
Super Smash Brothers Breakdown: Pacman Analysis

In this episode GVN analyzes PacMan for Super Smash Brothers Wii U and 3DS. Namco is co-developing the upcoming Super Smash Brothers so it's very likely that Pac-Man may be in the Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3DS.

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lizard812883965d ago

I pretty much agree. I think his B> would be a charged up run attack from his Pac-World games, so it would be similar to the Headbutt attacks.

PopRocks3593965d ago (Edited 3965d ago )

All I want is his final smash to be him turning into the classic "puck" version of Pac-Man and you get to eat all the other players, who all turn blue (as mentioned in the video).

kirbyu3965d ago

They need to give him the Rev Roll. During his Final Smash, the opponents need to turn blue. And who was Pac-Man fighting there?

lizard812883965d ago

(Disney's) Chicken Little, it looks like.

kirbyu3964d ago

That's what I thought.

thomasmiller3965d ago

Yeah, they can say mega man is a special case, but come on!! we all know there are going to be a few more third pary charcters, I hope sonic comes back, but pac-man, I will be shocked, and I mean really shocked, if he is not in the game, not the biggest pac-man geek in the world, but this is just too obvious!!

ThatArtGuy3965d ago

Pac-Man, the original mascot. Awesome.

jakmckratos3965d ago

Getting sick of these posts. Misleading headlines...you shall be punished!

Luismacintosh3965d ago

Sorry to get your hopes up :(
You should visit the Smash Brothers website though if you want real news, that's where you'll get confirmed characters and some cool screenshots :D


Bayonetta Players Battle Through The Boos At Evo 2018's Smash 4 Finals

"Several Bayonetta players made it into the Super Smash Brothers 4 finals at Evo 2018 this year. Surprisingly, last year’s Evo winner and Bayonetta player Saleem “Salem” Akiel Young wasn’t one of them. Salem’s upset last year coincided with the longstanding debate over whether Bayonetta’s combo-linking abilities make her an unfair opponent, and after tonight’s results, that debate shows no signs of slowing down." | Maddy Myers, Kotaku

Sgt_Slaughter2143d ago

Smash 4's legacy in the Pro scene will be forever tainted by multiple controversies, so this ending was fitting in a way.

Michiel19892143d ago

tainted for you, if you involve urself in those controversies. its not tainted for me and a lot of other players. Great game, had a good run, pro scene also had a good run.

Sgt_Slaughter2143d ago

It's not me getting involved in those controversies, the game as a whole had them and you can't just ignore each one and say the game had a good run.

Smash 4's entire lifespan for tournaments was a rollercoaster of events, ranging from Diddy Kong hate, to 0.9, to the current Bayo issues.

Michiel19892143d ago

a character being overpowered is not really a controversy. 0.9 was but that was a one time incident (maybe more matches in that tournament but still only that tournament). They patched diddy decently fast for nintendo standards and hes fine now, still great, but not unbeatable. bayo is another thing, just not fun to play against. as far as im concerned only bayo made a dent in smash 4 so I dont see the overall pro scene as tainted at all.

if you didnt get involved then how is the game tainted for u then? the thing is, if they cant complain about bayo anymore, theyll complain about something else. Dont let it reduce your enjoyment or let it affect u.

ZaWarudo2143d ago

Half the audience walked out after finding out it's going to be a Bayo mirror match. Don't understand why they didn't just ban her from the tournament.

Sirk7x2143d ago

Probably going to be the last time Smash 4 is even hosted at an event as large as this, especially after this tournament and a new game coming soon. People didn't pay to see the finals dominated by a broken character. They traveled, are paying for tickets, hotels, food, travel, etc, and if the competitive scene for a game disappoints fighting game fans who support the scene, say goodbye to decent payouts. After that the community diminishes. Also you figure, alot of people who game for a living need fan support via Twich and whatnot to have some sort of supplemental income. Getting booed for playing cheap characters, flipping off booing crowds, refusing to play at the beginning of a match all just seems like a poor way to build a brand for yourself in general.

PurpHerbison2143d ago

Goes to show how childish the Smash community can be. Seeing more than one broken character in top 8s isn't anything new to the FGC. Kill or be killed, money on the line. To tops things off the top 2 players were going to collude until the T.O. got involved and showed them the rules. Smash is a trainwreck.

