
Rumor: The Last of Us 2 in production, launching in 2015

Translation: Omelete is a well known Brazilian website (it's the biggest entertainment website over here actually), they claim that their insiders confirm the game is already in production and it will be releasing in 2015.

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TomShoe3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

I doubt it. It's too soon for another one.

Not to mention this game works best as a standalone. It doesn't really need a sequel.

GraveLord3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

The Last Of Us = 2013
The Last Of Us 2 = 2015

2 Years. How is that too soon? If it launches in the holidays that would be make about 2 and a half years.

Game's universe has potential. No reasons why we shouldn't get another one, original did sell well after all.

I would love another new IP from Naughty Dog too but that may be asking too much. They do need to make money and ditching their assets and only creating new IP is not a good way to do it.

TomShoe3832d ago

2 years is too soon for a game this good.

thehitman3832d ago

I did take them about 2 years to make it... I think all the UC had 2 years between them as well this so this is not far fetched. I sort of wished though NaughtyDog main team were working on something other than Uncharted I dont mind another TLOU, but I guess the UC IP has grown to big to put it down.

Axios23832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

What happened to your comments in this article?


Where is your disdain for "Repeat" franchises?

truefan13832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

I can't lie even though i think tlou is overrated, it looked like an awesome game. My question though is would this clarify as milking, looks like the Ps4 cycle is going to be infamous, uncharted, tlou repeat. Sony is doing everything Ps4 gamers hammer MSN for doing.

@axios we thought the exact same thing.

Riderz13373832d ago

And what about Uncharted? No way it's releasing in 2014, so I'm guessing 2015. Two Naughty Dog games in 2015? No thanks, world would explode.

theWB273832d ago

"GraveLord + 10h ago
It got shelved for the development of the easy bet, Gears of War 4. Microsoft is just unwilling to invest in new IP.

Forza, Fable, Halo, Gears....REPEAT. This is Microsofts plan, if it appeals to you, have fun with your Xbox One."

Lol, it's that Microsoft bad doggy, Sony good doggy complex in full effect. It's everywhere and hilarious to see the same people praise one company and slam another for doing the same crap.

Nice call out.

Tontus3832d ago

They started development on TLoU late 2009, released it mid 2013.

2 years isn't enough to create another masterpiece, it needs 3+ years to reach the same quality of ND's best work yet, TLoU.

Looking forward to the sequel, hopefully they move on from Uncharted after the next one and have a new IP + TLoU in store for the PS4.

fenome3832d ago


Please don't call this game overrated if you haven't played it yourself. Me and my girlfriend absolutely love this game and adore Ellie, the DLC being released on Valentines day is an awesome way for us to spend some time.

I'm just gonna wait and see what they do, the Uncharted announcement was expected from that team. I'll be anxious to see what the team that made The Last of Us is gonna do next though.

And as for milking, at least the original game studios are the ones creating them, they're not just buying the IP and handing it to another studio so they can still claim to have these same games on their system. Halo- different studio, Gears- different studio.

Personally, I'm not one to bash sequels as long as the original creators are the ones making them. They can make improvements on what they made in the first place and listen to fan feedback to make the next one a better experience. I think they should stick with the original creators though, they're the ones who thought it all up and have the most heart in it.

I'm not saying other studios can't create something amazing or anything like that, that's just how I feel about it. Opinions and what-not.

OrangePowerz3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

2 years is too short when you change from one system (PS3) to a new system (PS4). It would be a different story if it would still launch on the same console.

It is also unlikely that Uncharted will launch this year and even though they have two teams they will get people from the other team for the final crunch time.

Outside_ofthe_Box3832d ago

I would rather ND put out a new IP first then get back to the sequels later.

scott1823832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

lol @ Xbox fans that get angry at sony fans being on Xbox articles. Look at the swarms of Xbox fanboys on every TLoU article every time one comes up, calling it over rated on every one of them...

ot: This is one of the greatest games I have played, whenever they feel like they should release a sequel is perfect for me.

Persian_Immortal3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Naughty Dog have established a 3-4 year dev. cycle, between both of their teams since the development of Among Thieves.

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves 2009(Team 1),
Uncharted 3 drakes deception 2011(Team 2)
The Last Of Us 2013 (Team 1)
Uncharted 4 2015(Team 2)

Taking a gander at this roadmap Naughty Dog team 1 will have a 4 year development on their next game and no it aint The Last Of Us sequel this is obviously false news. During Neil Druckmans keynote at the idgaf in Toronto he said they were brainstorming a new IP which by doing the math makes its clear that I will release two years after the release of Uncharted 4 meaning a 2017 launch is what to expect.

kneon3832d ago


How do we know there isn't a team 3 now?

