
Why Batman: Arkham Origins multiplayer didn't quite take off

Invisible Predator mode is a slightly odd answer to the very tricky question of how to squeeze multiplayer out of Arkham's core gameplay. Built out of a bravely asymmetrical framework of three-way battles, the game puts six players into the grimy, well-worn boots of The Joker and Bane's footsoldiers, while two others are randomly designated the roles of Batman and Robin.

bacrec13923d ago

Because it was developed by Splash Damage.

Germaximus3923d ago

Splash Damage creates exceptional multiplayer.

OhReginald3923d ago

HA....HA...good one!...oh wait...your serious....

jayswolo3923d ago


Not a damn thing from them has been good since Quake Wars, which was passable.

3-4-53923d ago

You had to hold down A to run, so you couldn't run and shoot and strafe at the same time you had to stop to turn and aim.

Spinal3922d ago

We talking bout Resident Evil 5 now? Lool

staticdash223923d ago

Another example of a singleplayer game having a shoe horned in multiplayer. After loads of people insisted that it would not harm the game's story......lol
Just look at the reviews, which were highly polarized. Resources were divided in the development of Origins, when ALL hands should have been on deck making the narrative and gameplay better.

Germaximus3923d ago

lol Splash Damage handled the multiplayer and only the multiplayer and it's actually very good.

The single-player campaign is the best one out of the Arkham games.

ForgottenProphecy3923d ago

A lot of people would disagree with the campaign being the best of the three. I personally think it's the worst. It wasn't bad by any means, just not on the same level as the first two were.

MightyNoX3923d ago

That's your opinion, not a fact.

AA's Scarecrow boss is repeatedly mentioned for best boss fight and AC's ending is repeatedly thrown-in whenever a 'most powerful moment in gaming' discussion/opinion/list is launched.

I highly doubt anyone's going to sing AO any praises...

SoulSercher6203923d ago

The campaign is the best out of the three? Please tell me that's a joke?

-Foxtrot3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

Who ever keeps believing a developer when they say that the inclusion of multiplayer will not hurt the single player are idiots in my opinion. Good games which get tacked on multiplayer could of been even better if resources weren't wasted. Take ME3 for example, yeah they got another team to do it but they still spent money, resources and time setting that team up to do it hurting the single player side of things when they could of gotten a better ending finished and also include cut content like the Omega DLC. The multiplayer got boring and repetitive fast

Then you have multiplayer in games like Bioshock 2 where they just don't need it.

Not to mention multiplayer in Assassins Creed, imagine what they could do without it. They bring the games out yearly so does it really need multiplayer when the next game is going to have it in. You may aswell spend time doing extra missions or something.

Oh and we have developers which wouldn't be able to do it because it would really hurt the single player side of things like Bethesda, people who can't even do a single player game without bugs...imagine is multiplayer/co-op was added.....pfffft no thanks.

People never think about multiplayer features logically, if a game like Borderlands, L4D or even Rayman Origins are built up AROUND those features then it's fine.

Hell you even get games which are based around the idea of co-op for example but because of all the promises they make about the single player part of the game they never live up to expectations because they probably wasted too much side on the multiplayer side of things.

Germaximus3923d ago

Funny you mention Assassin's Creed. That's probably some of the very best multiplayer ever and it's unique.

-Foxtrot3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

It's not

It's become boring and they've never done anything over the years to change things up.

Being unique does not make a multiplayer automatically good.

It's totally unneeded, they may aswell cram as much into the single player until the next game

jayswolo3923d ago

except ME3's MP was extremely well received and offers a lot of variety.

-Foxtrot3923d ago


Lol...it really wasn't

It's average at best and at the end of the day I can remember many websites saying "What was the point"

Deadpoolio3923d ago

You do grasp that 2 that is 2 teams handled the game right? Warner Montreal had nothing to do with the MP and Splash Damage had nothing to do with the SP.....Perhaps you should actually get your facts straight in this case before trying to cry that the MP damaged the better than Arkham City SP

CrossingEden3923d ago

AC has some of the most unique and best multiplayer gameplay this gen and is developed by a completely different ubisoft studio that doesn't touch the single player, not to mention that ubisoft is the biggest gaming developer in the world so their development teams and budgets aren't hurt when it comes to including polished expanded multiplayer.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3923d ago
kazumakiriyu3923d ago

You fail to realize a new company made it this time around. I think that might have more to do with reviews than a shoehorned multiplayer.

