
Review - Time & Eternity | TerminalGamer

TG writes: NIS America's hand drawn anime title Time & Eternity is soon to be released. Is it worth your time or is it better left to fade into eternity?

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ftwrthtx4090d ago

This game is getting some pretty bad reviews. Where are all the anime fans?

dbjj120884090d ago

They're probably hugging their body pillows.

Snookies124090d ago (Edited 4090d ago )

I appreciate anime. The ones with good stories or characters that don't have a heavy focus on boobs, blood, or pointless things of that nature.

I can certainly also appreciate the art style of this game. It's absolutely gorgeous when in pictures. However, once things start moving, it doesn't look nearly as wonderful. It's a shame really. To have such beautiful art, only to have a bad game come out of it.

I'll probably pick it up at some point to give it a try. If nothing else, for the art itself. Though I don't really have any high hopes for it, which is a shame...

dark-hollow4090d ago

Well after looking at gameplay videos of this game: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

The character model looks way out of place in that environment. Its like a straight 2D cut from an anime and shoved into a 3D environment!

ftwrthtx4090d ago

It's hand drawn anime. What more can you expect?

The game doesn't look bad at all in HD.

dbjj120884090d ago

Fair review, will probably check it out if I can find it on sale.

ftwrthtx4090d ago

I'd prefer getting it on disc. The 14GB download sucks.

pompombrum4090d ago

Same here.. was originally a day one for me but all the negative reviews put me off. Once it goes on sale, I'll pick it up.

fsfsxii4089d ago

Don't judge a game based on someone else's opinion on it

Kratoscar20084090d ago

A good score for this game i guess, anyways day one.

izumo_lee4090d ago

From what i have been reading with the reviews the majority of the negative ones care more about the stuff most western reviewers harp on like the sexual inuendous, JRPG tropes, stuff they complain about with Neptunia & other games like it. Very hardly they talk about the actual designs & concept of the game.

The positive ones give credit to the whole different direction the game is. The unique anime style gameplay using actual animated graphics. Although the games concept is interesting the execution could use some more polish.

Like i said many times i can care less for what western reviewers say about these very niche, very Japanese trope, games from these small development companies.

My take on this game is that the game tries to be something different by using a very unique graphic style but the overall execution of the game could've used more work. I would like to see Imageepoch try this type of game on next gen systems cause i really believe the PS3 architecture was difficult for such a small company.

fsfsxii4089d ago

I've seen it at my local retailer. But for some reason i picked up Mugen Souls. Still, i'll pick both. btw, Mugen Souls is pretty confusing.

sdozzo4090d ago

It's like you either like this kind of thing or don't. I could just never could get behind the ten year old anime girl thing. I like my women to be women.

If this is your thing, that's ok too.


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There's a basketball JRPG. Wtf

Darkwatchman3008d ago

I own half the games on this list


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