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Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya Expresses Neutrality Between PS4, Xbox One and Wii U

There has been a lot of talk about the possibility of Hideki Kamiya’s Platinum Games becoming a Nintendo second party studio, but today the rather blunt developer seems to have changed tune.

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Community3942d ago
AbortMission3942d ago

It would be a shame to lose a company like Platinum games to someone like... Nintendo

stragomccloud3942d ago

Yeah. Then you might have to pickup a Nintendo console for more exclusive games!

AJBACK2FRAG3942d ago

This game looks frickin' gorgeous! Hardcore Wii U owners must go out and support this game when it releases!

ShinMaster3942d ago


What is a "Hardcore Wii U owner"?

AbortMission3941d ago

Too bad it's not happening.

Thank god. I'm tired of awesome 3rd parties being ruined by conglomerate purchases. Nintendo does not deserve to get these 3rd parties anyway

stragomccloud3941d ago

It should be noted; however, that developers have frequently spoken highly of Nintendo, and how they make them better developers. And this stuff comes from former Nintendo developers like Rare. Nintendo is a company run by devs, and as such, are the only ones in the big three that understand the development process.

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Misaka_x_Touma3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

right like Monolith Soft oh wait
Monolith Soft hasn't changed since Nintendo scoop them up.

Abriael3942d ago

Actually their themes lightened quite a lot since xenogears/saga. Xenoblade was great, but a LOT less dark/mature/psycho.

ChickeyCantor3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )


And what points out that is Nintendos doing? Have you seen the bad ending to Pandoras Tower (one of them at least )? Let's just say that killing yourself over someone is not exactly Nintendo.

Perhaps Monolith just went with a lightened storytelling this time around. ( or it's just you who imposes these thoughts )

ShinMaster3942d ago

Nintendo is famous for censorship.

@ ChickeyCantor

Perhaps, but that wasn't the only game. Tales of Graces was also more "kiddie" than other Tales games. It's not just Monolith.
But maybe they're all just multiple coincidences.

Kennytaur3942d ago

If anyone should scoop Platinum up, it's Nintendo. They need them the most. But it's preferably third party all the way.

ShinMaster3942d ago

But then very few people will get to play their games :/

stragomccloud3942d ago

Well, the difference between a gamer and a fanboy is that a gamer follows the games and the developers. Not the console.

ritsuka6663942d ago

At least Kamiya is not like a lot of fanboys in this site.

TheTwelve3942d ago

Low console sales would change the tune of many a would-be exclusive developer.

donman13942d ago

And Nintendo idiotic ways continues. Why Nintendo have not made this Studio a 2nd party yet is just silly.

jcnba283942d ago

If Nintendo bought Platinum they would be in good hands. Can you imagine if sony bought them? Ugh sends shivers down my spine.

falcon973942d ago

Loose to Nintendo,Nintendo have made every studio they have ever took under their wing a much better developer,Rare voice their opinion quite often how they were a better studio when with Nintendo,Moonlith say the same,and many more developers have said the same thing,now Plantinum feel the would benefit from developing exclusively for Nintendo speaks volumes,and if you want Platinum at there best then Nintendo is the best route,no more strict deadlines as Nintendo go on quality and will delay games as seen on wiiu to get a better product this form of developing will benefit any developer....

DarkHeroZX3942d ago

if Wii U owners don't go out and support this game then don't be surprised if Platinum games abandons Nintendo consoles.

D-riders3942d ago

abort such a really bad comment

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josephayal3942d ago

good article, can't w8 for B2 X1 and ps4

Lionalliance3942d ago

What article lol? it was just a tweet lol

Misaka_x_Touma3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

not leaving Wii U. Bayonetta 2 is owned by Nintendo.


Nintendo fully funded!
Nintendo paid fully for it to be made. Microsoft only paid to published.

Abriael3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Published =/= Owned. Absolutely nothing of the Bayonetta IP is owned by Nintendo.

Microsoft published Mass Effect. Guess what, it's on PC and PS3 now.

Abriael3942d ago

It doesn't matter what they funded. They don't own the game, which is owned entirely by Platinum Games. By the way, Publishing = Funding. You should do your homework before going around to fanboy.

