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PS4 Creator Wants to Bring Mobile Gamers to Consoles

Dealspwn writes: Lead architect of the PlayStation 4 Mark Cerny, has been chatting about bridging the gap between the billions of people playing games on mobile devices and those playing on consoles. In an interview with MCV he said:

"I look at the world and I see two billion people enjoying games on a smartphone, and then a few hundred thousand on a console. Wouldn't it be nice if we could bring that larger audience into consoles?"

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Community3994d ago
iamnsuperman3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

The problem is with "Wouldn't it be nice if we could bring that larger audience into consoles" is they are happier to get a phone (as they will get one anyway) and pay less money per game. A console is different. It may be less money (only just) but it requires $60 games and that puts people off. The indie games may help but what they need to do is make sure these games are not overpriced.

Colzer013994d ago

from what i've read "lets bring those kids to ps4, so we can make the community even worse"

ShugaCane3994d ago

You'd be surprised to know how many grown-ups play on their smartphones.

ZodTheRipper3994d ago

@Colter01: are you trying to become the next big N4G troll?

@Iamnsuperman: Why has mobile vs. console be only about price?
Those mobile gamers might enjoy console gaming once they try it out and it could become their hobby? This is what Cerny and console manufacturers are aiming for these days.

dcj05243994d ago

Most of us played consoles as kids and as a result 20-30 years later we're still buying consoles. You want the next-generation of gamers to be mobile gamers? I don't.

HammadTheBeast3994d ago

No that happened when all the Xbox kids started converting to PS4.

YNWA963994d ago

Hammad, I think everyone is trying to ignore your attempts and starting some bullshit here.... Its working..... Loser.....

minimur123994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

I wouldn't say 'creator', he did have a HUGE say in it all but he isn't the creator of it, I hate it when there's people that are given all the credit for it, for example the team who designed the PS4, Cerny didn't design the PS4 did he? Nor did he create the OS, he's the system architect :p :p

i'm sorry, I prefer PS but I dislike it when people get given credit for stuff they didn't actually do

For example, if you've seen that recent futurama episode

papashango3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

Cerny probably should have quit while he was ahead.

Guy just lost all credibility.

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360ICE3994d ago

I think part of the idea is that PS4 will in fact not require you to buy 60$ games.
PS3 doesn't either, really, but more free-to-play and small indie titles will further that point.

3-4-53994d ago

You could play full games on handhelds with full content and actual buttons to press and an actual analog to use...


You can play glorified distraction apps /"games" that bring you right back to the good old days of the late 80's with little to now content and boring repetitive finger swiping motions.

Console on the go, or bejeweled and scrabble ?

TomShoe3994d ago

As long as they're not screaming 12 y/o's, than fine by me.

I always liked meeting strangers in CoD anyway :D

iamnsuperman3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

"As long as they're not screaming 12 y/o's, than fine by me."

This is my worry with including a headset in the bundle. I know it is needed but I hate people online talking anyway. Usually they are just talking random stuff to their friends and you are just sitting there awkwardly listening in on the conversation. Luckily you can mute people, which I do regularly, as with adding the mic is going to have a lot of 12 year old saying something offensive/idiotic or blasting music through the mic

xPhearR3dx3994d ago

That's exactly why I stayed in party chat on 360. I'm hoping cross platform chatting on PS4 wont be limited to one-on-one but rather an equivalent to XBL's party chat.

Anon19743994d ago

It's refreshing to see someone else address the matter of headsets realistically. Giving away headsets is not a good thing. Not everyone should have them, as we learned with XBL, so simply handing them out with the console doesn't do anyone any favors.

If someone goes out of their way to buy a headset it's usually so they can actually use them in-game, and intend to use them for this purpose. You hand headsets out to the masses and they're not going to use them with any amount of respect to others. Not that the PSN and PC doesn't have their share of idiots with mics, but it pales in comparison to what we saw happen with the XBL experiment.

At any rate, as far as mobile games coming to console I say a good game is a good game regardless of platform. There's plenty of excellent, creative titles out there on mobile. If they want to make the option of making these available on the consoles, I won't complain. If you don't like them, it's not like they're being forced down your throat. The Mini's often had a mobile phone vibe about them, and I'd played a handful of those titles I had a good time with.

