
Outlast Developer: We’ll Be Taking Advantage Of The PS4′s GDDR5 RAM, Will Have Exciting Features

GamingBolt recently interviewed Philippe Morin, co-founder of Red Barrels, the development team behind the upcoming survival horror game Outlast.GamingBolt asked several questions about the PS4 version of Outlast to Philippe and he assured us that it will have ‘exciting’ features.

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Pisque3981d ago

But since RAM doesn't matter for videogames, I hope he has better ideas

Mr_Nuts3981d ago

Considering developers have been moaning on all this gen for better RAM...they better bloody take advantage of it.

malokevi3981d ago

It will take advantage of it? By that he must mean that the game will in some way and in some capacity use the systems RAM.

Thats cra-z! I've never played a game that uses RAM before... :D

cee7733981d ago Show
malokevi3981d ago

Well thats not very nice!!!

And now, you've lost me. RAM? Used in videogames? Exqueez me? Baking powder?

I_am_Batman3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

"I've never played a game that uses RAM before"

Well than you probably never played a game.

Seriously why are you here?

die_fiend3981d ago

Is that a joke? Or are you?

malokevi3981d ago Show
die_fiend3981d ago

And to you I say...I don't think people realise you're a wind-up merchant!

XB1 = Head of Xbox getting dafuq outta there before that hideous bomb is dropped

mp12893981d ago

Coming out on pc/ps4, i have a feeling we ll be seeing more of that

wishingW3L3981d ago

you forgot the sarcasm tag. /s

MysticStrummer3981d ago

"RAM doesn't matter for videogames"

Not according to the multiple developers who helped design PS4.

I'd say nice try at trolling, but it wasn't really.

malokevi3981d ago

"Not according to the multiple developers who helped design PS4. "

^^^evidence of my success, thanks :)

quenomamen3981d ago

Yea, the Cloud matters much more. Not actual hardware.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3981d ago
starfox793981d ago

Wow ??? are u going to take avantage of xbox ones cloud,and i dont even think your even developing wiiu,but wiiu's powerful edram cache and edram chip RAM ?????

Is SONY paying people to say these things,system RAM is not a bottleneck when u have HAVOK NEXT GEN compression x10 ?? half a GB on textures is now 5GB,so if wiiu has 1GB and possibly 1.5GB in the future thats 10/15GB with compression......Havok is in every wiiu devkit.

Smoovekid3981d ago

No one is talking about the Wii U, this game is for PS4 and PC.

starfox793981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

All i'm saying is graphics on all 3 will e outstanding once the full power is extracted END OF,when the wiiu's memory intensive design ie tons of edram and edram cache ect,ps4 its system RAM,xbox one it's cloud features for better AI ?

But Sony seems to be going out their way to prep devs to mention the power and RAM too much,while Nintendo stay fairly quiet and actually let gamers play MK8 and all key games ?,for me Sony better show me games that go beyond xbox one and wiiu's best in AI and graphics which i know wont happen but if it does i'll buy a ps4,last time the ps3 was 120fps at FULL HD ? even patcher said ps4 would do this,it's all hype with Sony i just hope they can look noticeably better graphics wise than the competition........or they have digged a very big hole..

Also NERD owned by Nintendo is making cloud features that add more power to wiiu as we speak so it wont just be Microsoft using cloud to enhance graphics and AI ?


Look for yourself.....

FlameHawk3981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

@starfox79 ....wtf

HammadTheBeast3981d ago

Still waiting on the new star fox eh... lol

Hercules1893981d ago (Edited 3981d ago )

Just ignore these trolls, They really dont know whats all in the xbox one, many devs are praising the cloud and everybody just thinks that they are getting paid. It might not make it 10 times better, but it will help out a bit. Now im no computer expert, but if the devs can put all the ai and other futures on the cloud then they could use most of the 1.6 teraflops just for graphics alone. We have to look at the big picture, ms is in the same position sony was in last gen with using custom parts. All these comparisons from these sites never mention sram or hypervisor or cloud. Its like comparing a custom made Nissan to a Mustang and ignoring all the custom parts that make the nissan faster and just say that the mustang is way better than a stock nissan.

medman3981d ago

Hercules189, any processes offloaded to the cloud are subject to lag, so only non latency dependent functions will be assisted by that process. It will help somewhat but it's not going to make up for the technical deficit that the Xbone is facing versus the PS4.

quenomamen3981d ago

Thats right you are no computer expert, you cant put all the AI in the cloud then have the hardware handle the rest cuz then youde be waiting megabytes of information to download then get proccesed. Stop it with the cloud making your underpowered console more poweful, you cant substitute software (the cloud) with actual hardware (RAM, GPU, etc)

Master-H3981d ago

Starfox stop trolling and go play Rayman legends on your beloved Wii U machine , ...ohhh wait.....