CrossingEden3832d ago

It's too soon because we'll end up getting another overly scripted demo and false advertising like "innovative and reactive A.I." which will probably be scrapped in order to make the release date.

fenome3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )


I watched that same video on here earlier, why don't you stop quoting Youtube and form your own opinions?

Plus, dude got called out in that video trying to say he was playing on Survival Mode. Items don't flash in Survival, he was showing gameplay on an easier setting and trying to say enemies were retarded. Trust me, enemies suck on survival mode, I've never had such visceral, personal, hand-to-hand combat moments in any other videogame before in my life.

DigitalRaptor3832d ago

@ truefan1

"i think tlou is overrated, it looked like an awesome game"

You just admitted you haven't played it. So you gather that it's overrated from not playing it, or is it simply the fact that it's yet another Sony exclusive you want to call out?

"looks like the Ps4 cycle is going to be infamous, uncharted, tlou repeat."

Yes, if you are only interested in those 3 games, that will be your PS4 generation in a nut shell. Thankfully there are FAR, FAR more exclusive games in production than those. I mean, we've all shown you that PS4 has more games and exclusive new IPs in production than any other console this generation, but you refuse to acknowledge. of course.

"Sony is doing everything Ps4 gamers hammer MSN for doing."

Everything? ... Do you want to say that to yourself again to realise how inaccurate it is? You wouldn't even have room to count the amount of fails and malpractices that are exclusive to Microsoft, not Sony, in the past few years on both your hands.

Muffins12233832d ago

Isent uncharted being made too?

guyman3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

True fan- look at your disagrees, what does that say? Judging by your previous comments, you are pregnant with Microsoft's babies. You make a prediction: Sony will only bring out 3 (apparently) games featured on the ps3 and milk their success by only getting the their first party studios to make sequels for those specific games. Ha! Don't make me laugh. Sony and their exclusive developers WILL bring out amazing games, even if it may take a little longer than with the Xbox . Also, I can guarantee titian fall (average and coming to ps anyway) halo, gears, qb will all have many sequels... Hypocrite.


abzdine3831d ago

a sequel is definitely happening because ND themselves said it was good to release a new IP at the end of a console cycle. that makes the next episode on a new console a success without a doubt.

serratos273831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

Uncharted 4 won't even release this year, it'll come out 2015. Why would TLoU come out the same year as U4?? That's so soon.
I wish I had a source to link you with. *tartar sauce*

sklorbit3831d ago


There is undeniably a huge difference between a game getting a sequel and a series being pushed into its 5th game and 3rd developer. Same with halo that has now switched developers.

It is sad that microsofts few major franchises are treated so poorly, and its probably why dev teams like bungie and epic arent willing to continue working exclusively for them.

ALARM-clock3831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

Naughty Dog has two dev teams that work on their games side by side for an average of 4 years each. They only release two years apart because of the way they've lined up their schedule. That said, TLoU is Neil Druckmann's baby, only his team will be working on it in the future, which means we won't be seeing a new release every two years like we have with the Uncharted series.

Tei7773831d ago (Edited 3831d ago )

2 years is quite a short time to develop a game of that quality on an entirely new platform. Possible, but very unlikely. Furthermore we're probably receiving Uncharted in 2015 so if that team have been working on their game since early 2012 and we still havent seen gameplay from it, I really doubt The Last of Us's team are just gonna conjure up a PS4 game out of nowhere.

Also just because something is successful does not mean that it needs a sequel. It wasn't the universe that got critical acclaim for The Last of Us, it was the characters. For me at least the ending of the game was brilliant and I really hope they leave it and let it exist as a stand alone piece of work, something not practiced enough in the industry.

If this was any other developer and publisher we were talking about a sequel would be a given, but I don't believe sony would force their hand and I believe Naughty Dog have enough artistic integrity to leave it as is, if they didn't feel a sequel necessary.


I'm from Brazil and "Omelete" is well know for trolling and comical content, not for gaming news. Just to put things in perspective.

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Salooh3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Don't forget that the ps4 is easier to develop for. They already prepared the engine for ps4 because of Uncharted. So it's all development , no wasting time here. So i for one think it's possible. Who knows what will happen. Every body said it's impossible to reveal the ps4 and release it in the same year but look what happened. Same thing can be applied here. The only way to know is by waiting for official stuff...

It's too soon to talk about the sequel though since Uncharted is revealed first so when that game release i'm sure we will hear about the last of us 2.

joab7773832d ago

No way! Why would they ever do a sequel to this game? Lol! Of course its true but it will launch in mid 2016.