Colzer013994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

mobile gamers mostly are 12 y/o kids, kids today are prefer playing with their hand phone than a console

PeaSFor3994d ago

and i guess those peoples prefer watching an 2minute ads than a full movie.

let them their angry bird and i will keep my blatantly better and full fledged games on pc/console.

HammadTheBeast3994d ago

You have a 360, come on, pop in a CoD and watch the lobbies turn into screaming kids.

YNWA963994d ago

There is no kids on PSN.... They seem to be here.... Noisy lil feckers...

Electric-flamingo3994d ago

Which is funny, because people always jump on Microsoft for catering to the casuals.

fourOeightshark3994d ago

Because Microsoft abandoned the hardcore for the casuals.

LogicStomper3994d ago

Haha that's funny, looks like you haven't seen the Xbox One game-lineup yet then.

fourOeightshark3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

@LogicStomper Looks like you didn't see that they did the same thing at the beginning of this gen. They know the core gamers are the ones that buy consoles at launch, they will abandon you again 3 years from now.

Nocando3994d ago

Sadly I have run into 12 year old kids that are far more cooperative and adult than the so called adults.

Retroman3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

few hundred thousand "would'nt it be nice to bring that audience" to consoles.

not with FPS AN MULTI-PLAYER games unlike ps3 is... to many people like RPG,RACING,PLATFORMER,SIDESCRO LLING GAMES.
for the ps4 to grow for every gamer and out shine ps3 lack of variety- VARIETY is a MUST!!!! 7 more years of COD,MASS EFFECT,UNCHARTED,KILLZONE,BATT LEFIELD,Army of 2,Last of Us,INHUMAN,GRAND THEFT AUTO is toooooooooo much.

FITgamer3994d ago

I'm not sure of the point you are trying to get across.

Retroman3994d ago (Edited 3994d ago )

My point was for ps4 to grow and capture those casual gamers ps4 need to have more VARIETY as the ps1,ps2 was. ps3 is struggling i believe not every gamer like open world military first person shooter.
I assume they waiting on something more fun,exciting
every game dont need to be blowing away body parts and blood splattering everywhere.

dont know what the HELL fattyuk talking about.

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Mark Cerny: When making consoles, we're not trying to build low-cost PCs

PlayStation legend Mark Cerny discusses PS5, the challenges of making consoles, and his 42-year games industry career

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darthv7220d ago

Well... they used to design their own chips. Emotion Engine, Cell, RSX... when they switched to using X86 based chips is now more akin to low-mid cost PCs than before. It may not look like a PC but it pretty much is one. I'd bet it could do productivity stuff just fine if they allowed it to.

Cockney20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I think series consoles are closer to pc than playstation seeing as they used the full suite of rdna 2 functions, didn't Sony strip a lot of that away to streamline their machine to be games focused? Its probably lacking in the office and productivity department, don't ask me what their custom chip does or doesn't do I just remember reading a lot about at the time, "rdna 1.5" was the call and yet what we see is pretty much level pegging as far as games go

GamerRN20d ago

Actually, stripping that away doesn't streamline, it hinders. Those features are actually helpful for gaming.

And they didn't strip them out, they just didn't work closely enough to be able to use them all since specs weren't finalized. Microsoft took an inside line on that one.

The reason why things are equal is because Xbox rarely has games designed on their box, they are usually designed on PS5 and ported over. So Xbox loses the power edge it has to making up the poor optimization.

It's ok, I think the lesson is you have to have a significant increase in power of 30 percent or more to be noticeable. And you have to sell enough to become the lead console for development otherwise you lose that power.

Einhander197220d ago


PS5 outperforms series x because it uses custom chips to process things that on xbox need to be done by the GPU/CPU.

Things like Tempest Audio, and it's custom compression chip for SSD as well as having a separate chip for upscaling using checkerboard and presumably FSR runs off it as well.

OlderGamer1719d ago

O please stop the myth that the seriesX mythe is the only console that is using the "the full suite or Rdna2" is already debunked al long time ago.

