
Retrospective: Burnout 3: Takedown - Blackman 'N Robin

BNR: Anyone who has had an occasional glance at my blog since its inception will know that it is fairly platformer-heavy. I do have a soft spot for good platformers and even the odd bad platformer, though they are not the only type of games that I enjoy. RPG, adventure and action are also some of the genres I can really sit down and sink my teeth into. It is very rare that a racing game comes along which really grabs me. Admittedly the ones that do are not often realistic racers; for example the Mario Kart series with all of its wacky antics is much more enjoyable to me than say, the Forza series with its attempts to emulate real racing as accurately as possible. I recently rebought Burnout 3 for PS2 because I had a crystal clear recollection of the laughs I had playing it with friends some years ago. I can happily say that it is every bit as good as I remember.

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barb_wire4005d ago

IMO, the best 'Burnout' of the series.. such a blast playing that one.

I hope for next gen, Criterion release another 'Burnout' like this one.

pyramidshead4005d ago

Agreed. Burnout 3: Takedown was pretty epic to be fair. Paradise just didn't quite cut it, the open world didn't quite work but was fine for what it was.

What I think they majorly messed up on was the crash mode. It was excellent in #3 and was good for multiplayer too. The ol' pass the pad down sort of multiplayer with it's set junctions and stuff. The bouncing the car along thing in Paradise was just a terrible idea, not sure why they went with that :/.

KingPin4005d ago

burnout 3: takedown.
man that game brings back memories.
i burnt out over 100+ hours in this game on the original xbox. man, for its time those graphics were awesome.

i would buy this game again if the only thing criterion did was update the graphics. the gameplay, music, engine sounds were perfect as is.


A Remastered Release of Burnout 3: Takedown Is Long Overdue

It's time for EA to bring back Road Rage. And Crash Mode, for that matter.

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SullysCigar569d ago

I absolutely loved this game. It was my favourite in the series, even over Paradise!

LucasRuinedChildhood569d ago

Excluding PSP spin-offs:
1) Burnout 3
2) Burnout Revenge
3) Burnout Paradise
4) Burnout 2
5) Burnout 1

2 and 3 are pretty close for me though.

neutralgamer1992569d ago

Burnout 3
Burnout revenge

These 2 in a combo pack would be awesome

Snookies12569d ago

Yep, best two in the series in my opinion.

YodaCracker569d ago

I’ve been playing this on my Series X with a PS2 emulator and it brings back so much nostalgia. Still my favorite Burnout! But I’d definitely love a remake.

DarXyde569d ago (Edited 569d ago )

More of a Revenge guy, personally.

I really hated Paradise. I played it on PS3 and the only thing I liked about it was that it allowed for custom soundtracks.

..... So I just played it with the Revenge OST. 🫡

SullysCigar568d ago

I agree about Paradise. The world raved about it and I honestly thought I was the only one it didn't click with. I felt a bit like I was playing GTA, only without the story, shooting, flying et al. It felt a bit soulless to me compared to Takedown and Revenge, which were more OTT fun!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 568d ago
Terry_B569d ago

bring back Burnout 2-5 in one nice package.

sadraiden569d ago

Go play it then. Should be able to find a PS2 copy for less than $5.

Stop wishlisting games that already exist. Stop doing EA's marketing department's work for them.

TheSenorCheese569d ago

I'm just saying that a new generation of players would absolutely love this. Not everyone can afford to hunt down an Xbox and a copy of this game.

Amplitude569d ago (Edited 569d ago )

Looks and plays amazingly on pcsx2 honestly. But yeah an actual official remastered release with better graphics and trophies/achievements and online would be lovely

SullysCigar569d ago

Why are you telling everyone how to think? You only get one opinion; yours. So do the rest of us that are interested in a B3: takedown remake. It was a great game for it's time and could be even better if brought up to modern standards.

How about a spiritual successor, then?

