
Micheal Bay's response to Uwe Boll

In a response to a thread made on his official forums MB replied :

Can we stop talking about this guy! I never even heard his name till last week when he made threats and rants. The guy is a fucking idiot, making threats to me, Clooney, Eli Roth, says he has a doctorate - but uses the word "retard" in his vocabulary, come on. When you look at his videos, what is interesting are the backgrounds. I guess his low rent offices, with 15 year old 3/4 machines, archaic computers, this is just some dumb chump trying to get some fame when he has none, so he has to make Youtube lame quality anger rants. Guy just want attention because he can't get any for the so called movies he makes. Nothing sadder when he had his screening in LA to an over half empty movie house.

He is a troubled soul - let's just waste time on talking about him please.


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fury5896d ago (Edited 5896d ago )

I bet we'll get a response from Boll to this within a week. I'm very excited what Boll will pull out in his next video response.

NightVyper5896d ago (Edited 5896d ago )

Uwe is a tard, he has ruined many a good idea, something i thought not possible... but no matter how brilliant an idea can be execution is still important. obviously Uwe cant do that part.

nice post on bays part

malingenie5896d ago (Edited 5896d ago )

You cant be in the film industry and not know who Uwe Boll is. I mean he mustve been the butt of Hollywood jokes for years!!

BTW: Im a Masters and I use "retard" quite often. Its a good word.

Spydr075896d ago

I'm guessing your Masters had nothing to do with writing?

kapedkrusader5896d ago

Do you mean to say, " I have a Master's Degree". Sure you do...and Boll is a great director.

LeonSKennedy4Life5896d ago

That's actually a correct term of usage. Being a "master's" means you have your Masters Degree.

Did you not learn that yet?

malingenie5896d ago (Edited 5896d ago )

Some of you guys are seriously retarded. :)
See, it's a pretty nifty and flexible word.

Plus I'd like to make a distinction between ghastly grammatical/spelling errors like using "insure" instead of "ensure" versus contractions that have been simplified for quick keyboard entry (ive =I've; mustve=must've).
Only one of those errors makes you look stupid. Guess which.

Plus, I am Masters and plenty of Master say that they are Masters, because saying "I am a Master of Arts" every time, does sound a tad pedantic.

Kami5896d ago

He can have all the degrees he want but that does not make him smart. I've seen kids with a higher degree of knowledge and intelligence when compared with this idiot.

Spydr075895d ago

I'm guessing that little bit was directed toward me (pointing out mustve = must've, etc).

*Cough* "Its" refers to possession. "It's" is a contraction for it is. Just thought I'd mention that to the guy with the mighty MaSteRS. You know, since you made a big deal out of my little joke. Does the fact that the "simplified" contraction changes the word's definition make one look stupid?


I'd guess you were aiming for the third meaning listed for that word. The thing is, I don't see how the word is flexible. Now, f*ck is a flexible word. It can be a noun, verb, adjective, etc.

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AA Games Deserve More Attention Than AAA Titles

While AAA games make headlines all over the internet, AA games are quietly and profoundly impacting the gaming industry with their creativity.

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isarai7h ago

No sh!t, like that's one thing that I will give the modern game industry is the re-uprising of the mid-tier. It's not as big as it was during the PS2 like Golden era of the mid-tier, but it's pretty damn good at the moment.

Inverno3h ago

Can we even call half of these games mid-tier when they're just 10 dollars short of full price? And if we're talking about indies that charge around 30 bucks, do many of these games honestly deserve the praise when so many chose the E.A. approach? They mention Hellblade 2 in the article, how can a game that took 5 years to make be considered "mid-tier"? Who knows what that budget was with how much work went into the visuals and sound design and mo-cap.

Michiel19893h ago

what's wrong with the early access approach? Supergiant games got so much help from the community and took the feedback to heart and created one of the best roguelikes. The early access that you pay 40 bucks to play the game earlier is awful, but this is actually super beneficial for the devs and also the gamers. Same with DoS2 and Baldur's gate 3.

Inverno3h ago

There are few exceptions in E.A. but let's look at The Rogue Prince of Persian. Why in the factual is an Ubi funded game in E.A.? There are games that are in early access for years, I'm talking 7-8 years. Look at 7 Days to Die, apparently it's coming out of E.A. and they're charging 54 bucks for the 1.0 version on consoles. Crowd funding also brought in a lot of problems, with many games funded turning out crap or then later signing a deal with a publisher regardless. The "mid-tier" market has a lot of shady business practices.

