
Microsoft to Still Ship Xbox One with Kinect, This is a Good Thing

IGN recently reported that Microsoft's Phil Harrison stated that the Xbox One and Kinect are not separate systems. He went on to state "An Xbox One has chips, it has memory, it has Blu-Ray, it has Kinect, it has a controller. They are all part of the platform ecosystem". From these statements it is pretty safe to assume that even though Microsoft previously stated that Kinect would no longer be required to run the system, the system will still ship with it regardless.

However, what some people may not realize is that the bundled Kinect could be a win in the long run.

AceofStaves3935d ago

It's not a win for me. It's actually my main reason for not buying XB1.

AngelicIceDiamond3935d ago

Well others see value in it. It won't matter 1 or 2 years down the line when the price drops.

Complain now and be thankful later is the key here.

maxkoe3935d ago

This is true, there are people who will use it and people who wont. However, in order to ensure that there are features for those who actually do use it there has to be a strong user base in order to create developer incentive.

AceofStaves3935d ago

With me, it's a physical accessibility thing. I can't use my lower body well, so I get no use from a full-body motion controller, nor do I have any interest in contributing to the rise of full-body motion control gaming since I can't use it.

Enemy3935d ago

They're shipping it with Kinect for obvious shady reasons.

PSVita3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Lets say the price does drop $100 by that time the PS4 will drop $100 too. There are NO positives to kinect being force on anyone. All these people defending a expensive overhyped camera with no evidence that games will in fact be better with kinect. Smh.

MWong3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

I still don't agree with M$ forcing consumers to purchase the Kinect with the XBone. If it's no longer mandatory to use with the system, why do I need it? If the system would be cheaper without it, why not offer it seperately? Only about 25% of XB360 users purchased the original Kinect, it's because they don't want it.

I say create 2 SKUs XBone bundle w/Kinect + FIFA 14 ($499) and a XBone standalone ($399). Both SKUs get a headset. Watch how that would sell.

JokesOnYou3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

AceofStaves you have a valid reason so fair enough even though I would say the UI integration and kinect conveniences like facemapping and controller identification/setup for tournaments, pic in pic uploading, in game design tools(Project Spark), in game voice controls and so many other uses for kinect NONE OF WHICH NEED LOWER OR FULL BODY MOTION CONTROL EASILY warrant the purchase, all these features out of the box day 1 and STILL if these features and so many others that haven't been introduced yet are NOT worth a purchase of kinect for basicly dirt cheap when you factor the retail kinect pc costs then instead of basicly limiting the future implementation of kinect for all of us who can and will use it by saying I don't care sell me a cheap X1 sku at the expense of proper progression= No I think you have to realize that its simply nNOT for YOU.

In other words its me as a gamer who doesnt like jrpg's saying to a popular jrpg dev stop making them turned based combat with hit points, I dont want all the stupid useless npc dialogue, and make it more realistic.= NO I obviously should just stay away from jrpg's instead of trying to make devs shape them to my liking while jrpg fans wonder wtf happened to the game.

darthv723935d ago

@ace, well i feel bad about your situation if you have physical disabilities that keep you from fully taking advantage of what the system has to offer.

that applies to the wii and the ps3/ps4 with the camera as well not just to kinect. i will say this though. a very good friend of mine is deaf. and yes he loves video games and knows he will never hear the actions that goes on or be able to follow dialog but he perseveres in spite of his disability.

If kinect can see sign language and other forms of motion controls then that is a good thing in his situation and he would be able to communicate with the system to achieve certain results.

those with disabilities are in the minority when you think about gaming and how it has evolved. but that minority is still a part of gaming as a whole and deserve their chance to participate regardless of their disability.

kewlkat0073935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Great move keep it bundled..you can't afford it step aside there are alternatives.

I think this maybe be the only difference that makes this coming gen feels it's really next-Gen.

When your looking at a PS3-->PS4 it feel like a spec bump. Nothing new here.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3935d ago
maxkoe3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Well in certain scenerios as the one you're in I can see what you mean in terms of gaming. However, have you thought about how it would make your life easier?