Number1TailzFan20d ago

The consoles use video ram as system ram as well since it's all shared, so nah.

19d ago
Christopher20d ago

You should probably read the whole quote and not just go based on the title.

darthv7220d ago

I have read it... I dont think anyone can build a PC that equates to the performance of a PS5/Series X for anywhere close to their selling point. Not for a while at least.

And my comment about them switching from custom chips to more PC related just adds to that fact. whether people want to believe it or not... Sony has built a low cost (not spec, there is a difference) PC.

neutralgamer199220d ago (Edited 20d ago )

We need better games on these consoles. This generation has been such a huge letdown so far. Moving forward these current consoles will be supported even when newer Playstation and Xbox are in the market. AAA games have been so expensive to make and it seems fun is taken out of games and loot boxes take their place. Try playing a NBA 2k game it's like a casino with slot machines

just_looken19d ago

The cost of making these games is a scam

Nba 2k19 to 2k14 its like madden the budget to make went stupid high but the fundamental of the game and the game modes never changed.

Anything now even basic intersection construction is tens of millions but pre coivid few hundred grand.

2018 here is $400 landscaping now here is the pink slip to my car.

I swear the cost of everything is the same but there taking of that huge profit top for there own pockets.

Einhander197220d ago

The PS5 is incredibly customized.

The SSD, the Tempest Audio, the APU itself is a mix of cross generation AMD hardware in order to be more optimized for gaming and cost efficient.

The PS5 Pro also has features from cross generation AMD hardware with RT features from RDNA 4 plus it's own custom upscaler PSSR.

PlayStation 5 Pro features next-gen RDNA 4-based ray tracing engine, allows 2-3x faster RT

PlayStation still uses custom designed hardware.

darthv7220d ago

honestly... I dont know why some are taking offense to it being called a low cost PC. It really is... and low cost is a good thing. the article did not say low performance PC... that is totally different.

Einhander197220d ago

I'm saying they still are designing their own chips, they just use AMD templates.

The PS5 APU has features from RDNA 1 2 and 3, and the PS5 Pro adds features from RDNA 4, and the CPU is the same with it own customized features.

Then all of that is paired with other custom chips.

just_looken19d ago

What you all said my rig in my bedroom can do it no issues

That plastic box has a 2020 cpu with the pro using a 2021 6700

The custom is do to them being dirt cheap with a 2 prong power supply so they made a cpu/gpu combo chip aka apu.

Get a amd laptop with there new mobile chips get the same performance.

VincentVanBro20d ago

You’re right but downvoted for some reason.

just_looken19d ago

Its this site even the head admin banned me for awhile being but hurt over my "anti" sony comments.

n4g is pro sony nothing sony will ever do can change that.

Pyrofire9520d ago (Edited 20d ago )

When you only look at the big flagship chips that seems true, but there's a lot going on in a modern console that takes advantage of being a dedicated kit. The various elements put into how the pipelines are connected shape the direction of games. End to end decryption and data streaming is something big that PC can only kind of do and with less certainty for example. Dedicated audio chip that rivals the main CPU in the PS4 is a big paradigm shift, devs used to fight for cores and audio was often last priority, whereas in traditional PC design the main CPU does both of those jobs of processing audio and decryption, while also performing all the other CPU based tasks.
It's not the custom silicon that used to be what made consoles but there's a lot more to consoles now. Data storage was not even a consideration and almost no RAM was on old consoles. Now there needs to be an enormous amount of SSD storage, and RAM to make these games tick with how much is demanded from them.

just_looken19d ago


Your comment show how many sony blindboys are on here

You are 100% correct but to add on the gamecube-ps3 also had a gpu/cpu combo back in the day unlike modern consoles that are just glorified tablets using apu/igpu's.

I miss the ps3 era start of ps4 era that sony was awesome

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 19d ago

Yah, hence the majority of the PS5’s hardware investment going towards an SSD instead of a GPU.

