OSs.

svoulis3791d ago (Edited 3791d ago )


"Their Indie selection is awesome but I can get those on my PC so...."

Titan Fall and Project Spark is for PC as well. So you are contradicting yourself right there.

The point is, and its really THIS simple.

You are paying more for less. The problem is the "less part" caters to the "kinect" and if you think that justifies the extra 100$ for a inferior product then that is fine.

I find it fascinating that you are so interested in Sunset Overdrive, Below, Halo when you know almost NOTHING about them. But hey. I guess whatever helps you sleep at night.

As far as indies are concerned (Below being one of them) Indies aren't bad, and if you don't have a PC the PS4 is a great alternative for the games, and most of all, they are basically free.. (PS+).

NexusFX3791d ago

"Titan Fall and Project Spark is for PC as well. So you are contradicting yourself right there."

Actually I'm well aware that those 2 titles are on PC. I guess you missed the part about KI, I don't need anything to help me sleep at night lol, and I wasn't insulting the PS4, its just not for me right now. I have games I enjoy right now. KIller Instinct, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, and Ryse. NONE of those Titles are on PC and I'm very glad to have the X1 right now. Killzones graphics look fantastic, but its a ho-hum series for me. Knack I really was looking forward to but was VERY disappointed after playing it. Those are the only 2 AAA Exclusives right now and in order to justify spending money on a console, I need more content than what is "currently" being offered on the PS4.

And NO YOU AREN'T PAYING MORE FOR LESS! You're paying for what the product IS not what you THINK IT IS. The HDMI Pass-though, the Multitasking, the Kinect features, and the exclusive titles available are the things that drew me to the console, games and features, not resolution.

Congrats on looking for some way to insult someone who currently owns an X1 and enjoys it though, nothing like exposing your own insecurities. "But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night"

svoulis3791d ago


Haha, if only you new.

Here is my Gamertag KSKGravemaker

Oh whats that, I own an Xbox One as well, and have all the exclusives. Oh me Oh my.

See that is the problem with fanboys, they get so high on their horse they still don't see a product for what it truly is.

Yes I bought an Xbox One KNOWING it was inferior to the PS4, yes I bought all the exclusives even if they didn't appeal to me. YES, I bought the KI pack so I have all the characters and maps.

That still does NOT take away from the fact that all Microsoft has been doing defending their console is lying about things we knew about already.

It's not me or you I feel bad for its the people who don't know and don't understand what goes on behind the curtains.

First they claim the consoles are basically the same, than they claim that the gap isn't as big as we think it is. Than they go back and say graphics and fps aren't important and finally we are full circle....AGAIN

I bought a XO because I play games and I don't choose sides. I bought both consoles, I have a high end PC, and at the point all 3rd party games I own are on my PS4 or PC.

Oh and I personally keep my Kinect unplugged as I don't care for it :D

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Hofstaderman4m ago

As it should be. At this rate the Western side of the industry will crash and we may yet see the resurgence of Japanese gaming development. Really miss the PS1 days. No bloated budgets, diverse games and many IPs that exist today are from that era. Perhaps the industry does need a reset.