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Why Does It Matter If You Can Smoke Pot In 'GTA V'?

Forbes - Have you heard? Have you heard? You can smoke weed in Grand Theft Auto V!

Only every gaming news outlet on the planet has reported on this revelation, and for further exploration you can check out their stories here, here, here, here, here, here and alright, you get the idea.

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Community4049d ago
ABeastNamedTariq4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Mmmm sweet controversy.

Only serves to drive the hype for this game up more. FOX NEWS! GET ON IT!

brodychet4049d ago

Any publicity is good publicity for GTA5 ;)

gedapeleda4049d ago

What's the problem with pot?

negative4049d ago

I'll actually be smoking it while I play this game.

4049d ago
BABY-JEDI4049d ago

Free spiffs with every game FTW. ; D

BlingBlaine4049d ago

For sure puffin while puffin online<real life

Gster4049d ago

Grow up man, read the dangers of this drug on the national institute of drug abuse and learn what it can do to your health.

SirBradders4049d ago

So legalise it then and label the hazards. Im sick of people frowning on weed all the time alcohol causes anarchy in the streets and can kill someone over night. All these studies on weed are carried out in controlled environments with hand picked subjects. I know someones grandad who is surviving on it.

I can rant all day because i personally have studied the substance but it does more good then harm trust me it all depends on a persons self addiction level and lifestyle.

KonsoruMasuta4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

I love how you're getting disagrees.

Is weed better than some other drugs? Yes!

Is it absolutely harmless? No!

Like any other drug, weed does have negative side effects and can hurt you, especially when using large quantities at once.

It leads to elevated heart rates and can take a turn on your lungs.

If you're okay with that and don't car for the effects, go for it. Just don't go around and tell people lies about I being harmless.

dead_eye4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Thanks for the article. Has some nice idea's on how to prepare it. Didn't bother reading after that ;)

Edit: I forgot to say "time for some weed tea"

Gster4049d ago

Legalize a substance that can potentially lead to psychosis, scizophrenia, depression, personality disorders, and all sorts of mental health problems. That's even before I mention other areas of the body it has an affect on like your lungs and heart, even associated testicular cancer detection in individuals. Get with it SB, and stop trying to make good out of something thats potentially very dangerous and harmful to your health.

Allsystemgamer4049d ago

Alcohol is much much worse.

Gster4049d ago

And I would kindly ask the mature readers of this article who are aware of the dangers associated with this drug and maybe trying to kick the habit themselves, to not condone this or convey this as something harmless to others who may reading this article or this thread, who may be vulnerable or easily lead. As I'm sure there are quite a few young people on board here.

Kryptix4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

Weed is actually safer than alcohol. Even ibuprofen in pain killers can cause liver and kidney damage but it's somehow legalized. Like SirBradders was saying, legalize it then label the potential hazards. The media likes to spread propaganda that weed is "evil" because it calms a person and alleviates stress mentally and physically. With less violence because of weed use, how can the media profit from reporting all the acts from violent people? That's why the media likes to label weed as bad for you though there's growing evidence that it's more beneficial than unhealthy.

"In fact, it was only in September when investigators at the Keele University Medical School in Britain smashed the pot = schizophrenia theory to smithereens. Writing in the journal Schizophrenia Research, the team compared trends in marijuana use and incidences of schizophrenia in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005. Researchers reported that the “incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia and psychoses were either stable or declining” during this period, even the use of cannabis among the general population was rising."

ignorantsonsof_4049d ago

Maybe YOU should grow up and not believe everything the government tells you. Seriously, find other sources of information. Marijuana is no more harmful than most "medicine" that your doctor can legally prescribe you. You know what also causes mental health problems? Drugs that they give you to treat mental health problems! Have you ever even read the full list of possible side effects for any medicine you've taken?

ShwankyShpanky4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )


"" (with copious claims of "research says," with no reference to any such research)

"psychosis and scizophrenia (sic)" (that's 'scHizophrenia')


But you forgot to direct people to this well-researched documentary that enumerates the danger of marijuana in a measured and comprehensive manner:

Best to just let folks go on sucking down their booze, their scrips, their carbonated chemical swills, etc.

Remember kids, don't smoke weed... you might grow up to be president.

Thehyph4049d ago

Whoa, it's not hard to tell that's an American institution website.

Even a website like Wikipedia will give their sources, and a lot of those sources are highly respected and well known universities.

Why is it that I can ask any doctor I meet about consuming cannabis, and their only suggestion is consuming it in a way that doesn't involve smoke? Certainly, they are knowledgeable on anatomy and pharmacology.

MysticStrummer4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

If you follow the links from that site, you'll see that alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine are far more dangerous than marijuana.

It would make just as much sense to me if those things were also made illegal, but since they won't be because of their powerful lobbies, pot should be legal as well.

You can't have it both ways and expect to make any sense at all.

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mattdillahunty4049d ago

because everybody knows smoking a harmless plant that hurts no one is much worse than seeing a human being get violently murdered. i think those people who wanted to ban or heavily control any violence in video games realized they lost that fight (at least for the time being), so now they're moving on to something else they can nitpick.

Roper3164049d ago

I'll be smoking it anyways while playing so I don't need a VG to do it in. Just one more thing the media will complain about while ignoring the rampant drug use the show in movies/tv shows.

BattleTorn4049d ago (Edited 4049d ago )

I'm not sure if the author realizes that so many people are talking about it for the mere fact that we can now have the player to smoke while we smoke.

I used to have all sorts of hide outs in GTA IV that'd go chill in while still in MP, and going for a smoke.

Now I can literally have the character doing it too. I think it's awesome.

This article could easily been about female-playable characters. Look at COD, we've been virtually murdering men online for years, and what do game-journalist focus on, the fact that women are now playable.

In gaming news, we focus on the new details. All the theft, crimes, sexual context and virtual violence, ect, had all been in GTA before.

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Tacoboto6d ago

It would be about time. Throw us PC players a bone by doing this and finally putting out RDR1


It looks amazing with mods: But it's good to get something official.