If you have imitations of movement wouldn't it be easy to say "Xbox On" or "off", launch titles and do other actions from your couch instead of having to get up every time you want to access the controller?

PSVita3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

This isn't life alert were talking about, its a gaming console. If he wanted to use voice controls for those reasons good, he should have the OPTION to go out and buy kinect.

I don't know about you but I don't ever have to "get up to access the controller", that's why it's a controller.

redwin3935d ago

I would love if they make an INSANITY kinect and do it together with others at your same level, now that kinect tracks yours heart rate. I think that's a great idea.

wynams3935d ago

@AcesofStaves ditto
@naysayers ... options are a good thing

Trekster_Gamer3935d ago

Kinect is an awesome part of Xbox One... I can't wait to use it.

PSVita3935d ago

Honest question: what are you excited to use it for?

Hufandpuf3935d ago


I'm excited to use it to instantly log into my profile when I get passed the controller. I'd use it to switch my music while im playing the game and If I need help in my fighting games I'll switch to youtube and learn a combo without having to look between my laptop and such.

etc. etc. etc.

Trekster_Gamer3935d ago

Agree with what was stated above as well as the immersion in games you can only get with kinect..

BigShotSmoov0073935d ago

Funny cause it's actually why I am buying it. I want the full experience when it comes to next gen and making it mandatory it does make developers want to include Kinect uses with there games. I can't want to see how they come up with different ways on how to use Kinect.

come_bom3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

"It's not a win for me. It's actually my main reason for not buying XB1."

I agree.

Kinect 2.0 might be quite good, but unfortunately Kinect 1.0 left a bad taste is costumers mouth. Costumers don't want to waste a extra 100€+ for something they don't want and Microsoft is going to lose a lot of sales because of it. Microsoft needs a Kinectless X1 SKU to stay competitive.

JokesOnYou3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Lets say you're right they lose sales because of kinect, as a gamer interested in seeing kinect grow why do I care if they sell less? No doubt they will still sell plenty so I'd rather spend the next 6-8yrs gaming WITH kinect options and features with only 60mil sold vs gaming WITHOUT kinect with 80mil sold because in the 2nd scenario I miss out on new gaming experiences while micro makes more money but its not like I get a cut.

XisThatKid3935d ago

Don't lose your nerve MS, Keep that sh#@ in there. Lets see what you really have up your sleeve.

3935d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3935d ago
ape0073935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

i respect ms's trust for the kinect but me and every xbox gamer i know disagree having it as a mandatory purchase, a lot of people are planning to buy an X1 if MS dropped kinect

make it optional, better for all of us

499$ for Kienct SKU

399$ for regular X1

it's a fault imo to let the competition have that 399$ sweet spot, every cheaper console sell better and keep in mind that the ps4 is first console in history that's cheaper and not WEAKER, im sure MS will introduce one soon after the first 6 months supply get sold

MysticStrummer3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

MS claims there will never be a One without Kinect, but I think there will be eventually. I doubt it will be as soon as 6 months though, unless the One really bombs out of the gate which I also doubt.

threefootwang3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

MS also claimed 24/7 internet connection, strict DRM policies, Kinect mandatory plug in, etc. They claimed it was designed like that from the ground up and change wasn't possible...look where that got them. I'm pretty sure a few months in they'll release a kinectless model strictly because the PS4, which I think at this point is safe to say, will be outselling them horribly at an abysmal rate.

tkato3935d ago

Even if I will decide to look the other way regarding all the new protocols they tried to push and even if I'll try and forget the fact that the PS4 is indeed more advanced, I will never buy an X1 as long as they sell it with mandatory kinect, I Absolutly HATE motion controls, if it's not hard core gaming, it's not in my house.

Jyndal3935d ago

I hate that I bought the first Kinect.
Why would I buy into a console that is seemingly built around the Kinect 2.0?

Just put the f'n controller in my hands and let me play.

pyramidshead3935d ago

I reckon come 2014 things will look a lil different regarding kinect in the box. Time will tell indeed.

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A $0.05 Component Delayed the PS3

In this month's IGN Unfiltered interview, Phil Harrison revealed a big reason why the PlayStation 3 released a year after the Xbox 360.