StormSnooper7h ago

I have enjoyed some amazing AA gaming this gen, and the Portal has been a surprising catylist for me getting into these.

jznrpg4h ago

I give good games attention. AA or AAA doesn’t matter to me.

Eonjay4h ago

This. Why does everything have to be this vs that? Good game is good and deserves attention.

Abnor_Mal3h ago

War, war never ends.

War! Huh yea good gosh y’all,
what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing!

LucasRuinedChildhood2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I suppose the general point is that *overall* AA games deserve more attention right now because of how much good stuff they're putting out. Doesn't mean that you shouldn't give good AAA games attention. The point about attention stands even if you remove the whole AAA vs AA angle.

Indie and AA games just don't count for a huge swathe of the audience. They ignore them or the lack of marketing never drags them in. And many who praise the PS1 and PS2 for smaller, original games and proclaim games to be bad now also don't play these games. The hypocrisy of that is starting to really irritate me, tbh, especially as quality 3D indie games have become common.

Supporting AA games can also slowly give those studios a higher budget to work with while still being creative, and you eventually end up with things like Larian becoming AAA.

VersusDMC2h ago

Hades sold 7 mil on steam alone. Disco Alysium 2.7 just on steam. Plague tale Requiem(is this even AA?) is at 3 mill. How did they not get attention?

And Forespoken is on the attention getting side? It bombed! What a idiotic thumbnail.

SMTVengence is a game that is getting overlooked. Put that on the thumbnail.

LucasRuinedChildhood2h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Here are some examples of some smaller games that I'd recommend people give a go:

- Metal Hellsinger
- Katana Zero
- The Talos Principle 2
- Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
- Rollerdrome
- Trepang2
- Tinykin
- Another Crab's Treasure
- Sifu
- Ghostrunner
- Penny's Big Breakaway
- The Pathless
- Kena: Bridge Of Spirits
- Midnight Fight Express
- Jusant
- Solar Ash
- Outer Wilds
- Furi
- Superhot
- The Forgotten City
- Crow Country
- Signalis

And obviously stuff like Hotline Miami but that's an obvious choice. Great game

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Meet The Solo Dev Whose Sega Rally Tribute Could Become An Official Sequel

When the first footage of Over Jump Rally appeared online, it rightly caused quite a stir. Created using Unreal Engine 5, it offered a tantalizing glimpse of what a modern-day Sega Rally could look like, complete with super-realistic car models, breathtaking environments and – of course – the trademark Sega Blue Sky.

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darthv721d 11h ago

Oh man.... this looks so damn good.

purple10112h ago(Edited 12h ago)

someone put a lot of effort into making this feel or look just like the good ol'days
thanks for finding this.!

ApocalypseShadow23h ago

Well done and great potential for a tribute.

Hey Dev, would you happen to be a fan of Skies of Arcadia? Lol


Scandalous recruitment standards in a Polish studio. A strip session in the background

Adrian Chmielarz, a famous game creator, revealed shocking details about recruitment in one of the Polish development studios. He shared a story on his Facebook that sparked community outrage among both players and industry professionals.

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gold_drake2d ago

i dont see how that is so outrages.

Eonjay1d 9h ago

"A woman looking for a job in gamedev was asked by the recruiter for a naked sauna session as one of the conditions of employment."

I don't know...

gold_drake1d ago (Edited 1d ago )

is a pretty simple word imo

Mr_cheese15h ago


If you saying no to getting naked in a sauna results in you not getting a job, it's an issue.

purple1011d 7h ago

but they do sauna all the time in Finland, Sweden all those countries, right>>? hehe

CrimsonWing691d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Ok, say no and find a different job?

Christopher1d ago

Love how people don't understand a person in the position to hire is forcing women into uncomfortable situations if they need a job.

Can they say no? Sure, but the point is that they either do it or lose out on a job. That's not how it should be and is a legal suit in many countries for doing it to begin with.

Also, the logic that he can't see them writing about sauna's without experiencing it nude and with him? Yeah, that's how it works. Only murderers write about murder.

SubtilizZer23h ago

Yea it’s pretty fucked either way you slice it.