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Steam Box, Oculus Rift will define next-gen, says Cliffy B

Gears of War creator Cliff Bleszinski doesn't see much disruption or innovation coming from consoles and AAA titles

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Community3897d ago
GarrusVakarian3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Shutup Cliffy B, why are you still talking? You're becoming the new Peter Molyneux. If there's anyone less entitled to talk about innovation its you, Mr muscly marine dude bro shooter.

Show your new game, then talk.

LOGICWINS3897d ago

Or Cliffy can talk and you can simply choose not to listen. Thats another route.

Anyways, I can see VR defining next-gen. It'll be exciting to see how Sony's VR headset will work with the PS4.

GarrusVakarian3897d ago

Or he could just let his games do the talking....

guitarded773897d ago

I think Cliffy is drunk.

Steam Box and Oculus are cool, but I think he's overstating their potential. Do you really see Oculus mounted to every gamers head?

bumnut3897d ago

"Do you really see Oculus mounted to every gamers head?"


KazHiraiFTW3897d ago

Queefy B has some funny ideas. I don't think Steam Box or Oculus Rift will be very successful. I'm just not really seeing much interest in either from anyone.

The Great Melon3897d ago


You haven't talked to me enough then. I have managed to convince everyone where I work that the future that Oculus Rift is just beginning to provide is amazing.

TheDevKit3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

I don't get why people dislike Cliff. He's never been genuinely obscene towards anyone and people still give him a bad reputation.

filchron3896d ago

sony could rule next gen if they get a VR setup running at full 1080p for both eyes. i'll get whichever VR headset gets to that resolution first

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tristanwerbe3897d ago

your just jealous cause your not him

Blacktric3897d ago

You sure showed him... /s

GarrusVakarian3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )

Im jealous that im not an egotistical, overrated, cocky SOB?


It's you're, btw.

Hufandpuf3897d ago

Make a game better than Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal Tournament, and Gears of War. Then criticize. Same for Moleneux. They may say some outlandish things, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a right to say it, judging by their contributions to the industry they know more about how things are run than most.

LightofDarkness3897d ago

Too right. People act as if Molyneux has never made a good game. He invented a genre, for god's sake (excuse the pun).

Thehyph3897d ago

What genre? I'm confused.

Blacktric3897d ago

"They may say some outlandish things, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a right to say it..."

And when they open their mouths to spew crap, they and their supporters should be ready to take whatever's coming. It works both ways.

The Great Melon3897d ago (Edited 3897d ago )


God games (hence LightofDarkness's pun). Look at Populous and the Black and White series.

Thehyph3897d ago

My bad, I missed where he said Molyneux. Thought we were talking about cliffyb still.

I didn't catch the pun at fIrst, either.

Great games though. I was always pretty partial to Myth (those gibs, man!) and the old Settlers and Dungeon Keeper (if those are considered good games) myself.

madpuppy3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

@Hufandpuf: That's like saying "when you graduate from Yale,get an MBA from Harvard Business School and become the POTUS then you can criticize George W. Bush.

If someone doesn't like what someone does or their personality they don't have to "measure Up" to some pie in the sky standard to have an opinion or Feel some way about someone or something.

I don't like Cliffy B's games all that much either and he "can" be a dick.

pythonxz3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

I don't understand why people hate Molyneux. He created the first "god" games.

As for Cliffy B., he was the one that inspired me to start developing games myself.

Edit: ignore me repeating others. They posted before me.

johndoe112113896d ago

"They may say some outlandish things, but that doesn't mean that they don't have a right to say it", agree with you 100% on that.

" judging by their contributions to the industry they know more about how things are run than most", you obviously don't know much about cliffy b and some of the drivel that comes out of his mouth.

And on a side note, don mattrick has been in the gaming industry for years and made some very good contributions to it and has also been credited for making xbox live the success it is today. He's also the same guy that spearheaded what is considered to be by many the most disastrous game reveal in console history and almost single handedly destroyed the rep and sales of the xbox one. Food for thought.

