
Ride To Hell: Retribution DLC Revealed

TGH Writes: "Ride To Hell: Retribution is set to be released and DLC has been revealed titled, ‘Cooks Recipe For Disaster’"

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Ron664014d ago

Another Aliens Colonial Marines. ZZzzzzz


Phoenix Down 90.0 – Ride to Hell: Retribution

We’re so done with this game and this year.


15 Worst Video Games Of All-Time

You're winner(!) if you can make it through the worst video games ever made without throwing your controller away.

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Relientk771914d ago

E.T. for the Atari 2600. I'm never going to forget falling into those pits over and over and over and over again. So annoying

Neonridr1914d ago

I mean given the technical limitations of the 2600, ET isn't a terrible game per-se. But it does a horrible job of explaining just what the hell you are supposed to do.

Superman 64 on the other hand has zero excuses.. it's just a flat out terribly made game.

strotee1912d ago

15. Aliens: Colonial Marines
14. Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis
13. Way of the Warrior
12. Ride to Hell: Retribution
11. Star Trek
10. Catfight
9. Infestation: Survivor Stories
8. Friday the 13th
7. Double Dragon II: Wander of the Dragons
6. Hotel Mario
5. Bubsy 3D: Furbitten Planet
4. Custer’s Revenge
3. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
2. Superman 64
1. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

TheHateTheyGive1912d ago

This crackdown 3 should be in that list for taking seemingly forever only for the finished product to look like a 360 game with hdr. crackdown 3 by far is the worst AAA game this gen. How did Microsoft botch a chance to show off the power of the X with this garbage?

SuperSonic911912d ago

Link: The Faces of Eviland Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon should be there too.


Why Bikers Need To Be The Focus Of More Video Games

More games really should let you take a trip down the highway to Hell.

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PhoenixUp2221d ago

We already have plenty of games that prominently feature bikers

- Full Throttle
- Brutal Legend
- Devil May Cry series
- Left 4 Dead
- Shadow the Hedgehog
- Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost & Damned
- Freedom Planet series
- Bayonetta series
- Jak & Daxter series

If a developer can make a game that features bikes or bikers then cool, but it shouldn’t be a new trend just because one upcoming game is focusing on it.

Wolffenblitz2221d ago

I think you're confused about what "bikers" are mate.

A few of those titles in your list are questionable. I laughed at a few of them.
Just one for example: Brutal Legend wasn't about a biker, it was about a roadie and metal music.
Devil May Cry... I think I saw a bike once? I don't remember I played it when it came out back in 2001.

Plus there's a difference between "bikers" and gang members.

Smokehouse2221d ago

The ideology or characteristics of a 1%er has no value in the post apocalypse. Oh so you live by your own laws, you are outlaws. That’s nice but what good is that in a lawless world? Other than not being directly effected by the collapse of society and the economy. That’s what makes the biker a good dynamic in days gone. It’s not some ode to bikers or a representation checklist, it’s just preparation from a past life and it makes sense.

If you mean bikers as some old Tim Allen stereotype in assless chaps then no thanks.

2221d ago