Lord_Sloth3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

Uncharted 2 was made in under 2 years from start to finish. I won't comment yay or nay on this though. Just tossin that out there.

psman0123832d ago

I loved The Last of Us. Beat it twice, going on three times now. However, I think that creating a sequel to The Last of Us is like creating a sequel to Forest Gump...it's just such a classic on it's own, it's almost too risky to create a sequel (although I'm sure Naughty Dog could pull it off flawlessly). I loved the game, but I agree with TomShoe on the second part of his statement. It was an emotional roller coaster the whole way through, and there isn't exactly a need for a second full game. I'd rather see a few expansion packs detailing some of the shadowed aspects in the game, *SPOLERS* ex. what happens once Ellie and Joel get back to Tommy's at the end, or Joel and Tess's relationship...or even following up on Bill and how he got where he was. I would personally rather see these, but I support anything Naughty Dog does 100%.

kneon3832d ago

It doesn't necessarily need to be a sequel, it could be another game set in the same universe with completely new characters. Or perhaps a prequel showing the situation shortly after the outbreak.

wsoutlaw873832d ago

SPOILER there would be know problem with them picking up where the game left off. The ending didnt really resolve anything and I still want to know what happens with the 2 of them. That colony isnt safe or anything and ellie might still want to do the operation because it seemed she sort of knows the truth.

serratos273831d ago

Even the way the creative director spoke about this game, I think, gives off the impression that TLoU is best as a stand alone game. One of the replies to your comment says nothing gets resolved in the game...well true but, if you look at interviews Neil Druckman has done he sounds content with the way it ended. He even mentions we, the players, misinterpreting the ending. Think about it. Subtlety is one of this game's strongest qualities. We hardly know much of the infection/virus, but we know enough! Any who, my point being TLoU sequel would be awesome but I honestly would love for a new IP or even some more DLC (doubtful).

psman0123831d ago

@kneon; a sequel with a different venue would be great, but I've grown onto the characters so much. The game really would not be complete without Ellie or Joel. I love them both. But, a prequel would be pretty awesome.

@wsoutlaw87; the ending didn't wrap much up at all, you're absolutely right. But if anything, that's what I liked about it. I like having open ended discussions on what could happen after the end...well, ends. And maybe that's just how the creative director(s) meant for it to be. The writers Naughty Dog are pros for telling stories. If the ending was not sufficient for them, they would have changed it to something more fulfilling. I would, however, like to know what happens at the end.

@serratos27; My thoughts exactly. I like being lead on by the game and now knowing everything about it. That's part of what kept me restarting it over and over again, HOPING I could find something new (and each playthrough, I have).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3831d ago
ziggurcat3832d ago

my feeling is that it can have a sequel, but not with the same characters.

sinncross3832d ago

I think the rumour is wrong about TloU 2 but I do think that TloU goty edition will see a PS4 release.

I think that can be expected.

Sevir3832d ago

I don't know how ND will even Top The Last of Us. That story is self contained and really doesn't need a sequel. It's an insurmountable task, personally I think that they should do a new IP that's open ended in nature like Uncharted. Joel and Ellis's story is a story you can't top

3832d ago
bjmartynhak3831d ago

2 years is the time for a new COD...

Too early. If a sequel is produced, I want ND to have plenty of time. Better not rush a game that many people are afraid of sequel.

Austin483831d ago

I disagree it doesant have to be Joel and Ellie it can be new people there is several ideas they can youse for sequals. I want a sequal!!!!!!!

asmith23063831d ago

It doesn't need a sequel, but do I want a sequel? Absolutely. That world and the characters are too good to turn down a second time round.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3831d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3832d ago

LastOfUs is awesome can't wait for the sequel!

MrSwankSinatra3832d ago (Edited 3832d ago )

it was inevitable

Relientk773832d ago

Cool, but I thought if a sequel was happening it would be a little longer away then that

deafdani3832d ago

2 years and change is a sensible time for a sequel.

whitefang19883832d ago

Well this news story will be top in about an hour lol

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Playing The Last of Us Part II Is Different After Watching The Show

Has HBO’s The Last of Us show changed fans’ thoughts on Naughty Dog’s sequel, The Last of Us Part II? Maybe.

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anast30d ago

"Everyone in the world of The Last of Us sequel is miserable in one way or another. I mean, it’s the end of the world, we understand that, but there came a time when the game felt like it was written by Garth Ennis – and that’s not always a good sign."

It is not close to feeling like Garth Ennis's comic book style. Garth is a good writer and his writing isn't all tension either, and the same with Druckman's Last of Us II. In romantic comedies, there are comedic tension and rejection with bouts of misery. In dramas, there are bouts of comedic relief among tension, which are also in the game and this awareness is a good sign.