Misaka_x_Touma3942d ago

Funded to be developed and Funded to be published is two different things.

ChickeyCantor3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

They have publishing rights. Nintendo pretty much "owns" it. If they release it somewhere else then Platinum Games is in trouble.

"Publishing = Funding"

No, publishing means bringing it into the world ( AKA selling it to the public through several means )

wheresmymonkey3942d ago

@ Abriel, Mass effect ended up on PS3 because EA bought the rights to the series form MS.

Bayonetta 2 won't come out on anything else because nintendo would have locked it down and then some, if they pay for something, they keep it.

Neonridr3942d ago

@Abriael - of course it's on PC, almost anything from Microsoft ends up on PC as well. You do realize that MS does computers too right? That whole thing called Windows??

You're delusional if you think that B2 would appear anywhere else. Nintendo fully paid for the development of the game, if another game company wanted the game so bad, they would have to pay to have it made, and only after whatever exclusivity arrangements ended with Nintendo and Platinum over Bayonetta 2.

ShinMaster3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

Sony also published Final Fantasy 7. They don't own it. Just like they didn't own Crash Bandicoot.
Microsoft published Ninja Gaiden 2 and Mass Effect. They didn't own them.


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RFornillos43942d ago

since when is a "tweet" considered an article?

also, as Kamiya already stated, the only way it'll happen is that if Nintendo allows it to. Or perhaps if Platinum/Sega buys the rights back from Nintendo (since they funded the development). Yes the IP is still owned by Platinum, but the game pretty much isn't. so in order for the game to appear on other consoles is that either Platinum/Sega buy the rights from Nintendo, and look for other publishers, or if they make another Bayonetta game that will be published by other companies.

Qrphe3942d ago

Ever since people approve anything

Satirical3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

You're living in a fantasy world Mr. sour grapes...

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Max-Zorin3942d ago

Hopefully Platinum don't get bombed with death threats again.

LOL_WUT3942d ago

Seeing how some Nintendo fans are it'll most likely happen ;)

Yep3942d ago


He typically trolls.

TongkatAli3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

I have learned being bias to something is the real poison, I admit, i have been bias in the past and i am ashamed for it. Love everything and enemies turn into friends, one love and respect.

We are all energy in this world and we are connected. Give good vibes and respect and the rest will take care of itself.

If you take a moment to realize that everything in our culture is this vs that, don't fall for it.

wingman32x3942d ago

I always sort of imagined that would be the case. They have a history with Microsoft and Sony as well.

So I wouldn't mind at all. I would just expect Platinum to actively support the Wii U along with other systems. Nintendo has really went out of their way to establish a good relationship with them, and it would be a shame to see those efforts go to waste. From what I hear, Nintendo's been very good to them.

As for Bayonetta, I have no idea what would happen to that in terms of a possible port. Nor do I care, really.

TongkatAli3942d ago

If someone wants to play Bayonetta they should buy a Wii U. If they don't ok, what is the point coming to its articles and judging when they know their bias intentions aren't letting them open to the possibility of the game entertaining them.

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Hideki Kamiya On Why He Left PlatinumGames, His YouTube Channel, and His Next Game

In a wide-ranging interview with IGN, game developer legend Hideki Kamiya reveals why he left Bayonetta maker PlatinumGames and what's next.

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Community189d ago
darthv72190d ago

Long shot here but with him out of the picture... MS could get PG to finish Scalebound. As it is, the project was shelved and Ms still had all the work they had done up to that point. HK's mismanagement of multiple projects is what caused MS to pull the plug, but I feel they still wanted to get it done at some point.

gold_drake188d ago

if MS hasnt picked it up yet,it will never return. it was cancelled in 2017. 6 years ago.

MS owns the IP, not PlatinumGames.

Cacabunga188d ago

I have been waiting for a new Vanquish for a long time!! I barely imagine how the result could be on PS5

isarai190d ago

Sounds like Tencent influence was something he wasn't down with.