Theyellowflash303923d ago

Why Singleplayer Games Shouldn't have Tacked on Multiplayer

WPX3923d ago

It seems us Wii U owners didn't miss anything by not having the multiplayer part.

And what the earlier posters said, cheap cash-grab tacked-on multiplayer never works.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3923d ago

You guys wouldn't have missed much if they decided to completely ignore the console all together. Game was Super Bland. It was an Ascended Super Bland (for all the dbz fans :)

I didn't even know the game had mp to be honest. Didn't even finish it. After I beat Deathstroke I sold it.

ForgottenProphecy3923d ago

Damn, that's pretty early on. But you didn't miss much. There's a really good scene between Bane, Joker, and Batman at the end, but that's about it.

MicDude3923d ago

Batman AA isn't bad by any means. The reason people don't like it is because it doesn't offer anything new besides some cool boss battles and an already nearly dead multiplayer. I was able to beat the game blind on hard and collected everything but the riddler challenges 14 hours in and I am bad at video games in general.

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The best Batman Arkham game still isn’t on PS5, and that’s a problem

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is almost here, but I can't revisit the best Arkhamverse game on PS5 without sacrificing quality.

Read Full Story >>
ZeekQuattro251d ago

Not a fan of Orgins. Blame it on the absence of Conroy & Hamill. Blame it on the lack of atmosphere compared to Asylm. Hell blame it the devs thst dicked over Wii U owners like me that purchased the game only for support be dropped as a thank you to me. It's better than Knight but that's not saying much. I don't care for that entry either.

Rebel_Scum250d ago

tbh buying a game like that for WiiU should’ve been an obvious non-purchase when it existed on better hardware.

Cacabunga250d ago

Origins is amazing..
my favorite Batman is Batman and Robin on mega drive.. an HD REMASTER of that would still look glorious

ZeekQuattro250d ago

I got it launch. Kinda hard to go back. I'm supposed to know they were going to drop support months after the fact. 🤣

Exvalos250d ago

You sound like a salty fanboy, that it didn't come to your precious plastic of choice. It's not the developers fault Nintendo continues making underpowered hardware. It's our fault because we keep buying it. Yes I say (we) I'm part of the problem as well.

ZeekQuattro250d ago

I have a PS3 and a Wii U. How was I a salty fanboy? I bought the game on the system I wanted it for.

Rebel_Scum250d ago

Nah my comment has nothing to do with whether you’d know or not that they’d drop support.

Buying any AAA game of that era for a WiiU you should’ve known you’d be sacrificing graphics and load times.

LucasRuinedChildhood251d ago

It's solid but Origins is definitely not the best Arkham game.

LoveSpuds250d ago

Smacks of hyperbole to me, talk about clutching at straws to create some drama around PS5!!

generic-user-name250d ago

Titles like these are designed to get you to come in, go to their comment section and tell them how they're so wrong so they can boost their numbers.

Phoenix76250d ago

Even though its not the best arkham game in the series, its still an enjoyable game in its own right. What it do really well at though, was the crime investigations scenes. Which imo, were the best of the franchise.

goldwyncq250d ago

I don’t know about best game but it definitely has the best story and boss fights.

boing1250d ago

Never played it and recently I've finally tried it via cloud on psn. It's not the best for sure, but it ain't bad either.

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Batman: Arkham Origins - Open World Busy Work that Doesn't Hold Up 10 Years Later

Batman: Arkham Origins launched 10 years ago today, and sadly doesn't stand the test of time as well as its predecessors.

Petebloodyonion331d ago

I fail to grasp why this title is worse compared to Arkham City (according to the article) as the author didn't provide any argument to explain why aside from that it felt the bigger map compared to Arkham Asylum made the experience less tight.
More importantly, the author seems like he never played Arkham City since he described the game as linear (alongside Asylum).


The Unjustly Forgotten Batman: Arkham Origins Deserves A Resurgence

Despite certain flaws, Batman: Arkham Origins is a splendid entry in the legendary Arkham series and deserves better than being forsaken.

lellkay444d ago (Edited 444d ago )

It's the worst of the three in my opinion, but still really enjoyable. Definitely underated and gets far more crap that it deserves.

Should be included with the other Arkham games in the bundle.

Demetrius444d ago

I'm honestly enjoying it alot, my first time playing since I just decided to get a Xbox 360 slim for 65$, I cop some other gems too tho, I went into Arkham origins not expecting better than Arkham city but it does deliver plus the guy who voices batman did a good job aiming for the young Bruce impression