In the end, everyone dies and everyone is miserable at some point in time, even more so in an apocalypse. However, life is mixed with happy moments while entropy is moving in the background, such as a nice time with family and laugh shared amongst friends and so on, which are in the game.


The Last of Us Part 2 reportedly PC ready, and has been for months

The development of the The Last of Us Part II PC port has been complete since November 2023, according to a reliable insider

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gold_drake51d ago

probably waiting for the new season to air

just_looken51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Your right as soon as the hype wheel is ready for that show there going to drop it on pc.

But the real question is will this pc port be able to run 1080p on a 4090 as the last naughty dog pc port they helped make it was a dumpster fire.

Like i said before the current naughty dog team is just a glorified port studio but even then they have a hard time actually doing it right.

Yes ps blind boys naughty dog worked on pc ports

neutralgamer199250d ago


Your information is good but you need to stop calling names and start trying to have a real conversation. Fanboys of any product are extreme but that doesn't mean vast majority of gamers are just that "gamers"

RaidenBlack51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

... and the water's wet
But I'd prefer the Uncharted trilogy port over this one, tbh
Just porting Uncharted 4 and 4.5 to PC was not the best idea.

Inverno51d ago

Water isn't wet, but definitely want he Uncharted trilogy on PC.

truthBombs51d ago

Original Uncharted trilogy is my fav of the series. That is a worthy port to PC not 4 imo

just_looken51d ago

No doubt they need more help as the og's left the building so the uncharted 1-3 port would take actual skill/knowledge along with the source code/audio files/voice files.

If only niel D lost didn't loose over 80% of the team that made the company he is "running" and turned into a port studio.

Doge51d ago

It'll probably be announced and released on Friday.

Inverno51d ago

Yeah it could be a game fest announcement and release.

fsfsxii51d ago

Hope the PC crowd enjoy 4 year old leftovers lmao

DustMan51d ago

The PC master race looks down upon you mockingly knowing they are in every way superior gamers to you console simpleton.

ocelot0751d ago

Even the ones that have a £50 dell Optiplex and put in a 1650 that's weaker than a series S?

RaidenBlack51d ago

Atleast they dont make comments like the above.

truthBombs51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

for everytime you say that, the library of PS games on PC grows bigger. This year, Helldivers 2, Horizon Forbidden West, Ghost of Tsushima, GOW Ragnarok has a release date for this year and now TLOU2? Hmm.

Potentially 6 titles in one year. It keeps stacking.

Aphrodia51d ago

DON'T FORGET ABOUT CONCORD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

Cockney51d ago

Pc guys are loving it right now, banger after banger its one hell of a year

just_looken51d ago

If only the new sony leadership was not hell bent on region locking down there pc games to avoid better sales and get more ps accounts even though pc players do not want a jank exposed ps account that has all there personal info ready for another data breach and or just gets sold off.

I still and will never link my old ps account to my steam account the sony tos is to strict i do not want to get my ps account banned because i left my vpn on or sony things rgb is a hacker tool or some other BS.

Tedakin50d ago

When TLOU2 is announced, Spider-Man 2 will be pretty much the only notable PS5 first party game not on PC.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 50d ago
FPS_D3TH51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Lmao you probably bought this twice because ps5 have nothing good to play. My backlog of games is too big for me to even care it exists on PC let alone how bad the first one launched on PC. Sony wouldn’t be releasing it on pc if they didn’t need $$$

PrinceOfAnger51d ago

Will you enjoy Gears 5 and Sunset over drive + Ori games on PS5 after 3/5 years?

51d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 50d ago
Destiny108051d ago

i might have to upgrade my gtx 560 to a gtx 750ti

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Monopoly Go Devs Spent More On Marketing Than It Cost To Develop The Last Of Us 2

The game's huge marketing budget has worked out for it, bringing in $2 billion revenue in its first 10 months of release.

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ChasterMies128d ago

That’s how it is with most movies. Why should it be any different with games?

Eonjay127d ago

It could also be that development cost were just very very low.

Kaii128d ago

I think it's about time for government agencies to step into mobile gaming and look around, this is shit.

just_looken127d ago

Do not worry 82yr old joe biden is on it he will have 88-100 year old friends in the government to fire up there talky box's.

The_Hooligan51d ago

There definitely should be an age limit on politics. I mean the full retirement age is 67 so why do we have people in their 70s and 80s in politics. I think the cut-off age should be 70 if not 75 and that's it. We got politicians who can't even form a sentence, stand up straight, walk down a flight of stairs but somehow are in charge of making decisions for everyone.

just_looken51d ago


100% correct but looks like another 4 years of either a 80yr old or a felon that wants a purge to happen

franwex51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

You’re not the target audience. They know you won’t download it and pay micro transactions, so why spend money marketing to you?