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Diablo III Review (Console) | DigiBytes

Diablo III is one of the finest console games made this generation and is an absolute must buy for any fan of the dungeon crawler genre.

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Community4035d ago
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ctate19954036d ago
Angeljuice4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

So, a lot better than the PC version then? I thought the best version was ALWAYS on PC !!!

Minor gripe; he points out a flaw in the game yet still gives 10/10, a score that I think should mean the game is perfect in every way (In my OCD riddled mind anyway).

Spinal4035d ago

Easy chief. The game is still better on the PC superior controls and visuals just can't be topped.

Looking forward to GTA 5 on PC to see the game at its best an I don't mean visually I'm talking player count. Cause 16 players on that huge map is not nearly enough but PC will have a much higher player count.

Angeljuice4035d ago

Superior controls are the very reason that the console versions are considered better than the PC version with this game. Point and click detracts from the experience, hence the better review scores. Can't win em all I suppose.

MysticStrummer4035d ago

"Easy chief. The game is still better on the PC"

kevnb4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

if anything its proof of the lower standards in console games, atleast with the media. I dont think gamers are taking nearly as well to the game as these review websites are, the controls still dont really work right for the game... even if they removed the auction house crap.

yeahokchief4035d ago (Edited 4035d ago )

This game isn't even close to the finest on console.

Finest on PS3:
Red Dead Redemption
Last of Us
Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
Dragon's Crown
Bioshock Infinite

D3 is a terrible PC game and a mediocre console game. I don't have time for mediocre games. I've got a backlog of 35+ games to play. D3 is all yours PC gamers.

antz11044035d ago

So you played both versions? Im curious, thats what you're comment inferred.

antz11044034d ago

LMAO, thats what I thought..... Good comeback man, you proved you're talking out your a$$.

yeahokchief4035d ago

Kevin, Diablo 3 is the type of game console gamers doused with semen and left for PC gamers to wallow in. hahaha


The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

Who says a dud game can't have a video game comeback?

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Community238d ago
Dirty_Lemons238d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein238d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183238d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


Diablo III - Still a Huge Draw in the Face of Diablo IV

Diablo III still works on modern PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and remains hugely playable a decade after initial release.

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Community547d ago
Palitera547d ago

Are you comparing a continuously improved 10+ years old masterpiece with the... beta of an unreleased game?

kevco33547d ago

Heh, yeah. There's no comparison in here! Its a commentary on how III is still very playable over a decade later.


Diablo III Season 28 Brings a New Use for the Staff of Herding

Diablo III: Season 28 brings with it the Altar of Rites, an altar full of unlockable bonuses and potions that will require the gathering of tons of resources. One of things needed is the Staff of Herding, which also unlocks the famous Cow Level known as Whimsyshire. Here's how to craft that staff, for those that either have forgotten, or have never completed it.

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