TheSenorCheese569d ago

Only problem is EA is so far invested in Need For Speed that it might not be sold on a new Burnout...unless there's reassurance that there's still interest in the series. Hence, the idea for a re-release of one that's an established hit. :)

Ratchetlombax569d ago

I hope you'll have fun plugging your PS2 to a modern 4K TV, because you'll need a component cable ($10 to $15 w/o shipping) if you want a decent enough quality, then a component to HDMI converter (approx. $30)... And that's if you haven't sold your PS2 and/or your game in the past 20 years, because that would set you for another $50-$60 (plus don't forget the memory card and/or the controller, because you'll have to have those too).

Anyway, once you're set, the game will only run in a 4:3 aspect ratio (that'll mean that either your image will be stretched to fit your TV screen, or you'll have black borders on the left and right sides of your display). Plus, Burnout 3 featured an online play feature that is now long gone (and I'm sure you don't remember the hassle it was to create a PS2 online account, plus I'm pretty sure that's not something you can do anymore).

By making an HD remaster/remake, it'll mean enjoying fixes for all those problems, plus updated textures and 3D models, and it would really be cheaper for the consumer: I don't think paying approximately $100 to play a blurry mess without your friends is really worth it, but hey, you do you ;)

TheSenorCheese569d ago

Boy, when did retro gaming become so expensive?!

hiawa23569d ago

Or just 4K enhance the X360 versions as they are already on back compat.

Retroman568d ago (Edited 568d ago )

LoL, you wrong buddy
I have Ps2 4k Hdmi converter with component cable for ps2 plugged into my 4k TV ps2 games look great . Bought it
on Ebay 18.00
By the way memory card only 12-18.00 on Ebay where you getting 30.00 from??
You can pick up a Cheap ps2 for 20.00 replace disk drive eye like I did ka-bam!! Running ps2 .........everything is cheaper if you take your time look around on ebay if you don't know how to repair anything YouTube will teach you how to.

MaximusPrime_569d ago

Funny enough last weekend I was playing PS2 game, burnout 3. First time in years. Fond memories.

wesnytsfs569d ago

Id prefer to get revenge over tekdown

TheSenorCheese569d ago

It's actually available on Xbox Series S/X.

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Ranking The Burnout Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: The Burnout series has plenty of great games to play, but which one is definitively the best? We're here to rank them all.

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waverider1157d ago

I think the crash mode should comeback. Tryng to make the most damage was very cool.

camel_toad1157d ago

That mode was so damn fun. Couldn't believe it when they ditched it.

Flewid6381156d ago (Edited 1156d ago )


Flewid6381156d ago (Edited 1156d ago )

Yeah that made for a good time.

Rebel_Scum1157d ago

Burnout 2 should be above 3 imo. The aftertouch takedown mechanic slowed down the gameplay too much in 3.

Flewid6381156d ago

That's the mechanic that made me enjoy Burnout 3 over the others. It wasn't until they introduced it that I considered the series any good.

Chocoburger1157d ago

I love Takedown, Revenge, and Paradise. Dominator was okay, but it clearly felt like a B-tier game.

After playing those awesome games, I went back to try out part 1 and it was rough. I didn't like the controls (whereas the others felt perfect to me), the elevator music was generic and not enjoyable to listen to.

Finally the game's difficulty was extremely high. I could beat all single player races in Takedown, Revenge, Paradise, Dominator, but could not get first place in the very first race for the first Burnout game. It demands perfection and one slight mistake is all it takes to lose. I have yet to play part 2, but I'm hoping it's more like part 3 than part 1.

ChasterMies1157d ago

Burnout Takedown is my favorite racing game of all time. My wife was addicted to crash mode.

Xenial1156d ago

As soon as I saw Burnout 3: Takedown at #1, I knew the list was legit. lol


Looking Back to 2004 and Burnout 3: Takedown

Edgar writes: "We're getting into a time machine -- a fancy DeLorean, no less -- and taking a nostalgic look back at Burnout 3: Takedown."

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AK911843d ago

Kinda shocked this game isn't on the OG Xbox BC list

1843d ago