
11 shots from Altus' latest 360 title: Spectral Force 3

CVG writes: Altus USA has released eleven new screenshots from Xbox 360 version of Spectral Force 3, a Japanese RPG destined to hit the States later this year.

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socomnick6022d ago

Daam lots of Jrpgs on the Xbox 360.

green6022d ago

how on earth is Microsoft securing all these JRGP's?Well what ever it is they are doing it sure as hell is working.

pwnmaster30006022d ago

is this a 360 exclusive because it says "from the 360 version" so is it. maybe not because it wont just say 360 version wth

wulan6022d ago

This will be megaflop in Japan and europe --regions where x360 is dead

even with a price cut PS3 still outsold x360 in UK (the only region where x360 was barely alive)


heyheyhey6022d ago

no it's not

it's multi-platform

gambare6022d ago

I saw this one as a 360 exclusive, yet.

InYourMom6022d ago

No, this is a 360 exclusive.

"As for the fantasy-themed Spectral Force 3, it places you in control .... entire CHRONO TRIGGER franchise exclusive to the XBOX 360 console"

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power of Green 6022d ago

The 360 is showing its not just a FPS console, to even mention that old stereotype as non-fiction is ludicrous.

fenderputty6022d ago

It doesn't happen much but, you're are correct. MS has done a much better job this gen as far as game variety is concerned. One of the reasons I love the PS brand was because of the RPG's. I'm still waiting on White Knight Chronicles and FFXIII.

hazeblaze6022d ago

Agreed, they're doing much better. However, with the exception of ME, all of their quality titles are still fps. Even the xbox had some variety too, it was just that most of the games other than fps were mediocre (although my 4 fav games on the system were either action or rpg personally).

And even this gen their variety fails to stack up against the PS3. Atlas put out some great games on the PS2 though so this one could be a gem. If I had to put money on it though, I'd say that Infinite Undiscovery is going to be the "classic" game that lends the 360 some strength though... Tri-Ace is an excellent studio.

power of Green 6022d ago (Edited 6022d ago )

Not really talking about what you think is good I was pointing out FPS's are not the most numerous genre on the platform.

"And even this gen their variety fails to stack up against the PS3"

^^If you check both current and future lineups for 360 and PS3 folks will know that what you typed is a epic myth, do a genre comparison from last year and this year.

MrWonderful6022d ago

it will come to ps3 as well. but damn im glad i own both systems cuz with 360 getting good jrpgs sony needs to step up the game, cuz i hate the 360 controller for rpgs

Darkiewonder6022d ago

as it's an Idea Factory Game though :x

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Planet Xbox 360: Spectral Force 3 Review

PX360 writes: "If turn-based strategy RPG sounds like the kind of thing that you could play for hours and hours without getting bored, Spectral Force 3 has quite the challenge for you. The game tells the story of a band of mercenaries in the midst of a war between a handful of nations and an underworld army. Though the game opens with an anime-style cut scene, visually reminiscent of eighties favorite Voltron, it quickly drops it in favor of bland text-based clips. The fighters-for-hire aspect of your team plays into the lengthy mission list, but the story bits come so infrequently you are likely to forget all about it. The mid-mission screens occasionally show a map graphic and subsequent battles happening, but they do a poor job of explaining how it affects your squad or the story.

The game sticks to the age-old turn-based-strategy mechanics, adding nothing new to the genre standards. The awkward in-battle menu system makes for some confusion until you get used to just how many button presses it really requires to 'end' the turn of each character, with your healer requiring an additional one. Still, the inability to equip items or change equipment during battle is the most frustrating aspect of gameplay; followed closely by your healer's inability to heal himself. It is not all bad news, as the on-screen display showing your chances of landing a hit on the opponent is definitely a useful tool and the gameplay itself works well."

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The Next Level: Spectral Force 3 Review

So the heart is there, but the execution is more than just disappointing. The gameplay on paper is very interesting, but in practice, it's unbalanced and tiresome. The art style and voice acting leave a little bit more to be desired and visually, it hovers between what would be expected out of a high end PSX title or a low-end PS2 game in high resolution. It's underwhelming across the board with generic written all over it, leaving Spectral Force 3 at the end of the day to indeed be a specter in the vast sea of current S-RPGs.

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GameCritics: Spectral Force 3 Review

In the end, Spectral Force 3 is more disappointing than bad. As gaming continues to evolve, it's a real letdown to continue to play RPGs and SRPGs that look and play the same as they did back in the early '90s. Spectral Force 3 isn't the only title in the genre guilty of this gaming sin, but it is the latest.

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Jandre025838d ago

Thats not very nice at all lol. Is this an xbox arcade game?

Raoh5838d ago

i wonder why this game wasnt promoted? hmm