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theWB273897d ago

Just sounds like you have no real beef with him, but you just want to join in on the CliffB shut up train. The man has hadly said anything lately.

If devs only spoke when they showed their games then we'd hardly have any news to hear about.

malokevi3897d ago

I think VR is way over-hyped at this point. It's cool... yes. But it's still not practical. Everyone has a TV, everyone has a monitor... nobody has a headset.

On top of that, I've heard mixed reviews as far as how realistic they feel, how disorienting they are, how they work with/without glasses. Games that work well with them seem to be driving/flight simulators and the like.

It's cool, yes. I would love to see it continually supported and developed. But people are jumping the gun to assume that this stuff is going to be commonplace this generation.

Just give me an XB1 and a PS4, and then we'll talk.

Campy da Camper3896d ago

As soon as they get porn to stream seamlessly on it then it will go mainstream. Sad, but true. Well, not sad,

Rivitur3896d ago (Edited 3896d ago )

Well I believe an Australian dev is making a porn game for the Oculus.
Sorta Off Topic: the name escapes me but there is a company that modifies a hydra razor to create a controller that has real feedback when swinging virtual swords/ melee weapons that will be very useful with the Rift along with the Omni Treadmill.

Edit: This

Tapioca Cold3896d ago

None of us will buy steambox or oculus rift.

BallsEye3896d ago

Oculus is awesome, yes (lets forget for a second a crappy resolution) but steambox? Steambos is just a PC in smaller case, more limited. It plays PC versions of games therefore it needs to be beefed up to play current games well enough. What;s the point of steambox if it does not have it's own dedicated ports like real consoles? I rather just use my PC then, less limited, more flexible, more powerful.

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majiebeast3897d ago

I see steam os changing the pc gaming platform but the steambox is a niche product and i dont think it stands a chance against the big 3 if thats even the market they are going for. Occulus Rift i will need to try it myself to see what the fuss is about.

WilliamH3897d ago

You're still a chipmunk CliffyBitch, could his head get any bigger

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3897d ago

it was so peaceful when he was in his hole.

i enjoyed it while it lasted

starchild3896d ago

What the fck is wrong with some of you? What in the world bothers you so much about him?

I happen to agree with everything he is saying here. And if you don't agree, that's fine too. It's just an opinion.

All you sheep on the hate-cliffB bandwagon are ten times more annoying. Please crawl back in your holes!

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3896d ago

its alright bro dont get to sad its just cliffy. i would explain why no one likes him but itd be a waste of my time talking about him.

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Why is Steam Blocked in Vietnam? Government Shares Reason

Finally, the Vietnamese government has officially responded to Steam being blocked in the country.

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Community5d ago
blacktiger5d ago

AMAZING! Thank You Gabe, stand for freedom of speech!!!!


VPN to buy games, fuck that if it's allowed or not, or just use a VPN and torrent what you can.

seanpitt234d ago

I just cannot believe we haven't had a game from them this generation nearly 4 years in.. crazy!

Knightofelemia4d ago

If the game is crap then yes there will always be negative feedback it comes with the territory. It's called word of mouth or welcome to the internet. Where the truth about a game comes out really fast whether the game is good or crap. If you can't handle the criticism because of a game then why publish the game. Why should people who never criticized or even played the game be punished? Vietnam has some really screwed up laws block Steam because they don't answer us rule. And going on a witch hunt with Steam please. Where's the proof, where's the evidence of this witch hunt. Somebody is butt hurt and has a Vietnamese Karen leading the witch hunt.


What Happens to Your Steam Account When You Die?

The Outerhaven writes: While Steam has come out recently, stating that Steam accounts can't be transferred, we need to think about it since we all will eventually kick the bucket. But if Valve is denying transferring accounts, what can be done? Plenty, actually.

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Community8d ago
thorstein9d ago

It goes to my kids because I gave them the passwords.