JunioRS1013981d ago

dude, read around on the internet, the cloud doesn't do anything 'game changing' at all.

In fact, it merely TECHNICALLY helps, which is what PR directors LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE.

They take the minor uses of cloud computing and throw it to the forefront of the console hardware argument (mind you, they never say it would close the gap or even anything close) in an attempt to win over uneducated gamers.

The truth is, all the computations that will even be used by the cloud will be able to be rendered locally on the ps4's hardware MORE EASILY than the entire cloud process in the first place.

It's a pure PR gimmick, but obviously it has tricked some people who do not understand the feature.

I WISH it turned the Xbox into a supercomputer, because I am a neutral consumer and want the best product, meaning I would be buying the Xbox One if it were capable of delivering equal to or superior graphics than the ps4. BUT, it does NOT work like they 'lawyer speak' about it. Sorry.

madpuppy3981d ago

funny, even when people say "the power of the cloud" it sounds like some made up advertising phrase, you know like how Activia yogourt has "bifidus regularus" in it, which is something everybody has in their gut but, has a completely made up name depending on the company advertising it. and is considered questionable by most authorities as to its claims.

every time I read the phrase I hear it in my head being said by freak of nature magician Doug Henning.

CGI-Quality3981d ago

Uh, Outlast is a PC/PS4-only game.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3981d ago
3981d ago
theWB273981d ago

Holy crap I'm disappointed. I honestly thought this was coming to the X1 also. My joy meter is preeeetty low at the moment.

Rusty5153981d ago

You can thank Microsoft and their indie polices for that one.

theWB273981d ago

Yea I didn't know it was indie also. Been following other games alot more closely.

HammadTheBeast3981d ago

You can play on the PC. It's just like Titanfall, if you're on another platform console, just get it on PC. If you can run it that is.

theWB273981d ago

I don't own a gaming PC. Just a lowly laptop. Don't even know about building one either. Hell I've never even seen a game on high settings in person. But I have been looking into learning and possibly building one of my own. In due time I guess.

ceedubya93981d ago

My most anticipated game for the PS4 launch.

KwietStorm_BLM3981d ago

Really your most anticipated? It doesn't come out at launch anyway.

ceedubya93981d ago

Ah yes, I mixed up the release of this game with the PC version. :(. Ha, well in that case, it was my most anticipated game but it isn't available at launch. not sure why you got disagrees.

KwietStorm_BLM3981d ago

I don't know why I got disagrees either. This site is a cesspool. I'd get disagrees if I said squirrels eat nuts. It's like a sad hobby for people on here.

killacal133981d ago

cesspool is a funny word, funny bubble for that, I disagree with you because you should respect peoples opinion.

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cthulhucultist5d ago

Very safe list of horror games. I would argue that Amnesia Machine for Pig was not that great. Dark Descent was much a much better game.

Far better games have been released in this genre (Dead Space Remake, Alien Isolation, Alan Wake 2 etc).


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monkey602575d ago

A lot of my favourites are on this list so I whole heartedly approve.
Everything except The Observer. It started out really interesting but quickly unraveled into a train wreck. Including frustratingly dull dives into mind sequences, They neutered the monster with boring on rail stealth sequences and a laughably obvious and cringeworthy ending. Mix in bugs and some wonky controls to boot.
I had really strong impressions with it to start but ended up absolutely hating it.

isarai575d ago

I got 2-3hrs in and couldn't take it anymore, the constant need to switch between the 3 visions just became so annoying and honestly just unnecessary.

monkey602574d ago

I actually agree. At first I thought it was a great idea because the game wasn't holding your hand with the Detective work but it was so unintuitive too. It became a sequence of staring at everything for long enough in 3 different vision modes just to see what stuck.

Yui_Suzumiya574d ago

Soma would be more existential horror than anything but I'll be damned if it didn't have one of the best stories in game that I've experienced. Blew my mind.


Five Spooky Games to Make Halloween All the Scarier

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rlow1596d ago

I remember the suffering and it was descent game. I always wanted to play Crimson but never got to it.

But honestly, I’ve never played a game that really scared me, like some movies from the past have.

Silly gameAr596d ago

I remember The Suffering 1 and 2. I haven't thought about those games in years. I still remember some parts of the level in the prison where a guy was sucked through a vent screaming. I don't know why that's stuck with me all of these years.

Babadook7596d ago

I'm saving RE VIII for when the PS VR2 comes out.