FallenAngel19841657d ago

I’m glad Sony didn’t rush PlayStation 3’s launch. Microsoft did so for Xbox 360 just to get an advantage over the competition and their console had one of the worse hardware malfunctions in history. Scratched discs, overheating and RRoDs out the wazoo. Add that to the no HDMI out of the box on launch units, no WiFi & myriad of other cost cutting decisions showed Microsoft cheaped out on so many things just for that headstart.

Jin_Sakai1656d ago

And still lost to PS3 in the end.

Artemidorus1655d ago

In fairness right at the end. Didn't do the same impact as Playstation 4

darthv721655d ago

both lost to the wii... big whoop

Brave_Losers_Unite1656d ago

The 360 was so outdated tech. A wifi adapter and the HD DVD addon LOL

Minute Man 7211655d ago

Outdated tech that could run games made on the PS3 1st better that the PS3.

Good-Smurf1656d ago (Edited 1656d ago )

My 360 went out within a month after purchase it was a nightmare and a fight to find a store that will fix it took me almost two months to find the right guy that can fix E74 error.
I liked that console had many great racing games that never came out on PS3 but damn was it unreliable to anyone who bought it before 2009.

TFJWM1656d ago (Edited 1656d ago )

Did MS not honor the warranty?

1655d ago
Atticus_finch1656d ago

It had way too many problems. And worst of all is that 360 is still Xboxs best console. SMH

crazyCoconuts1656d ago

I thought OG Xbox was there best because it pushed the bar way past PS2 with built in Ethernet and XBL

JEECE1656d ago

Gosh I always forget they shipped that thing without HDMI. I'm sure we all have bad memories of being at friend's house and seeing that they had their Xbox 360 set up on an HDTV through composite cables, while they obliviously talked about how they couldn't believe how good the graphics in Gears of War were. My eyes hurt just thinking about it.

crazyCoconuts1656d ago

Their software was superior though imo. Dashboard updates and XBL functionality was way ahead of PS. Party chat for example...

kitano19471656d ago

as it should be from a software company. I also liked their simple blade set up and found the PS3 interface slow and too much like a dvd, bluray interface

UnSelf1655d ago

the Wii was a fraction of the price and geared towards old women.

Should we compare candy crush downloads now?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1655d ago
KeenBean3451656d ago

Another interesting reason for the delay was that the first batch of chips which Sony funded and ordered were defective, where as Microsoft bought backups from a 3rd party. So Microsoft got chips Sony funded even before Sony did, as Sony didn't consider the chance of Microsoft asking IBM for a chip, with IBM showing them what they were working on for Sony

Neither company had great luck during RnD last gen

Ripsta7th1655d ago

i love the disagrees
even when your talking sense , if it makes sony look bad youll get disagreed
this site is ran by Sony fanboys left and right
what a effin joke

Silly gameAr1655d ago

Why should the disagrees/agrees that someone else gets concern you? If this site bothers you so much, why are you still here?

KeenBean3451655d ago (Edited 1655d ago )

Yeah it's strange, there is loads of really interesting facts and stats about the 360s and PS3s development and I feel that not many people would know that. I never really worry about the agrees and disagrees, doesn't matter much :)

PhoenixUp1656d ago

- PS2 launches ahead of Xbox: PlayStation outsells it
- Xbox 360 launches ahead of PS3: PlayStation outsells it
- PS4 launches alongside Xbox One: PlayStation outsells it

Seems no matter what timeframe Microsoft releases their console they’ll still have less marketshare than Sony.

Even if PS5 were somehow delayed a year behind the next Xbox, I’m certain it’d still outsell it just like PS3 did to 360. Unfortunately for Microsoft the PS5 will release alongside the next Xbox.

Tross1656d ago (Edited 1656d ago )

There were holes in MS's strategy with the 360. They had a year head start, but they focused heavily on the short term. They paid off companies for exclusive DLC or timed exclusivity on games and DLC, but they didn't really focus a lot on securing studios, and the ones they had they didn't exactly put in the money to keep them firing on all cylinders.