To Steam: Missio has a song that conveys my feelings about you stealing my purchase after I die. It's called "Middle Fingers"

shinoff21838d ago

Pretty much. My son knows my info.

Abear218d ago

Yeah worrying about digital ownership when you’re on the other side of the grass seems a little strange, but also on brand for these millennial journalists to worry about.

qalpha7d ago

I'm sure Keith will be happy to hear he's a millennial journalist.

Goodguy018d ago

I suppose if I have kids, I'd just give em my account details by retirement age. If I die young then...idk lol.

CrimsonWing698d ago

Yea, I mean just give someone the password to your account. Is that difficult to do or something? Like, I’m legit asking because I don’t know.

anast8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

It's not difficult but It's against the policy. If they find out, they will lock the account permanently.

CrimsonWing698d ago

Ah ok, I had a feeling there was something like that. It seems kind of weird that you can’t just hand your account over to a family member or friend and let them take over the account.

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Ghost of Tsushima PC has 84% positive reviews and a peak online audience of 72 thousand people

On 16 May, the long-awaited release of the PC version of Ghost of Tsushima took place. And the game proved to be a great success on the first day.

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Community21d ago
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thorstein21d ago
PrinceOfAnger21d ago

all-time peak 3 minutes ago.

thorstein21d ago

Nice. It's really cool that PC players get to play this masterpiece.

PrinceOfAnger21d ago

It has surpassed spider man now
it's 71k+
game did this with way shorter time than spider man.

itsmebryan20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I'm confused. Does that number mean total players at one time playing like a snapshot
or total sales? If it's the former that's not very accurate because I know I'm not the only person that buys games and plays them later and that number is not included.

RNTody21d ago

Great, I loved this game. Definitely think it's Sucker Punch's best work to date!

rippermcrip21d ago

Is this going to be the new thing thing? Articles about Steam reviews? Which of course was in response to the false article about the review bombings in the first place.

Christopher21d ago

Hey, just a heads up that the new owners did open news to Steam updates, but we try our best to not allow them to go on daily updates unless relevant to some other news. I understand this isn't everyone's cup and tea and sympathize, but the door has been open. If you feel it's 'too much' please do PM me or submit a ticket to the mod team. Thank you.

20d ago
shinoff218320d ago

I came here to post this link in that specific article. 84 perce t is pretty good. How many bad reviews were there like 5

GamerzElite21d ago

This is good game and Ghost eliminate all fake outrage.

CrimsonWing6921d ago (Edited 21d ago )

I always get confused by this, but is 72k good sales numbers for a game? I keep seeing games fail at selling 2.5 million and that they need to be on multiple platforms but is an additional 72k adding much?

Fishy Fingers21d ago

Im not sure how its confusing :\

72k actively playing. Not 72k sold.

A good example is Helldivers 2, 6m sold, 450k (at its peak) active players.

But how many swords swung is what we're all really waiting for.

shinoff218320d ago

Lmao. How many swords swung. I was hoping for how many steps

wesnytsfs20d ago

And its how many years old from initial release.

Crows9021d ago

72k is concurrent
...that is not the sold figure.

Michiel198921d ago

for one they already had a huge launch on the playstation, they don't need to sell 5m to make the porting to pc profitable and as pointed out below that number you see is just the people playing it at this moment.

Plague-Doctor2721d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Also from the insomniac leak we know these PC ports are a quick turnaround and budgeted around $2-4 million. At 100k sales they break even including Steams cut. They may not sell millions but they are a great ROI

elazz20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

72k concurrent. That is a global number. People who bought the game are not playing at the same time because of timezones, working schedules, holidays, events... There is no good rule of thumb but you can extrapolate based on other games that also released sales data. Then it is clear that the PC release alone accounts for at least 500K copies sold on steam, maybe closer to 700-800K. Probably will sell over a million this extended weekend.

According to steamspy and other data gathering sites games like Days Gone, Spider Man, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn have sold 2 to 5 million copies on Steam. So I expect Ghost to reach similar numbers. Probably even surpass it.

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