Jinger2143d ago

Well I guess since they are the same character there won't be an advantage other than their skill?

bmf73642143d ago

CaptainZack and Lima were both nobodies on the competitive scene until Bayonetta was released. Zack has been badmouthing the audience throughout his EVO run for booing him, and they stalled during grand finals to piss off the remaining crowd until referees had to come out and force them to play-on.

gangsta_red2143d ago

That's one of the problems with fighting games with large rosters, it's impossible to balance them all and especially for the pro scene. These pros pick the strongest characters in the game to master and win and it makes a lot of the tourneys boring to watch because we see the same characters over and over again.

princejb1342143d ago

thats something that happens in alot on multiplayer games. People just pick the strongest character to have a higher chance of winning

Rimeskeem2143d ago

The issue with bayo is her combo that can easily be zero to death.

PurpHerbison2143d ago

Meanwhile I'd love to watch a Super Turbo tournament FULL of O.Sagats.

DrRobotnik2143d ago (Edited 2143d ago )

Well, the other players could just quietly, and unanimously focus on knocking out the player who picks Bayo. Me and my friends use to do it when someone picked meta knight back in the day.

NotoriousWhiz2142d ago

That doesn't work in a one on one setting.

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This Year's E3 is Nintendo's to Lose

With all the leaks and rumors hitting E3, it's Nintendo's Stage gamers know so little about. With this year being Nintendo's most ambitious in recent years. Can Nintendo rest their treehouse Live Event on the back of Smash Brothers and Pokemon Lets go Pikachu and Let's Go Evee for the Switch? How should Nintendo tackle 3rd party games? Most importantly, how Nintendo could win E3.

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FallenAngel19842202d ago

It’s actually Sony’s show to lose since no matter what at the end of the expo the PS4 will still be the console with the most anticipated upcoming games

Neonridr2202d ago

for some.. I mean I am super excited for Spiderman (got the collector's edition on preorder), Ghosts and TLOU2. But I am equally excited for Smash and Pokemon. Plus hoping for a few other surprises from Nintendo (Metroid please).

All in all, I expect good things from both companies.

Eonjay2202d ago

No, its true, Death Stranding, The Last of Us 2, Ghost, and Spiderman are an unstoppable force when it comes to interest. Sure it will be cool to see Smash and Pokemon but straight up anticipation definitely goes to Sony. The Last of Us and Death Stranding each by themselves could single-handily eclipse the entirety of the show. Spiderman brings in more money than any superhero character on the planet. Bloggers can snub Sony all they want but in reality, there is no beating them this year.

Neonridr2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )

@Eonjay - I think there is still so much mystery surrounding Death Stranding and Ghosts. So I am definitely excited to know more about both titles. Plus we know TLOU2 will be awesome. And then there is legitimate hope for Spiderman. I agree that they are basically set to have any amazing show. Anything extra is really just bonus.

Aceman182202d ago

As of now the only games I'm buying on switch this is octopath traveler, and mainline fire Emblem for this year so far. Hopefully they'll have something else of interest I want to buy

Tigerblud2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )

Nintendo has more we don't know about. We know what Sony is brining.

Last year everyone was upset because Sony didn't show much new and couldn't give us dates.

wonderfulmonkeyman2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )

Sony's sitting pretty on a golden infallible throne, around these parts.XD
But in reality, Nintendo's the one with the bigger set-up this time around, and has a lot more in-house stuff to show off.
PS4 having the most anticpated upcoming games is subjective, especially in the case of multiplats that players could get elsewhere instead. [PC primarily]
And it's an even tougher statement if you're just comparing first party exclusives, which have always had Nintendo as the king.

Don't get me wrong; I'm sure TLOU 2 is going to be an AMAZING game. The story has a lot left to tell and I expect to see all of the drama and action I learned to love from the original.[Hopefully with less child death, though...that got me sad...]

But there's no way I'm going to be looking forward to that more than, say, Metroid Prime 4 or Smash, let alone any other surprises Nintendo's SURE to have in store.

Segata2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Sony is only showing 4 games this E3 and already announced games. Switch is now in its second year and while they said they would mainly focus on 2017 titles,doesn't mean they don't have some surprise announcements plus show the new Fire Emblem and a Bayonetta 3/Metroid Prime 4 trailer. Might even see the rumored Ridge Racer 8. Smash will be mega hype regardless.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2201d ago
Garethvk2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )

Their stock is in free fall and investors are worried. Sony is outselling them again with a huge list of exclusives that are well beyond the abilities of the Switch. Sorry but not excited over a new Smash Bros or any other pending reads for it Our Switch gathering dust just like the Wii U before it. Meanwhile God of War and Detroit are in heavy rotation as well be Spider Man, Last of us 2, and Days Gone.