That strategy paid off in the short term as for at least a few years the 360 was the system to have, but eventually that dried up while Sony first party studios kept turning out exclusives. That carried over into this gen where the XB1 had an alright launch lineup, but that dried up pretty quickly and that's why MS has recently had to go on a purchasing spree for studios to hopefully produce more games than their first party studios have been. Of course, the conclusion of their contract with Bungie didn't help either. Even if there was no DRM fiasco marring the XB1's launch I doubt it would have performed as well as the PS4 regardless.

SkatterBrain1656d ago

didnt microsoft close down alot of studios then now decided to go out and buy a few? i thought that was weird, im surprised some of Lionhead(Fable) went on to make media molecule( Little Big Planet, Tearaway, Dreams)

JEECE1656d ago

The problem for MS is they can't compete outside the United States. 360 absolutely dominated here, but got trounced everywhere else. I mean, Japan is not a huge market for home consoles anymore, but if the PlayStation basically gets basically an uncontested 10 million unit gap each generation, that matters a lot in the overall. Although MS does better in Europe than Japan, they still don't come close to PlayStation.

XONE is actually pretty competitive in the US. That's why you probably have friends who started really playing games on the 360 but don't follow the industry as a whole who have no idea that XONE got outsold so badly.

badz1491655d ago

nobody is big in Japan except for Nintendo now in the console space. it's been 6 years and the PS4 is yet to reach even 8mil let alone 10mil like you said.

DarkZane1655d ago

@badz149 8 millions for a home console is pretty good for Japan nowadays. As for the Switch, it's only doing so well in Japan because it's considered a portable console. If it was an actual home console like the PS4 and Xbox One (no portable mode), it wouldn't be doing nearly as well as it is right now and it would just sell at the same rate the PS4 did.

JEECE1655d ago (Edited 1655d ago )


10 million was a reference to PS3 since that generation is done, and PS3 sold around that in Japan. PS4 is selling similarly there year by year, so it's a useful number.

Anyway, your comment illustrates my point: even if you assume 8 million, it's 8 million that are basically uncontested (XONE is under a million in Japan, maybe even under half a million). In a close gen like last one was (obviously this one isn't, but just as a hypothetical) a free 7 million unit advantage could be the difference between outselling your competitor or not.

XtaZ1655d ago

All those sales and Xbox has still beaten them out each gen by having the superior platform. Crazy how sales don't actually matter at all in the end for us consumers, huh.

Ripsta7th1655d ago

ps pro comes
xbox one x outpowers it

JEECE1655d ago

And neither unit has had any impact on the trajectory of the overall race. It's almost like a new, more powerful console isn't as enticing if there are going to be literally zero games designed from the ground up for its specs, rather than designed for a much weaker system and just given graphical improvements.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1655d ago
Thundercat771656d ago

And still against all odds the PS3 surpassed Xbox 360. Xbox has finished last in each of their console generations.

Immagaiden1656d ago

“Xbox has finished last in each of their console generations.“

Rewriting history much?

- Xbox outsold GameCube
- Xbox One outsold Wii U

badz1491655d ago

Wii U never existed. not even Nintendo wants to admit they released that one

Orionsangel1656d ago

PS3 launch was a fail. $599! Riiiidge Racer! Backlash!

Xbox One launch was a fail! The system will always be online. Backlash!

If these two consoles are taking turns on launch fails. PS5 launch will be a fail.

Oh no!

battletrax1656d ago

Playstation won't fail. They have proven talent with their games studios.

badz1491655d ago


that's like xbox fanboys biggest dream EVER!

Orionsangel1655d ago

I own both consoles. I have no stake in a console war or loyalty to a brand.

Dude Dutch1655d ago

After reading this I had to restart my brain

darthv721655d ago

PS3 was Sony's 3rd console, XBO was MS's 3rd console... if you look back throughout platforms where they released a 3rd console, it has historically been shown to not be as successful as their 2nd and sometimes 1st. Those that have gone on to release a 4th has fared better but not always.

Some call it a 3rd console curse.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1655d ago
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