
‘EverQuest Next’ is ambitious as all hell, and here’s why

StickSkills said, "One thing you hear a lot as an MMO player is companies spewing PR about how their new MMO is going to reinvent the genre. They’re going to make the most believably living worlds, with no grinding and a fast and furious-gameplay system. You’ve heard it all before. Last week we heard the same spiel from Sony Online Entertainment when it revealed EverQuest Next, or rather the third version of it. However, for the first time, I actually believe it."

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Frodosmugins3971d ago

looking good!

PS4 please sony!

elhebbo163971d ago

If Planetside 2 can be ported to PS4, then I'm sure EQN can as well.

joab7773971d ago

This is bold. I love the leveling. Instead of focusing on numbers, they focus on tasks. You get more powerful by completing tasks. The weapon idea reminds me of dark souls. There are many weapons that can be used but each one has different abilities that are better in different situations...more strategy and skill than raw numbers.

Bolts3971d ago

Its about time somebody have the balls to jump start the stagnant MMO genre. Most of the MMOs out there are totally gutless rehash or same formula over and over again. None of them managed advance MMOs a single inch since EQ first broke out.


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Casepbx2914d ago

I still miss City of Heroes.

2914d ago
PurpHerbison2914d ago

I agree when it comes to The Sims Online. That game was really fun and nothing has even come close to it. I still crave a new Sims with online multiplayer. Blows my mind they haven't done anything like that since The Sims Online or even The Sims Bustin' Out on PS2.


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