There are countless custom pc gaming rigs out there, and I bet none of them took an SSD-centric approach to their design, like the ps5 did.

just_looken19d ago

LMAO wow sony blind boy's are mad in love

That is called direct storage windows 10 has had that for over 5 year's every computer with a nvme based ssd has had that tech for years.


The ps6 will then have this new amazing tech you all will go crazy over resize bar

But that tech has been out for 2 years all 40series gpu's intel gpus and the new amd cards have that tech.

There is nothing a ps5 can do over a 4+ year old computer 2019 rig want resize bar? get a cheap amd/intel card for half the cost of a ps5.


Clearly you did not watch Cerny’s first ps5 breakdown, so you don’t appreciate EVERYthing Cerny did to leverage their extremely fast SSD.

bigfish20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I can see where he’s coming from re ps5 not just being a box with parts like a pc. They must also spend an awful lot on r & d just to design the thing so it has aesthetic appeal and typical Japanese with some sort of Philosopy behind the design. Would also think other factors around the custom airflow and the like would cost a lot given that it’s not a standard box shape

TheColbertinator20d ago

That's all a console will ever be.

gold_drake20d ago

true, but the alternative is, relatively, a expensive ordeal.
unless you dont game at all ha.

mkis00720d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Just spent 2000k on a 4070ti super 7800x3d 1440p gaming pc. Honestly consoles will never be replaced at this wide a gap in price. I plan to get a ps5 pro too.

just_looken19d ago


You waisted 2 grand you mean

At 1440p a amd4 chipset with a 5600x3d combined with a 6750xt even a 6800 can push 1440p just a much for half the cost or less used/new and or sales.

I have a 75hhz monitor in my bedroom 1440p playing games maxed out spent around 1200cad but aio 5800x3d 32gb of ram and a 6750xt 28 or 30 inch monitor.

Every time i hear pc so expensive i just laugh you can spend less than $500 buy a used ebay rig fix it up or a office pc toss in a cheap low profile card.

Pyrofire9520d ago

If you look into the hardware beyond just the CPU and GPU things start to look different, and there's plenty beyond just those two parts, those two parts even are modified to their own design in some degree.

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Mark Cerny talks Dolby Atmos support for PlayStation 5

Mark Cerny talks to Digital Foundry about how Dolby Atmos support made its way to PlayStation 5.

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crazyCoconuts319d ago

Cerny points out the advantage that DF keeps referring to as a disadvantage. Developers don't need to do anything special to have overhead sounds mapped to height speakers. It's all built in and processed lag free on existing and future PS5 games. This is obviously a superior approach imo as it works with virtually any speaker configuration.

319d ago Replies(2)
neutralgamer1992318d ago

DF have been very negative when it comes to PlayStation. Very nit-picky

ABizzel1318d ago

I like DF, but they’re starting to let personal bias seep into their talking points especially John, and the others are being occasional followers just to be non-confrontational.

just_looken317d ago

Its just like the ps3 or any receiver over 8yrs old

2015 ps3 had support then got updated

Man the ps5 is digging up the past to reveal its new hey are they going to have a menu next with native 7.1 audio support like my 2006 motor storm edtion ps3?.

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Azfargh318d ago

I see what you did there. Clever

kythlyn318d ago

I have an Atmos setup and in my case it definitely introduces some audio lag... probably around 10-20ms. The game I always use to test this sort of thing is Stray because of the dedicated meow button triggering the sound out of the Dual Sense. Makes it really easy to perceive a lack of audio sync. There's only one setting on PS5 that doesn't produce audio lag (at least with my setup), and that is Linear PCM.

fr0sty318d ago

So you are able to tell 1 frame of latency at 60fps, you're saying...

kythlyn318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

To fr0sty... yes? Not everyone will notice it, but people with trained ears such as musicians definitely will.

Reaper22_318d ago

The truth is that Atmos is superior. Plain and simple. The devil prefer it over what sony is providing. It's the standard for games, movies and music.

DarthZoolu318d ago

It’s definitely the leader of the industry right now

crazyCoconuts318d ago

And what about the PS5 implementation being discussed is NOT Atmos?

