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ArchangelMike (1) - 3873d ago Cancel
for we are many (1) - 3872d ago Cancel
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Here's Why Next-gen Consoles Might not be Such a Big Deal

While our gaming industry today is conceived of multilateral face-offs by next-gen consoles, mobile phones, and tablets, Tracey Lien from Polygon shares an interesting fact supporting the ever-growing notion of "PC Master Race". As such, the article exemplifies the different opinions of developers and producers on the past and present significance of consoles and how they could not compete over the PC over the next few years and how, ultimately, it would be PC gaming versus mobile gaming.

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Polygon have been throwing hate and flamebait articles out ever since the launch event started... This isn't any different...
GentlemenRUs3872d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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snitch_puck3872d ago
ArchangelMike3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

Polygon.... smh... anyway.

Well it's not really PC versus anything if you think about it for a second. After-all are the next gen consoles not simply 'patented' PC's with a brand and trademark behind them?

The same is true of Tablets and mobile phones. They are all evolving into mobile 'personal computers'. To me the argument is moot. underneath the hood, they're really all different types of 'computing systems'.

The point of consoles are the games + the sofa + big TV screen. That whole package makes console gaming a diferent and unique experience.

If I had the choice to be able to play [insert AAA game here], I would choose to play it in my lounge, on the sofa, infront of my TV, with my surround sound speakers booming.

The console makes that possible.

ATiElite3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

I want to be the first one to welcome you to the 21st Century where it is NORMAL to connect a PC to a Big Screen TV and use ANY wireless Controller or Wireless KB/m to game on while....wait for it, sitting on the couch!

Have YOU not heard of a VGA, DVI, HDMI plug? All Large Screen and Flat screen TV's have them and PC's have had them for like since they were invented.

If YOU prefer Console Gaming then that is ALL GOOD!

But don't be a MORON and act like you can't connect a PC to a TV because that just make YOU look SILLY!

ArchangelMike3872d ago

Yeah dragging my PC into the lounge... naah too ugly a setup. My console fits in the TV cabinet, nice and neat like.

Connecting a PC to the TV is beside the point, that's not how PC's are naturally set-up. Heck I can connect my smart phone and my Tablet to my TV as well. But that's also beside the point. That's not how they are naturally used. A console on the other hand... but I guess that is a completely lost on you.

BTW, do you have to use CAPS to make your point. Doesn't that make you look like a moron!?

Milesprowers3872d ago

My PC which I built myself fits in my TV Cabinet,
Simply build an HTPC Gaming PC.

tee_bag2423872d ago (Edited 3872d ago )

@ ArchangelMike

That's your problem if your PC is too ugly to drag into your living room.
The fact is, many PC gamers have had sexy, discreet gaming machines connected into their entertainment systems for a long time now.

Your point that "that's not how PC's are
naturally set-up" is totally invalidated by the simple fact there is no specified way you must set up a PC. That's pretty evident considering PC's have VGA, HDMI, DVI outs I would have thought.. no ?! K/M or Gamepad. The choice is yours. 720p or 1080 120fps. What ever floats your boat is where PC is generally at.
I get it if you simply can't be bothered, but for those who can, are rewarded.

N4g_null3872d ago

Better yet mike you could use gasp a gaming laptop from asus or alienware, wait alien ware makes sexy looking pc also... my fav now is main gear simply because their stuff is 4k ready with way more ram than your games will need.

Also there is the wireless hdmi tech then the possibility of some wifi direct tech similar to the wiiu, then we have the steam box solution with its cool controller.

ok wait for it but wireless tvs are coming also, wireless cable boxes are already here. Hell the ps4 and wiiu have wireless setups that are possible for the display.

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zRude3872d ago

For example. I have been using my Big ass power PC next to my 40" Full HD Sony Bravia flat TV.
And wait for it.... I play and use my pc... While...
i sit on my couch. OMFG ! WITCHCRAFT !

PC does not see any f*cking difference between above mentioned TV and a small normal flat PC monitor.

So saying that consoles are unique just because you can sit on a couch ? Does not apply anymore.

And yes, i got 5.1 Surround speakers plugged in to my PC while i play my games.

Since there are really good wireless keyboards and gaming mouses + good "lap tables" You have just utterly awesome and relaxing position to play your PC on your couch.

And yes i play proper AAA title games, Battlefields, starcraft etc etc.

And yeh. If you are a fashion decorator. You don't eve have to look hard to find pretty little fashionable mATX PC cases. And yeah. You can actually have beastly mATX mini gaming PC's these days, that fits your pretty little lounge.

s45gr323872d ago

Okay I am using a 360 gamepad /keyboard and mouse, playing PC games via STEAM big picture mode through my PC gaming rig. I decided to buy (5 years from now) a docking station for my smartphone to hook it up to the 4K TV using a gamepad to play say smartphone games via the television set. See my point.

ufo8mycat3872d ago

It's all about the games

You pick PC and you miss out on a HUGE amount of great games only available on console.

You pick PS4/XBONE you pretty much get all the games that come out on PC, PLUS that HUGE amount of great games only available on console.

It really is a no brainer.
Let's not this fanboy delusions cloud your judgement

Milesprowers3872d ago (Edited 3872d ago )

PC can emulate the Wii Library.. I finished Twilight Princess at 1080p 4xMSAA on my PC hooked to my Sony 1080p TV.

DCfan3872d ago

Oh, a PC master race AND a thief. What a common combination.

NeoTribe3872d ago

Your point? Come back when you can emulate uncharted and the last of us in 20 years.

decrypt3872d ago (Edited 3872d ago )

"It's all about the games"

Funny you say that, then ditch the PC lol.

You do realize the new consoles launch with no BC, hence have no gaming library. Infact if you look at their launch line ups there hardly is a game on the list that is a system seller.

I bet most people after buying the new consoles will be waiting for games so they can actually play on the console.

PC has BC of about 30 years. Games from every thinkable genre are on that list. PC even emulates just about every console ever released. Overall from a games perspective the new consoles are a barren waste land in comparison to the PC gaming library. Stop kidding yourself.

Lastly about 10% games released on a console are actually exclusive, most are multiplat PC plays those better. PC gets its own exclusives too so i really dont see your point.

3872d ago
deafdani3872d ago (Edited 3872d ago )

Except that there's also a ton of games exclusive to PC that you can't play on any other platform, as well. So, your post is very fanboyish, too.

Just play the system that has the games you want and be happy. No need to discredit the other systems.

GentlemenRUs3872d ago (Edited 3872d ago )

What is with Polygon today...

I've seen nothing but bad stuff coming from them about the PS4 and never the XBOX.

N4g_null3872d ago

The ps4 is out and now everyone realizes oops the launch sucks. Cool system but why upgrade when we have a shiny new ps3?

ovnipc3872d ago Show
Tornadobounce3872d ago

It's clearly not worth it yet.

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Stardock announces Sins of a Solar Empire II

The long-awaited follow-up to the critically acclaimed real-time space strategy is being created by developers from the original team with a new, bespoke engine.

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Star Control IV Has Been Confirmed By Stardock

After years, a sequel to the notorious Star Control franchise, Star Control IV, has finally been confirmed to be in pre-production planning by Stardock.

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rlow11010d ago

Yes, I loved the first game. I really hope they have a good budget to everything they want into it. A lot of found memories battling ships in the multi player.


Humble Stardock Wayfarers Bundle out now

The Humble Stardock Wayfarers Bundle just launched today. It features Star Control: Origins Galactic Edition, Offworld Trading Company, and The Political Machine 2020, and more. As usual, you pay what you want. A percentage goes to support charity.

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rlow11211d ago

Star control is a classic