
Rockstar’s Agent Is Past Its Expiry Date And Needs To Go Next-Gen

Well, it looks like some people still care about that game. Take-Two have said numerous times that the game is in development at Rockstar during their earnings call, but considering the game was first announced in 2009 at Sony E3 press conference. One has to wonder what’s really going on with the project?

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iamnsuperman3977d ago

I doubt it really went into action. This is one of those games we need to let go off. I really doubt it will ever appear

ZodTheRipper3977d ago

There was already some gameplay leaked 2 or 3 years ago, it looked pretty cool so they definately went somewhere with it. But I think, GTA5 came in between ...my guess was always that Rockstar focused on bringing that out before the next gen starts and that Agent fell short because of this. I really hope they'll just take their time with it and release it on PS4 once it's ready - like The Last Guardian.

HammadTheBeast3976d ago

I dunno, didn't they renew some websites for it lately?

BattleAxe3976d ago (Edited 3976d ago )

"but considering the game was first announced in 2009 at Sony E3 press conference. One has to wonder what’s really going on with the project?"

Well if you compare GTA4 which came out in April 2008 and GTA5 which is coming out September 2013, that's a little over 5 years between the two games.

If Agent is anything like Grand Theft Auto in terms of its size and scope, then a 2014 release would be par for the course, and would be the final swan song for the PS3.

princejb1343976d ago

yup probably got cancelled for gta5
gta5 looks epic at least

3976d ago Replies(2)
iPad3976d ago

What if Sony decides to let Agent become multiplatform and Sony have a new exclusive deal with Rockstar where GTA V will be only available for PS4 next gen?

CaptainFaisal3976d ago

Actually i know Take Two pretty well, Why didnt they show any footage of GTA V before Max Payne 3? Because they dont want the game to not sell, after the game sold we got like 4 or 5 trailers and gameplay! Now after Rockstar games release GTA V, in november they will either announce Read Dead Redemption 2 or AGENT, Or probably a new Midnight game. Its all marketing they want their games to sell before they announce something else. after all its all about the money !

So do you want in 2014? RDR 2? or Agent? Or a new midnight game? I want agent as its been in the works since 2007 , so its been what? 6-7 years!

Sevir3976d ago

R* is notorious for games with 4-5 year development cycles!

L.A. Noire*** was originally meant to be released during 2007 but was delayed, then announced to be released in 2008 and 2009 and delayed again. Information about L.A. Noire was minimal until GameInformer chose L.A. Noire to be its front cover game in March 2010. released in 2011

Red Dead Redemption*** A trailer of the project was sent to a select number of people at a Sony conference in 2005, It was referred to simply as Old West Project and a sequel to Red Dead Revolver.
Production on Red Dead Redemption did not begin until early 2008. On February 3, 2009, Rockstar Games officially announced the game.[17] In the April 2009 edition of Game Informer.
Rockstar released it May 2011

Grand Theft Auto 4***
Work on Grand Theft Auto IV began in November 2004, almost immediately after the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Adreas announced at E3 2006 that the game would appear on Xbox 360, by rolling up his sleeve to reveal a GTA IV temporary tattoo.[45] Rockstar Games initially appeared to be committed to the original 16 October 2007 release date, On 24 January 2008, Take-Two announced that Grand Theft Auto IV would be released on 29 April 2008

Max Payne 3***
The game was originally scheduled for release in late 2009.[14] However, it was pushed back to 2010 alongside several other Take-Two Interactive franchises in order to "benefit from having more development time." In June 2010, the game was again pushed back to 2011.[18] On December 21. 2011 Rockstar announced a March 2012 release date for the game, with a debut trailer released on September 14.[21][22][23] In January 2012, Take-Two delayed the game by two months from its original March release date to May 2012.

In July 2007, Sony announced that Rockstar was working on a new franchise for the PlayStation 3,[1] but details of the project, including its title, were not announced until June 2009 during the Sony press conference at E3.[2] With the announcement of the PlayStation 4 on 20 February 2013, there was an expectation that Agent may have moved to become an exclusive PlayStation 4 title.[17][18][19] However, there was no mention of the game at the launch, but developer Rockstar had signed up to support the PlayStation 4.[20] When asked if Agent was still a PlayStation 3 title after the press conference of the PlayStation 4 reveal during a roundtable media session, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida said "You are asking the wrong person. I have some knowledge, but I'm not in a position to talk about it."[21]
In July 2013, Rockstar's parent company, Take-Two Interactive, renewed its trademarks of the "Agent" brand.

With Agent being formally announced in 2009 its likely that Development on the game is now in full swing and switched to Next gen, Shuhei also seems to know whats going with the game and given that Take Two just renewed the trademark the game is about as certain to getting a proper announcement.

I'm betting this will be Announced at GC2013 in Germany given that Rockstar North, the division/studio thats developing this game is european This is probably One of Sony's ace to put bolster their product line up for the PS4/ swan song for PS3

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3976d ago
MadLad3976d ago

I really don't think Rockstar is paying much mind to this one at this point. For whatever reason, they simply just put it to the side.
Will we see it next gen? Possibly. I really don't think so though.

YodaCracker3976d ago

I'm envisioning a 2016 XB1/PS4 release!

wishingW3L3976d ago

the point is that Sony was paying for it something.

demonddel3976d ago

No son Sony dont fund no third party games unlike Microsoft who depends on multiplat games Sony 1st and 2nd party games is the only games Sony fund

Thepro3183976d ago

@demondel sony funded la noire

Omegasyde3976d ago


You might providing a link? L.A. Noire came out on 360 too.

Now if you mean they "bought" some exclusive content, then you are correct. Both MS and Sony do, however sometimes MS will work out an agreement for exlclusive/timed dlc is they help market the game. Example: Call of Dootie.

ifritAlkhemyst3976d ago

After RDR success and MP3 failure, I think this game was pushed to the side. There will probably be a new Red Dead game before we ever see Agent again.

e-p-ayeaH3976d ago

rockstar making an console exclusive just doesnt sound belivable im sorry.

TheOneEyedHound3976d ago

Has Rockstar ever made a Console exclusive? So why are you guys disagreeing?

R* + 2013=No console exclusives.

e-p-ayeaH3976d ago

They cant accept the facts.

Omegasyde3976d ago

I agree- It's like EA releasing an exclusive game.

I still can't believe MS ponied up millions for timed DLC for GTA 4 which eventually came to PS3.

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Ex-Rockstar Dev Finally Explains Why Small Planes Randomly Crashed in GTA San Andreas

Former Rockstar Games Technical Director Obbe Vermeij has finally revealed why some planes would randomly crash in GTA: San Andreas.

Profchaos80d ago

This fly by feature was on the cutting room floor due to the random plane crashes and it's one of those things I'm so thankful made it into the final version as these random fly by and crashes make the world seem more alive on the extremely limited PS2 hardware you needed everything you could possibly get in a open world to convey that feeling.

And accross hundreds of hours of gameplay I probably died around 3 times as a result of these fly by failures but I loved every time it happened

isarai80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

It made the world feel more human, and honestly kinda insane that even today with all these open world games, almost no one can capture that like R* even when compared to their ps2 games

Skuletor79d ago

Lol, I remember those. I vaguely remember dying from one crashing into my car once too.


Agent: Rockstar's PS3 Exclusive That Never Escaped the Shadows

No game proves how quickly things can change in terms of ethos at a studio quite like Agent.

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XiNatsuDragnel95d ago

I wished agent was revived so badly

Skuletor94d ago

Rockstar's game outpost has steadily declined since HD console gaming started . Hell, they were releasing new games every year since the PS2 launched, up to the start of the 7th gen.