Levii_92189d ago

Sorry,you have been blocked by Hideki Kamiya. ❌

Zenzuu189d ago

“My work with Platinum Games was based on a relationship of trust with the company. I decided to leave because I felt that the direction the company was heading in was different from my beliefs as a developer. Without that element of trust, I couldn’t continue working there, and so I left, so that I could continue working in what I consider to be the right way.

“I don't think of games as products, but rather as works of art. I want to put my artistry into games and deliver games that could only be made by Hideki Kamiya, so that players can enjoy Hideki Kamiya games exactly as they are. I decided to leave the company and forge my own path, to continue making games that reflect the developers who made them.”


Hideki Kamiya Would Like to Make New Viewtiful Joe and Okami Games, Comments on Bayonetta's Future

Legendary developer Hideki Kamiya said that he'd like to make new Viewtiful Joe and Okami games with Capcom, he commented on the future of Bayonetta and on the possibility of collaborating with other creators like Tomonobu Itagaki.

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Community211d ago
XiNatsuDragnel211d ago

I hope he makes new ip in the future

lucian229211d ago

please no more viewtiful joe; game was cool the first time but i really dislike the whole look and attitude of it.

either make a new okami or a new ip


I want a new Viewtiful Joe as well, and also Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 remade from the ground up for Switch. 😎

lucian229210d ago

pretty sure the visuals would have to be turned down; switch isnt strong enough to handle ps2 games

shadowknight203210d ago (Edited 210d ago )

Comedy at its finest. Upvote from me. Bought a switch twice, it's fun, but man, I always forget how Nintendo does things differently, I don't necessarily hate on it, but u gotta really stick with first party titles to enjoy there systems. And that wasn't always the case for them. Once upon a time.

FinalFantasyFanatic210d ago


The Switch's first party titles amaze me, you can get games that look and run that well on such old tech, but it's hopeless for AAA third parties, It makes games like BoTW/ToTK look like miracles.

shadowknight203210d ago

It goes to show, maybe I don't know anything, but I feel Nintendo might have there own engine for there studios? Something that works hand in hand with there hardware. I don't know I don't read up on the tech side of Nintendo developers

FinalFantasyFanatic209d ago


I know the physics engine they built for Zelda is pretty nuts to the point that most developers don't understand how it was possible to run something so complex on the Switch. But I also feel like Nintendo optimises their games like crazy, if you look at any game development documentaries on Youtube, you'll see that they optimise heavily for the hardware they have available.

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fsfsxii210d ago

i hope he quits the bs of cramming minigames in his games that deter replay value and distract from the main course

shadowknight203210d ago

But everyone loves playing sub games inside of games, hell maybe he can incorporate mini games inside of mini games, he could create the next big gimmick like quick time events were

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Hideki Kamiya will be leaving PlatinumGames on October 12, 2023

Hideki Kamiya will be leaving PlatinumGames on October 12, 2023.

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Community271d ago
-Mika-271d ago

Phil better have that check ready. Hideki expertise and knowledge would be a great asset to the Xbox team and can possibly bring growth in the Asia region.

VersusDMC271d ago

Phil already canceled a Kamiya game(Scalebound) so we know he doesn't have the check ready. And that check couldn't keep Shinji Mikami there either...but maybe?

CrimsonWing69271d ago

I’m still bitter about that cancellation. Even if it was in dev hell he could’ve given it to an internal studio.

Obscure_Observer270d ago


"I’m still bitter about that cancellation. Even if it was in dev hell he could’ve given it to an internal studio."

Are you crazy???

That would be extremely disrespectful!

Michiel1989270d ago

@obscure as if one of ms's own studios would know how to get the game out the door in a great way. Remember what happened when they did that with Duke Nukem Forever?

20nmrtnz271d ago

Tencent and Netease around the corner: Bonjour!

AdonisIsBeast270d ago (Edited 270d ago )

Was the 69 billion dollar acquisition plus 8 billion for Zenimax not enough lol?

-Foxtrot271d ago

How sudden, I wonder what changed.

Maybe after the certain story choices and direction for Bayonetta 3 they can hopefully make it more like the first two games.

justsomeoffdude271d ago

i've always felt platinum games lack of growth/failures can be traced back to kamiya. He seems like a very troublesome person to work with

270d ago Replies(1)
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