
EverQuest Next Gets New Highlights Video, 36 New Screenshots and Artwork

Following the unveiling of EverQuest Next Sony Online Entertianment released 36 between screenshots and artwork and an highlight video of EverQuest next.

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3970d ago Replies(10)
WeAreLegion3970d ago

Let's just go ahead and get that PS4 petition started now, shall we?

3-4-53970d ago

Yea this game looks awesome. The first MMO I've actually wanted to play since I quit WoW in 2007.

Eldyraen3970d ago

I'm disappointed in the huge change in art direction personally (compared to other EQ games).

It isn't so much that I don't think it looks good (as it does, in a cartoony sort of way--bit more Torchlight than WoW though imo) but just such a drastic change. The Kerrans look like they got a bit too much Tauren in them now (as more bulked up 'super animorph' now than originals) and doubt its only thing I don't necessarily prefer as we haven't seen much yet.

However, everything else I hear and see seems to smooth that over a bit as the game itself sounds pretty cool. I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more about it as it sounds significantly more 'next gen' than most MMOs which rely more on the same basic mechanics/principles that came before them.

Abriael3970d ago

I agree on the art style, but it's growing on me some, and the concepts are really cool

wishingW3L3970d ago (Edited 3970d ago )

it looks good though. And by being cartoony the characters can be even more expressive and the environments more unique.

Alexious3970d ago

I don't really mind the art direction. However, I mind the fact that this is not a true sandbox by any means. I feel we've been lied to, at least in part, as Smedley repeatedly cited EVE Online as an example of emergent gameplay.

Well, EQN is nothing like it. It sounds like an evolution of GW2, but certainly not a sandbox.

Gimmemorebubblez3970d ago

Did you see the jumping and teleporting demo of the two characters, that showed off a sand-boxy environment.

doi3970d ago

This is AWESOME! This is definitely a must have.

Guwapo773970d ago

This is shaping up to be pretty cool but what is it really about? Has to be much more than just making your home look pretty to be a successful MMORPG...

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Casepbx2907d ago

I still miss City of Heroes.

2907d ago
PurpHerbison2907d ago

I agree when it comes to The Sims Online. That game was really fun and nothing has even come close to it. I still crave a new Sims with online multiplayer. Blows my mind they haven't done anything like that since The Sims Online or even The Sims Bustin' Out on PS2.


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