Reaper22_318d ago

Only DTS:X is on on par with atmos. I understand Sony wanting to use their own but Atmos is superior which is why is used throughout the entertainment industry.

crazyCoconuts318d ago

I'm trying to point out to you: PS5 is using Atmos. That's the whole point of this firmware update

fr0sty318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

From a hardware perspective, Atmos' 7.1.4 setup is indeed superior, but the software side of Atmos is far from superior. Dolby Atmos games (ISF) supports 32 objects and this is used in a 7.1.4 basebed + 20 dynamic object configuration most of the time. PS5's Tempest audio supports 100 dynamic objects, so it actually has to downmix the audio, dropping 68 objects in the process, to make it work properly over Atmos.

jwillj2k4318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

The truth is marketing is superior. Cant support something that kicks in after the scenes already ended lol

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gold_drake318d ago

i like how calmy and detailed he explained it to the fools at DF.

mastershredder318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

Ah yes Mark, becuase less channels on a watered down feature is something to geek out about. You do realize you are getting atmos light right? Not for audiophiles. Totally designed for craptastic sound systems. It's all about tagging that name for a selling point.

jwillj2k4318d ago

At least it works, what good is a feature that introduces latency to the point it’s potentially “3x as bad” with a certain setup? You can’t even use it and it’s supposed to be a partnership between the two companies….

AmUnRa317d ago (Edited 317d ago )

So you know more then Mark Cerny..the man who made PS5 what it is now...the man who invented with his team the Tempest engine..., if you can read take a lot of tasks over from Atmos... must be a genius in this field time to get a job In this expertise.

OptimusDK312d ago

I think one might be somewhat biased you can do your own guessing who that is

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PlayStation 5 Lead Architect Mark Cerny Talks Sega, Michael Jackson And Yuji Naka

Mark Cerny is a true veteran of the games industry. His name might be familiar to modern gamers due to the fact that he's worked as lead architect on several of Sony's consoles – and has even had input into some of the company's major software releases, such as Knack, The Last Guardian, Marvel's Spider-Man and Death Stranding – but his career stretches back to the very early years of the games industry.

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Community518d ago
deleted518d ago

Lol, love this image...


Look at the balls on Cerny! He really does though. One of the greatest minds in the industry and knows how to get things done!

Aloymetal518d ago

I bet he's already working on the PS6, safe bet.

ModsDoBetter518d ago

I can’t recall which leaker it was but there was a rumour floating about that we may not see a mid-gen refresh (PS5 Pro) and they’re focusing on PS6 development.

Could listen to Cerny talk for hours. Incredibly intelligent individual.

deleted518d ago

he really has a knack for being ahead of the curve!

UltimateRacer517d ago

@olMyerslo Tom Henderson is the insider who stated PS6 is being worked on over a PS5 Pro.

darkrider518d ago

The career of Cerny is really impressive.

purple101518d ago

Is this available in video format? It's a damn long interview to read.. but I will, if no video

Aloymetal518d ago

I haven't checked yet but try YT, maybe they do have it there.

Phoenix76517d ago

Could try using a "text to voice" app. Just copy and paste from the article then sit back and listen. I do that sometimes if don't want to read and am tired.

purple101517d ago

Thanks that's so nice of you but I don't need it that much! Il just read it. Just if there was himself on video I'd like that version. But have a great day my friend.x

Retroman518d ago

Wish Mark Cerny Develope Knack 3 Knack was a Fantastic game.

darkrider518d ago (Edited 518d ago )

I didn't like it very much, but cerny is truly a triple A Men. The ps4 and the ps5 are amazing consoles. What will he try with to achieve with the ps6!

Starman69517d ago

PS4 was good for it's time and for the price. It felt outdated after 2 years. Ps5 on the other hand... Future proof. Excellent 😊👌.

SullysCigar518d ago

I never played the first game, but the second one was great

gold_drake518d ago

i love his breakdowns of the consoles, he explains things very well with that soothing voice ha

Bathyj518d ago

I watched that ps5 reveal about 5 times. A lot of people complainwd about it when it came out for being too clinical and developer centric but I thought it was very informative. I guess they just wanted some flashy CGI trailers of games that won't come out for 4 years.

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