
Why Buying Into an Alpha is a Bad Thing

"Gamers have been complaining for the last few months about the release state of Battlefield 4, which was released with countless bugs and glitches. It was constantly crashing to the desktop and all in all seemed a bit broken and unfinished, which is a cardinal sin for a triple-A title with a large budget. This understandably turned a large amount of people off of the game; I mean, who wants to buy a broken game? Most of us, apparently - except those willing to throw money at unfinished games on false promises." - Jay Adams of Geekenstein

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Peekayboo3800d ago

Buying dayz is a bad thing, Rust was worth every penny

aliengmr3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

It really isn't a bad thing if you understand what you are doing with your money.

Starpoint Gemini 2 is an early access game and it really works well, but more than that the devs are really listening to community suggestions. They've even implemented some of those suggestions.

Space Engineers is another such game and its been getting weekly updates. They just implemented the multiplayer because of community feedback.

Not every single game will be like that, but that is where simple "understanding" comes in. Understanding that you are buying the promise of a game and not the actual finished product. If that is something you don't want to do, then don't.

To say that has anything to do with with the release state of games like BF4 is ridiculous. BF4 was rushed out the door and didn't need to be crowdfunded. If you want to blame something, blame the big publishers that deemed the niche genres too risky and pore vast amounts of money into a game hoping for a quick turn-over.

I like that there is a place where the niche genres can be developed. I love watching these games grow over time and I know full well they it may not happen. But at least they have a chance.

Its a choice. Know what you are doing with your money or wait until release. Only complete idiots, that shouldn't even be allowed to walk upright, buy an alpha, complain that it isn't finished or complain about being forced to pay money for one.

Universe013800d ago

Entire Early Access idea is two way street. Many games simply use it to grab some finances early on, but there are several examples of games that really understood the spirit of EA. One such game is definitely already mentioned Starpoint Gemini 2. Just check out their forum and you'll see what I'm talking about. So many good debates, ideas, suggestions...and many of them actually land in game. Players really shape the entire game and devs are inspired by their feedback.
I only wish Steam would push more actively on games that are the only ones that present Early Access in good light


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Vader8233d ago

No 7 days to die is criminal


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