TallonIV2202d ago

It's all preference. Same thing could be said about PS4. Mine has been gathering dust since I finished God of War in 2 days and I've never had any interest in interactive movies. Days Gone is not previewing well so that's a little worrisome.

I haven't been able to put down my Switch with Donkey Kong, Bayo 2 and Bloodstained. Switch also has many exclusives coming this year, Octopath traveller, Smash, Pokemon, Fire Emblem and I'm sure more will be announced at E3.

BTW, stock rises and falls all the time. You actually think investors are worried when Pokemon and Smash are still coming this year? I don't think so.

Neonridr2202d ago

free fall? are you serious. Their company is worth billions upon billions. You may not be excited for Smash or Pokemon, but believe me, the rest of the world is. Watch how many millions those games sell.

2202d ago
wonderfulmonkeyman2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )

Pfft.XD A lousy 5% is not "freefall", and investors have sold stock over Nintendo refusing to make games for phones, where they could charge customers for the ability to make Mario jump higher. [And yes, that's a legitimate thing. Look it up.]
Stocks rise and fall quite frequently; by this time a few months from now, they'll have quite easily recovered, and probably even sooner if E3 is as good as people are predicting it will be for Nintendo.

Nintendo just outsold both Sony and Microsoft 2 to 1 over in Japan recently and their exclusives keep Nintendo in a high profit margin, frequently hitting over 1M in multiple places.
Sony's "huge list" of exclusives is not far and away above Nintendo's list, and being above the Switch's technical limitations doesn't automatically make them better games than, say, Metroid Prime 4 or Smash, let alone any other surprises that Monolith or Retro may have for the show.

PhoenixUp2202d ago

Hard for Nintendo to steal the show when the majority of what people will be talking about are games arriving on PS4.

Switch’s upcoming library doesn’t outnumber the exclusives and multiplats set to release on PS4.

Neonridr2202d ago

quantity is not greater than quality though. But I agree, Sony has a bunch of great games coming. Nintendo needs to pull out a few surprises this E3 since we don't know much about what is yet to come.

PhoenixUp2202d ago

A lot of those games are of quality

pcz2201d ago

Don't have shown all their cards. Nintendo always have something up their sleeves.

A mini N64 would win E3, in my book...

masterfox2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )

Steal the show ?, they haven't win an E3 show since decades ago and with a old specs hardware like the Switch there's nothing interesting will surface from that thing, and no people just showing 1 game like Zelda or Mario did in the past two e3 shows is not a meaning of a good E3 presentation is actually pretty sad just need a bit of common sense to understand it, I mean seriously last E3 you literally went crazy for just a Metroid Title screen, yes a title screen! and some Nintendo fans think it won that E3 because of that?, omg! I'm sorry but that is so so sad to see.

Come on Nintendo fans I know you can do better than that!

wonderfulmonkeyman2202d ago

Switch's reveal beat the shit out of everything last E3.
I know you're bitter against Nintendo, but wake up and smell reality; the only one who hates Nintendo to the point that they'll pretend they've never won an E3, around here, is you.

InTheLab2202d ago

Nintendo has won some E3s but none recently. Switch reveal was like "oh here we go again ". Hardware doesn't matter to me.

There was one E3 where Nintendo dropped 6 or 7 games that year for the wiiu. Maybe 2010. That show stood out. Nothing they have done since has matched that...

TekoIie2202d ago (Edited 2202d ago )


So they didn't win last year when MS was basically showing nothing but 3rd parties and Sony basically showed more of what we had already seen, and knew was coming (and in some cases still not gotten)? Nintendo had a great presentation last year, especially so when you consider the bashing that was going on with it being only 30 mins long.

And if they didn't win then who did lol?

OnlyThoseOnTheFence2202d ago

There was an article on here a few days ago about hos this E3 is Microsoft's to lose...Either you guys change your stance every day or you don't pay any attention to the articles you post. SMH. Can't wait until you guys post another article saying it's Sony's E3 to lose...

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The little e-sport that could: Smash Bros' struggle against its creators

Smash’s creator, Masahiro Sakurai, doesn't want Smash Bros. to be a competitive fighting game. The e-sports community that has grown up around the title feels differently.

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